Headed Toward Hottokeya Hotspring

A new day has begun.

After spending her Saturday going out on a date with her girlfriend, Eleonora already put everything she needs in the [Inventory]. The plan for today is to enjoy camping with Nadeshiko and her friends; she already brought any necessary items for her first camp and luckily isn't forest camp, or it will be frightening. Nadeshiko and her friends may be scared if they go camping like that, and thus they choose the safe way of camping by setting a camp in an official campsite that is already protected by laws.

She's a bit excited for today, but not at the level of Nadeshiko that always excited and curious.

Although she is looking forward to the camping, she also has to be wary about around her. Especially in a big field like the campsite, there might be trouble coming to them because of how the world condition right now; there might be a monster or such in those campsites, even though some would call her paranoid, but it's not wrong to be like that sometimes.

Opening the door, Eleonora leaves the house while Nadeshiko still puts up her shoes in the entrance door.

"Nadeshiko-chan, let's hurry, or you'd be late and make your friends waiting."

With a panic, she hurriedly put up her shoes after being told like that by her other big sister.

"Y-Yes, Leo-nee-chan! Wait for a second!"

The bluish girl just chuckled and shook her head a bit when seeing Nadeshiko went to panic for a second. All necessary stuff for camping has already been stored in Eleonora's [Inventory], so those two only have to bring their bodies to the camp site and plan to use the train to reach the closest station to their campground.

Although Eleonora actually could teleport herself and Nadeshiko by using one of her teleportation spells. Luckily she already learned that when she told her friends in the chat group about any other magic spell to teleport people or things to any place.

'I'm glad that I learned that. Although it seems I won't use it today, I will use it… for an important matter, of course. I don't want to abuse it too much, and it made me go lazy because of the convenience to teleport to any place.'

She shrugs when thinking about that. She really doesn't want to use it too often and turn herself to someone like that, although she has to learn to enjoy her life and youth since she is practically young and not even hit the age of adult of her country. She is only hit the age of consent which is 13 years old, and she is perfectly fit for it, but she can't marry someone until she reaches sixteen.

There's an easy way, what is that? Just ask her friend, Prime Minister Mikogami Tsukasa, what you said?

Of course, it's not that simple. Even if Eleonora is friends with him, she must follow the country's rules and laws. She can't just ask the Prime Minister whatever she wants because they're friends since it can be seen as abusing authority and playing favorites.

Actually, she has already bent the laws several times, including how 13 years old girl can be a chairman of her company. From a logical perspective, someone of her age should be in middle school and not work as chairman in a company because she's too young. However, her abnormal situation made it an exception, and having multiple girlfriends isn't normal in modern society. That's why she also bent those laws too. Because of that, she can have multiple girlfriends as she wants, but of course, she has to wait until her legal age.

Nadeshiko, who had already put on her shoes and tied the strings, nodded confidently and stood up from the entrance to give Eleonora a warm and loving hug.

"I'm finished, Leo-nee-chan! Let's go for our camping!"

Sakura, who watched her sister, just sighed and facepalmed for a while.

"Hey, Nadeshiko, don't bother Leo. Let's go."

"Alright, come on, Nadeshiko-chan."


They then started to get into the car and went to the closest station for their destination today. Sadly Sakura won't, or more precisely, can't join the camping since she's not that okay with the idea of outdoor camp. Eleonora, of course, knew it and won't force her to go with her; she is also saddened that the violet-haired woman can't come with her, but nonetheless, she still can go with Nadeshiko.

She just thinks the pink-haired girl is something like a representative for Sakura.

Eleonora chuckled when that thought came across her head. But she will try to enjoy an outdoor camping or outdoor activity like this for a while. It's also good for her body to experience the air outside, and maybe she can loosen her stiff muscle that is always there because of how busy she is every day in her company.

Nadeshiko currently beamed with an excited expression on her face. She shakes her head in rhythm, and her ahoge follows it. Her excitement increased because she definitely thinks this is one of her best days; aside from exploring new things and new campsites with her friends, she also enjoys that with her sister-in-law.

'Hmh! Mhhm! I cannot wait! It will be fun. Camping with Aoi-chan, Aki-chan, and Leo-nee-chan! Although Rin-chan can't come with us because she went on solo camping, it's alright! I cannot wait for the food and how nice the campsite is!'

On the other side, Sakura noticed the obvious from her little sister just thinking about that.

'…That girl. She was really excited, huh. I can see that she's impatient and want to keep Leo herself. Maybe it's our parents and Leo's fault that she became like this. I just hope she won't always rely on Leo for everything, or she will become a lazy girl in the future.'

Sakura glanced at Eleonora, who noticed that and just smiled sheepishly at her and scratched her cheeks. The violet-haired glasses woman just let out a tired sigh when seeing that kind of face that her girlfriend made.

The moment she wears that expression, Sakura knows that Eleonora isn't the one at fault, yet she is trying to blame her bluenette girlfriend for a bit; she is practically one of many reasons why Nadeshiko turned that way. She may have to 'have fun' with her when Eleonora is done camping tomorrow.

'I'm also curious about her certain part, and I already found an answer to bear her child in the future.'

She thought of that with a smile plastered on her face.

'It will be my first time to have sex like that since we already have a lot of lesbian sex before.'

A hint of tint pink can be seen from her cheeks. She's a bit embarrassed yet finds it sexy and lewd when she has that kind of thought. It's not a lie when she and Eleonora already had a lot of lesbian sex before since that's the only way they can enjoy having sex with each other.

Eleonora isn't an innocent and pure girl as one thought. She just acted like she should because that young girl has an adult-like body, forcing her mind to be an adult. But it's not like her childish mind is completely disappearing since some of it is still lingering deep inside Eleonora's head and heart.

And she's okay to do lewd things as long as it is with Eleonora since she will be her wife later and really loves the bluenette young girl so much as the violet-haired woman wants to be on Eleonora's side forever. Sakura doesn't even mind if Eleonora added more girls to her harem since she already knew no girl wouldn't be charmed by her. And, if Eleonora unconsciously did it, she also considered not picking anyone unless the said person can move on from their current husband/boyfriend/fiancée or agree to be hers.

Not only genius and inventor but Eleonora might also be got a new title: Miss Steal Your Girl.

Sakura holds her laugh when it crosses her mind. It's kind of funny to see how Eleonora stole someone's girl without her realizing it herself. From another perspective, it's seen as rude, and maybe it is, but from hers, it's not, since she finds it quite funny since it's supposed to be the thing a guy only does.

'Netori… I'm looking forward when the times she did that.'

She smiled while shaking her head.

'It's also weird that we, her girlfriends, just agreed like that and not questioning it at all. But well, after learning her background and history about she's from Pendragon, which is unbelievable since Arthurian Legends is just a fictional that hasn't been proven; We understand that.'


All of Eleonora's girlfriends have already been told about her background and history. At first, they won't believe it, but after seeing how serious Eleonora looks, they understand that it's real and accept it because her family isn't that much.

Many of her relatives had already passed away, leaving only her uncle and auntie from both parents' side. But her uncle was passed away two years ago, and only her aunties, who are remaining right now, and their four's daughters.

The curse of Pendragon, which only affects men of Pendragon after Merlin changes Arthuria Pendragon to be a pseudo-male for a while to make sure the Pendragon's bloodline continues and won't just stop at that is slowly eating the mana and life force of men.

That curse began to eat the mana and life force when Pendragon's male descendants' first child or baby was born. It will last until the first child turns fifteen, and there's no cure to heal or fix it. Even if they use Holy Grail from the world that Merlin comes from, it cannot heal them. They have no effect on the people in Eleonora's world right now. Their curse cannot be removed even with the help of the Holy Grail, and since this world doesn't have a magical artifact like Holy Grail, that kind of thing cannot be performed.

It's considered lucky enough that Eleonora's father, Theodore Pendragon, still capable of summoning Merlin from another world or the original world of Arthuria Pendragon was. He doesn't know how's that works, but it didn't bother him a single bit.

And, of course, Eleonora doesn't know the curse's part, and neither does her girlfriends know about that. She is always confused about why she doesn't see her uncles, grandfather, great-grandfather, or male relatives.

She only sees the female relatives in any family gathering. She wanted to ask, but her parents always tried to change the subject and told her…

"It's not the time, Ellen."

"Yeah. Be patient, Elly. Dad and mom will tell you about that when the times come. Okay?"

That's what her parents said, and Eleonora nodded obediently at them with a smile on her face.

"Yes, Dad, Mom!"

And that's a small fragment of Eleonora's past.

Eleonora sighed and shook her head when thinking of that. It's not something that can be called happy or sad, but some curious memory that still hasn't been answered by her parents until now. She wondered when her parents would tell her about the truth of that.

Also, she didn't expect that she suddenly remembered that. She looked at the windows as her palm supported her cheeks.

'Why am I suddenly remembering that…? It's kind of random, but Mom and Dad still haven't answered that. Maybe because I haven't asked them about it again? Maybe when I'm back, I'll ask them again about it. If they try to avoid that, it would likely be an important matter, and I'm curious about it.'

As she went reminisced, Eleonora's eyes noticed Sakura giving her a weird look for a second before going back to pay her attention to the road. The young bluenette tilted her head in confusion and wanted to ask about it but decided to ignore it and maybe ask later after today's camping.


After a few minutes of driving from the house to the station, they quickly get on the train. Both Eleonora and Nadeshiko waved their hands to Sakura as their train slowly departed, leaving the violet-haired woman alone. She just gave them her rare small smile as they went from the station to another one. Fortunately, Nadeshiko doesn't end up late to meet with her friends since Eleonora wakes her up.

As the minutes went on, which was 45 minutes, Eleonora and Nadeshiko went out of the train and made their way to the station entrance. Nadeshiko hurriedly went to the entrance while Eleonora caught up from behind and noticed two young girls standing at the station entrance.

They're a young girl with chest-length brown hair tied in a side ponytail on the left, held by a purple hair bobble with bangs hanging on the right side of her forehead and olive-green eyes. She wears a large grey-and-white scarf, a light-blue sweater with a dark-blue shirt, a multicolored skirt, and brown boots.

Beside that brown-haired girl, there's another one.

'It seems they're Nadeshiko-chan's friends.'

It's another young girl with thigh-length bluish-purple hair tied in twin ponytails on her head with some of her hair falling onto the sides of her face, very short bangs above her eyebrows, brown eyes, and rectangular wire-frame glasses. She wears black leggings, reddish-brown boots, and a large dark-blue coat.

"Aki-chan! Aoi-chan! Hey!"

Hearing their names being called, both blinked and turned their heads toward Nadeshiko and responded back.

"Hey, Kagamihara!"

"Hello, Nadeshiko-chan. Oh."

The one who called Aoi noticed a person behind Nadeshiko. Her cheeks turned pink when looking at the person behind the bubbly and energetic girl since she never found someone that makes her like this; not even Nadeshiko's beautiful sister can do that. So it's surprising that her heart skipped a beat for a bit, like baduum for a second.

But she was just trying to be calm and smile on her usual friendly smile. She just brushed it off and focused on what they would do for today.

"I already came! Also, I brought someone I knew, you know, the one that I've talked to in the call before."

Nadeshiko said that with a happy tone while spreading her arms.

"Ah. So is this person? She is your acquaintance, huh."

"Not just that, she is also my sister-in-law! Leo-nee-chan!"

Eleonora, who was introduced briefly by Nadeshiko, just waved her hands to them and showed a friendly and gentle smile on her face. Aoi and Chiaki went in awe and nodded their heads in understanding, but Chiaki noticed something odd about what Nadeshiko was saying.

"Wait a minute… sister-in-law? Do you have a brother? I don't know that you have one."

"Yeah, is that true, Nadeshiko-chan?"

But the bubbly and energetic pink-haired girl shook her head to deny what they said. It leaves both girls confused as they can't actually understand what Nadeshiko meant until the pink-haired girl tells them herself.

"No, no! She's my big sister's girlfriend! I don't have any blood-related brother since it's only my sister and me in my family."

This confuses them more, especially Chiaki, who's running her mind right now, which is rare for her to go deep thinking like that. While Aoi quickly understands it and just nods her head at her new friend and a new member of their outdoor club. After all, she is the smartest than Nadeshiko and Chiaki, albeit her economic situation is insufficient.

Maybe that's why some intelligent people always worked hard to succeed and made their families not dire again. Even in fiction, that kind of thing always happens, and some of them are the protagonists of their stories.

"Is that so, Nadeshiko-chan? Then, please to meet you; I'm Inuyama Aoi, Nadeshiko-chan's friend."

Realizing that she's kind of rude, Chiaki snapped and tried to introduce herself too after looking at Aoi, who did that first, and also because the lip-tooth fang girl was giving her a look to quickly do that after she has done with hers.

"A-Ah! Pleased to meet you! My name is Oogaki Chiaki."

Of course, the wire-framed glasses girl was a bit nervous yet trying to be polite as possible. Eleonora, who sees it, just giggles and wave her hands to both of them as a way to tell them it's not really a problem and make sure they're not nervous.

"Thank you very much. You can call me Eleonora, Eleonora Pendragon, and please don't be too formal and polite; truthfully, I am younger than any of you, probably 3 or 4 years younger since I can be considered as middle-schooler."

Their eyes widened when they heard what Eleonora said, especially Chiaki; her eyes almost popped out since she heard something unbelievable. Both of them turn their heads to Nadeshiko, trying to make eye contact and asking for confirmation, and she just nods her head in response, which is likely true, yet they still don't believe what they heard just now.

And Chiaki began to think so deeply about it again.

'Wait, wait, wait. Kagamihara said that Pendragon-san is her sister-in-law. If I recall correctly, her sister is at least in her early twenties, and yet Pendragon-san said that she's 3 or 4 years younger than us. Then that's mean… Kagamihara's sister is lolicon! She's lolicon and lesbian!'

Aoi, who processes that into her brain, turns away to Chiaki and just look at her with a deadpan face.

'Ah… she doing that again. But really, I'm still surprised that Pendragon-san is younger than us when she has that kind of look. Her appearance is very adult-like, and her mindset… might be the same, yet she claims that she's younger than us. Well… maybe it has to do with her family genetic.'

Although they think too hard about Eleonora, they come up with the same conclusion in their mind.

'She's gorgeous and very adult-like despite her claim that she's younger.'

Noticing Aoi and Chiaki's expression right now, Eleonora coughed and made both of the girls blink in the realization that they were charmed by the young chairman's beauty. Especially Aoi, who seemed to blush slightly as her cheeks were slightly pink.

"Alright. How about we quickly go to the campsite, Inuyama-san, Oogaki-san, and Nadeshiko-chan?"

"A-Ah, right! We should do, or we might be late."

Chiaki said that as Aoi nodded at her and Nadeshiko, who nodded with enthusiasm.

"Yes! Alright, Eastwood Campgrounds… here we go!"


Both Aoi and Chiaki lifted their fists like Nadeshiko while Eleonora just smiled and nodded at their cute behavior. All of them then leave the station area and walk towards their destination. Although Eleonora could give them a ride, she won't because it seems the sense of 'adventure' or their struggle would be wasted.

'But it's better to ask them about it. Maybe Nadeshiko-chan and her friends want to go to the campsite faster and set up their tents.'

Upon thinking of that, she then asks them.

"Ah, Inuyama-san, Oogaki-san. How many kilometers from the station to our campsite on foot?"

"Um… it's about fifty or an hour and a half on foot. Also, there's uphill in the way to reach our destination."

Chiaki was the one who answered that, and it's giving Eleonora an idea to them. It's an idea to give them a ride, but a different ride than the usual with car or limousine she always rides. She smiled and looked at them.

"Alright, how about I give you all ride? Also, is there any place you want to go before we reach the campsite?"

"Eh, is that okay, Pendragon-san?"

"Yep, it is okay. I bet you don't want to waste your time and all to reach the campsite. It will be faster if I give you a ride. How's that? If you agree, then I'll do it."

"Yes, please! I don't want to make my legs tired. Even though we will visit an onsen, it's better to enjoy it to the fullest when we're not tired."

"Wait a minute Aki, isn't that the purpose of onsen, to get rid of the fatigue?"

Nadeshiko's eyes sparkled, and she beamed with excitement the moment she heard the word 'onsen.'

"Onsen?! There will be an onsen?! Is that true, Aki-chan, Aoi-chan?"

Chiaki nodded at Nadeshiko, confirming that, and smiled widely as she laughed.

"Kukuku… that's right, Kagamihara. Today's campsite also has an onsen to relieve your body from fatigue! The firewood is free, the onsen—Hottokeya Onsen—is nice and good. Also, the view is beautiful at night! All of it only cost us 1000 yen a night!"

"It's an awesome campsite! I'm curious about the night view!"

'You practically curious about everything….'

That was what Aoi and Chiaki thought when Nadeshiko said those words brimming with excitement.

"And 1000 yen a night. It seems very cheap despite the amazing specs it has. I hope I can enjoy it."

"Don't worry, Pendragon-san. You will be definitely satisfied and enjoy it."

Eleonora laughed weakly when Chiaki gave her a thumb up and said that with much confidence.

"Alright, I'll set up the ride. Can you all hold each other hands?"

Confused. It's what Aoi and Chiaki have in their face while Nadeshiko was just doing as she told, and as they already hold each other hands, Eleonora said the words that might trigger it.

"[Teleport: Hottokeya Onsen]."

And after she said that, they were covered in some kind of white light. Aoi and Chiaki were shocked when seeing that, while Nadeshiko's excitement grew even more until they disappeared from their current location to another place.

Hottokeya Onsen – Yamanashi, Japan


After a few seconds, the group finally arrived at Hottokeya Onsen, right before that outdoor onsen entrance. A sign read as 'Entrance' and 'Hottokeya Onsen' was in front of them, which made Aoi and Chiaki still in shock because of the experience they just suddenly took.

Meawhile Nadeshiko is astounded by the fact that they're going from the station to Hottokeya in just a blink. Aoi and Chiaki's heads are in confusion right now, but they started showing a shocked face after registering their minds with what currently happened to them.

"Leo-nee-chan! What was that just now?! We just from the station and now in here!"

She said with excitement in tone and face that's so obvious can be noticed and seen by many people around her. Eleonora just scratched her cheeks and smiled awkwardly at the pink-haired girl when being asked like that.

"Ah… It was just magic I've been learned before coming in here. It's yesterday night, I guess."

"Magic?! You can use magic, Leo-nee-chan?!"

"Really…? Magic? Is that even exist?"

"Aki, you seem to forget that there's news about a monster that became real and those people who are called 'Awakened.' I think it's true since we already experienced it just now. Is that true, Pendragon-san?"

Eleonora nodded at Aoi, who is good at explaining it to Chiaki, who doubts and doesn't believe in it at first.

"That's right. I have already learned about magic and stuff. I also could do this."

She said while she opened her [Inventory] magic and took out her luggage, which surprised Aoi and Chiaki even more surprised. They look at the [Inventory] with sparkles in their eyes as if they are charmed and enthralled.

"This spell let me store anything except living things inside it, and surprisingly, even food isn't root since, inside the space, time is frozen. It's really convenient for daily use, especially for any housewife or people who have a lot of heavy stuff."

"Waaah! Inuko, this magic is really great for a camper like us!"

"Yeah, I know that, and I really want it. Something to lessen my burden when carrying many kinds of stuff."

"If it's alright, maybe I can teach you about it after I check your magic potential. How about that?"


Both shouts with excitement as Eleonora nods her head, making them even more happy as they nod their heads.

"Alright, let's enjoy our onsen first and talk about it later."