Eleonora Home Sweet Home

As soon as the portal appears, some figures can be seen by the residence of the Pendragon's house. Smiles showed on Theodore, Yuuka, and Merlin's faces as soon they saw the first person who came out of the portal; that's someone they knew and cared very well about. Eleonora Pendragon does small waves of her hands with a beautiful smile plastered on her face right now.

"Dad, Mom, Merlin-sensei—I'm home."

With that simple words, the three people whom she addressed nod their heads together and reply that.

"Welcome home, Elly. Seems you're fine and doing well."

"Fufu, welcome back, Ellen. I see that you're bringing some friends of yours."

"Welcome back to your home, and congratulation on your first journey of another world, My King. Seems like your trip has to bear some fruitful results. Is it not?"

Eleonora simply nodded at the answers she got from those people. Then, Eleonora's eyes spotted a group of four unknown girls, which confused her as she decided to ask Theodore in this one with curiosity.

"Dad, who are they?"

She asked that while pointing her fingers at the group of four girls who currently have their cheeks flushed. The moment their eyes meets and witness Eleonora, the moment they instantly feel something weird awoken within their heart; their brains freeze for a moment before snapping back to reality after a few seconds.

Because of that, the four girls have confused and thought to themselves about this.

'What happened earlier? I… did I flushed and somehow found her so charming? I mean, the one I love is Arata-kun. I am always straight in a relationship, not the other way. Did she has automatically activated charm magic or something similar to that? No, I didn't feel any magic from that. Just what happened….'

Lieselotte Sherlock thought that as she was trying to solve the weird problem of events that caused her to react like that towards someone of the same gender. She didn't know this, but if she stayed long enough around Eleonora, she would question her sexuality towards someone she was romantically interested in.

But not just her, the rest of her group were also confused, yet someone so innocent and pure like Emilia doesn't understand that. She was utterly clueless about what happened to her and what kind of feeling she had earlier.

'Huh? What… is that? My heart… fluttering for a moment. I feel warm… my heart feels warm and comfortable. My cheeks feel slightly hot. What is that feeling? Should I ask Puck…?'

So obvious that Emilia didn't quite understand that feeling since the love she only knew was from family and friends. So far, she only learns that kind of love, not love for a romantic interest or someone she wants to have as a lover.

The half-elf didn't understand that, and she will ask that later to her spirit familiar.

'Wh-what the heck is that earlier?! Did I find that woman… attractive…? I mean, yeah, she is definitely the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life, and she is indeed attractive, but… did my heart flutter?! Did I somehow have little thought of being her bride?!'

Gin has her cheeks flushed so bad. Despite still in elementary school, she mostly understands love other than being a tomboy who focused on heroic things. Though she didn't expect someone of the same gender capable of letting her has that kind of thought.

And the last one is the calmest person in the group. It's La Folia, but despite her calm and relaxed attitude, she was still curious and confused at that sudden feeling of warmness and comfortableness. She felt the moment her eyes landed on Eleonora's whole appearance.

'Did I…? Seems like I felt that and did something… strange. The moment my gaze landed on her, I suddenly felt that kind of feeling. I didn't detect anything unusual or wrong about her, but… this is a kind of unexpected event for me, and that affects not only me but also them too.'

She thought of that while glancing at her acquaintance of the same group and victim of the strange phenomenon that brought them to this world from their original worlds. They already familiarised themselves with this world for a month and did it very well without significant issues.

As Eleonora out of the portal, she was followed by other people who came after her. It's her lovers from Tortus and seeing that made Theodore whistle. At the same time, Yuuka has a blissful expression imprinted on her face, and Merlin only shows his signature smile as he already knows that someone like Eleonora is destined to have multiple lovers like that, and he doesn't find it weird.

Since Eleonora is beyond King Arthur and potentially capable of becoming someone far more incredible than right now.

The young bluenette who noticed that just laughing awkwardly at the familiar scene right now. Eleonora already knew what would happen later if they stayed with her for longer, though she still didn't understand who are they and her father then answered her question.

"They are… how I put it…."

Eleonora's eyebrows rose at that.

"What do you mean about that, Dad?"

Letting out a cough, Theodore then answered his daughter's question again since she felt that the answer she got from her father was unclear, and the father of her understood that.

"They are someone from another world… too. You knew about the concept of the multiverse, right Elly?"

Eleonora simply nod.

"Yes, but which one? The one that always presents in fiction or real-life theory? I mean, even nowadays, any scientist still cannot figure out the truth of the multiverse, if that exists or not. Though I doubt that will remain unclear since another world exists right now because of the 'Awakened' and many things regarded that.'

Theodore nodded twice and smiled at his daughter, who came up with such a thought.

"That's right! That one, the fictional multiverse theory that is always used in most fictional stories and… these girls are from each world, but the detail… I'd like to let them tell you. Though if you recognize some of them from somewhere, then without a doubt you will realize it sooner or later by yourself."

"Hm… okay, and thanks for welcoming us, Dad."

Eleonora smiled at her father gratefully while Theodore just shook his head at that and huffed good-naturedly. He doesn't need thank you from his daughter and is always happy to do things like this since he loves Eleonora so much, and not only him but his wife also has the same thought about that.

"Don't mention it; that was nothing, and of course, as your father, I will always do such things to you."

He told her with a big smile. His wife nodded her head twice and acknowledged what he said, and so is Merlin, the Servant of Theodore; he also understands what the father feels about his own daughter; they didn't need anything special but only needed to see their child happines.

"So, don't hold back of anything!"

"Erm… maybe someday, and since I'm back, then I also have to greet my guests too."

She looked over the four girls who blinked at the mention of that by Eleonora. Emilia and Gin felt tense; they gulped down and tried to behave politely while Liese and La Folia tried to calm themselves.

Unlike the princess of Aldegyr, the long flowing blonde-haired twin-tail girl reverts to being her usual self which is confident and playful without the seductive trait since she is not stupid enough to behave like that.

Although she became confident and playful, Liese still did not forget to behave politely and knew the good manner to show at someone who seems the daughter of the man who treated them very well while they currently live in this world.

Putting on a friendly smile, Eleonora greets the four girls in a good-natured manner.

"Hi! Nice to meet you. My name is Eleonora Pendragon, and the daughter of Theodore Pendragon–my Dad–and Yotsuba Yuuka–my Mom while also the disciple of the Magus of Flowers, which is Merlin-sensei. I hope my family was treating you all well."

She said that while slightly bowing politely. Once again, those girls have their cheeks flushed and feel hot, seeing how polite yet dazzling also gorgeous the young woman in front of them who currently introduce herself.

Eleonora's harem from Tortus, who sees that, just grinned, so is her family and teacher. They find it amusing to watch and funny to the boot. But then they have recovered and snapped back again before giving the response that Eleonora should get from them.

The first one who did it was the confident and playful girl who was one of the Demon Lord Candidate and one of the members of Trinity Seven from her world. Flashing with her signature smile and tone, she answered.

"Nice to meet you too. My name is Lieselotte Sherlock and no problem about that, you know. Your family has been treating us quite… no, maybe too well if I can say it? Especially your mother."

Pink dust was shown on Yuuka's cheeks as she heard that from Liese, causing Eleonora to let out small chuckle as she nodded in understanding about that. She feels a bit embarrassed yet somehow feels proud too at the honest words of Liese.

"Is that so? Then thank you and forgive my Mom, she didn't mean it bad honestly and nice to meet you too, Lieselotte-san."

"It's okay, and I understand that also; please just call me Liese. I have just said what I feel towards your Mom. She is a good mom."

Eleonora agreed to that and smiled gratefully.

"Yes, she is really a good mom, and I'm proud of her!"

She is really proud to have Mom like her and really grateful for everything she did for her. This moment is really wholesome and causes everyone hearts who are present to be melt of the warmness they saw right now.

But then, with an awkward cough, Yuuka, who was recovered from her embarrassment and is proud of her daughter, gains the attention of everyone until she says something to them.

"Ahem. Please continue it, everyone. I felt it would be taking a long time if we didn't do it quickly."

Silent fills the whole room, and they are quiet for a moment before laughing together at that. Yuuka has her cheeks pout a bit because of that, and Eleonora nods her head as she understands what her mother means about what she said.

"Alright, alright. As Mom said, we should do it quickly and have fun after that."

They nod their heads together, and the next one is La Folia Rivahein, the princess of Aldegyr. The beautiful young girl with pale skin and silver hip-length hair has bangs hanging over her face where it mostly hangs over on the right side and clear sky-blue eyes; she then spoke politely, which is maybe too polite and put on her friendly smile.

"Pleased to meet you too, Eleonora-san. My name is La Folia Rihavein, and the princess of Aldegyr Kingdom, a small Northern European nation on the coast of the Baltic Sea. Your parents kindly shelter us who are stranded from our original world after coming in this world and thus far has been taken great care of us."

"Nice to meet you too, La Folia-san and you are a princess? That's a shock."

The girls behind Eleonora that came from Tortus showed differents kinds of expressions on their faces. Yue, Shea and Liliana snorted, Remia, Luluaria, and Tio giggling at that while Shizuku laughed awkwardly heard that. They did that because Eleonora was somehow shocked just because she knew one of her guests was a princess while she had already met an actual princess. Eleonora was actually a princess, too, until she became the king of the Heiligh Kingdom.

La Folia just do a simple, polite nod to Eleonora and bit confused seeing the reactions from the group of girls behind Eleonora though she will leave it later since she's not that curious.

"Yes, I am genuinely princess, although my kingdom area can be said small since we are located on the coast of the Baltic Sea. It's not much like any kingdom out there who has a large area that surpasses us, but we still can be considered a kingdom despite its size."

"But that's still amazing to still have a kingdom. Small or not, I'm still amazed by that, and the kingdom has a beautiful princess like you. Your kingdom must be blessed with that."

La Folia suddenly has her cheeks turned red with embarrassment at the compliment that given by Eleonora. Although not only embarrassed, she also felt thrilled by that. Eleonora's lovers of Tortus, her parents, and Merlin have a smug smile on their faces when the young bluenette compliments the silver-haired princess with her honest words and charming smile.

'My heart be like that again… did I really felt happy at her compliment? Did she have any ulterior motive? No, I didn't sense that, but only honest words that came out of her. But since I feel this feeling again, I think I may begin to be attracted to her.'

She smiled happily when having that kind of thought inside her mind. She knew that Eleonora didn't harm her or anything with what she said, and that's why La Folia felt overjoyed as her heart was fluttering with happiness.

"Thank you very much, Eleonora-san. Your words are truly appreciated, and the people of my kingdom, when they hear it, will be absolutely grateful by that."

"No problem, I'm just honest with that and don't see anything wrong with it."

La Folia just chuckle at that and simply nod since Eleonora seems unaware of how what she says affects people around her. Though the silver-haired princess only assumes that the effect only the good part rather than bad, she might be wrong since she doesn't know the bluenette that well; although she hopes that both can have a good relationship later.

While two of them are done with their introduction, the next is a young half-elf woman with silver hair and purple-blue eyes. She seemed nervous, but someone could see the determination within her eyes; she lifted her head and puffed out her chest with the slight cheer sound of the floating spirit beside her to boost her confidence.

Eleonora, who turned her attention, looked at the beautiful half-elf and knew that Emilia immediately spoke with a bit of nervousness and messed up her voice a bit.

"N-Nice to meet you! I'm Emilia and half-elf! Thank you for taking good care of me."

The young bluenette sweatdropped a bit but giggled after that.

"It's not me who housing you but thank you for the kind words. You should tell that to my parents, though."

Emilia's face immediately turned out red like boiling crab and filled with embarrassment because of what she said. Still, she just nodded at Eleonora's words so she could correct her mistake after that so she wouldn't make it again in the future.

"Also, half-elf... that's so amazing. I have yet to see an elf even when going to another world if my memory serves right. Tortus don't have an elf, right?"

She turned away to the resident of Tortus, and they gave her shook of their heads as Yue said something to her.

"Hn. Actually, there is exist elf."

Yue said that with the agreed nod from Shea.

"Yes, Eleonora-san! I kind of remember that there are elves around my tribe."

"Shea-san's right, Eleonora-sama. As far as I knew, there are exist elves inhabitant anywhere around the Tortus. I have lived for 500 years and explored most places in my world, so I know about it. Maybe it's because you don't have the chance to see it."

Eleonora was saddened when she heard that fact from her lovers. She felt dejected and had to accept that for now. Although she could do anything regarding that, she wanted to let it be like that for a moment before she decided and determined to do it.

"Is that so…? That's quite a sad for me… well, maybe when I have the chance, then I will able to find them."

She sighed but then remembered that she somehow ignored the half-elf who was introducing herself to Eleonora, which caused the young bluenette to apologize to her for doing such a thing.

"Ah! Sorry about that, Emilia-san. I feel ashamed to briefly ignore you like that."

Panicked a bit, Emilia waves her hands to Eleonora, signalling her not to worry about that.

"Th-that's fine, Eleonora-san! You don't have to apologize like that and feels sorry."

Eleonora blinked, and what the silver-haired half-elf earns her dazzling smile of the young bluenette.

"Really? Thank you so much for that, and you're really kind like some sort of angel, Emilia-san."

What she said caused Emilia's cheeks to redden, and she goes blushed. She feels happy, and her heart begins to flutter because of that and Puck, who was floating around her shoulder, somehow has the approval look seeing his 'daughter' looks like that.

'Theodore's daughter seems a good match with Lia as a couple. Well, since Lia doesn't know anything about romantic love, this might be hard for Eleonora to conquer Lia's heart and claim her. Still, I'll root for their relationship if they were somewhat ended up together as a couple.'

"A-Ah! Please, Minowa-san! You can have your turn!"

Emilia said that with stuttering in her voice and trying to shove the last girl of her group to introduce herself to Eleonora. Though she politely did that and not be so rude, which makes the short, grey-haired girl have an 'unbelievable' expression on her face, she has no choice but to introduce herself to Eleonora.

The young bluenette instead giggles at the adorable scene she currently witnesses right now.

Trying to calm herself, Gin cleared her throat and coughed before introducing herself to the daughter of the people who had been housing them for a month since they've come to this world. She tried to wear her confident smile.

"H-Hello, Eleonora-san. My name is Minowa Gin, and I am a sixth-year elementary school of Shinju-kan Elementary School! Nice to meet you!"

With loud and energetic yet somewhat still able to be polite, Gin finished her introduction to Eleonora and made the young chairman giggle because she found it quite funny, but she simply nodded to respond.

"Nice to meet you too, Gin-san. But elementary student… what a surprise. Although it's no need for me to say this since my parents already approved it but pleased to have you on our house."

She bowed slightly at them, and they nodded their heads to Eleonora before they heard what Theodore said and the sounds of clapping hands from him.

"Alright, alright. Let's have our party and fun while at it. Although it's simple, enjoy yourself and don't hold back at that. Isn't that right, Elly?"

He grinned at his daughter, who agreed with him and gave her father a nod of her head.

"Of course, Dad. Come on, everyone, please enjoy yourself, and you don't have to hesitate."

She said to everyone. They then began to enjoy the welcoming party and have fun with it. The girls who think about this use this opportunity to get closes to each member of Pendragon's family. Eleonora's lovers from Tortus have this chance to know about their parents-in-law while the four girls from different worlds try to deepen their relationship with Eleonora and get known of her instead.

Meanwhile, the great Magus of Flowers has himself distanced from everyone and just sits on the couch while holding his hand on a glass of orange juice. Merlin was thinking of his feelings to Eleonora, who returned after a long journey and adventure of another world that lasted for a month.

'Eleonora has grown so much in such a short time which is frightening yet amazing. I can feel some divinity within her body. Did she gain that somehow when in another world? Also, I can tell that she has seventy percent of divinity and is close to godhood. She will soon become a god.'

He sipped the drink while that thought crossed his mind.

'Also regarding Master's body… looks like we have no choice but to tell her about it. This is for the good of Master anyway, and since they are a heartwarming and happy family, it will be saddened to see one of them die. Especially Master's wife and his daughter.'

He stopped for a moment and sighed. That will be one of the most challenging choices his Master makes since he knows that Theodore doesn't want to make people close to him badly worried if they decide to reveal his weak condition that worsens over time.

Although Merlin assumes that his disciple won't be mad about that. Upset, yes, but not to the extreme level, and she might try to find any way to cure Theodore's curse and lift that up; she might even try to make him immortal or sort of since she is that kind of person.

Indeed. Eleonora would want to ensure all she cares about stays with her forever, even if she has to turn them into immortal so they won't worry about the dead. Still, Eleonora also knew that she could not force them to act according to what she wanted.

She is kind to her beloved and cruel to her enemies or people who have the potential to be her enemies precisely.

'Seems I have to consult this to Master right now, and luckily with everyone seems distracted by the party, I can have some secret small talk with him and his wife if possible. We can't just drop the bomb on Eleonora like that without good and proper discussion.'

After emptying his cup, Merlin, who finds an opportunity that Theodore and Yuuka currently alone together without the Tortus' girls group that Eleonora brought with them, immediately approach them.

"Master, Mistress—excuse me for a moment."

Theodore and Yuuka were startled at that.

"Goddamn! Merlin, what the hell do you want? Don't scare us like that, geez."

"Dear, don't be too hard on Merlin-san, and what is this, Merlin-san? Is there something you need?"

The Magus of Flowers simply nods at Yuuka question to confirm that.

"Yes, Mistress. This is… serious business if I might have to say."

"…Really? What kind of business?"

"It is related to the curse you bear, Master. I think… we should tell Eleonora about this in case she might have the chance to lift or remove that."

The blonde spiky-haired man frowned, and that's clear he is currently upset hearing what Merlin said about that. His wife, the beautiful woman with short blue hair and light blue eyes, shows some interest, yet she is still concerned about her husband since she can see the obviousness of his expression's right now.

"Merlin, don't use my daughter like that. It's up to her whether she wants to or not. My problem isn't her problem too, and this is something I am burdened also I am aware of it. Although that's true, I was hoping for the way to remove this shitty curse—but there is still 2 years left before the times up."

He feels the comfort of his wife on the shoulder. That makes him calmer for a second, and his expression somewhat soften.

"I agree that we should tell her about this matter, and since she's sharp enough to notice every single detail, it won't take a long time before she noticed it by herself. But… but I won't force Elly to lift my curse. She can take her time all she wants before coming up with that decision. All clear?"

"Fufu, I believe it is, dear."

Merlin sighed and showed his tired smile.

"Crystal clear, Master. I won't force my favorite disciple to do that without her own accord."

"Good, then let's enjoy the party before it's over."