Eleonora and the four girls

After the welcoming party has ended, Eleonora and the four girls move away from the current place to another since they have something to discuss with the young bluenette. About the possibility of returning to their world and maybe solving the lingering problem they had.

Though the only ones who have that real problem are only Liese, Gin, and La Folia. Emilia doesn't have any significant problem since she decided to live in this world because the young half-elf liked the world she was currently residing in after staying for a month.

She loves the way they don't show any discrimination to other races asides from humans. Yet, she still somehow saddened that humans create a conflict with each other were primarily because of such stupid reasons.

It's also because she already knew the truth of her origin from the light novel she reads.

Emilia doesn't have to worry about returning and threw her desire to be involved with the Royal Election. Emilia already knew that her life would be dangerous if she continued to do it even after knowing the truth.

Although she would be lying if there is no guilt or some problem she wants to solve back in her home. She did have, but maybe when the young half-elf still has the chance and time to relax and enjoy anything that this world gives to her, she wouldn't miss this and maybe give serious thought about going back to her own world.

The spirit that has a contract with her noticed the behavior of Emilia and can conclude at one thing: his 'daughter' shown interest in this world after experiencing to live here for a month and going to many places she can go.

'Seems Lia deeply attached to this world because of how many things she can discover, and most are considered new to her. The civilization is also a hundred times better than our world has and definitely better in every aspect except the discrimination and racism still exists nowadays in this world.'

He shakes his head and gives up when thinking about it again.

'Well, since Lia wants it, then I won't try to stop her, and after realizing the harsh truth she received and witness it herself, I think that's normal for her to choose this world rather than her previous one since that world only offers her dangers and threats all over the place. So far, this world only shows her kindness and warm welcome and greeting; she also has no worries about hiding herself from humans.'

Even Puck cannot deny that Eleonora's world offers them better treatment than their own and how kind people around the young bluenette, especially since Emilia has received kindness from the Pendragon family. All more reasons for her staying and living in this world also became the permanent resident if possible.

After heading to another room that the house has, which is empty, they arrived and entered it before Eleonora gave them permission to sit after offering them some chairs to sit on. Seeing the girls sitting on the chair, she then snaps her fingers to cast [Soundproof] over the room so people outside won't hear anything inside the room.

"Good, that will do, and now... would you kindly tell me what you all want from me? Dad already told me the gist and all, but hearing it directly from you would be wise and give me the clear answers."

They went silent for a moment and looked at each other before nodding their head together and looking at Eleonora. The first one who speaks is Gin, the youngest girl out of the four girls and elementary students and becomes a hero to save the world from the brink of destruction.

"I want to go home and see my friends and family again! I don't know how long it has happened since then, but… I hope it was not that long. My parents and siblings… I don't know what kind of faces they have when they know that I'm dead while doing my job as a hero to protect humankind from Vertex."

Gin said that with a hint of sadness in her tone. No, it's clearly apparent, and she has a longing expression imprinted on her face while saying that. She tried not to sound obvious, but Eleonora can catch it pretty quickly since she's sharp at this.

"So if possible… please, take me back to my world. Theodore-san… said that his daughter may have the solution for this, and… even if it takes months or probably years, I'm okay with it—no, even if I am not allowed to be together with them again, then I'm okay with seeing them from afar."

Eleonora was quiet for a moment before speaking.

"…I see. You really want it, right Gin-san?"

The grey-haired young girl could only nod at that question as to the response. Eleonora sighed lightly and understood that she could and would allow Gin to go back to her home so she would meet anyone precious to her since she made it sounds serious.

"Alright, Gin-san. That is possible. I will send you back home…."

Gin beamed happily when she heard this, but before continuing that kind of thought, Eleonora finished what she said.

"But since I have just come back from another world, that would likely have to postpone for a moment. You must understand this since right now I have some things to do too, and don't worry about me that will forget about it; I won't."

"…Is that so?"

She dejected a little and looked down, only getting a simple nod from Eleonora. The grey-haired young girl continued what she said to Eleonora.

"Then I have no choice but to wait. But still… thanks for agreeing with that selfish request of mine, Eleonora-san!"

She expressed her thanks to Eleonora with a polite bow and energetic voice. The young bluenette just grinned happily and nodded her head to the grey-haired young girl about that; she gladly accepted the wholeheartedly thanks from Minowa Gin.

"It's okay, Gin-san, and I am sorry for delaying your meet with your family and friends out there."

Of course, Eleonora feels a bit guilty for delaying her leaving and wants to meet again with precious people she loved and cared about. But Gin, who knows about it, then understand since she can't always be selfish; moreover, Eleonora is probably the only person capable of sending her back home.

Liese, who saw this, caused herself to rethink her decision and request to send her back home again. She also reconsider the possibility that she might be still trapped in the time dimension of her own, although the twin tail girl can use or find any loophole through it; since her Final Technique also has its own weakness and is nowhere near perfect.

'Looks like I have to wait until Eleonora-san has the time for it. Forcing her will bring me no good, and there is still an unknown factor if I succeed in going back home. For example, would I still be trapped in my own time dimension or break free from there? That's the biggest question of it despite I probably can find any loophole to bypass for a while.'

Liese sighed mentally when her mind finished thinking about the possibility of it. Looks like she has no choice but to spend her time further in this world and maybe give some solution to Eleonora since she is the only one who can send her back.

Although it sounds like she is just using the young bluenette for her own gain and feels cruel, she can't be blamed since it's not only her who want to meet with people they are cared about. She also worried about Selina's safety and well-being back home; she knew that Arata and the Trinity Seven would keep her safe, but she cannot help but feel like that as an older sister.

'Besides… that does not only apply to me. Gin also wants to meet with her family and friends hurriedly, Emilia-san and La Folia-san maybe the same.'

That is what she assumed but turned out wrong. Emilia and La Folia don't intend to go back to their home, although the silver-haired princess seems complicated since she still has some families back home and wants to say goodbye or bring them with her if possible.

Eleonora then stared at Liese, and the twin tail girl noticed that as she spoke.

"It seems I have no choice but to have wait for a while, and it's fair since from what Theodore-san said, only you who capable of using magic at that level, Eleonora-san. I'm not that hurried like Gin, but there is nothing wrong with worried and questioning what our beloved people in our own world doing, right?"

"Of course. It's not like I am saying that the people who didn't care about their family and friends back home are heartless…."

Emilia and La Folia winced a bit at that mention before Eleonora continued.

"…but sometimes they don't have a good life or history with their beloved in back home. Also, it's their choice, not ours or their family nor friends. We can't judge it by our own standard or justice, though if the person is somewhat too annoying to you, then it's okay to solve it on your way."

The four girls sweatdropped when they heard the latter from Eleonora, who said it with her beautiful smile as if she was not wrong or didn't care that much about it. But what she said is somewhat true since sometimes, when you find people too annoying for you, you have no choice but to shut them up by yourself.

After saying that, Eleonora's eyes landed on Emilia and La Folia.

"Okay then, how about you—Emilia-san, La Folia-san? Have you come to your decision about this matters?"

They went silent for a bit before staring at each other and nodding as the young half-elf spoke about these matters.

"Yes, Eleonora-san. Please, I want to live here. I don't want to go back to my world."

What she said shocked Gin and Liese while Eleonora was surprised, but she maintained her calm face and asked the young half-elf what she said. She is trying to confirm whether what Emilia told her is valid and whether it's serious or not.

"…Emilia-san. Forgive me if I'm prying and a bit curious. Why would you decide to live in this world rather than going back to your own world?"

Being asked like that made Emilia remember the reason, actually she has many reasons, but the biggest one is due when she learned about her origin from Theodore and Risa. But after discussing with Puck, she was decided to live her new life here and not reveal the reasons for the time being to Eleonora; it's not like she didn't trust her but she wants to ignore that for a moment until she tells her about it.

The sadness was evident on the half-elf's face; she looked down with that kind of expression adorn her beautiful and cute face. But Emilia knew it was considered rude if she didn't respond to that question, so she just answered it at her best.

"The reason… I am sorry for that, Eleonora-san, but I cannot tell you about it right now. But all I want right now just want to live my new life in here."

Eleonora was quiet for a second, and Emilia became suddenly nervous at that, but the young chairman nodded her head with her friendly smile on her lips.

"That's okay. I suppose you have your own reason to not disclose it right now. I don't want to force you, but if you are ready to tell me, then I'll be happy to hear it out."

Emilia's face was beaming happily when hearing that from Eleonora. She nodded quickly as she was glad that the young bluenette was a very considerate and understanding person. She also hopes the two can become friends since the young half-elf felt comfortable around Eleonora for some reason.

As if Eleonora is loved by nature, spirits, and magic itself, which is not wrong that she is like that. Emilia is excited to be a friend with someone so kind and beautiful, like Eleonora. Moreover, she has many lovers and is loved by everyone around her; they are also happy when around Eleonora, which makes the young half-elf more convinced that she isn't wrong to choose the young chairman as her friend.

'Eleonora-san is really someone who is loved by everyone! Even by nature, spirits, and magic. I don't know if she is also loved by gods since I don't have any connection or ways to know about that, but I'm absolutely sure she also be loved by them too!'

She thought with a confident and happy smile over her face. Although what she thinks is not wrong, her confidence is quite amazing to the point she can guess is correctly despite Emilia herself being unaware of that.

"Thank you, Eleonora-san! I'm very sorry that I can't say the reasons just yet…."

Eleonora waved her hands off to Emilia, flashing a beautiful smile of hers that caused the half-elf girl to have her cheeks blushed as she was enthralled by that alone. She was stunned for a few seconds before snapped back to reality and back to normal; the young half-elf who realized that then looked down with embarrassment all over her face.

The young bluenette just amused at that and answered.

"Please, don't worry about it, Emilia-san. I'm just glad then that's we can see each other often and maybe become a friend."

The silver-haired half-elf has her cheeks blushed even more than before when she hears that Eleonora is glad she can see her often because Emilia chooses to stay in this world permanently if possible.

She doesn't plan to go back to her world since she has nothing over there to be worried about.

Sure, she might have to miss the Royal Selection of Lugnica. Still, she does that because Emilia wants equal treats among the races so all races can live together in harmony, but since she came to Eleonora's world, she discarded that kind of thought and plan.

Puck, who stayed beside her, just shook his head in disbelief and sighed with a small smile.

'Geez, Lia already made her decision, and it's not like a bad plan to live in this world. After all, our eyes opened to that kind of truth, and she finally can be freed from her burden. She can be free and do whatever she wants in this world. To her, this world may be her ideal and utopia.'

After the decision of Emilia, along with Gin and Liese, the remaining person is only La Folia. Eleonora's eyes glanced at the silver-haired princess, who seemed already made her decision about this. Although it's just a guess, the young bluenette thinks that La Folia would choose to return to her world since she is a princess yet when she saw the kind of expression she wears; Eleonora comes up with the thought that La Folia has something different set on her mind.

La Folia is aware that Eleonora noticed her expression, but she should say it to her to be clear.

"For me, I have the same reason with Emilia-san. Although what I choose might cause some serious things at my home, I also wish to live here. If possible, I want to give my farewell to my family back home and tell them about this too beforehand."

All of them flinched and were surprised by that kind of decision she took since that's meant she would leave her family forever if La Folia decided to live in here and possibly forever. Then that also means that she also discarded her royal rights and name to become an ordinary girl.

Despite she can clearly see it, Eleonora is still surprised by that fact. She was sighing and nodding at La Folia before scratching her cheeks. Since the princess said it by herself, Eleonora has to respect her decision and fulfill her wish. She might have to wait, but the silver-haired princess already knew that and was okay with it.

"If that's your choice, then I will respect it, and of course, you will be able to tell your family and friends. This will not be one-time-only, but if you want, then you can visit your family as you can in the future."

La Folia blinked and flashed a small smile on her lips hearing that.

"I see. Then thank you so much for it, Eleonora-san. Although I'm planning to live in here permanently, since you offers me that, then I would gladly accept it."

She said that with a wink from her eyes to Eleonora and caused the young bluenette stunned as well laugh awkwardly. La Folia teased Eleonora a little when the young chairman said that to her, which the silver-haired princess feels thankful for that generous offer.

The three girls didn't know why but felt jealous that La Folia was doing that to Eleonora. Liese, with a sharp glare, Gin and Emilia were pouting cutely at the silver-haired princess of Aldegyr. The silver-haired princess noticed that and just giggled, seeing their reactions, and it's funny to her.

Eleonora once again laughs awkwardly, seeing Liese, Gin, and Emilia's reactions to La Folia. She was sighing tiredly, not physically but mentally she is pretty tired of seeing this, but it cannot be helped.

'Looks like I will have more responsibility for them later in the future.'


A little girl with light purple eyes and a matching shade of hair currently has her cheeks puffed. She's pouting because upset about something. Her friend, a girl with emerald eyes and light brown hair about waist length, sighed, seeing Neptune's behaviour right now. Even her other friend and little sister can only laugh awkwardly seeing it.

"Cut it out, Neptune. That can't be helped, right? She said that she doesn't have the time enough to visit the whole Gamindustri or even Planeptune. Look, Eleonora-san even promise you again and don't be upset just because of this."

She was trying to reason the CPU of Planeptune since she was always stubborn and did whatever she wanted. Neptune somehow improved herself bit by bit since she met with Eleonora and the chat group friends.

With her arms crossed and still pouting, Neptune doesn't look at IF's and say something to her.

"But Iffy—Nora said that she will definitely come and play in Planeptune after done with her business in Yuwe's world! And then… and then… she just said that she can't do it. How long I must wait for it?"

"As long as you can, and please learn to be patient. You must endure it until Eleonora-san has the time to come here. And… come on, it's not like each of their worlds has a different time flow, right? You already said that each world of your friends in the chat group was the same."


"No buts! If you keep like this, then I'll call Eleonora-san and tell her that you won't behave."

Neptune, who heard that then blinked and yelled in protest.

"Hey! Don't do that, Iffy! That was a dirty move to a cute heroine like me, you know."

"Then, don't cry all over like that."

"I am not crying!"

"Not literally… anyway, just endure it, and she will definitely visit Planeptune. I can tell that Eleonora-san is the type that will keep her promise to anyone. Especially people that she cared about, and that's including you, Neptune."

That made Neptune blush and feel happy all of a sudden. She was laughing and scratched the back of her head in embarrassment like some high school girl. IF who seen this just sweatdrop along with Compa and Nepgear behind them,

Trying to snap Neptune back, the light brown haired girl with emerald eyes let out a cough to gain her attention and say something to the light blue-haired young girl who snapped back from her little delusion.

"Ahem. Then, get back to work rather than being lazy again! Remember, I will report this to Eleonora-san if you keep ditching your works. Got that?"

IF said with a threatening tone and looked at Neptune, who shuddered in fear and bobbed her head quickly as she understood what she meant.

Since the light blue-haired young girl has a crush on Eleonora and it can be said the same with IF, Compa, Nepgear, and even Histoire—because Eleonora just had the time to briefly visit Planeptune and not the other landmasses.

The light brown-haired young girl smiled in satisfaction since she never feels something like this in her entire life against someone as annoying as Neptune, despite her friend and always tested her patience because of her personality when not transformed into Purple Heart.

"Iffy, you're cruel to Nep-Nep, you know."

Compa told that to IF, who just snorted and wore her smile.

"I should be done that if I had the chance. Neptune always makes me annoyed; sorry about this, Nepgear. I don't mean to bad mouth your sister, but with that personality of her…."

The Planeptune CPU Candidate nodded understandingly at that. What IF said is not wrong, and she cannot deny it, but she always let her older sister do whatever she wants since she's bad at dealing with her sister. Maybe it's also because she was sometimes always taking care of whatever trouble related to work against Neptune.

"I think I understand what you mean, IF-san. It has been my fault that Onee-chan always does whatever she wants without being restricted since I've always taken care of all of her needs."

"Don't blame yourself for it. Neptune has a weird aura around her that makes everyone forget about it, and we all realize it too late. We always get caught in that, always…."

She sighed while being patted on the back by Compa, who pitied her. Despite not being a follower of Purple Heart and only living in Planeptune, IF sometimes being forced to take any task related to Purple Heart, which is annoying to her.

She is a devoted follower of Green Heart, the CPU of Leanbox, not another.

"But still, it is brilliant to use Eleonora-Onee-sama to Onee-chan, IF-san."

Nepgear said that with a smile on her face. IF and Compa, who noticed that the little sister of Planeptune CPU called Eleonora by Onee-sama, is surprised. Realizing what she said, Nepgear felt embarrassed as her cheeks flushed and made IF, also Compa laugh together.

"Onee-sama, huh…"

IF said teasingly to Nepgear, who was pouting cutely right now.

"IF-san, don't tease me like that!"

"Ahahaha, sorry-sorry, but Eleonora-san really fits and is perfect to be a big sister figure. Heck, she may be the ideal figure of big sister. Rather than Neptune, I am pretty sure Eleonora-san can be your ideal big sister. Isn't that right?"

"Yes, but Onee-chan is perfect for me. We are made by the same source, after all, and for Eleonora-Onee-sama… I will rather she be someone other than a big sister for me."

Nepgear was saying that with her cheeks flushed happily.

"Well, not only you to feel that towards Eleonora-san, Nepgear. Me too."

"Iffy is right, GeGe. I also feel like that towards Eleonora-san. Nep-Nep shares the same feeling with us; that's why she was behaving like that when Iffy mentioned Eleonora-san as she was threatening Nep-Nep."

"Oi, don't make me sound bad like that."

They laughed together in a joking manner at IF, who felt like she was a bad guy for threatening Neptune like that by using Eleonora-san. But they are also aware of their feelings for Eleonora since they develop romantic feelings for her and hope that the young bluenette will visit the Gamindustri and see them again.