A Guilty Mind, Jazz and Monster Trucks

"...?!" Haruki swallowed.

Ashamed to go back on his word and unable to think of a good argument to refute Saito, he nodded and got closer to the adventurer. Closing his eyes and parting his lips, a few inches away from Saito's lips.

Their lips touched, their tongues met. From that point Saito took Haruki's mouth boldly, sucking his tongue, and buried his fingers in the singer's hair, wrapping him in a strong and warm embrace. Their bodies touched, and Haruki felt the rising volume in Saito's pants.

The kiss was moist, hot, sensual. Much better than the singer was expecting. Experienced, Saito allowed Haruki to control a little, not much, the pace at which he would be sucked.

The kiss ended with small kisses and licks on Haruki's lips.

"Open your eyes, Haruki," Saito asked in a husky voice. "If you want to try it more, I'll show you what it's like to be sucked here," and the climber massaged Haruki's balls, making him bite his lip to keep from groaning loudly.

Saito was right, Haruki liked it even though he wanted to be indifferent to caresses. His cock throbbing inside his boxers, about to cum. It was being painful for Haruki to endure it anymore.

"I don't play with Haruki people's feelings. I experienced a toxic relationship when I was as innocent as you are today. And it took me a long time to recover. Some people will only approach you to hurt you. Learn to see the actions and what they really mean, Haruki," Saito advised the singer. "Let's go up to the tower and have coffee. You are shaking." Taking off his suit, Saito placed it on Haruki's shoulders. And they entered the Café Parisien inside the Eiffel Tower replica.


While sipping a Mocha inside the Café Parisien, Haruki learned the climber had actual experience in a rally. He joined a team of adventurers like himself, and they got 3rd place _ after many problems that nearly cost one of the team members' life. Saito explained in detail what were the indispensable items the singer should buy, such as a first-aid kit, water bottles, some tools, car's extra parts, and some rolls of silver tape.

Haruki listened to his digression in awe. Saito was being so generous to him, guiding him with details of everything they could go through during the competition.

"Saito, shouldn't you have gone to the store to choose your car as early as possible?" the singer asked, showing his concern for his senpai.

"Only two competitors have money to buy cars today. One has a good car already. And the other won't know to pick the right car." Saito showed his assurance and his knowledge of the players.

Now feeling more at easy close to Saito, Haruki went with him to the Monde Car, the car store.

The store was huge, with showrooms themed by design styles.

Each showroom had several things to see and try, including simulators for test drives. Drinks and food, holograms of beauties next to the cars, and even screens streaming action-packed scenes involving turbocharged cars, stunts, and stunning ladies. The music varied in style according to the stand, playing from folk music to heavy metal.

"Haruki-kun, let's see the classic models first," Saito asked him to go to the showrooms showcasing the vintage models.

Jazz by Charles Mingus - 'Goodbye Pork-Pie Hat' filled the showroom when they arrived, and Haruki stopped by to watch the hologram playing the melody, hooked.

"Haruki, come and see this beautiful girl," after a while, he heard Saito calling him from beside a car.

Haruki joined him and stared in awe at a convertible model, too old and too fragile-looking to support a rally. The tires had rims too thin to be tough enough.

"Haruki, this beautiful girl is a Vauxhall 30 98 from 1924, the best sport that the British created. He's fast and light, yet he can take a lot of impacts," explained Saito.

"So this is going to be your choice, Saito-san?"

Jun asked, coming toward them. Haruki had tried to spot him in the Store since they came in, without success. And there he was as if he had heard all that Saito just explained.

"And before you ask the same, yes, Saito-san, I already made my choice. I've been looking for you, Haruki. I already found the car you are going to buy, and all the equipment I'll buy to use along with you," Jun stood beside Haruki, who trembled and tried hard not to flinch in embarrassment. "Your car's not as expensive as this one. First benefit. It's much safer because actually has a roof. Second benefit. It has a big interior, so we'll be comfortable. Third benefit. But not everything is perfect, Cupcake."

"....!" Haruki gasped and felt like dying, feeling miserable for cheating on Jun.

"You'll need to earn a lot of diamonds to buy the Toyota Hilux _ it's indestructible and will take us to the Finish line," Jun finished explaining his 'couple plan' to Haruki in front of Saito.

The mountaineer watched him with his usual poker face.

"Jun, everyone has to buy his car to be eligible to join the race," Haruki said, red-faced, for having been called by his intimate nickname in front of Saito. And for cheating on Jun.

Finding out that Jun had been thinking about him while he was with Saito was a shock that the singer hadn't yet absorbed.

"I know, that's why I'm going to buy a Tata Nano, I know it won't be able to handle a whole day of racing, but then I'll ride with you."



Haruki's voice was drowned out by the roar of a potent engine. And they saw a monster truck _ a pickup truck with gigantic wheels that crush cars and anything ahead _ strolling around the hall and crushing some decorations along the way. Hinata was behind the wheel, with a psychopath smile on his face, coming towards them.