Reunion With Classmate

Tortus – Heiligh Kingdom – Royal Palace

A few meters away from Royal Palace, there's a group of people standing up. It's Eleonora's and Hajime's party that was showing up, but anyone could see the displeasant expression that was so obvious showed by Nagumo Hajime as soon as they are getting closer to the front gate of Royal Palace.

There's two guard who standing, guarding the gate that was connected to Royal Palace, so no one dared to disturb or enter without any permission. But that's not the case for them, especially for Shirasaki Kaori since she was one of the members of Hero's Party and one of the great assest for this kingdom. They can easily enter and exit the kingdom as if it was their own backyard or home since they are given special permission, they hold the important duty to serve as the citizen of Heiligh Kingdom to vanquish the demons. To erase their very existence from the world since they was known as 'dirty creature' or 'unholy being'.

Hajime sighing. He don't know how many times he do that, but the closer they get to the Royal Palace, the more he feels annoyed and irritated since his eyes about to take a close look at the place. He don't want that and he maybe being forced to be worked under the kingdom if they find out that Hajime was went from weak to powerful person like this, what's more he's survived from being thrown in the Abyss; the True Labyrinth of Great Orcus Labyrinth.

Kaori who noticed Hajime behavior then ask him.


"No, don't say anything, Shirasaki. I knew what you're going to say but no. I'm still… not used seeing this place again. Especially if I meet with them, my former classmates… they simply discarded me and ignore me when I'm not useful to them."

Eleonora just went silent seeing the pitiful reaction that was shown by Hajime. Kaori who heard that just feels guilty since she's the part of classmate, but don't have the courage to say that she is always care about Hajime even when he was being thrown in Abyss. She always cried so hard and cannot go to sleep every night thinking about the condition of Hajime.

If she can console the poor girl right now, Eleonora would love to do that, since Kaori showing an obvious sign of about to cry but Hajime seemed doesn't care one bit about her, although it's true that he loves her or the feeling of crush to her still remain but it cannot be helped when his mind in a mess again. He was a bit happy when he can go back but became annoyed again when to do that, he has to retrieve Shizuku or some of his classmate to going back with them, since they are the victim of the mass-teleportation and it's not like it was their choice to begin with to serve as the citizen of Heiligh Kingdom. They are simply kidnapped and the kidnapper didn't feel any guilt when doing that.

After walking for a few minutes, they then already in front of the main gate that was lead to Royal Palace. Seeing this, Eleonora then informing Kaori since she would be the best choice to handle this rather than Hajime who currently in bad mood and it would make it worse if he handle this.

"We are arrived at the main gate it seems. Kaori-san, if you please…"

"Ah, right. Please wait a moment."

Eleonora nods her heads as she saw Kaori who running towards the guards and tell them that she was already returned, although the fact that she was leaving Hero's Party is something she wasn't told them. After being convinced by her reason, the guars nods their heads and agreed as they are allowing Kaori to come and bring the companion she was together with her.

After a while, Kaori then going back to the group and told them.

"It's okay for now. Everyone can come with me, but please don't cause any trouble."

Hajime snorted.

"Can't be helped. I'll follow them for now. I just want to end this quickly so I can going back home."

"That's good, Hajime-san. It would ended up bad if you're going to cause a trouble. You know, I think you could consider to learn to hold your temper. Being patience sometimes bring someone a good benefit after all."


Hajime said that lazily with bored tone as he didn't believe at what Eleonora said. The rest of them just laughed at that since it was amusing for them seeing their interaction and they was spend their time as they entered the Royal Palace, but it was stopped when someone call some name of the group.

"N-Nagumo…? Kaori! Why are you here…?"

The shocked voice was coming from a young handsome man with silky brown hair and brown eyes that has some people following him from behind. There's a shocked expression on that young man face and his voice is a bit hesitant.

"Kouki-kun… everyone."


A different voice called out Kaori, which make the girl going looking through of the owner of the voice and spotted a beautiful girl with waist-length black hair that is tied up in a ponytail with bangs hanging over her forehead and red eyes. She was surprised to see Kaori in here again after the declaration of Kaori that want to go with Hajime's party and leaving the Hero's Party.


The girl who called Shizuku then ran over the Hero's Party and suddenly hug Kaori with teary eyes. Seeing how that girl suddenly come to her then only make Kaori stroking the hair of the ponytailed girl as she trying to comfort her.

"Kaori, I thought you was going with Nagumo."

"Yes I am, but we have some sudden guest and changed our plan a bit."

After calming down, Shizuku then let go her hug from Kaori and look at the black haired girl with confusion on her face.

"Your plan? Is it involving why you decided to come back to here?"

Kaori giving her a nod to confirm what she asked toward her.

"You're right, Shizuku-chan. I found a way for us to return to our homeworld."

They was instantly shocked when heard what Kaori said. The entire party that was consist heroes from another world and the classmates of Kaori and Hajime couldn't believe about what she said with that straight and serious look. Shizuku tried to deny it but judging from the expression that Kaori showed to her there's no way that her best friend lying to her.

But there's one person who seems trying to deny it.

"T-That's impossible! Kaori, what you said is a joke, right? Isthar-san said that the only way for us to return to Earth by finishing our job to defeat those demons!"

"But Kouki-kun, did you really believe on his word that we all can return?"

"Of course, he is the resident of this world and—"

"And Amanogawa, stop right there. You didn't even knew about if his word is true or not, yet you want to believe on him like that? No wonder you are fool."

Kouki was shocked when heard that words coming from Hajime. He knew that Nagumo Hajime he always knew is became different person, but he still can't believe he was used to be the weak and plain-looking guy to a guy like this, even his personality became really different.

Hajime had enough of Kouki's bullshit and his way to always convince someone to believe and agreed in everything he said and what he will do, including Kaori before she was meeting the new Hajime. Also, Eleonora feel sorry for Hajime and Kaori to deal with someone like Kouki who seems became the center of attention and the leader of Hero Party; to be lead by someone like him seems pathetic.

"Wha—Nagumo… don't tell me you feed lie to Kaori and brainwash her? You want Kaori so much and stopping at that low to accomplish that?"

Hajime became irritated when heard that. But Eleonora interrupt it as she clapping her hands and smiled at them, gaining their attention as they all suddenly blushes when seeing Eleonora at the moment of that.

Seeing she got their attention, Eleonora nods her head and cleared her throat.

"Ahem. Thank you for your attention, everyone the classmates of Hajime-san and Kaori-san. What she said isn't wrong since you basically can going back to your homeworld. If you want a proof, how about I send one of you to your homeworld?"

They are gasping, the entire Hero Party gasping at what Eleonora said. Kouki tried to deny it but she said that with no hesitation and sound serious, so he couldn't deny it. Moreover when he sees a portal that suddenly appears in front of their eyes. Inside the portal, he can see the country that he live in before coming to Tortus, even Hajime and Kaori also surprised by that.

Hajime has a smile of relief on his face when seeing it.

'Finally… it seems what she said is true. That is Japan, I knew some of those place.'

Kaori has teary eyes when seeing it.

'Japan… I can go back? Mom and dad… I can see them again.'

Seeing their reaction, Eleonora could only guess that they was convinced right now and it's much to Eleonora relief, but then she quickly close the portal and has made them snapped back in realization before asking them about a question.

"How is that? Had you convinced by the proof that I've showed to you? I hope so or if you won't, then I have to say you're stupid."

"I… I have believe it. Then, you can really take us back…?"

The answer that Kouki get is just a simple nod from Eleonora. He cannot say anything and he can't deny it anymore. He just looked down on the ground and shivers in happiness, tears leaking out of his eyes and he gripped his hands tightly when he heard that he can going back to his homeworld.

His friend, Sakagami Ryuutarou, who has physique like a bear and talls at about 190 cm as he has black short trimmed hair and a gaze that appears both cheerful and stem slightly worried and confused as well when seeing Kouki suddenly like this.

"H-Hey Kouki, are you alright?"

"No, I'm fine, Ryuutarou. I'm just… glad that we have a chance to going back to our homeworld, to Earth. We can going back with everyone, to our homeworld."

Hearing that, Hajime then went interrupt him.

"Hold on a second—everyone? I think not. Especially those bastards who are scum isn't included."

Kouki went in a shock when heard that from Hajime and went to protest with a loud shout.

"N-Nagumo? What are you talking about?! We are classmate and we must going back together."

"We was a classmate and I don't care about that. If not for Shirasaki's request, I won't even bother to seeing you all again. You always thought I am a burden and don't expect too much of me, even when we are in this world. With that way of thinking, I'm afraid I won't allows you."

"You don't have the right to do that! She… she is the one who mostly decide it!"

Hajime grit his teeth and sighing as he looking at Eleonora and pointing his thumb to the Hero's party.

"You seriously want to bring them? Especially Amanogawa?"

Eleonora just shrugged her shoulders.

"Why not? It's not like I cannot bring all of them."

Hajime faceplamed on himself when hearing that kind of answer coming out of Eleonora's mouth.

"Whatever, it's not like beggar can chose. I'm the one who hopping onto you. If not for your help, I may cannot go back and still has to struggling in this world to find a way back."

"That's good! Then, we all agreed to bring all of them, but before doing that we must find Myuu-chan's mother and bring her along with us. Is that clear?"

They all nods their heads, although the Hero's party just went along with that since they don't know who are Myuu but they just assumed it was the child who was being carried by Hajime. Then, Hajime and his party turning their back as they about to leave but then they are stopped by the voice that they are familiar with.

"W-Wait! Nagumo, are you sure that… you don't want to come back with us?"

Hajime glancing at Kouki's best friend, which is Ryuutarou.

"Why? Because that we're classmate? I don't think so. Amanogawa and the Four Bastards is the one who betrayed me first, also there might be some of you who don't want me included along you. I already made my resolve and don't want to go through the same thing again."

Ryuutarou went quiet and letting out a big sigh as he looked at Hajime with serious look.

"Then, take care of yourself. I'm sorry for any wrong doings we caused to you, also I'm apologizes for anything that Kouki said and do to you. But when we're going to home, make sure you was with us. You got that right?"

"…I suppose so. I'll forgive you this time, but not if there's that kind of thing happened again."

"I'll promise you it will not."

Hajime just snorted lazily as he didn't really believe on what he said and just wave his hands to them as he turning his back again from them.

"Then you, Pendragon, let's get to our next goal and destination."

Hajime saying that with nonchalantly tone to Eleonora.

"Hajime-san, you may have to down your tone for a while since I'm not your friend or subordinate."

Hajime shivering in fears along with everyone who is right here when they heard what Eleonora said with a bit displeasing tone on her voice, although she didn't upset or mad at all, it's just she is a bit annoyed by how Hajime's sounds when saying that to her.

"But I knew that you're just want to do this as soon as possible, so I forgive you this time. Then, let's—"

"Wait! Please bring me with you."



The hero's party was surprised when heard that Shizuku want to go with them in search of Myuu's mother. Even Kaori, the best friend of Shizuku, couldn't believe of what she heard from the ponytailed girl herself. The look she giving to them is serious as she trying to convince them.

"I… I just want to know more about Nagumo and his companion. Call it a little reunion since we are basically classmate."

Eleonora scratching her cheeks when she heard that from Shizuku and decided as she nods her heads and smiled toward Shizuku and made her blushed on top of that since she was seeing how beautiful Eleonora's smile is it.

"That's okay, Shizuku-san. You can come with us but no more than you. I don't want to delay this for longer since I can see that Hajime-san is a bit impatient about going home."

"You heard that, Yaegashi and you all. Don't delay our journey and if you do, I have to go rough with you. I won't hesitate to blow some of your heads with this beautiful thing."

Hajime convince them while he draw his trusted and main weapon, which is a pair of techno-magical revolvers in each hands and point them outs to the Hero Party, they was startled and nods their heads quickly as they are understood that it's wasn't the best to do anything rash and risk themselves in Hajime's hands.

The white-haired young man who seen that just nods with a satisfied expression since they seems well-behaved and understood what he means. He didn't dare to do anything harm in front of someone who is powerful like Eleonora or he would be died before he knew it.

That girl really scared his shit out.

"Good. That's what I was expected. It's surprising me that you all didn't do anything stupid, especially you Hiyama. I'm expecting at least you, who always has a tends to bully me, to do anything dirty like spew out some of your magic to me."

Eleonora sighing seeing Hajime's maniac smile as he trying to taunting the person who he taunt. He is really an otaku and chuuni to the bot.

'Great… I kind of regret to agreed returning him to his homeworld. But that's too late as I already promise him that. At least he would be helpful when we are encountering some monsters on our ways to find Myuu-chan's mother. He is pretty skilled and strong amongst them after all.'

Seeing this, Eleonora then cleared her throat and faking a cough.

"Ahem. Come on, Hajime-san, we should get going or Myuu-chan would sad if her mother haven't been found. Isn't that right, Myuu-chan?"

Myuu who didn't understand what all they are going about just nodded her head obediently to Eleonora with big cheery smile on her face.

"Yes, Onee-chan! Myuu want to meet with Mama, nano! Let's hurry, Papa!"

"Alright, alright… fine, you won this time. Let's go, we must hurry or Myuu would be sad."

"That's right. Come on, Shizuku-san. You can come with us."

Shizuku doozed off for a while before snapped back and nods her heads as she already registering what ucrrently happened.

"Ah, right. Sorry for that and I am thankful that you let me join your party, Nagumo."

"Save it for Pendragon, I didn't do anything this time. The faster we do it, the faster we can go home."

Shizuku just chuckled at Hajime behavior and just nodded along with that. She then turning her head and said to her comrade from Hero Party.

"Farewell, everyone. We will definitely come after finished our current business, so don't worry about it. Okay?"

"A-Ah, yes. Please be careful!"

With that last words, Eleonora then told her group to held each hands and going back to Hajime's place before coming here.


Shiba Miyuki couldn't believe herself when seeing the picture of Eleonora. Her heart was beating very fast, her cheeks feels hot and has a tint of red across it. She was never knew that someone could be this beautiful, even someone like her and Saegusa Mayumi cannot be compared to her; Eleonora is on a different level of beauty. Whenever she sees the picture, she don't know why but feels safe, comfortable, and happiness in her entire body.

Unlike with his big brother, who always seems quiet and calculative as he likes to act behind the scenes, Eleonora isn't entirely like that. Shiba Tatsuya radiates dangerous, ominous and powerful aura, but Miyuki didn't mind of that since she knew that whatever he do is for her safety and for her alone. But Eleonora radiates calming, divine and powerful aura too. They are two opposite side of coin.

Miyuki knew that if she has a slight of feeling toward Eleonora, it would count as cheating since she already has her big brother. But she didn't know why, she want to have a romantical feeling towards Eleonora. She want to call Eleonora her Onee-sama, she want being embraced by her and whispered lovely words as she being held by her.

And with that, she started to imagining herself with Eleonora based on her imagination.

Miyuki's Imagination

"Hey Miyuki, my lovely sister. How are you today?"

Eleonora said that with sweet voice as she smiled towards Miyuki, holding her chin as their faces only an inch from each others. Miyuki who being toyed by her Onee-sama didn't mind at all and instead want to be toyed more by her, she can only blushing in embarassment as their bodies very close to each others.

"O-Onee-sama… I am fine, Miyuki's fine. But… what about you, Onee-sama?"

A chuckle can be heard from Eleonora's mouth as she whispering something to Miyuki's ears with sweet and gentle tone.

"I am fine. If everyday I've seen you, I'll be fine. You're my source of happiness, you are my sun and hope, my lovely sister."

Miyuki's cheeks became hotter than before after hearing that.

"…Really, Onee-sama?"

"I won't lie to you, Miyuki. You're my everything."

Miyuki blushed even more and feels really hot. The affectionate smile of Eleonora really calm her and being embraced into her arms really melts Miyuki, especially when she whispering that to Miyuki's ears. Miyuki couldn't been happier than this.

"T-Then, Onee-sama… can I be selfish for once?"

Eleonora who heard that then chuckled and nods her head gently as she trying to listening to Miyuki.

"Of course, you can always be selfish. Tell me, what do you want, Miyuki?"

With pleading eyes on her face, Miyuki then spoke her selfish desire to Eleonora.

"Onee-sama… I want you, to embrace me more…"

Eleonora nodded at Miyuki and put one of her arms to Miyuki's waist as her other arms caressing her cheeks.

"Then, I'll gladly grant that."

She said before get her lips closer to Miyuki as Miyuki began to close her eyes, as if trying to accepting whatever Eleonora about did to Miyuki.

Miyuki then snapped back from her imagination and feel that her cheeks was really hot and became red. She even feel that her nether region somewhat wet… she was soiled the bed and Miyuki cannot believe of what she imagined earlier.

'AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! W-WHAT I HAVE DONE? WHY I IMAGINING THAT?! I… I have Onii-sama but why I suddenly have that kind of thought? We're not knowing each other and even meet, but why I suddenly thinking of that…? Onee-sama…? She's younger than me, I knew that when I reads their chat history but… to think that I have that kind of inappropriate thought…'

Miyuki place both of her palm on her cheeks as she felt embarrassed by what she thought. It's very inappropriate for her to thinking of that. She is well-mannered and modest lady, so it's unbecoming for her to thinking like that.

But she then looked down on the floor with a pink shades on her cheeks after succesfully calm herself down.

"Can I have that kind of experience…?"

She muttering that with hoping tone on her voice. Although for now she may have deny that she is still in love with her dear big brother, it didn't change the fact that she has some interest to lesbian or same-sex relationship, especially with someone like Eleonora who she just seen today.

Miyuki may slowly changed from loving her big brother, Shiba Tatsuya, to loving her soon-to-be-big sister, Eleonora Pendragon. It's not like anyone forbid her to do anything and not like same-sex relationship is prohibited or banned too, but it just… feels wrong for her since in her entire life, she only has romantical feeling toward Shiba Tatsuya who right now already losing all of his emotion except towards his dear little sister.

Miyuki then glancing at the phone on her desk. At first she hesitated to reach it and trying to take the phone, but after a quick thought, she then took it and decided to observing the chat group again in case if there's anything about Eleonora. All she care right now is just Eleonora since she may became her big sister despite Miyuki is certainly older than Eleonora.

She knew that once she has a second thought of Eleonora, Miyuki cannot come back to what once she used was and became dedicated to Eleonora, but it's not like her relationship with brother would escalated to a new stage seeing how her brother always trying to distant himself from Miyuki despite he sometimes joking about how he want to be Miyuki's boyfriend if they are not siblings or if they are not from the same family.

If that's still happened, then she will lose any hope of advancing her relationship with her brother to the next level. She just don't want that.