Small Reveals of Pendragon... Yet

Today's date of Eleonora and Sakura has already ended successfully. Both were happy with it, especially Sakura at how tightly her hand gripped Eleonora's hand as they walked out of the restaurant that served as their dinner place. It's a high-class restaurant that matches Sakura's, and the young girl happy seeing her girlfriend smile like that; it's a beautiful and warm smile for her.

Leaving the restaurant after being satisfied with the dinner, Sakura then spoke.

"That was another best dinner I've ever got. Truly, the moment you stepped into my life and changed it, my life became more colorful than before. I am not saying it isn't colorful before you entered, but it always leaves good impressions to me."

Sakura said that while bringing her face closer to Eleonora. Seeing that, Eleonora just chuckled and smiled at her girlfriend.

"Another best date, right? I also think the same, Sakura-nee. Honestly, all I knew back then was just work and work; maybe that is one of the reasons why I can't have any friends at my age. Another obvious reason maybe because of how my abnormal appearance looks like."

Her girlfriend snorted as Eleonora said that and smiled at her until she spoke.

"Come on, don't overthink that. Abnormal or not, you are you and nothing else. Many people out there are abnormal, and no, I'm not comparing you but setting it as an example. The point is you don't have to worry about yourself being different than most people; just paint yourself as a unique person."

"…Unique, huh."

"That's right. You're unique 13 years old since you have many talents, and if I dare to say, you might be even more talented than most historical figures. You're still young and already running a company, but you have a bad habit of overworking yourself, which is not good. Although you never sick or catch any disease, you must try to let it off for a while. Like what you currently do today, spending your precious and important holiday with your girlfriend."

A small smile flashed onto Eleonora's face. She agreed to what Sakura said, and she must rebalance her daily life to have fun and not just think about work all the time. Luckily she has someone like Sakura on her side and her other girlfriends.

She might find some new hobby aside from playing games on her laptop.

Although it is day one of her holiday, she is glad that her trip to Nanbu gives her some precious things. Taught her something like this, and it's also thanks to her girlfriend Sakura for staying beside her. She felt warm and full of joy inside.

Inhaling breath, she then exhales it and looks at Sakura.

"Alright, how about we go home? Everyone must be worried, especially Nadeshiko-chan and I already bought her some things, mainly food. Nadeshiko-chan loves to eat, and her cooking is good. She will be a good wife someday."

Sakura shook her head in unbelievable and sighed, but blinked when she noticed that Eleonora didn't bring any of those things she told her just now.

"Alright, I didn't see any of those. Where did you take it?"

"Oh. I store it in here."

Eleonora said as a pop-up window appeared beside her and made Sakura blink. Her face becomes confused as Eleonora spreads out her left arm toward the pop-up window and take a grocery bag full of grocery out of nowhere magically.

Sakura blinked a few times; she even took her lens and rubbed her eyes to make sure what she sees isn't real and just an illusion. But sadly for her, it's real as the young chairman demonstrating it by putting and taking it a few times.

The violet-eyed woman stop Eleonora by putting her palm in front of her.

"Alright, alright. I believe it, and don't do that anymore, please. I'm still confused but trying to accept the unbelievable fact."

"Sorry, Sakura-nee. I do not mean to hide it from you, but honestly, I'm capable of using magic."

"Really? Like those 'Awakened'-thingy from the news?"

"I'm… not sure. The news said those 'Awakened' just… awaken their supernatural power out of nowhere. It seems they do not even try to awaken it themselves, which seems different from mine. As I was trying to awaken it myself and figured it alone."

"So… you're not the part of those 'Awakened' because you are trying to awaken it yourself? It's true that from what I recall, those people said that their abilities just suddenly awakened. The government even reveals some background of them and clarifies that they are just ordinary people without any unique or serious background."

The bluenette young girl nodded at Sakura's explanation as what she said was correct. Her case is different from the 'Awakened' since she has to try to unlock or awaken her potential alone rather than just suddenly appearing like that. She is really different from them as she possesses magic and two other things inside herself.

But she has to thank her friends in the chat group. Because of them, she can unlock her potential, which is limitless and different from ordinary people, she is an exception, yet she doesn't know about that fact and is also loved by gods, goddesses, angels, etc. Even by demons and their kin.

Yet the fact remains hidden. It's remained a secret until someone told Eleonora about that. Maybe some gods or goddesses up there willingly said to her that. Alas, it's not that easy to open up that fact and, as someone told until the time comes.

"I also think there is no need to hide it again. I don't have to hide this power, my abilities in secret. I can freely use it, but also has to be wary about my surroundings."

"Yeah. I don't think it's wise to hide it when the world state currently became like this. I don't think it's also wrong to show up your abilities. But wait… you said abilities? As in… multiple? Not only related to magic?"

Instead of answering, Eleonora smiled and gave a light kiss on Sakura's lips all of a sudden. Knowing that Sakura frowned and just gave up on her girlfriend. At least she already knows that her little girlfriend possesses something other than magic.

Looking at the sky, Eleonora spoke.

"Alright, let's go home and not make them wait."

"Yeah, especially my impatient little sister. She will be delighted when you buy her foods since she is a glutton."

And with that, their today date is over as both walked in the night while holding hands.


Eleonora's House, Shinjuku, Tokyo

Three people were currently sitting. One is alone while the two are sitting together. The person who sits alone lifts his cup and takes a sip of his drink from it. A relieved and relaxed expression showed on his face right now. All three of them have already eaten their dinner, although the man drinking from the cup doesn't need to eat since he's not a living being.

The one who currently drinks is Merlin. A prophet and wizard also advisor of King Arthur recorded on Arthurian Legends by many people. While the two people are just looking at him who drink the tea that was served by Eleonora's mother so carelessly, Eleonora's father is still reluctant about the man before him. He scowled at him.

After drinking it, he put the cup down and looked at Eleonora's parents.

"As you want, I'll give you the key to unlock King Arthuria's treasures…."

Theodore and Yuuka beamed when they heard what Merlin said and was excited.

"Okay. Hurry it up then."

"…But I only could give it to the successor. Only when I meet with the one who has the right to inherit it can I give the key to them. Unfortunately, I can't simply give it to you, Master."

But they are suddenly disappointed when Merlin says that only Eleonora, who has the right to inherit King Arthur's treasure, can be given the key. Since they're not the ones who are worthy of getting it, Merlin simply cannot give the key of the treasures to them, and it also has something to do with protection; to keep it safe and make sure it does not fall into the wrong hands.

Merlin didn't distrust them, but he chose the best and most simple solution.

"Sorry, it's my policy. Not like I distrusted you or anything, but it's just how it goes for me."

"Is that so, Merlin-san? Then I believe you. If anything happens, Theo can just force you using his Command Seals, right? Isn't that right, dear?"

Theodore's sweet and kind wife said that while looking up at her husband with a sweet and kind smile that flashed on her face. It's lovely and kind yet very intimidating that successfully made the father of Eleonora and the Magus of Flowers sweat in fear when they saw it themselves.

They just nod their head together to respond to Yuuka. Both males don't want to regret something that might make them deeply regret it if they didn't listen to what the genius onmyouji of housewife said. But of course, as Magus of Flowers and the one who deemed as The Strongest Magus ever in history, he is trying to change the subject as he also thinks of it as the way to escape it.

"A-Ahem. Let's discuss something since the topic about the key will be on hold… it seems?"

Theodore sighed and nodded at Merlin. Still can't believe that he has to agree to someone he hated.

"Yeah… Elly has days off and is currently not in here a moment. She went on holiday for a week."

"Oh, really? Then how about we discuss … the history of yours, Master? Ah, I mean about how your Pendragon family of another world is actually possible in this world. I take it that your recent ancestor didn't tell you about anything, right, Master?"

He shook his head and acknowledged what Merlin said, making him smile on his handsome face as if he was right about his guess. Yuuka just has a confused expression printed on her face right now since she doesn't know why her husband's ancestor didn't tell him about it.

Sure she was being told by Theodore that his Pendragon family is actually someone from another world out there, or you might call it parallel worlds, to make things a bit make sense. Since she lives in Japan, Yuuka has some knowledge about another world theory… only from anime, manga, and light novels.

Noticing Yuuka's face, Merlin's smile widened slightly as he explained it.

"As you know about it, Pendragon isn't real in here; there are no real records said that Pendragon or King Arthur-related isn't fake. All of it is just a fake, a tale or poem created by someone and began to be popular that made some people believe it exists; unfortunately, it's not. They deemed it as fictional works only since there's no real proof about it."

Again, Theodore hates how right Merlin is about it.

'I hate it when he's right again. Pendragon doesn't exist here; it's considered tales or poems, a collection of fiction too. There are even some media that made a film about it. But it's nice when people aren't looking at us with a weird look when we have Pendragon as our surname. Maybe I should thank my ancestor that lived in this world before.'

Seeing that, Merlin then continued.

"But because of a certain event or… incident, this has happened. You know that this world has a lot of different timelines, right? And one of those timelines in my original world is somewhat disappeared. A timeline where the Pendragon family is supposed to be still survived and alive has disappeared! It's created a blank timeline that hasn't been filled and can't be fixed, even with Holy Grail. The Greater Grail, the system, cannot fix or fill that with another new timeline."

He shook his head in unbelievable and stretched his arms.

"How is that possible? The Will of Alaya cannot do that? What is the cause of this, I wonder? I also don't know about it. I'm still trying to find the answer to that problem. But if I can find it, how am I supposed to fix that? How am I supposed to fix something that even the Grail cannot do?"

He sighed and shook his head again. He really doesn't know how to do that. And when hearing that, Theodore was shocked as it was his first time discovering something like this. One of the secrets that his family has and not being told to him.

He felt a bit frustrated. Yuuka placed her hand on her husband's shoulder to comfort him.

"But… this is how the true history of Pendragon family of yours, Master. Here I go, please listen carefully to this…."

Yet Merlin still continued to explain it.


Alternate Earth

Chaldea, Fuyuki, Japan

A young boy with an average build has short unkempt black hair, and blue eyes can be seen from here. He accompanied a beautiful young girl with bob cut lilac hair and lavender eyes covered by her rectangular frame glasses. She wears a grey hoodie over a black shirt over a white-collar shirt, a red tie, a black skirt, and tights; she also has brown shoes as her footwear.

These two are Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mash Kyrielight. They were currently talking happily as they were about to enter the cafeteria of Chaldea to take some lunch together. And as both entered the cafeteria, they sat and picked something for their lunch.

When both had already picked their lunch, the one known as Fujimaru Ritsuka, the sole master of all Servants in Chaldea, noticed someone familiar with it and waved his hand toward the person. His greeting was replied to by the person with a smile.

It's a beautiful mature woman with a voluptuous body that makes most men droll over it, especially those with perverted nature. She has very long hair tied at the end and wears some kind of latex bodysuit, with a piece of cloth draped over her chest, with heart-shaped insignia linked to her collar. A similar piece of cloth is found over her crotch, tied by a rope around her waist. She also possesses some armor in the form of tight gauntlets and grieves, elbow and knee-length, respectively.

She also owns Katana, seen as sheaved, connected to her by another sort of rope.

She is Minamoto no Yorimitsu or better known as Minamoto no Raikou, the Chaldea's Berserker Servant, and maybe on her old life before coming down to this place as Servant was summoned by the sole master of Chaldea. She currently holds something in her hands, it's a mobile phone, one that is advanced and has many functions that might confuse old people who always prefer traditional things.

Fujimaru Ritsuka, who saw Raikou, then called her.

"Hey Raikou, are you done eating your lunch?"

He said that while his eyes glanced a bit to the table that has Raikou's lunch.

"Yes, Master. I am already finished my lunch just now and am currently free. Um… does what I did is count as free, though?"

"Oh. Chatting with your friends again in that chat group?"

"It is, Master."

Ritsuka already knew that since the first time Raikou received the invitation to the chat group and that mysterious mobile phone that suddenly appeared in front of her. She began to tell her Master and some people in the Chaldea, they even trying to come up with tracking or analyzing the application and device to know the details about it.

At first, people in Chaldea try to use the mobile phone, but when they touch it, they get rejected and blown away. They are being thrown by an unknown force after their hands touch the device, making Raikou and others surprised to see it. Even her Master got the same treatment when he tried to touch it.

As if there's some method that refuses someone other than Raikou to use or even touch the device. But it does not prevent them from watching the inside of the chat inside the group through Raikou herself. The device can't be implanted with some tracking device; they already tried it but failed. They can only know about the chat if the purple-haired berserker shows it to them.

Leonardo Da Vinci and Romani Archaman, who are in charge of researching it, cannot find anything further about the device or mobile phone that Raikou currently owns. Although Romani isn't suited to this kind of thing, he is the current director of Chaldea Security Organization and responsible for conducting more research about strange things during the Grand Order; he forced himself to study more about that field, which is not his expertise.

He was burdened by a huge responsibility because Olga Marie Animusphere is experiencing eternal death and Lev Lainuv Flauros. This turned out that Lev betrayed him and the whole Chaldea and had Olga Marie killed during his debut traitor and the first Rayshift of Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mash Kyrielight. He just wants to do his job as a doctor and not all these things, but it relieves him that sometimes he can relax by watching Magi☆Mari, the net idol who, for a certain unknown reason still active when Earth's network system was gone.

Luckily, he didn't know that Magi☆Mari is actually a guy and that guy is Merlin, who is currently away backstage to perform as that net idol. The reason for that is maybe because he just wants to have fun pretending to be a girl and saw many reactions of people, especially males who always have the thing for a net idol.

But well, this is just another day in Chaldea for all of them.


After finishing their date, both Eleonora and Sakura return to Sakura's home; the young bluenette girl has already brought souvenirs for Nadeshiko, who wants to be spoiled by her new sister. Even though Eleonora isn't her blood-related sister, Nadeshiko still loves her so much.

As they opened the door, they were greeted by a long pink-haired girl with a cute face who smiled widely and threw herself to hug Eleonora, who caught her and made sure she didn't fall because of the momentum.

"Welcome home, Leo-nee-chan, Nee-chan!"

Eleonora stroked the bubbly and energetic's girl hair softly and smiled at her. Sakura also flashed a small smile on her lips when seeing her sister, who is a bit clingy and acts spoiled to her girlfriend. She usually scolded her but decided to let it go for a while.

"I'm back, Nadeshiko."

"Me too, I'm home, Nadeshiko-chan. Look at what I've bought for you."

She said that as she opened her [Inventory] and made Nadeshiko's jaw open in awe when seeing it. Her eyes suddenly sparkled as her smile beamed happily like someone excited to see a new thing around them. Not like it's wrong about a new thing, though, since the pink-haired girl seemed very happy when she took a peek of it.

"Welcome back, you two. How's your date?"

"Yeah. I bet Sakura is satisfied with it, right?"

Sakura's cheeks turned red when her father said that with a jokingly tone. She just shoots a glare to the carefree man who is currently laughing with his wife. Her family is always up to tease the violet-haired woman, especially her parents; not like her little sister can tease her because she is always punished by Sakura if the pink-haired girl does that.

The punishment is harsher than usual anyway if she did that.

After Eleonora and Sakura go back to the house, they get inside and drop anything they bought from their date. As much as Sakura's parents didn't want Eleonora or Sakura herself to buy them anything, they couldn't refuse it since the Roozlent's chairman insisted on letting them have it. Of course, they don't want to impose on her and happily accept it.

When Eleonora about entering her room, or guest room that had been prepared for her stay, Nadeshiko approached her and told her something with her usual energetic and joyful tone.

"Leo-nee-chan, Leo-nee-chan! I want to tell you something!"

"Oh. What is that, Nadeshiko-chan?"

'I hope she stops calling me nee-chan when she's obviously older than me, but she kept ignoring it.'

She thought that with a deadpan face inwardly because her real face was smiling at the adorable pink-haired girl before her. She gently strokes her hair as it makes her happy, and Nadeshiko doesn't mind it at all.

"Yes! About our camping trip. I have already told my friends that you will join us. They give an okay with it!"

The glutton girl beamed when she said that to Eleonora. She really couldn't wait for the day that she went on camping with her beloved sister-in-law along with her friends. She just thinks it will be more fun than before or the best camping she might have.

Eleonora raised her eyebrow at that.

"Really? That's good. So, when we go, and where is the location?"

"It's Eastwood Campgrounds! We're going with Aki-chan and Aoi-chan!"

She blinked for a bit and asked her again since she's not familiar with their name but just guessed in her head that they're her new friends in her new school.

"Are those your friends in school?"

The bubbly girl bobbed her head quickly to respond to that.

"Yeah! They're from Outdoor Activities Club I went in! I joined their club!"

"Ooh! You're impressive, Nadeshiko-chan. Already join a club even though you just transferred and already made some friends."

"Umh! Also, we're going tomorrow! Aki-chan told me not too late since it might take us a lot of time to reach the campsite."

"Oh, really? Then we should rest earlier tonight. I'll join you and your friends, Nadeshiko-chan, and might be new to camping. Is that okay?"

Hearing that, Nadeshiko proudly smiles at Eleonora and puts her fist on her chest.

"Don't worry, Leo-nee-chan! I will make sure to guide you through it."

"Thank you for that, Nadeshiko-chan."

Eleonora said as she smiled at Nadeshiko and stroked her hair. Nadeshiko just laughed happily when being told like that by the young chairman and felt comfortable, like really pleased, with the stroke on her hair by the blueish girl.

A few minutes after she told that, Eleonora, in her room and opened her laptop again after a long day. It's not like she's NEET or anything, but the chat group has already become an important thing for her. At least she considers the people in the chat as her friends even though they're not meeting yet since it seems they would look like they meet at the end of the month, which is 30th November.

Cracking her fingers and stretching her arms up, she then began opening the chat group and scrolling the inside; the history chat happened when she left it for almost a day.

"Alright, let's see if anything is interesting happened on the chat. There is also something that I need to ask one of the members anyway."

Little did she know, there's something had happened in the chat group. Although it's still unclear since there is still no upload picture/video feature added in the chat group. They can't confirm it clearly with their eyes or ears what is that, and… the possibility of a certain someone in the chat group that hasn't been revealed yet by the admin of the chat group.

But the looks from the text typed by the person who told all of them, it seems something terrible currently happened to her. Precisely in her homeworld, a surprise that they never expected and made them shocked and horrified.

"Ah. That perverted boy was dead...? Seriously? Oh well… that happened too quick. Hope his Plot Armor or Deus Ex Machina didn't activate. But speaking of Deus Ex Machina, I'm gonna make sure that guy doesn't mess up with it."