Onward To Erisen

After leaving the Royal Palace, Hajime's party and Eleonora came back to where the place they was used as temporary base for Hajime and his companions. Before finding Myuu's mother, they want to prepare for everything might be happened later and of course it's not like Eleonora hurried or anything, but she can see that from Hajime; he is being impatient and want to going back home as soon as he can after finished the business of him in this world.

Hajime placed Myuu to the bed as he trying to make that little girl sleep since he don't want that innocent and pure girl to hear anything after she was sleep. He's too kind for someone like her since she was his daughter and Hajime sees her like that, as his own daughter and nothing more. He want to protect her since she is worth to be protected and watch her growth healthy.

After finished putting Myuu to sleep, Hajime went looking through her companion except Eleonora. He didn't care about her since she seemed pissed him off due to some reasons and he can't bring himself to like her even for a bit. Maybe it's his instinct that Eleonora is something akin to rival for him.

'Honestly, I didn't like her at all. She was too perfect. She has no any damn flaws and she is four years younger than me since I'm seventeen years old. Even Shirasaki was charmed and enthralled by her, it's damn frustrating. Sure, I get it that she is unbelievable beautiful and looking like gentlemen on the top of that.'

He let out frustrating sigh from his mouth.

'She will stole Shirasaki from me if she stayed with us for a longer. And not to forget she also captured Yue successfully. Can't I do anything…? At least I have to prevent for the worst.'

He finished his thought as he trying to prepare anything he needs for later. His next destination maybe city of Erisen since it was his original destination to go to another great labyrinth in there if he wasn't meet with Eleonora to obtain any clue for him to going back to his homeworld. But he also consider that now that the destination he may go has the clue of the place where Myuu's mother was.

It's just a hunch from him, but nothing wrong to be like that since sometimes a hunch is proved right.

Several minutes, approximately 35 minutes has passed after that, they then reassemble themselves to where Eleonora is and when they are coming back, they seeing the long bluish-haired girl taking some shoots with her phone and when she finished, Eleonora was surprised by the whole party already in there and she didn't noticed that.

Eleonora could only sheepishly smile as she scratch her back when seeing the girls who smile and giggled at her behavior while Hajime just went silent and didn't say anything since he didn't want to get along with that girl who he hate. She then cleared her throat and went back to normal.

"It seems everyone already finished preparing, then shall we go?"

"Alright. Teleport or using my Brise?"


Eleonora tilt her head in confusion and Hajime just nod his head to that and began explaining.

"Yeah, it's armored vehicle that was resembling hummer in military and modeled after a pick-up truck painted in Matte Black. Its capacity up to six people so… I think someone has to use their own mean of transportation."

"…Fine, I'll be the one since I have my teleportation but I think I'll create my own vehicle. It's my first time to create a vehicle, so I didn't expect much about it."

Eleonora said lazily as she knew that Hajime want to make her stay away from Kaori or any girls in his party since she was capable to make them falling in love with just showing off her beautiful face, let's not count of how she can also act as gentlemen despite being a young girl towards any girls or women.

She then spread out her arms and a magic circle was appeared on the ground before the young girl thinking of what kind of vehicle she want to create or built from scratch, but to do that she need to create a new magic spell that was specifically used to built something by providing it with any materials.

Although it wasn't different from [Creation Magic] in this world or any worlds that can shape or transform any object, structure be it physical or magicl, or material in anyway they wish. That's why she trying to create that kind of magic spell, if she didn't need it, she can just delete it and make anew.

After a few seconds creating the new magic spell, she then began to invoke the new spell she created as she taking out a pen from her [Inventory] and throw it in the ground as there's appeared a new magic circle on it.

"[Creation Magic]."

She said that while the pen she already thrown is begin to change its shape to another shape. It didn't take a long time as it was transformed into something else. It is a motorcycle with dark blue as its color and it's very futuristic, although not that futuristic compared to the one Hajime had, nonetheless it's still cool motorcycle although it's a bit big.

It has three tires, two on the front and one on the rear. The design very sporty and seems comfortable enough for someone like Eleonora even can enjoying herself riding this motorcycle. As she already mastered the driving test despite she still don't have the driving license, she has no worried about going to be tripped or fall down because she can't drive the motorcycle, despite how young she is and she even made an helmet to protect her face just in case; although she also imbued some spells to the motorcycle for the extra safety.

As the motorcycle has finished been made, Eleonora then get on the motorcycle and wearing the helmet while Hajime's party still dumbfounded by the current sight of Eleonora right now, especially Kaori and Shizuku who couldn't believe theirselves that Eleonora literally made a motorcycle just from a pen while Hajime just facepalmed and letting out defeated sigh.

"Come on, everyone. What are you waiting for?"

"Alright, alright. You show-off girl. I'm still can't believe it."

Hajime grumbling the last part as they are then get on the hummer and get to the next destination of them, which is city of Reisen, to get a clue about the where is it Myuu's mother.


To be saying that he didn't surprised is a lie. He really surprised at how fast the growth of his new disciple, much faster than Arthuria or any disciple he already had so far. He also a bit frightened that his own disciple may surpass him in regard of magic, since it was his strong point and the main ability he always uses; whether it's for daily uses or in battle.

But he still tried to calm himself and flashing his usual smile to make sure anyone didn't noticed it easily.

'To think Master's daughter has some frightening talents like that… she may too suited to be a king—no, maybe even something more. Like demigod or an actual god. If that is happened, then I believe she only need a year to do that. She has [Creation Magic] which is let her to create any form of magic without any limitation and according to the wielder's imagination.'

Merlin then looked down on the cup he held as he stopped drinking for a bit.

'To summarize… it's something akin to the True Magic, or always dubbed as First Magic that anyone didn't knew the specific details about it. But it far greater than that since it doesn't have any limitation or restriction, maybe… she was born with it? But that's weird since Master isn't really suited to be a sorcerer and her mother was well-versed in onmyoujutsu.'

He sighed tiredly and began to rubs his forehead as he put the cup on the table. He really doesn't how how to describe Eleonora since she is an enigma, she is hard to understand despite that girl is the daughter of Theodore Pendragon and Yotsuba Yuuka.

But what troubling him is how she also has two of True Magic inside her—no, there are three since he can only sense it faintly. It's unheard of someone to wield three True Magic at once and if Eleonora's [Creation Magic] that can also included as First Magic. She is only a human, not even divine or anything but can wield something like that, even Merlin couldn't figure out how that can be happened; such enigma that can easily wrap this world into her hand without even trying that much, if only she wanted to do it though.

'But well… I think the biggest problem for now is how to deal with Master's condition that was because of my mistake. I didn't think that could have happened and it's bothering me if we should told that to Eleonora about it. She will definitely murder me if she knew that.'

Indeed. He knew that will not work well if he decided to told her that, but if he and her parents didn't told her about that, it will be worse since that young girl would know nothing about her father condition that became worse and may ended his life in 2 years or when she reached age 15.

Merlin sighing tiredly gathering his thought about all of that. He tapping his finger on the table and began to gone into his mind and thinking again.

"Is it a good decision to kept being her magic teacher? I feel that I haven't suited at all since she already in term of surpassing me in such short of time. What do you think, Master?"

Merlin said that while glancing to his Master who stopped typing on his laptop for a while and scratching his hair and letting out big sigh since he actually don't want to discuss about this matter with anyone, especially with him. He doesn't have any good impression towards the wizard, after all.

"Let me tell you, I chose you because I didn't put too much trust on another. What, you want me to make a contact with that old man or that king? I don't want to do that even if I used you to deal with that. You are considered the private magus of Pendragon's family due to your history that always help King Arthur in his/her journey to become the King of Britain. Also, you are possessing the key to his/her treasures, so it's two birds with one stone."

Merlin couldn't help but chuckled at that. He felt a bit happy that his Master put some trust to him and also honored to be the teacher in magic department for the future King like Eleonora. Although it's doubtful if Eleonora herself wanted to be a king in the future, since for now she seemed to not think too much about that.

Merlin also considered Eleonora is different from Arthuria. While Arthuria want to uphold a justice and knight code to almost everything, the young bluish-haired girl didn't have any of that. Sure she may be do some justice and knight code but not to everything. She even told him that she don't want to be someone like that, it's kind of tiring and old schooled, that was traditional way of thinking according to her.

'She is really interesting despite how frightening the talents she possesses. Also because of her, I capable to advanced to next level and figure out some new spells that I can learn. Maybe next time she going back, I want to tell her to provide me an artificial body so I could live as living being instead of just Servant.'

After all, this a chance of lifetime to witness someone that capable to use [Heaven's Feels: Cup of Heaven] and she isn't from his homeworld, also she can maximize the use of that magic into the fullest potential so she can manipulating soul directly without any limitation or restriction being put on her.


Esdeath Partas or better known as General Esdeath is having a troubling matter. She currently facing something, it's a new feeling but not entirely new since she already experienced that back then when she meet with Tatsumi. She already experienced what love it is when she meet with Tatsumi, although she is naïve back then and thinking that everything is according to her wish and she can have anything she want; that was the cause of her downfall and being defeated by Akame of Night Raid.

But with unknown reason or cause, she just came back alive, she was returned from the deepest place of hell and gain a second life. She was revived by someone but she didn't know who is the person that did this to her, for what reason, for what cause that she was once again alive and living her new life.

She wandering around the collapsed Empire and began to change. She don't have any reason to life again, until something was piqued her interest. A magical device that was given to her by unknown entity, at first of course she was being cautious since it seemed suspicious and didn't dare to touch it for a few days, but after that her curiosity taken over her cautiousness.

And when she touch and use the magical device known as phone, which is modern type of phone, she began to know about the existence of another world that is different than hers. She knew that through the thing known as chat group and began to indulging herself onto that. Day by day she spends herself on the chat group, she began to changed from her old self to her new self, she want to make amend or redemption about her past.

She trying to be kind and not cruel like before, she began to think that everything in this world isn't for her alone and she can't obtain anything she want. The world isn't move according to her, she isn't the center of the world anymore as she think, she just like any ordinary person who became the part of society. She didn't hate or dislike it, but rather she like it since the world now has already entered the peaceful area, she can have friends who was kind and care about her, she also began to showing more kind and warm smile rather than cruel and sadistic smile like she had before.

But that's not denying that there is still cruel and sadistic behavior remain within her. She will be like that to people who trying to harm her or anyone who is important to her, like any of her friends in chat group that may be harmed. Moreover, when she was teleported from her homeworld to another, Esdeath was surprised that she found herself on another world and living with Tokisaki Kurumi right now in a world known as Earth and country known as Japan at the city known as Tenguu.

She was lost her Teigu and her familiar, thus her strength is reduced to the point she can only relied on her swordmanship, her superhuman body, mental strength, sharp sense, and monstrous killing intent with her charismatic leadership that led her to become the general of the Empire she was once before.

If she facing someone with superhuman or inhuman ability like magic and others, she definitely don't have a high chance to survive from that unless she fast enough to defeat or kill her opponent in short time. But by joining the chat group, she may have the chance to learn about magic and such to increase her strength, but this time she make a vow to not use her strength for something injustice like what she did before in Empire.

And she is currently outside of Kurumi's apartement now since Kurumi give her a permission to go out. Although both knew that Esdeath currently hunted down because she was murdered some people she deemed as criminal or scum when arrived at this world, but it should be safe for her now because Esdeath already disguise herself so people won't easily recognize her.

'Although I already seen it many times, but this world civilization really different compared to Empire. It's more advanced and modern, there is technology and information provided everywhere, allowing people to easily obtain any information unlike when in my homeworld; only nobles or people with high authority can have a lot information.'

She thought of that while buying some foods from any stall that is piqued her interest. Esdeath was never been this happy since her meeting with Tatsumi, she can showing off her genuine and innocent smile that is never been shown because of her situation before.

But then she have another thought. A tint of red is appears on her cheeks when that thought is crossed over her mind. She is recalling the memory of yesterday in the chat group, when Esdeath witness something unbelievable that may change her sexual preference since she always straight woman that loves man.

'Queen of Sweets… she is really beautiful. I don't know why my heart beating so fast whenever thinking of her face. Are my sexual prefence changed because of her? That was… interesting. To think there is exist someone who capable to do that to me, when the person herself might not aware of what she do…'

Esdeath just chuckled at that ridiculous thought of her. Once again, she may have to taste love but in different way unlike before. Although she hope this time isn't giving her some false hope and leave her like before when she uncapable to stay together with Tatsumi.


Planet Deviluke is referred to as being the center of the galaxy, though this is probably a reference to its importance rather than its placement in the universe. The planet of Deviluke literally rules the galaxy after the galactic unification wars led by King Gid Lucione Deviluke and as such, they hold dominion over all of the planets of the galaxy and its people.

Little is known about the planet itself other than its Gothic-esque culture, its containing many forests, really high mountains and its high level of technology. Much more is known about the citizens of Deviluke who are, at least, known to be many times stronger than Earthlings, and seem to have won their wars over the galaxy using just their own natural powers, which seem to have some sort of variety.

And also the planet is has a race named by the planet itself which is Devilukean.

Like their planet, the appearances of the Devilukeans follow a theme of devils and demons. All Devilukeans have tails at least half as long as their body length that end in a pointed tip of various shape. Most Devilukeans shown have had diamond-shaped tail tips; the Devilukean king, Gid, has a tail that ends in a trident-shaped tip (thought its metallic appearance and use as a blade during combat may hint that it's a weaponised replacement); the Devilukean princesses' tails all end with a spade shaped tip (whether this difference is due to gender or their Charmian heritage has not been revealed).

Other than their unique tails, Devilukeans, like with many other alien races, greatly resemble humans and are possibly a distant relative of them. But the rest of history for that is quite mystery since someone was never found out about that, not even the royal family of Deviluke itself knew about that truth since the ancient document or scripture somewhat can't be reads by them. It seems contain a language that they even can't understand despite they capable to understand all language in any planet.

And that will be the story for another time.

But one of the princesses of the current Deviluke royal family somehow has escaped from her planet because she don't want to married with someone she don't know and don't like since the person who was arranged for her marriage isn't her type.

That causing chaos everywhere and could damage the reputation of the royal family. That's why the king order them to catch the princess and bring her back home as soon as possible because he just want to seeking an heir for his throne since he was too lazy to take serious of his duty as king of the universe because the current condition is very peaceful and boring for him.

And seeing her older sister like that, Momo Belia Deviluke, the youngest out of three princesses then followed her and fled to Earth since she want to have some fun in that planet since she was always busy in Deviluke. After fled to Earth, Momo and her sisters was staying at a certain earthling boy's house for the time being, much to their relief.

Although Momo has a lot of friends in Earth after decided to attend a school in there, and the boy was kind enough to her, she still isn't comfortable around boy since in her entire life she always with girls and no boys was allowed to be her friends because of her status as princess; also it's because how overprotective her father are since they are royal family.

That's why Momo feels happy when she know the existence of the chat group that transcend to another world or dimension. Her happiness is as if when she taking care of plants that she always loves and that's great for her to befriends some people from another world, since it's fun and interesting for her. Her life became more fun when she joined the conversation or just looking at the chat group, but it became more interesting later as they capable to visit another world.

Momo was surprised at first but giggled happily.

'To think not only another planet, but also another world… maybe sometimes I have the chance to visit another world. I'd love to do that and must wait until the machine was turned into a bracelet to make us easier using it as we please rather than wait for a long time.'

The Florist Succubus also thinking about her love life since her older sister already found the man of her dream, unlike her who still trying to find it. Her first and second sister already find the man they looking for as it turned out to be the same person, a boy named Yuuki Rito, who has nothing special except how kind he is, how clumsy he is, how bad he is at everything, and always accidentally fall on girl's private place such as breasts, pussy, etc which resulted him to be called pervert.

Momo find it amusing seeing the comedic between them whenever it is happened and she didn't find anything interesting about him at all. But a shred of thought suddenly came onto her mind, causing her to flushed in embarrassment as her cheeks was red.

The thought about girl x girl relationship. Lesbian or yuri relationship. Although Momo knew it's not uncommon in Deviluke and she already deepen the knowledge about that when coming to Earth, she still shocked by it and feels embarrassed when thinking about such thought. Although it's weird since she always has a lewd thought as her daily basis.

She even began to thinking of lewd things. Lewd things between girls that she was never thought in her entire life. Momo became changed due to the chat group, but she is more interested when seeing the face of Eleonora, she can't stop blushing whenever that face appears on her mind.

'Ah! No, Momo. You are straight and not about turning into lesbian! You have to stay on the right way and not following the wrong way. But… lesbian relationship seemed interesting and charming.'

Without she realizes it herself, she trying to kept herself straight when she cannot do anything about that since she always thinking of that.