A Small Fragment of Past

Date. Going out with your beloved, with your girlfriend or boyfriend always happens with a couple. It also serves to deepen their relationship; their bond will be strengthened to a certain level and make them love each other more. Sometimes it also allows them to think about their own future, which was formed a family with both of them, a future where they became family and has children.

The same can be said with a same-sex relationship. A couple of the same gender also sometimes thinks about their own future, especially how they can give birth to a child. They want a child, a baby, but logically they cannot do it. Because of the lack of their gender, they are of the same gender and thus can't produce offspring.

But something like that isn't the problem with Eleonora Pendragon. At least anymore, since she somewhat blessed/cursed by allowing her to have an additional part on her body. She has something that a woman shouldn't have, yet it belongs to men.

At first, she felt uncomfortable since she had never had something like that, but after spending her time for a few days, she began to get used to it. She also already told her girlfriends about her abnormal circumstances through the phone. Luckily, they're okay with it; although some of them are embarrassed and think some inappropriate things or in less formal is lewd things.

And there's Eleonora and Sakura, currently in Minobu after driving for 40 minutes long from Sakura's house after getting changed. They are still holding hands like what couple to do, maybe not all but some of them sometimes do that, especially those who are always in a lovey-dovey mood and situation.

"Alright, Sakura-nee. Let's enjoy our date. Shall we go to the movie first? I already bought the ticket online before."

Sakura smiled and chuckled when Eleonora said that. She nodded at her.

"You always prepared for everything, Leo. I'm not surprised if you were already pre-planning about our marriage later."

"Ah. You caught me, Sakura-nee, but it's true. I'm planning to marry you when I reach 16 since the laws only allow females to marry at that age. Sorry for delaying it again."

She shook her head and held her hand tighter. Sakura then turns her head to Eleonora and kisses the young chairman. A kiss was full of love that locked her lips which she kissed her back as they stopped their kisses after a few minutes.

Both blush slightly and turn their head away in embarrassment, but immediately back to normal after a few seconds. Sakura and Eleonora chuckled; they laughed together, and then Sakura spoke to Eleonora.

"It's no problem. I'm still in my early twenty and three years is nothing compared to the years I've lived until now. Honestly, I'm happy that I know you. This kind of feeling is foreign to me before we met each other because before we know each other, it is something I haven't recognized."

Eleonora blinked and tilted her head a bit in a curious look.

"Really? I thought you were popular since you're beautiful, Sakura-nee."

Sakura nods her head in response to Eleonora's words.

Both kept walking side by side toward their destination, a movie cinema that will mark as the first place of their date right now. Eleonora already bought the tickets for a film they will enjoy, so it doesn't let one of them feel left out when they are done with the movie.

"Yes. Well… I can be considered famous in school, especially high school and college, but I rejected their confession and love letters. Maybe because I still don't think that much about love life at that time. What has been my focus that time is just hanging out with friends and getting a decent job, but it changed when I met you."

A smile appears on her face. Her lips curled and became a fond smile. Eleonora is a bit embarrassed when her girlfriend looks at her and tells her some of her past and maybe how they met 1.5 years ago.

Sakura then continued.

"I've never thought that I would be falling in love with someone, especially a girl younger than me like you, yet you don't act like that. It's really confusing, you know. Are you pretty sure that you're 13 years old and not the same age as me?"

"I'm certain about that. My body growth speed is abnormal and has already been scanned many times. My growth spurt is really different from others. I can't blame you if you find it weird, Sakura-nee. Even I sometimes question it too."

"But seriously, weird things look likes kept happening to you. One of them is the thing you told me on the phone. You have… a male thing down there."

Eleonora just laughed awkwardly when she said that while her gaze focused on the lower region of the young girl. She can understand that since it can be considered weird, she doesn't even know how it exactly happened as she only relies on her guess. It's not a valid answer that she wants, but she has to be patient until someone or something can explain her body condition later.

Maybe she can ask her friends in the chat group later when they meet on the dimensional trip.

"Nonetheless, you are you and don't change the fact that I still love you."

Eleonora, a bit shocked and smiled at Sakura right now. What she said is correct, and it didn't change the fact that she is herself, even if there's something different in her lower region. She is still a girl who made the violet-haired woman fall in love with her.

"Alright. I'm curious about the movie we will watch later. What movie did you order?"

"It's a movie we can both enjoy. A new movie that has been hit lately and has a good review on the internet that has been reviewed by some certified person."

"Really? Then we will really enjoy the movie."

As they get closer to the movie cinema, they get inside after Eleonora takes out her phone and shows her ticket book number. Both then went to buy small popcorn and a small drink to bring when they watched the movie as they waited for their turn.


After getting their turn, both couples follow the already lined up group for their designated studio. It's enormous, although not as big as the group's number of people following the guide is it around 20 people.

On a day like this, which is counted as a weekend, it's pretty normal to have a bunch of people swarms at the cinema. Many people want to watch a movie they want as one way to relax, and some enjoy watching that because it's one thing that always is done when you date someone, like what Eleonora and Sakura do.

But maybe this is the first time Sakura has gone to the cinema in Minobu with Eleonora since she has always done that many times with her when in her previous home. She lives in Hamamatsu city after all, so maybe it will bring a different feeling for her when in this city, and it's not bad, but good or perhaps even great feeling she will have today.

After a few minutes following the guide to their destination, the group entered the studio pair by pair. Of course, they have their tickets to be checked or won't get permission to enter the studio and watch the movie they pay for. It will be a waste.

When Eleonora and Sakura turned, they gave the tickets and went to the studio without any problem. Even the one whose duty is to check the ticket slightly blushed when Eleonora smiled, Sakura just sighed seeing this as it's already become a common occurrence for her.

She won't have to worry about Eleonora being stolen by someone or not. Instead, it was Eleonora that would steal someone's girlfriend and make it her without her knowing it. The side of effect agreeing for the young chairman to claim multiple girlfriends is this.

Kagamihara Sakura isn't naïve and thinks that only her claiming Eleonora and no one else can. Also, polygamy is a common thing in japan nowadays because of the new added laws by the government. Although not all people can conduct polygamy, and both sides must agree to it, there's no one be forced by this and willing to do it.

Mikogami Tsukasa was the one who accepted the proposal for it because the laws are also to ensure the birth rates weren't decreased anymore and to counter-measure the increase in death rates that always becomes a problem for the government and the country itself.

He also approves the same-sex relationship, but with some terms, so it won't be misused by them; it's also the same with the polygamy laws that have already been added to the Japanese laws. People also accept it, although not all of them, it still progresses since most Japanese support the new laws published.

The laws have already been published nearly 2 years, and it's growing well since there's no violence, anarchy, protest, etc. So far, it was peaceful, and nothing serious was going on. Mikogami Tsukasa, the Prime Minister of Japan, is undoubtedly a genius as a politician and is loved by his people.

The same can be said with Eleonora, who has the talents to be a leader, a natural one and loved by many. That's why it's not strange that she has many girlfriends and not just one since she also loves them equally.

Eleonora, who has that thought, just smile in happiness.

"You know, Sakura-nee. There is something that is currently on my mind."

Noticing that, Sakura blinked and raised her eyebrows in confusion and wonder.

"What is that? Is it something important?"

She nodded, giving Sakura the answer and looking at her as she held her hand tighter, making the violet-haired woman slightly blush at what she does because it's sudden, and she is surprised by it.

But Eleonora then speaks to Sakura.

"I remembered about how we met. How we know each other. It's a precious memory for me."

Her smile grew, while Sakura also smiled at Eleonora and nodded her head in response. She agrees that the moment they meet is a really important event that really leads her life in drastic change she never thought about.

"Yeah. It's an important time that has already changed my life. I treasure it forever and might be treasure another like when we married."

"Me too."

As they smiled at each other and focused on the big screen, the movie was started, and they both started to enjoy part one of their date today. But those memories with Sakura, especially when they met two years ago, is still floating inside Eleonora's mind.


2 years ago

Hamamatsu – Shizuoka – Japan

Hamamatsu is a city full of music, thus earning a nickname of "City of Music". It's because of how many manufacturing companies of musical instruments are primarily based. Because of that, the citizen too became interested in music and always held a related-music festival. It's a lively city with lively citizens who hold music very much, and most of them love it. Some even have a job related to it, like becoming a musician and others.

But some people aren't obsessed with music and dedicate their lives to another thing. Some live like ordinary people, not focused on music but other things. One of them is this woman; despite the city she lives in, she isn't that fond or fanatic of music; instead, she loves driving and always has been.

Although her work isn't related to driving, she is a civil officer in a particular company. She only loves driving at the level to make it a hobby, for now, since her hobby needs a lot of money and she has to be patient. Because of her love of driving, she also adopts a new hobby: traveling using a car.

She went to many places and relaxed her body and mind from her work's stress and busy day. That woman's name is Kagamihara Sakura, a beautiful pale-skinned young woman with waist-length violet hair tied back with two hair strands hanging on both sides, has dark blue eyes, and wears black square-rimmed glasses.

Right now, she is currently relaxing as she watches the scenery presented in front of her. It's stunning and makes her calm, both body and mind, as she drinks a sip of her coffee can that she brought earlier before coming here.

At this time, which is the weekend, and she has no work left to stress over, she really felt its bliss. Her co-worker and boss didn't give her any more work as it wasn't her part, that's why she felt a bit grateful for it. She doesn't have to think about anything serious for a few days, especially when her days off.

The view of Lake Hamana really gives her a calm sensation. It's a really breathtaking lake. She doesn't regret coming here alone since she doesn't want to be annoyed by her little sister, who always makes her get headaches and worry.

As she kept drinking her coffee, she noticed that it was nearly empty.

"Already? Looks like I have to buy another—"

When she was about to get off of her seat and go to the nearby store to buy more coffee or drink, she noticed someone at the lagoon entrance. It's a woman around her age. She has beautiful long-braided blue hair that reaches her legs and blue sharp-eyes who wore white off-shoulder short sleeves shirt, light-black denim shorts, black legwear, and light-brown boots.

For the first time, Sakura pays attention to someone. She enthralled. She has never seen someone who makes her like this. Her eyes focused, gaze locked to that beautiful blue-haired woman who just came to the lagoon of Lake Hamana, and the blue-haired woman noticed it; their eyes met, and both stared at each other.

And because of that meeting, Sakura's life changed drastically.

After that, both Sakura and that blue-haired woman know each other. They first became acquaintances, next friends, but suddenly as time goes and they didn't notice it, they became closer than ever. Sakura never thought that a single meeting led her life to become like this.

She befriended that blue-haired woman for a year, and they became best friends so fast. But Sakura learned something; she slowly harbored a feeling beyond friendship towards her. The closer she is to her, the more her feeling increases. It's love; she loves and sees that blue-haired woman as a potential girlfriend and want to be with her forever, in her side.

She also learned some secrets that shocked her.

The woman she knew as a friend is the chairman of the largest and most popular company in Shinjuku. She is Eleonora Pendragon, a young genius and inventor. She is also just eleven years old, but her appearance is caused by her abnormal growth spurt.

For some people, it might be caused them to have a conflict in their feelings. But not for Sakura; she does not care about it and accept Eleonora as she is. Their age might be far apart, but their love isn't, and they were sure about it.

When she became a friend and known Eleonora, her family warmly welcomed her and acknowledged her as one of the family. Of course, they also recognize their romantic relationship as they said it's pretty standard for some couples with that much age difference. She was even surprised that Nadeshiko attached to Eleonora and always spoiled her.

But despite all of that, she really loves Eleonora and wants to stay by her side forever. Until death tears them apart. Or if only death brave enough to pull that couple in the near future. Death might have to think again before doing that.

When she thinks about Eleonora. What caused her to fall in love with that young girl is really something. She really loves how honest and kind she is; she is also patient when dealing with her; especially hearing her complaints whenever she stresses, and Eleonora comforts her, giving her some tips and guidance.

She also isn't hurried about their relationship. She doesn't want to rush it and takes it slowly until both couples agree to do it. Sakura knew anything about Eleonora, and Eleonora also knew anything about Sakura. Both are always honest about their feelings and do not hide them.

Sakura also loves how she be able to be honest with her. She also loves how that young chairman knew her real self, her real personality that no one knew about. Sakura isn't always a cool woman type, but she also has some feminine side that no one ever knew except her family.

There is one time when Eleonora discovers it.

"Ah… l-look, It's not like… what are you thinking about… okay?"

Eleonora just chuckled, which caused Sakura to blush in embarrassment.

"No worry, Sakura-nee. You don't have to hide it. I already knew that. No matter what kind of person are you, I'll always be your friend and someone at your side."

That… that words, that sentence is one of the things that made her loves to increase towards Eleonora. She loves that kind of side from Eleonora. She accepted her, and she did not find it strange; she didn't mock or laugh at it and think of it not suiting her.

Eleonora then walks closer to Sakura, who still hold the cute dress. The blue-haired girl has the dress in front of Sakura and smiles at Sakura's reflection in the mirror in front of them.

"Look! You're cute, Sakura-nee. This outfit is suits you perfectly."

"…Really? You think so?"

"Of course! I wouldn't lie to you about it. You're definitely cute and beautiful. It's really showing up your feminine side, and I love that side of you. My outfit always consists of something that shows my tomboy side or makes me look elegant; made me look like royalty, but I think you also suit that kind of style."

Sakura just chuckled and nodded at Eleonora.

She really loves that girl so much. She doesn't deny it and always cherish this memory with her forever.


DxD Universe

Japan, Kyoto – Yasaka Shrine

Yasaka, the leader of Kyoto Youkai, has complicated feelings inside her. It's really never happened in her entire life since she always unconsciously follows her instinct as a woman and stay in a straight way, but today that weird feeling grows stronger day by day.

It happened because of the stuff that her chat group friend brought. A particular topic about same-sex relationships successfully imprinted on her mind and sometimes caused her some daily life problems. She was totally supposed to be straight and sees only man as a potential love interest. But because of that, she began to see women as a love interests.

It's become worse when she found something on the internet; she accidentally opened a sea of knowledge with her magical phone. She unconsciously searched about same-sex relationships, and the information she got was magnificent. She seemed satisfied and liked it.

Moreover, with what something that they call "anime", "manga", and "light novel". Yasaka began to find them interesting, but she focused on girl loves or yuri. At first, of course, she was still embarrassed when trying to watch or read it, but she slowly became corrupted to the point that she even searched the so-called "ero-doujin" and was also interested in a genre called futanari.

She could not believe it. A girl with a man's thing, a girl with two genitals. She finds it hot and awesome yet also embarrassed by it. But she kept searching and plunged herself into it further to the point she could not back again to her straight path and way.

She even began to apologize in her mind.

'Forgive me for plunged myself onto this forbidden knowledge, Issei-sama. But I cannot stop it.'

Yeah. Yasaka is sinful, already fallen so deep into a pleasure hell named 'yuri'. It's a hell disguised as a garden full of beautiful flowers and scenery full of forbidden acts and relationships. It's that kind of place where you can't go back after stepping long enough onto it.

Only a several or worse few people who could go back to the straight way and never set their feet onto it again as they swore that to themselves. It would become addicting if they kept being there for too long. The same case with Yasaka if she stayed too long in that yuri zone which seemed comfy.

And only in a few days, her bedroom was already full of yuri stuff. She became interested or maybe a bit obsessed with it. She also thinks to involve her daughter and get her to join yuri's side as they want to embrace the beauty of yuri together. And she also blames her for her ex-husband, who left her and became irresponsible after knocking her up with Kunou on her womb.

She felt disappointed in him and herself. It was the biggest mistake she ever committed, and that's why she began to see Issei as a potential love interest when that boy came to save her, but it's quickly be changed by her chat group friend who accidentally talked about it. She already knew it just how she was trying to replace her ex-husband with her and not genuine love like what it was supposed to. Only a desire to fill the blank spot and replace her ex-husband.

"Maybe what I have felt to Issei-sama isn't really love… I began to doubt that now. I know it's bad to do, but I also want Kunou to embrace the beauty of yuri together with me. I'm pretty sure she would understand since she's my daughter."

She said that with a smile without the slightest guilt in her words and tone. She nodded and opened her phone again and the files she had already stored inside the phone. She is trying to read some of the yuri manga and ero-doujin she already downloaded online from certain sites. And of course, she buys it, not illegal download it.

Being the leader of Kyoto Youkai makes her rich enough to afford something like that.

"Alright, it's time for my daily yuri-dose. Fufu. It's really calm me."

She said that happily while her hands swiped the phone screen. A widow who formerly loves men and sees them as love interests is now transformed to a widow who sees a woman as love interest and begins interested in the culture of girl loves created by humans.

Let's just hope she does not become like those degenerate people who always filled the internet and forum with trash talk and trash discussion, which makes the community toxic. Let her stay in her way, as pure as she can be and appreciate the yuri in a safe condition. She has already fallen and corrupted enough, so it's unnecessary to make her more degenerate.

A certain brownish perverted boy in a certain town just sneezed without him knowing. He wondered why he sneezed as he was pretty sure he didn't catch any cold or sick today since his body has already become devil and devil rarely sick like humans always have.

"Huehehe. Maybe some beautiful girls think so much about me? I hope so! Ah, Motohama, save me the spot, you prick!"

"Do it yourself, Issei! You already lucky enough that we still hang out with you despite you always being surrounded by hot babes in Occult Research Club, you bastard!"

"Yeah, you should be grateful and don't come with us again when we were trying to peek! I'm super jealous of you! Damn traitor!"

"Shut up!"

And that's the ordinary every day life of three perverts that will always end up with a lot of beating from the female kendo club members.