Seven Prodigies With The Problem of Their Country

(P4tron notification: Thanks to Miguel Hernandez and Quellec for becomes my p4tron and hope you can enjoy this chapter and novel!)


Eleonora and Sakura's movie time has already ended as both leave the cinema with a satisfied and happy expression on their faces right now. This is yet another best date Sakura would ever have since her girlfriend really knows how to treat her correctly, and the proof of that is how tight she hugged Eleonora's right arm; she was never acting spoiled and cute like this except when she is around that young girl.

Of course, seeing this made Eleonora happy as their other date seemed successful. Not like she will get a failure on her date, and she already knew that her date would be a success no matter what. Eleonora was already prepared for it and always cautious and aware of her surrounding. She also sometimes noticed Sakura's behavior time by time.

Although sometimes it isn't 100% success, it still can be counted as that and not failure. Moreover, the young chairman doesn't see any chance of failure with how many dates she has gone through with all of her girlfriends.

And the time has already been noon the moment they finished their movie.

Noticing that, Eleonora then glanced at Sakura.

"Sakura-nee, how about we have lunch? It's already noon. I found a new and beautiful café in there."

"You're right. I overlooked that. Time flies without I realizing it."

Eleonora chuckled at that.

"Yeah, you really enjoy the movie, the same with me, though. It's really a fantastic movie I've ever seen."

"Indeed. We both enjoyed it and at the moment near the end, you kissed me. In the lips. You're so bold, you know."

"And you kissed me back. Can't be helped, Sakura-nee. Your kiss and lips are so sweet. I love to kiss your lips and never get bored by them. No matter how many times we do it."

Because of Eleonora, Sakura blushed so hard, even resembling a tomato's color. She already knew that Eleonora was always smooth with her words, but she was still surprised and caught by that without knowing it. She didn't like it when her girlfriend did that in surprise, but she was okay with the compliment given to her by Eleonora.

She smiled at Eleonora.

"Alright, alright. As much as I want to hate you, I can't. You're lucky, you little girl."

"I surely am. I'm fortunate because I got a beautiful woman as my girlfriend like you."

Eleonora kissed Sakura's cheek, which made her have slight blush on her face as Sakura also chuckled at the sudden act of her girlfriend. She never won against her with this, she indeed is, but the violet-haired woman didn't mind that anyway.

"You smooth talker. Okay, stop fooling around, and let's have our lunch, or we will miss it."

"No worries about that. I'm sure we won't miss it."

Then, both of them walked their way towards their next destination. The next place to continue their date today is where they also want to have lunch after watching the movie accompanied by small popcorns and soft drinks that they bought into the cinema room. That's why when lunchtime comes, they go to a particular café Eleonora found during her trip to this city.

After a few minutes walking from the cinema to the café, they had already arrived and luckily the café isn't too crowded or it might be hard for them to find a seat to eat in here. It's a charming and beautiful café; the staff is all girls and can be said the same with the customer. All of them are girls, around the young girl and young adult.

Sakura cannot believe this and turns her head to Eleonora, who just smiled innocently. She gave the café a weird look and narrowed her eyes to see the café more clearly; luckily, she wore a contact lens since she didn't have her usual glasses with her, and the violet-haired woman was stunned a bit by what she saw.

Some paper attached to its door and saying:


Wednesday – Saturday at 9 AM – 5 PM

Sunday at 10 AM – PM

*This is an all-girls-only café. Men aren't allowed to come. Please forgive us due to these strict rules.*

She softly rubbed her eyes, thinking what she saw was wrong but sadly was not. It's a special café that only serves females. Basically, males aren't allowed to come and put any orders. This is somewhat weird for her since she never found a café like this but decided to give up and accept it.

As long as she can eat with her girlfriend, it looks like she has to ignore it. It's not like Sakura dislikes or hates men, but she never know why she can't get near some men. If she hates them, she should also hate her father since he is also a man, except if she was born with two mothers, which is likely impossible because women can't impregnate each other.

Unless there is someone out there like Eleonora, a futanari, or some magical stuff like two women can have a child without an additional part on their body. Most of that sadly only happened in fiction and not in real life. But Sakura's logical mind must be changed because her girlfriend has a penis attached to her lower region. The reason is still unclear since Eleonora only told her the possibility is due to her awoken magic.

She just sighed.

'Magic, huh… surely this world becomes weirder and moving on unexpected way. If Leo told me that thing a month ago, I wouldn't want to believe it a bit, but since the recent discovery of a strange creature that resembles any monsters in fiction, I can't turn a blind eye to that.'

Eleonora just looked at Sakura with a confused expression on her face which made Sakura give her a small smile.

'Especially with how my little sister caught a creature called slime. Hopefully, it's not that dangerous since her slime so far didn't possess any threat or harm towards us.'

"What's wrong, Sakura-nee? You don't like the café?"

She said that to Sakura with a hint of sadness and worry in her tone. Her face also implies that she was thinking somewhat displeasing her girlfriend. But Sakura just shook her head to deny that and replied to it.

"No, it's not. I'm just surprised by the place. Looks like you found another weird place, aren't you?"

"I don't know if it compliments or insults… but I find it interesting and perfect for a couple like us. Don't you think? It's not like we're feminists or something else just because we come to that café."

But Sakura just chuckled at the last part of Eleonora's sentence. She didn't think of that, but what she said was right. Only a short-minded person who has that kind of thinking or maybe the hater of feminists.

"Alright, let's enjoy our lunchtime. We're gonna have a fun full day for today, right? So let's not waste it."

"Okay! Since it's a newly opened café, I'm curious about how it is."

Both couples then went to the café that only serves females as they are about to have their lunch. Although they aren't eating so much since both women aren't gluttons and always want to eat, they must eat something at noon and have their own lunchtime.


It's already been over a week since that happened. The portal connects to another world is opened, allowing monsters from that side to slip through the portal and slowly interact with the people. Some of them are disguising themselves and blending in with human society to seek a peaceful life without harming them. But some come out from the portal with bad intentions; they want to hurt, kill, harm, and control humans; possibly, they want to rule over the world they live in.

But it's no use. Although humanity on this side didn't possess any power to kill or even harm them, they grew and were capable of doing that after. Moreover, some human awoke their potential and were capable of using magic. The once normal human wielded such power and began to use them to send a counter-attack to their enemies, the intruder.

One of them is an otaku. That person suffered from his delusion and always said "Red Flame Master" or such thing with fire magic as his power. Although he has a problem with his brain, the power he possesses is good enough to deal with such a low-leveled monster since he doesn't want to train it further more and always boasts it to people around him.

He is a NEET without any friends and always lonely. His mind is always filled with too many delusions and such a dead weight to his parents because he thinks that he is a great person with such a great future that recently it becomes true if only he isn't lazy and training hard enough to accomplish that.

Even someone like Mikogami Tsukasa, the Prime Minister of Japan, is disappointed about a person with such amazing talent that can be shaped further into a powerful person. Even his girlfriend, Ohoshi Ringo, felt it was such as waste of talent, and not only his girlfriend but all of his prodigies friends also thought the same about it when he told them about that.

"Ah, he really wastes his talent and acts like a fool. Hey Tsukasa, why did you even bother to give him training with some expert and luxurious facilities and services? If he still acts like that, I'm afraid you'll lose some trust from the citizen."

His friend, Sanada Masato, the master economist and a member of Seven Prodigies who has short shaggy black hair and has bangs hanging on the right side with such golden-yellow eyes, told him that in their private channel of video call. Masato let out an annoyed expression while Tsukasa sighed tiredly when told. But what his friend said is right, and he should prioritize himself to find a person with the best quality.

"I know that, Masato. But it can't be helped since I already started the program for those who awoken supernatural power. Also, he is not the only one with that powers. We still have many people with good qualities."

"M-Masato-kun, we can't do that. Surely that person will u-use internet and bad talking Tsukasa-kun."

Masato sighed and scratched his head when getting that reply from a girl with shoulder-length light brown hair and light hazel eyes. She spoke in a polite tone and manner as she was a bit shy when told Masato. This girl is Ohoshi Ringo, the girlfriend of Mikogami Tsukasa, a nuclear physicist, a top notch technical inventor, and a member of the Seven Prodigies; a group consisting of seven high school students prodigies in a few categories.

"You mean trash-talking him in an internet forum? Can't you do something about that, Ringo? Isn't that your expertise?"

"Y-Yes, I can, but it is still better not to make any m-mistake. The situation i-in this country is still unstable because of t-that bizarre events. Even I can't find any e-explanation about it. But I'm not giving up and always try any possibility!"

A chuckle can be heard, and it's from a beautiful blonde-haired young girl with purple eyes. She has a friendly, kind, and mature appearance that made some people doubt she is still in high school and more like a young adult.

"That was admirable, Ringo-chan. Your girlfriend is hardworking, Tsukasa-kun, and I agree with Ringo-chan. We cannot act recklessly in this kind of situation that is unknown to us. Sure this is still Japan, but our country slowly will be changed."

Tsukasa nodded at that girl's statement.

"Keine is right. We cannot act recklessly of this, Masato. We might have to be patient for a while. There's still someone with a good quality other than him, and if it is needed, we just have to give someone like him a strict training or push. You are also right about the resources, we can't waste them, and I felt that sooner or later, our country—or even our world—have to face some crisis."

"Ah! You mean like those in a fictional movie. Right, Tsukasa-kun?"

Replied a girl with short pink hair and violet eyes to Tsukasa, which Tsukasa nodded at her.

"That's right, Shinobu. Our situation might be no different from those, and if this incident doesn't have any peaceful end, we have no other choice but to prepare ourselves for the worst when it's coming. Training and giving them luxurious facilities and services is a must to ensure their mental health is stable and their condition must always be on top."

The one who called Keine nodded at that. She is a doctor herself and knows what is best for her patient. The same can be said for those who awakened their supernatural powers because of this incident.

"Also, Aoi and Akatsuki, how about your side?"

"I don't know about it, Tsukasa! I'm not a magician who can spew fireball or lighthing strike like those, so I can't teach them anything related to my 'magic'! If this goes any longer, I think it would be useless, and I'm no expert at that."

A kid with blonde hair and turquoise-colored eyes said that with panic on his face and tone that clearly can be seen and noticed by anyone to Tsukasa.

"About my progress, I think it went good. Although they initially refused, they slowly decided to take my training seriously. I think there's nothing major problem happened on my side so far, Tsukasa-kun."

The beautiful pale-skinned girl with thigh-length black hair tied in a ponytail with purple bow with bangs hanging over her forehead and vibrant-green eyes report the progress in the field expertise she has to Tsukasa.

Once again, Tsukasa sighed and rubbed his temple, hearing that. Akatsuki's progress is terrible, and nothing good happened except bad since he's no expert at real magic since what he always uses is the only magic trick that needs a lot of preparation to make it so real.

But on the bright side, he can be relieved of a bit of Aoi's progress that went smooth. His girlfriend, who noticed that, then spoke at him.

"T-Tsukasa-kun, don't stress yourself over it. Don't b-burden yourself with all of it."

Tsukasa lifted his head slightly up hearing that. A grin appeared on Masato's face, along with a smile to his other friends to him.

"That's right, Tsukasa! In business, you can't do anything alone and must rely on the people around you. That's why business partners and employees are an important factor for forming a business."

"Indeed, Tsukasa-kun. If you do that, it will be bad for your mental and physical health."

"Yup, yup! Don't think so hard about it alone, Tsukasa-kun! We are in all of this together, and we can also always ask each other to solve the problem!"

"Umu, as a warrior, clearing your mind from the thing that will stress you out is important. Meditating is one of the answers too."

"They are right! Don't shoulder all the burden to yourself, Tsukasa! If we do it together, we can miraculously solve the problem!"

He was stunned and gave them a small smile as he nodded at them with a confident face while his confidence returned. They smiled at him when seeing it and were happy that he had become normal again as it is really worried them if he kept like that.

"Thank you, everyone. I'll do my best to achieve that. Not only as Prime Minister but as your friend and as Japanese."

Keine slightly nodded her head, and a small smile flashed onto her face.

"Indeed, Tsukasa-kun. If possible, we can also ask for any advice or tips from Leo-chan. She was most likely capable of handling a matter like this than ours. Ah, but it's not like I said that we're useless or anything, just a reminder that she can do that."

"No problem, Keine. Eleonora, huh… she really can do anything, and I'm surprised that she can surpass me in leadership and some political things. Even though I'm the one who taught her about that."

Masato laughed as he nodded at what Tsukasa had said. He agreed that the young chairman of Roozlent Company really surpassed them despite that they're the ones who taught her about anything related to their field of expertise.

"It's hella right. I'm surprised that she became like that, but that's why my company is also one of its business partners. She was really trying to cover all of category and fields by herself. I thought it just a simple company like others."

"Ah, Noracchi really smart, you know! I was even surprised by how good she is to hide from a ninja and reporter like me. But still, I'm number one when collecting information! She rarely collects it by herself and always relies on others."

"I-It's no problem, Shinobu-chan. She is busy managing many companies of her own, a-after all, and she even continues to invent new things. Although I am g-glad that she isn't hunted by many people because of her invention like me."

"Maybe it's because of how amazing and influenced your invention to the world. Not only that, I also taught Eleonora some swordsmanship, mainly kendo and some that can be used in life and death situations to her, but she almost at the same level as mine if she kept doing it."

"Right, right. It's also frustrating how that girl easily see-through my magic! Luckily, she just wants to keep the secret to herself and doesn't want to reveal it. All of you don't know about it, right? Right? Please answer me!"

All of them except Akatsuki shook their heads simultaneously. He who sees their answers let out a relieved sigh as he is glad that no one except him and Eleonora knows how his magic trick works. Although he always admits that his magic is not a magic trick.

But after seeing the incident that caused Japan to change, he accepted that his magic was only a magic trick. He cannot deny it anymore as he has already seen the fact before him, while at first, Akatsuki denies the existence of magic; he denies it so hard and is mad at it.

Tsukasa chuckled, seeing his friends' various reactions. All of them agreed to teach that young girl their talents and are still shocked at how fast she learned of it.

"Keine, your girlfriend is really amazing. You must be proud to be her girlfriend and how mature you are to accept her who has multiple girlfriends."

As she heard that, Keine's cheeks turned pink as she blushed slightly and chuckled.

"Indeed. Leo-chan is amazing, and she is also our precious friend. Ah, I heard that she currently took days off from her work to visit one of her girlfriends. She informed me beforehand about it."

"Really? Then we shouldn't bother her with this matter for a while. How long does she take her days off?"

"About a week worth, Tsukasa-kun. Honestly, I thought she must take more than a week to enjoy herself and not always be engrossed in work. She is still young and must enjoy her life when she can. I'm worried about her health if she kept working herself too hard."

While shaking her head and sighed, Keine said that she placed her hand on her chin as she crossed her arms. She really worried about Eleonora, one of that reason because she is younger than all of them but her mind already matured.

All of her friends just smiled sheepishly at that since they were also engrossed in their own works. They know how fun it is to work in something they like and never get tired of it, but Eleonora's case is a bit different since she alone handles all various matters. She almost looks like a jack of all trades or better be called the queen of all trades.

Tsukasa coughed when Keine said that to get rid of the awkwardness and made their attention to him.

"Alright, everyone, then instead of waiting for Eleonora, we must do whatever we can do for our country. Keine, I know that magic and science are different, but I want you to teach people who have healing abilities."

Keine nodded at his order.

"Leave it to me, Tsukasa-kun. I'll make sure they understand clearly what is the meaning of healing and saving people."

"Good. Masato, I also want you to train some people who have the ability in the economy and want to be merchant or sort. One of the good benefits of being 'Awakened' is that they will be taught by us directly or indirectly."

"You got it, Tsukasa! I will ram their heads with my teaching."

Tsukasa nodded at Masato's enthusiasm; he switched his attention to his girlfriend.

"Ringo, I know that you're out of Earth, but please give some lesson for those who have construct abilities and related to that. Indirectly via some robot of yours."

"Y-Yes, Tsukasa-kun! I will not disappoint you."

"Don't worry, you're not."

Ringo's face suddenly went red like a tomato when she heard what her boyfriend said with a warm and loving smile as she bobbed her head to understand what Tsukasa wanted. Her friends just giggled at how adorable a couple they are.

He then switches his attention again to the master of information gathering.

"Shinobu, there are some people who have gathering information abilities and similar to ninja, I want you kept train them to the level at least they capable of dealing with some medium level problem. You don't have to teach your ninja skills, just some similar move or technique."

"My family technique isn't included, right?"

"Yes, it's not since that's yours. Something personal is actually not supposed to be shared with anyone."

"I understand! Shinobu will do it without fail!"

"Good and Aoi, I hope you kept your training at a good pace. I know your sword style is Japanese, and there's might be some who prefer western sword style, but please teach them the basics at least. The rest of it will be up to them."

Aoi, the beautiful black-haired swordswoman, nodded thoughtfully and smiled.

"Leave it to me, Tsukasa-kun!"

"Good. And Akatsuki, your new duty now is basically the same with Keine. Teach them the fundamental of magic even if they are different from yours. Sometimes learning through fiction and RPG is not enough to help them. I believe you can do it flawlessly."

Akatsuki smiled widely at his new duty and nodded happily.

"Of course, leave it to the Great Prince Akatsuki!"

"Alright, then shall we go back to work again?"


Tsukasa and the rest of Prodigies then shut off their video chat channel as they immediately back to their own work. They must make use of those 'Awakened' people for the sake of Japan and maybe help the whole world into a better one, also to make sure they did not waste their incredible talents.

He can be relieved now that his friend also shoulders his burden and is not alone.

"I hope this incident wouldn't become global and seeps to all corners of the world. If that's happened, I have no choice to make any contact with some big country to form an alliance to prevent the bigger outcome of it… or more like a threat."

He sighed and smiled as he looked at a photo frame on his desk. It's a group photo with all Seven Prodigies and Eleonora as the guest since she isn't in high school yet and is thus not included in the Seven Prodigies group by the public.

He still cannot believe that a young girl like Eleonora had an adult-like appearance when she was 13 years old and added with her adult-like mind. She looks mature and yet isn't that sometimes confusing him, especially when they first know each other.

But because of her, he and Ringo can be a couple. Because they both have shown great chemistry and how Ringo always shy to confess her feeling to Tsukasa while the boy is a bit dense to notice that until Eleonora tells Ringo to immediately confess or she will regret it.

"... It's still a good time and memories."