Looking at Others' Circumstances

As they decided, all of the chat group members gave Eleonora more techniques to learn. Of course, being a good person, she happily takes and learns all of it, which usually takes someone years or a year if they're genius or lucky enough, but it's different with that incarnation of Mary Sue girl. She only needs a night to learn all of it.

She also developed some new spells to fill the lack of original magic. So far, the number of her original spells is not that much and can't be compared with other spells she gained from her friends in the chat group. All of the spells she got from them are borrowed or precisely isn't her own creation, although something like that isn't that bad, she just wants to use her creativity to create a new spell.

Her non-elemental magic is considered her creation despite how similar to many isekai stories. But some of it had differences from the common ones; something like [Inventory] of her is different since she just upgraded it to make sure she can store any living being. She has thought when trying to upgrade it, her [Inventory] can be used at battle too; like store any of her opponent and trap them in there, make them can't get out of there forever.

And all of it possible with her [Magic Creation]. Her mana reserves also increased a lot as she currently focuses on the magic side and makes the other two energies she had underdeveloped. Because of the lack of time and resources to develop the other two, the development of her magic is relatively fast compared to the other two. Eleonora will try to work hard on the other two energy sources when she was returned from vacation.

As she was curious about how her status reflected in the number, she opened her [Status].

Name: Eleonora Pendragon

Title: Super Woman, Mary Sue Incarnation, The Second Arthur Pendragon, The Youngest Genius

HP: 1000/1000

MP: 9.000.000/9.000.000

KP: 9.000.000/9.000.000

CP: 18.000.000/18.000.000

Gender: Futanari

Bust/Waist/Hip: 90/58/90

Strength: 100

Vitality: 200

Resistance: 280

Agility: 350

Intelligence: 1800

Charm: MAX

Sense: 250

Luck: MAX

Currency: ¥6,881,017,320

Passive Skills:

- Quick Learner – Lv. MAX

- Photographic Memory – Lv. MAX

- Supreme Leadership – Lv. MAX

- Master Programming – Lv. MAX

- Golden Luck – Lv. MAX

- Martial Arts – Lv. MAX

- Hands-on Learning – Lv. MAX

- Visual Learning – Lv. MAX

- Auditory Learning – Lv. MAX

- Read/Write Learning – Lv. MAX

- Kinesthetic Learning – Lv. MAX

- Ultimate Cook – Lv. MAX

- Genius Inventor – Lv. MAX

- Gambling God – Lv. MAX

- Writing Prodigy – Lv. MAX

- Mana Affinity

- Mana Regeneration – Lv. 13/100

- All Elemental Affinity

- Chakra Affinity

- Chakra Regeneration – Lv. 1/100

- Ki Affinity

- Ki Regeneration – Lv. 1/100

Active Skills:

- Inventory – Lv. MAX

- Observe – Lv.10/100

- Creation Magic – Lv. 50/100

- Fireball – Lv. 2/100

- Crimson Javelin – Lv. 2/100

- Azure Blaze – Lv. 2/100

- Glacial Sleet – Lv. 2/100

- Crystal Coffin – Lv. 2/100

- Frost Prison – Lv. 2/100

- Tempest Slash – Lv. 2/100

- Updraft – Lv. 2/100

- Force Lasher – Lv. 2/100

- Wind Wall – Lv. 2/100

- Wind Blades – Lv. 2/100

- Storm Gust – Lv. 2/100

- Air Cannon – Lv. 2/100

- Thunder Hammer – Lv. 2/100

- Thunderlord's Judgement – Lv. 2/100

- Waterball – Lv. 2/100

- Liquid Rampart – Lv. 2/100

- Rupture – Lv. 2/100

- Water Castle – Lv. 2/100

- Tidal Wave – Lv. 2/100

- Hallowed Ground – Lv. 2/100

- Divine Shackles – Lv. 2/100

- Shadow Clone Technique – Lv. 2/100

- Shikigami Summoning – Lv. 2/100

- Ki Barrier – Lv. 2/100

- Heaven's Feel: Cup of Heaven – Lv. MAX

- Magic Blue – Lv. MAX

- Enchantment – Lv. MAX

- Concealment – Lv. MAX

She blinked, her eyes noticing something different. One of them was her three sizes, her breasts increased, and it's become bigger than before. Although she felt it recently, she doesn't know that her breasts became bigger in such a short time. This leaves her curious since she wants to know what caused this, but there are also differences like the numbers of most her status goes up.

There are also a lot of skills, either active or passive, she currently possesses. Although they're low-leveled, with the amount of mana Eleonora has, it's nothing to worry about since it can fill the lack of the level.

She can spam all of her active skills whenever she wants to level it up if she wants it. That's one way to level up your skills or precisely abuse them for your own benefit. Of course, if she wants to do that, she has to erect a powerful and large barrier around her to make sure nothing goes wrong with anyone.

But since she has no free time or the chance to do it, she has to wait for that opportunity.

Eleonora's opportunity came when she had the chance to travel to another dimension, to another universe, and use all of her skills there. But she has to know if the world she would visit is similar to fantasy or if it would be bad if it was just an ordinary world without any fantasy, sword, or magic.

She just shook her head and decided to ignore it for now.

'Well, let's worry about that later and enjoy the outdoor bath of the onsen. I want to drip my whole body onto it.'

As she thought of that, she then enchanted her own body again to gain the same result as before. Although she can do it better by creating magic that focuses on one of her body parts like strength alone.

That kind of thought seemed never crossed on her until now. She felt like an idiot and facepalmed mentally and sighed because she had just discovered that. She can only blame herself because she overthinks about her work every day.

'Alright, I'll create that kind of magic later. Something like that is a must, although enchantment is also far better than those, I will just leave it as a backup if it exists a situation where I can't rely on enchantment for a certain time.'

When thinking of that, she also cannot forget to conceal herself like before with invisibility and others. Although she can use teleport to take her to the onsen faster than running, she decided not to use it since she doesn't feel like using it for a moment.

She's really strange.


Kasumigaoka Utaha felt an old feeling that came back to her. She knew that feeling is called love, and it was supposed to be born when she felt her heart warm when talking with a boy or man; she was supposed to fall in love with a person of her opposite sex, yet she fell in love with someone who bears the same gender.

She falls in love with a woman. Utaha already knew that's abnormal, but because the new law regarding same-sex marriage is already erected and accepted by most Japanese, she still feels hesitant.

The feeling is somewhat warm and calms her, unlike her first crush, which ended up with another girl. She also regretted that she wasn't with him when he needed her most. The feeling of betraying him is still lingering around her heart. It's not something that can't be forgotten easily; she tried but failed miserably.

But maybe her encounter with that woman changes her.

When she was talking with her, she flushed. Her heart fluttered. Her heart was beating fast. She felt happy and wanted to be closer with her, despite only meeting her today. She already knew that love is a strange feeling and sometimes illogical, yet there's exist someone trying their best to solve it with logical measure.

Whenever her brown eyes catch the sight of that woman's light-blue eyes, she almost can't look directly at her and tries to turn away since she feels embarrassed. The embarrassment in her was trying to make her go back like a high school girl again. She almost acts like that in front of that bluish-haired woman.

She was lucky that the woman overlooked that. If she did, then Utaha would be very embarrassed.

But here she is, trying to reach her way to Hottokeya Onsen. She took a break and days off from writing a novel. These past days, she currently has writer block, and ideas aren't flowing across her head for a while; that's why her manager suggests she take a break and relax somewhere; she also recommends that she try Hottokeya Onsen. It's cheap and one of the famous outdoor baths in Yamanashi.

At first, she is about decline the offer, but after being forced, she has no choice but to try the onsen. It's not like she would lose anything since her novel deadline is still far away, and she just completed half of the book.

This might be a good chance for her to forget about Tomoya Aki, her first love and crush. Even though she knew it was hard to do that, she tried her best to forget about him, or it would leave a bad memory for her. She was trying to be mature and let it go; she thought it was normal to experience that kind of thing in a relationship.

She is still in a trance when she remembers the woman who saved her.

Utaha didn't think that her trip toward the Hottokeya Onsen would result in her being attacked by a goblin. She thought that kind of creature was just a lie that the people spread out about, turn out it's true, and she has to accept that fact. Because that creature itself appeared before her and made her scream in fear and try to find help.

Fortunately, Eleonora Pendragon has come and saved her from them. She's like a knight in shining armor that comes to save the princess. She just felt like that, a feeling that wasn't there when she was with Tomoya Aki.

At that time, she fell in love with her. Who knows that her trip suddenly became like that, but she still can continue today's objective to reach the onsen and enjoy the warm bath. It would be pointless if she went back and not go to the outdoor bath.

Realizing it, she shakes her head and claps her hand.

"Ah! I almost forgot about my objective today. That's no good. Okay, better I continued my walk, although I'd prefer to go to that place by taxi or sort of. Should I wait for it? But I don't want that to happen again."

For the second time, she shakes her head and nods her head.

"As I thought… walking on foot seems better. The more I walk, the faster I reach the onsen."

She said that in a low voice as her legs moved again. Utaha doesn't want to waste any more time, or she would late arrive at the onsen since that place is famous. Even it's on TV and such, indicating it's a really renowned and good place if it's even on the media.

But after walking for a few minutes, approximately ten minutes from the place she had been there before, she already feels tired and her legs heavy. Her physical ability is really low despite how good her body shape makes any men around her go crazy.

She is beautiful and has the looks of a model. She knew that and was proud of her own body. There's also a time when someone suggested that she take a modeling job, but she turned it down and took a walk on the novelist path. She also knew how long and hard the way she accepted, but she didn't care since it's her passion and she loves it so much.

Initially, she only wanted to write a story, but a boy named Tomoya Aki just forced her to become his story writer in his doujin circle. She has no choice but to accept it since he begged so hard and is very stubborn; she isn't that happy actually, doing her job at Blessing Software but forced herself to look like it.

And in the end, she leaves the circle since she joined another one; the rival of Blessing Software is Rouge en rouge. Utaha didn't regret it now; nothing could change her mind even if she did feel that. She is content with how a thing happens right now.

Utaha only feels sad when she faces Tomoya for the last time; she is too emotional since Kasumigaoka Utaha, in the past, is still a naïve teenager.

But luckily, she already throws that kind of feeling long ago. It's already been two years since that; she is already in her second semester of college and opening up a new page of her new life without overthinking about Tomoya Aki.

"Sorry, Rinri-kun. I might have to forget about you."

She said that with a hint of sadness in her tone and smiled sadly when she took out her phone and looked at the photo she took two years ago with Tomoya Aki. She then clicked the 'Delete' button, and her sad smile changed to a smile that had no hint of sadness; it was a bright smile.

"For my new love life."


Several days have passed.

She has already been in another world for several days. A beautiful woman with long blond hair has pointy ears hidden by a fluffy-looking ears muffle. She wears a sleeveless turtleneck black sweater, black leggings, white skirt while she has a light-yellow jacket covered her as she holds a small bag on her right hand and white strap wedge heels.

She is currently in a café, relaxing while drinking hot lemon tea as she looks at the street outside the café.

This woman is Adela L. W. Bellrouse. A magical researcher and the princess of the elf kingdom. Although she's a princess, she is already 3000 years old and at the age where she should marry someone to be her husband and continue her family's bloodline. But she was too devoted to her magical researcher, making her forget that, although she already remembered that 1000 years ago and is still looking for worthy men. She still couldn't find it, even when she was already in another world.

She's right now disguising herself in the human society of this world. The elf princess is lucky enough to be swept by a random portal, resulting in her being tossed into this brand new world for her. She didn't expect that she would end up in another world when in her journey to find the magical reaction she felt that day, but it also gives her some benefits since the source of that tremendous mana is coming from here. She still can feel the small trace of it which slowly disappeared.

Blowing her hot tea, which is lemon tea, and it's perfect for this season's weather, she retakes a sip of it and puts the cup down for a bit. Her fingers twirling on the phone screen on the table, it's her phone and the newest model she can get from the store. She is still in culture shock and a bit afraid when touching the device on the table where she sits right now.

Sighed, she supported her chin with her arms and looked again at the phone.

'It's already several days, yet I'm still in shock. Japan has many things that surprised me and got me a culture shock. As far as I've seen, there are only humans, no other races like dragons, lizardmen, elves, etc. But there's a lot of magical reaction, albeit it still faint and locked; the majority of them seems doesn't know how to unlock it.'

Indeed. That's one of her talents; she can sense magical reactions even if it still locked. It's a new talent she discovered when she arrived in this world. She constantly uses it when going out and playing with many interesting things that this country offers; one reason is finding an unimaginable talent useful for her homeworld.

She looked down at the cup she held.

'But… I also want to find the person who wields such strong and tremendous mana. Is it because this new talent is still gained recently, so I can't track it down? If that's true, then I must wait patiently, and it's not like I have something serious to think of.'

What she thought was right. Although she's a princess, she only cares about research and wants to give the right of leading her people to another person. She doesn't want to bother herself with such huge responsibility and authority after all. She's not leader-type and absolutely doesn't want to be involved in politics and anything related to it. But she has to think about marriage; she can't ignore that since she already promised her parents about it, although it's a bit forced because she can let her parents approve her of becoming a magical researcher.

"Hmm… let's just focus on that while strolling. There are still many things I want to try."

She said that while her finger was picking the spoon and scooping the delicious-looking sweet cheesecake which she had already ordered before. A bright and satisfying smile flashed on her face at the moment the piece of the cheesecake entered her mouth.

"Mhm! This cake is really delicious and sweet. I'm glad that I stopped by here and tried the cheesecake they recommended. The price is also really worth the taste and the appealing appearance. This by far the most delicious cake I've ever tasted."

She then kept scooping the cheesecake and eating it while also keeping her magical sensor to track down any potential that she found worthy and valuable. She definitely does not slack off, and it's not like she would be scolded since the elf princess is far away from her homeworld.

'Alright, next, I want to try another food.'

At least she was enjoying herself in this another world. Even if she is distracted a bit by foods or anything interesting in this world, especially in the country she currently lives in, which is Japan.


A funeral. It is what is currently happening right now.

There's a crowd of people circling around the tomb of someone. Some of them are young people, there are also adults in there. The two adults were crying, their eyes letting out tears of sadness, and their hearts felt broken when seeing the tombstone.

The two adults are Hyoudou Gorou and Hyoudou Miki. They were crying over their son, Hyoudou Issei. They are losing their child again, their third child, while the other two are unborn and died due to miscarriages. Issei is their beloved and important child; he is their hope and proud of becoming his parents.

Some of the people are his friends, especially from Occult Research Club. They're crying in sadness; it's clearly shown in their faces as they care so much about their friend who has a heart of gold and becoming the important piece of their memories.

His only male friend in the club, Kiba Yuuto.

His foster sister, Asia Argento.

His beloved junior, Toujo Koneko and Gasper Vladi.

His childhood friend, Shidou Irina.

His favorite teachers, Rossweisse and Azazel.

His fellow classmate, Xenovia Quarta.

His reliable older-sister figure, Himejima Akeno.

And also his woman, one who he loves so much and willingly to be in danger, Rias Gremory.

She also came with her family. Her father, mother, brothers, and sister-in-law. There are also other people affected by that young boy because of how his fate turned. Because of he became a devil and rose from the bottom level to high with his power alone.

Rias Gremory is the saddest one. Her heart is breaking completely. She cannot use her [Evil Piece]; she doesn't know why it's not working. After saving Ophis and confronting Samael, Issei died, and his pieces returned to her, to his master.

After finishing visiting the cemetery, one by one left, and only Rias Gremory remained behind. Her friends wanted to confront her, but some stopped it and decided to let her go. She wants a time alone with her beloved and favorite servant.

Tears flowed down her eyes.

"Why… why I can't protect you, Issei? I… I have always been protected by you. You always risk yourself in danger, leaving me worried about your safety. Don't you know that I want to stand beside you? Don't you know… that I… love you so much?"

The tears flowed down faster as if it waterfall. She's sobbing every time saying that. Her heart cannot accept the cruel fate that happened. She wanted to deny it, but she also knew that had happened. She cannot turn her head away from the reality which already happening.

"I still want to be with you… I want us to attend the same college. I want us to reach our ambition, our dream, together. I still… want to… have a date with you. A lot of dates!"

Her sobbing became worse.

"But why… why you must die?! I cannot… I can't live in this world anymore. Even Ajuka-san said there's no possibility to revive you. Even the [Evil Piece] cannot do a miracle to bring you back. We can't brick you back to us."

Stopped her crying and tears, her lips curved in a smile. A smile was full of sadness.

She looked at the tombstone, crouched down, and stroked the tombtsone as she put down the photo frame of him and ORC members on the tomb and a few flowers. She was looking at the name that imprinted on the tombstone


APR. 16 19XX

NOV. 10 20XX

"Thank you, Issei… I, I will not forget about you. I promise you about it. I know that devil isn't going into heaven but hell, the actual hell, not the one I lived in. Please watch over me, watch over us forever. We will surely not forget about you."

She said that as she left the tomb and cemetery with a smile. A smile so Issei won't worry about her and his friends after leaving her. She just accepts that Issei is gone and leaves her; she just put up a resolution to be better so his Issei would be proud of her.

And not far from the cemetery, there's a figure standing there.

"Ah, so he's really dead. His plot armor isn't working anymore, huh. Something like that is rare to happen to someone like him. I mean, he is harem protagonist after all and expected to be full of plot armor so he won't be killed so easily."

The figure said that with an expected tone and face. The figure is not surprised; he already knew that would have happened, but it still piques his curiosity. He's curious and wants to confirm about it himself.

That's why he bothered himself to go into this world. It's his job, his task, to report anything that happened to worlds that has a connection to a certain young girl's fate. That girl is his original favorite, and she's like its child.

"Mhm… looks like I have to report it to my original. After all, I am a clone of it, and to do that, I have to pop off like that blonde-whisker ninja do with his clone. Ah right, the original also ordered some of its lackey to deal with another world. Meh, it's not like my problem. But before going back, let's see how this world would be if the main protagonist is gone."

He said that while whistling in a happy tone as he walked off the cemetery to another place.

"First, I must visit Kyoto. One of those chat group members lives there, so I must check if she has already heard the news about it. If she did, then I already can imagine what kind of expression she would show me."

He chuckled.