Quick Battle for the First Time

After the group teleported in the entrance of Hottokeya Onsen, they then immediately entered the area and looked forward to the fantastic onsen that's famous among campers around the place they are in right now. Eleonora is also looking forward and a bit excited to try the onsen since it's been a long time she tried one because of her busy and overworked schedule.

She must be grateful can try something like this in her free time.

"But Hottokeya onsen, huh… what a funny name."

"I know that, Pendragon-san. But this is definitely worth it! Only 1000 yen and we have a luxury treat. When else can we have this?! For poor people like us, moreover, who's still a student and only rely on a part-time job, it's something that at least we can cherish!"

Eleonora just sweatdrops at Chiaki, who said it dramatically and overreacting about it as if that's something that only comes off one time in her entire life. But the adult-like chairman somewhat knew how that felt even if she's not that poor or barely bought anything she wanted since she's rich as heck and she's wallowing in money. Even her pocket money might give Chiaki and Aoi a heart attack if she reveals it nonchalantly.

She keeps that in her mind as one of many things that shouldn't be revealed easily unless someone asks it and gets ready with that; not their physical but more like their mind if they somehow can't handle it when being shown something like that.

Aoi nodded at Chiaki and added.

"That's right. The onsen that I've always been in is cheap, yet the quality is also the same. I just hope this onsen quality is good and give me something to cherish."

"Ooooh! I've already been in onsen many times with Leo-nee-chan and my family! I'm looking forward to this onsen. A good onsen, good scenery, and good food will make the camping becomes more fun and great!"

Chiaki gave Nadeshiko a thumb up while Eleonora and Aoi just smiled at her knowing that.

"Alright, let's have a bath. Pendragon-san, could I trouble you to keep our big luggage to your magic?"

The bluish-glasses girl said that with a polite tone even though she already knew that the one she asked was younger than her. She does that because no matter how young Eleonora is, her behavior and appearance really don't fit her actual age, making Chiaki polite to her.

The young chairman nodded at Chiaki. The girls of Outdoor Activities Club then give their luggage to Eleonora as she quickly put it in and kept it safe in her non-elemental magic, the [Inventory], as they walk toward the bath to enjoy the 1000 yen onsen.

But Eleonora noticed something a bit off from Chiaki's word and asked her.

"Only your big luggage? Not all of them?"

The club president of Outdoor Activities Club adjusted her glasses and spoke to Eleonora as she tried to respond to her question.

"Although it's magic that convenience us, we can't let you to burdened by it. I mean, it will remove the sense of camping if we let you take care of all our luggage. You're already kind enough to bring us here quickly with your other magic."

She said that as she rubbed her neck and smiled sheepishly at her. It's a bit uncomfortable to trouble someone other than her friends since she's not that close to Eleonora because they just met today, and Aoi even nodded as she agreed to Chiaki's words.

Eleonora giggled, shook her head a bit and nodded, acknowledging the logic behind Chiaki's words.

"Alright, then how about we put our small luggage somewhere and relax a bit? There are many delicious foods here, it seems."

"Thank you for that, Pendragon-san! Alright, how about in that rest area? After we put them in there, we headed straight to the bath."

All of them nodded their head at Chiaki's suggestion, and they went to the rest area that had been told by the bluish-haired glasses girl. When they entered the rest area, they were welcomed with a comfortable sight of the place.

It's traditional yet comfortable.

The three members of the Outdoor Activities Club went in awe when seeing the lounge space. It really shows the sight of a comfortable area to rest and might make someone not want to leave the area because they are comforted by its feeling.

"This lounge space… Minions of evil, intent on seducing all who step into the hot springs… Once you start relaxing in here, you can never leave."

"Yeah… It'll do more to you than make your butt take root."

Aoi and Chiaki said that with serious expressions on their face as if they went into a bloodshed battle. They even gulped and slowly put on their small luggage as Chiaki checked the room because she was curious about how the rest area would give them that sense of comfort.

While Nadeshiko and Eleonora put down their luggage, the cheerful and bubbly pink-haired girl checked on her phone and was confused as she saw the message she got from her friend. It's a URL that makes her curious as she immediately clicked on it and tried to grasp something when looking at the video that she got.

After a few seconds of looking through the video carefully, she spotted a girl with thigh-length dark-purple hair and has purple eyes as she wore brown boots and black legging, a pinkish dress, and a green sweater underneath a plaid grey shawl. The girl was waving her left hand and looking through the video; Nadeshiko noticed it with a surprised face.

"Ah! It's Rin-chan!"

She shouted in surprise and made her two friends, and Eleonora was confused and curious about why Nadeshiko exclaimed in surprise.

"Nadeshiko-chan? What's wrong?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Rin-chan! It's Rin-chan! She's on TV!"

She told them that as she showed them the video on her phone. When they looked at it, Eleonora just laughed in amusement at Nadeshiko's innocence as she doesn't know the differences between TV and live camera.

She mistook the live camera for TV.

"Ah, you're right. So Shima-san's at Kirigamine right now, huh?"

"Where's Kirigamine?"

Then Chiaki answered the question.

"It's a plateau by Lake Suwa in Nagano."

"Nagano, huh. She went all that way?"

Eleonora nodded at Nadeshiko.

"She's courageous for a girl. Is she going alone? No one accompanies her? And she's also camping?"

"Uhm! That's true, Leo-nee-chan! Rin-chan is a brave solo camping girl, and she always enjoys herself to do camping alone even if the place is far!"

"So that's it, huh. I hope there's nothing wrong with the camping and hope she is safe when doing it alone. I mean, it's freezing right now."

Chiaki agreed to what Eleonora said and nodded.

"Yeah. Is Shima-san going to be all right? Hope she bought a lot of warmer to keep herself warm."

Aoi chuckled when she heard her friend say that with a worrying tone.

"She's a true solo camper."

"Indeed, she is. With that small body and more of it, she does it alone in a cold season like this. Nagano is a pretty distant place and needs to be reached in a few hours. Did she ride a bike to go there?"

"Hm… I think a scooter is the only thing we can go with our age now, Pendragon-san. Ah, but I think it's still too early with you."

Seeing Chiaki in panic and waving her hands to make sure what she said did not offend her, the youngest girl in the group just giggled at that and shook her head to respond.

"No problem, Oogaki-san. Alright, how about we quickly try the outdoor bath? Ah right, you three go in first because I need to check on something."

"Don't be too long, Leo-nee-chan!"

"I will! Don't worry!"

Waving her hands, Eleonora quickly left the group and went elsewhere. She is trying to prepare for something before heading to the outdoor bath, and it will cause a serious problem if she doesn't take care of it.

'Just now, I felt a strong magic reaction. God… why it must be in a time like this? I'm about to try the outdoor bath with Nadeshiko and her friends. But oh well, looks like this is something only me who can take care of.'

Having that thought, she immediately went towards the onsen entrance and tracked back where did the magic reaction she felt just now was. The reaction is relatively weak and small, but she also felt a group of individuals despite having weak and small magical power.

She also already placed a particular spell to conceal her man part, which is her dick, to make sure it didn't cause an uproar when being seen by those three later if she headed on the bath.

To interrupt her time relaxing her body, whoever did that might have to taste the full attack of her magic power, and she also has the chance to fight with her magic that already she learned. Turn out it would be helpful for her at times like this.


She blinked and could hear a girl's scream, likely one person, that came not far from the Hottokeya. She guessed it was about 2km or more, and using one of her new spells, she cast something to her whole body and immediately ran towards the direction and the source of the scream.

'Tch. I want to use teleport, but it seems I can't because I'm not too familiar with the place. It's lucky I already knew Hottokeya from a quick search on the internet.'

She shook her head and kept up her serious face.

'Not good. I have to focus on finding the person and that magic reaction. Hope she is in the same place as I headed to.'

She fastens her speed, running at the speed of sound and in hurried because she's worried about that girl. Eleonora has a soft spot on girls or anyone who has the same gender as her, but she is definitely not feminist or anything similar.


Of course, if she ran at speed like this, she would gain the attention of people around her. That's why she already thought about concealing her entire body, sound, aura, and her presence. So basically, she is running at the speed of sound without anyone realizing it.

She is glad that she has a quick-thinking like that.

After a few seconds of running, she then arrived at the place and saw a single woman alone surrounded by some green-like creature commonly known by otaku and the like; a goblin was trying to harm her and about to tear her clothes.

Seeing that, she then quickly crashed onto the goblin and delivered a kick before one of them about to touch her body, which made the goblin that got kicked by her powerful kick blown away, hit the wall and coughed a lot of blood from its mouth as its body covered by a bruise.


One of the goblins was surprised by unknown interference. They began looking at the source; they started to sweat in fear when they looked at the one who delivered a kick to one of their comrades. They felt the fear from that person, not like the person sending a killing intent but the goblins knowing it from the first glance.

After she deactivates the concealer's spell, Eleonora is right now standing in front of that woman. Eleonora told the scared woman while stretching out one of her arms to protect her.

"Please run away; I'll handle this."

Eleonora glanced a bit at the woman, who still froze because of the shock she had. The woman looked at her, and so their eyes met each other. Eleonora's light blue-purplish eyes meet with that woman's brown eyes. She has short-neck length dark hair, and she is as tall as Eleonora and has a beautiful slim figure. She's wearing a red collared shirt, white jacket and red kitten heels.

The woman nodded, then stood up and did as the young bluenette said since the latter was a bit busy. But Eleonora was relieved when she saw the woman she saved already leave her, and she then focused her attention again on the goblins.

From what she saw, there's three out of four, including the one she kicked earlier that she has to deal with. Inhaling, exhaling, she stretched out both of her arms and cast a powerful magic barrier around the place. Eleonora also didn't forget to cover it with concealment to make sure it's not causing an uproar.

She also doesn't forget to cast ones to the woman. The woman's current location isn't too far from Eleonora, and she seems to observe the whole battle; that's why the young bluenette cast a protection spell on that brown-eyed woman.

'She trying to watch the battle, alright. Guess I can't do anything about it. I must end this fast.'

As Eleonora is thinking of that, the three goblins are suddenly trying to surround her and attacking at three sides. Noticing this, Eleonora jumped and stretched out of her right arm forward as she mumbled something from her mouth.

"[Hallowed Ground]."

An impenetrable barrier suddenly emerges; it surrounds the goblin and traps them. With their wooden club, the goblins were smashing the barrier so hard and putting a lot of force in them. Eleonora didn't want to miss this chance and added another spell.

A red-colored flame suddenly appeared in her left arm, and she directed it towards the goblin. The flame went from small and grew bigger that almost looked like a miniature sun. The heat even makes the goblin sweat.


While Eleonora said that, the [Fireball] launched with such speed at the goblin. They became panicked and scared, trying to run away as one of them was still trying their futile attempt to break the barrier created by the young girl. As the ball full of fire grows closer, it hits them and makes their whole body covered in fire. A powerful and hot fire that makes even their soul feel burned.

They don't even have the chance to scream as it burns their bodies quickly, leaving no ashes. The woman was just amazed when witnessing something unbelievable in front of her. She already knew that the situation in Japan or the world was currently being invaded by some fantasy creature like fiction, but she still couldn't believe it.

'That was… amazing. A powerful attack.'

When Eleonora had already defeated the goblin, she turned her head away at the woman earlier and walked closer towards her.

"Are you alright? Anything hurt?"

The woman shook her head and blushed a bit when seeing the soft smile as Eleonora worried about her safety. Eleonora sighed in relief and looked at the woman again.

"Thank god. Don't be scared again and if anything happens, please contact the authority near you."

"Thank you very much. I already knew that goblin and the likes become real, but it still scares me."

Eleonora chuckled.

"I know that, and you don't have to worry again about that... um…."

"Utaha, my name is Kasumigaoka Utaha. Nice to meet you."

"Pleased to meet you too, Kasumigaoka-san. My name is Eleonora Pendragon."

Eleonora smiled kindly at Utaha, causing the latter to blush when seeing that charming smile. But the young bluenette continued.

"Alright, I'm sorry, but I have something to do. Is it alright if I leave you right now? Or maybe I could take you to the nearest police station?"

But the woman named Utaha just waved her hands and shook her head in response to that offer made by Eleonora.

"No, no! No problem, I'll do it alone and please don't bother yourself if you have something important."

"Alright. If that so, then I will—"

"—Ah, wait for a second! Can I… have your number?"

Hearing the question of Utaha, Eleonora felt a bit awkward and stopped for a bit while the silence filled the situation before she nodded at Utaha and gave the dark-haired woman a small smile that flashed on her lips after she heard that.

"…If that's okay with you, Kasumigaoka-san. Here is my number."

"…Sorry for asking you a weird request. I know it's a bit random."

Both then pulled out their phone and exchanged and added each other numbers.

"No, no. It's okay, but I'm just kind of surprised when I hear that. Good, I already have your number."

Utaha nodded with a smile still on her face.

"Me too. Thank you for saving me again, Pendragon-san. I will surely repay you for this next time we meet again."

"Ah… thank you. Then, I'll go. Bye-bye, please be safe."

She nodded at Eleonora as she waved her hands to Eleonora's, too, as she left the dark-haired woman alone after being saved from a group of goblins that almost harmed her. Although monster like goblin was known for their love to rape and impregnate a woman in most stories.

Well… they're not wrong, though.

Utaha's brown eyes just watched Eleonora walk away from her with a happy smile and small blush on her cheeks. It's the face of someone who just fell in love at first sight; even the young successful novelist find it strange to have that kind of feeling inside her just now.

A sad smile changed her current smile as a kind of thought flashed through her mind.

'Fell in love again, huh… will it be the same like I did to Rinrin-kun? Or Tomoya Aki?'

She thought of that while raising her head and looking at the clear blue sky with worry. She doesn't want to experience the same feeling that might hurt her again. Although she already swore to prioritize the novel, she cannot ignore the feeling of love; after all, it's also tied to her novel, and she cannot avoid that.

Utaha let out a tired sigh of her mouth.

'Love is a complicated feeling.'


Kagamihara's House – Yamanashi – Japan

A night before the camping, Eleonora Pendragon took the time to check on her chat group to find something that might be useful and interest her. She also wants to greet her friends on that chat group before she goes camping, and she also feels that it is needed.

After booting up and opening the laptop, she immediately opened the chat group. She snorted in amusement when she noticed the number of notifications from the chat group, indicating it is still the same chat group that is always lively.

She then read the history chat before getting in on the conversation.

Hajime True Soulmate: "You know… something is bothering me."

Pudding Lovers: "Eeeeh? What's that, @Hajime True Soulmate? What's bothering you, buddy?"

Hajime True Soulmate: "Something… about Hajime. I find it that he's being weird past these days. Ever since that bitch called Shirasaki Kaori came onto our group because she said she loved him and loved him before coming to Tortus. I felt a worriedness inside me."

The Golden Fox of Kyoto: "Oh my. Is this… love troubling? Perhaps I can help you. What is this that worried you, @Hajime True Soulmate-san."

Hajime True Soulmate: "Mhm. This is about him. I'm worried if Hajime doesn't love me anymore. Ever since that Shirasaki girl joined our group, he began to pay more attention to her as if he was drifting away from me. I… I don't know what I should do. I can't possibly force him… right?"

Strongest Ice Queen: "If it goes with my experience, I guess not. I… In the past, I made that mistake. The result of that makes the person I love began to hate me even more…."

Demon Sword Murasame: "@Strongest Ice Queen It's okay; he might already forgive you."

Strongest Ice Queen: "I hope so, but I realized it too late, and that's why, @Hajime True Soulmate, you mustn't force him to love you. You might have to work harder to gain that man's attention again. If you truly love him, you might be able to make him love you again."

Golden Fox of Kyoto: "That's right. What @Strongest Ice Queen-san said is right. All about love is something that mustn't be forced on someone. Love is pure and beautiful yet can be corrupt and hideous. You have to be careful when it comes to love."

Bloodsucker Black Serpent: "…Indeed. It's important to hold that into your mind."

Demon Mommy: "Yes, love is important but don't let yourself get blinded by it and cause you to harm someone because of that."

Pudding Lovers: "Hmm… I'm clueless when coming about this kind of topic, but just listen to them!"

Sword Princess: "+1."

The Nightmare: "+1."

King of Knight: "Love can really bring trouble and happiness at the same time. You must do your best to make your man pay his attention again to you."

Titania The Fairy Queen: "+1."

Queen of Sweets: "I hope you can succeed on that, @Hajime True Soulmate! I'm rooting for you."

Hajime True Soulmate: "Is that so…? Then I'll try to work hard to seduce Hajime and make him pay his attention more to me! Thank you for the help, and thank you too, @Queen of Sweets. Sorry for all of you bother yourself with my unimportant babble."

Queen of Sweets: "That's not true at all. I'm glad that I can help you, although it seems I am too late."

Hajime True Soulmate: "No problem. Everyone has things that keep them busy, and it's understandable. Also, how about we change the topic? I'm kind of relieved, and… don't want to talk about this for a while."

The Nightmare: "It's okay and sorry for that. How about we discuss the possibility of learning each other techniques and such? As you knew that @Queen of Sweets-san has managed to prove that someone on another dimension or universe can learn it."

Titania The Fairy Queen: "That's an interesting topic you bring. I agree, maybe this might give us some good benefits. I know that everyone has their own problems, and maybe if we are capable of proving it in here, we can lessen each other burden, be it technique or others."

Demon Mommy: "But it has to be something that can be learned by anyone, not the specific. If we were talking about technique, something common is the best choice. A technique that can be learned by many and not restricted."

King of Knight: "Certainly. A specific technique may only apply to a specific individual. It only brings a benefit to certain people, not anyone. Also, if possible, a common technique that's easy to learn but is stronger or may be powerful enough to cover it."

Sword Princess: "Mhm. I'd like that."

Demon Sword Murasame: "Me too. If possible, I want to learn about magic too. There's no way to predict a possible threat and cause us unprepared. An assassin who do that would be classified as worst and failed assassin."

Pudding Lovers: "Okay, okay! Then our next agenda maybe learn each other's technique and such! But most likely we focused on technique, although we can share each other knowledge such as culture and others."

Golden Fox of Kyoto: "But before we test it to ourselves, how about we give any techniques that we own to @Queen of Sweets-san first? I believe it will be fantastic if she serves as an example of us? I mean, she already learns some techniques that we put in the chat group."

Bloodsucker Black Serpent: "She's right. We should give our techniques more to her. It is the only correct way to do this."

Strongest Ice Queen: "I believe so. We can think of it as one way to welcome her to our chat group. Since it is still several days left before the promised date for our first dimensional trip. Too bad I'm not joining it. I want to know about other dimensions too."

The Nightmare: "@Strongest Ice Queen or Esdeath-san, aren't you already in my home dimension? I think you're the first one aside from @Pudding Lovers-san to experience ended up in another dimension."

Strongest Ice Queen: "Hmm… you're right, Kurumi-san. But still… I want to explore a new dimension."

Eleonora just snorted in amusement when reading the comment made by Strongest Ice Queen or Esdeath since The Nightmare or Kurumi revealed her name to anyone in the chat group. She was also surprised that anyone in the group decided to give her many more techniques to learn; she would definitely put it to good use and learn all of it.