Feeling and Decision

Pudding Lover: "Hey, everyone! I should remind you again that the second event of our dimensional trip is about to come! And I think that we have already agreed to come to Aisu's world! Is that right?"

Sword Princess: "I'm looking forward to everyone coming here. I have already informed all of my friends about this, so don't worry about it."

The Nightmare: "I couldn't wait for the exciting things we will find there, and Neptune-san, we technically still have about two weeks left, so don't rush anyone here. We should properly use this time to prepare for anything, maybe bring something from our world. Like souvenirs and gifts."

The Golden Fox of Kyoto: "Ah! Souvenirs and gifts are nice. We should think of that since our dimensional trip might cause a bother for them. But we shouldn't bring too many. It will do us no good."

Demon Mommy: "Yes. We should bring the necessary amount to show our goodwill to make a good impression. Something like fruits, cakes, or anything. I don't think some daily supplies are appropriate. Perhaps knowledge to advance the civilization in there would be good."

King of Knight: "If I recall it correctly, @Sword Princess said that the civilization in there is already blooming in the right way. Is that right? I apologize if I'm wrong about it."

Sword Princess: "No problem, @King of Knight. You're right. The civilization here is already blooming in the right way despite the slow pace. Give it a few months or a year, everyone would surely adapt to the new lifestyle, and many inventions will appear to change the already changed world even more."

Titania The Fairy Queen: "Hmm… that is kind of interesting. Maybe I should look at the books or the 'how to' tutorial in the chat group. Changing the world to be a better one is important, after all. Fortunately, it's in digital format, and I still couldn't believe that something like this existed. This is really a world-class invention and worth to be studied."

Demon Sword Murasame: "Yeah, technology is outstanding, and the digital paper won't cost us paper too much. It will surely save the trouble of getting a lot of paper pilled up."

The Strongest Ice Queen: "Indeed. Coming from a world where civilization isn't really advanced, we will surely be amazed by this kind of discovery. Everything will make people easier at obtaining information, since from what I've learned that the modern world is filled with much information and knowledge that could be accessed easily by anyone, regarding the social classes."

Bloodsucker Black Serpent: "It shows how much influence humans have despite being the race with a short lifespan but achieved many great things. They will do anything to make themselves survive, and the results are something you can witness yourself."

I Love Onee-sama: "That's right! Human is great. While we only have a short lifespan, we will do anything to make the world or anything around us better. Ah! But don't worry, I'm not saying the other race isn't great, but each has its own charm since what I've said is based on my opinion. But if there exists a non-human race in my world, I hope to learn about them and make a good relationship too, so we would have coexisted with each other."

The Florist Succubus: "That's okay, @I Love Onee-sama! No one is offended by that here. Each race is excellent on its own, and we do have different opinions regarding it, so it's normal to think it like that. But most humans have great achievement, due to how rich the knowledge they have and some because Earth is most likely the only normal planet than others."

Eleonora True Soulmate: "Well… maybe because Earth and human are mainly used as the center of many stories. I've read some, and they tend to target Earth as the villainy act. Like in Kamen Rider or Ultraman, they tend to target Earth and claim that the planet has so many resources or so."

Queen of Sweets: "Ah. It's a common trope, so that's not weird at all. Most people in my world are ordinary and have no superpowers; they are considered fiction or not real. But it has changed. Now, some people awaken some superpowers, like magic and so on. Monsters are swarming some places; even some dungeons filled with monsters exist."

Sword Princess: "I wish I could go to your world, Eleonora, so I can help you with that monsters and lovey-dovey time with you too."

Pudding Lover: "Whoah! You're so bold, Aisu! I also want to go play with Noura in her world! I hope there is something that caught my interest, nepu! With monsters and everything there, maybe Noura and I could form a party to defeat them together!"

Queen of Sweets: "Ahem. As much as I love to do that, we should be focused on our new current goal. I still haven't done that for our last discussion about the live streaming or record video function. I'm sorry about it. I will make sure to not forget about it again."

The Nightmare: "It's okay, Eleonora-san. Nothing is your fault. You're not the admin of this chat, unlike Neptune-san."

Demon Sword Murasame: "Yeah. I can say it's the responsibility of @Pudding Lover. She should be the one who does that instead of you. You shouldn't do what other work did."

Sword Princess: "Yes, it's nep-nep's responsibility, to begin with. Don't forget about that, nep-nep."

Eleonora True Soulmate: "I bet she would dump that to others and just laze around. That's the kind of person she is, after all. I won't be surprised if she forgets that and let Eleonora does that instead."

Pudding Lover: "W-W-What?! How could you three be so cruel to the cute me like this?! I'm not forgotten about it and, in fact, about to do it! You're a jerk to your friends, nepu!"

Queen of Sweets: "Alright, alright, everyone. Please don't bully Neptune-san like that. Let's discuss this in civilized manners. But please don't bully each other so much, or it will make the mood feel weird."


A yawn was escaped from his mouth. If he truly has a physical body, anyone could notice that his eyes twitched and eyebrows rose as if he saw something. He is the chat group owner and could be considered a god within his own domain. He also favors a particular individual who catches his interest since her life and stories are fun to watch. Also, since he is a god, he couldn't directly interfere with anyone in the mortal world.

"Man, Eleonora's life is really turned out to be amazing. While that could be called slice of life in a genre, but that still amusing watching how she stole the girls of men that already have relationships. Moreover, she is futanari and Mary Sue, a perfect example of someone that couldn't be cucked or overpowered by anyone that easily."

He nods twice with pride. Eleonora is someone he liked, his favorite person, and that's why he couldn't help but give that young girl many gifts. Or more like… all of the skills are actually belong to Eleonora from the start; he just returns it. This chat group owner knows that truth when he peeks at the book containing Eleonora's information from beginning to the end in Heaven Archive. That young bluenette is destined to be a goddess or deity from the moment she is born.

Curiosity began to spark within him, and he decided to take the job of observing her life, which increased his interest in Eleonora. He began to regard her as his favorite person and couldn't wait when that young bluenette finally ascended to godhood.

"Although she will be a goddess, Eleonora still has to encounter some problem and solves it. By doing that, she will gain the respect of many people, and her charm would be off-chart. She has a mini-adventure in the world of that damned lolicon tree god named Shinju."

He sighed and couldn't help but worry about Eleonora since, after certain worlds she would visit, her journey would be more challenging than before.

"Damnit, those jealous bastards tried to make her life harder. I couldn't believe some evil gods were jealous of her and trying to increase her difficulty. I know who the ones pulling the strings are, but they didn't break the laws since they're not doing it directly. One of them is Hitogami from Mushoku Tensei. I couldn't believe it."

He shook his head and sighed in exasperation. This god knows that Hitogami and some of his jealous comrades formed a " Mortal Punisher group." They aim to eradicate and cause the life of mortals they dislike or hate to suffer.

"I just hope Eleonora gets stronger fast and solves that in the future. Everyone loves her, after all. Even in here."


Arthuria Pendragon, or Artoria, currently has internal conflict in her mind. The constant blushes on her cheeks whenever she swung her sword in the sword practice is bothering her. Even when the King of Knight did the sword practice, that didn't help her sway those feelings. Artoria's heart fluttered, and she felt joy whenever she remembered Eleonora's face and smile.

The King of Knight, also known as the King of Britain, is not always a king. She also could be behaving like an ordinary girl in her age. She did feel affection romantically towards Eleonora and felt… the familiarity feelings to the young bluenette. As if Eleonora is someone so dear to her and has an attachment to each other.

She shook her head once again to let go of that feeling and focus on the practice she did.

'Don't get distracted. Although Queen of Sweets or Eleonora-san is charming and gorgeous, she is still younger. It is inappropriate to fall in love with someone that young. But… she said that all of her lovers are older than her. Does that mean age isn't the problem here?'

Artoria was confused at that. She thought it was strange to love someone far younger than her or if their age was far apart. But the King of Knight also realized that most of Eleonora's lovers are older than her, especially Yue or Aletia that recently became Eleonora's. But Artoria will be more surprised if she learns that Eleonora has a five-hundred-year-old lover. Not to mention that young bluenette will have more lovers, which might surprise anyone even more. Eleonora will have goddesses as her lovers in the future, and they are indeed a thousand years old.

The King of Knight should be prepared if those times come.

'If age isn't the problem, then… could I have a chance…?'

She thought with the blush on her cheeks became redder than before. A smile flashed on her lips before someone called her name, causing the King of Knight to be surprised. She then turned away and saw her fellow Servant and member of the chat group.

"Rider… what is this?"

It's Rider, or her True Name is Medusa. She is a woman with long purple hair and matching eyes who wears a black polo neck top, blue jeans, and Mystic Eyes Killers that functionally as glasses. She waved her hand to Artoria and sent a small smile.

"Sorry about that, Saber. I just happened to pass by saw you practicing when I finished returning a book to the library. Hope I am not intruding on you and want to discuss something."

Hearing that, Artoria let out a sigh and calmed herself before asking the Rider known as Medusa.

"What is it?"

"Something important. Regarding our newest member of the chat group, Queen of Sweets or Eleonora-san. I couldn't help but notice something about her, although we haven't met with each other."

"I… see. I also happen to feel some familiarity with Eleonora-san. But what kind of thing you've noticed, Rider?"

"Although we haven't properly met, I harbor a love, affection, towards her. Isn't it strange?"

This caused Artoria to blush again, and Medusa just chuckled in response. The blonde king didn't expect Rider to bring up that kind of discussion between them, but what surprised her the most was that the amount of honesty came from Medusa's word. She shows a genuine feeling of love to Eleonora and has that longing face any lovers do.

"I don't know how Eleonora-san managed to make us love her, but… I couldn't say I disagree with that. I also harbor that, but… my duty as a king showed no need for that. Or more likely… I do not deserve it. A king isn't human anymore. They shouldn't be since the king is always there for their citizens."

"Then, maybe you shouldn't live yourself as a king."

Medusa replied to Artoria's word simply with a small smile, causing the King of Britain to blink and be confused. The confusion is very evident on her face, causing Medusa to let out a slight chuckle as she sees that reaction from Artoria.

The purple-haired woman then continued.

"As I was saying, if you want that feeling to stay within yourself, then you shouldn't live like a king anymore. Technically, there is also exist some version of you that wasn't a king."

"But… even if I live again as a Servant—being a King is what was destined upon me. If I cease aside my duty, then I have to let go of my trusted companion and sword, Excalibur too. Only a King and such who deserved that could wield it."

Artoria said that while looking down on the ground.

"I won't deserve it if that's happened. My citizens give me hope; the same could be said with my companion that fought alongside me. Do you… really think I should do that?"

But Medusa's response was a simple nod. This caused the blonde king to be shocked.

"Yes, you are. We are Servant, and our time was over. We don't have the right to do such things anymore and place our faith and hope on the new generations. Someone young like Eleonora-san is the one we should support for the better of the world. I believe that she would achieve greatness during her life."

"I see… placing the hope of old to the new hope. Ensuring the old legacy to be carried and won't disappear just like that. But Eleonora-san… she is really someone that I could rely on, and believing her is something isn't strange."

The purple-haired woman who wears glasses nods as she agrees with the blonde King of Britain. Artoria flashed a small and warm smile on her face when she thought of that deep within her heart. Her cheeks have a hint of red within them when she has a slight reminiscence of Eleonora.

'I think I should rest my duty as a King for once and be a normal woman.'


Emilia's heart was fluttering, and the blushes on her cheeks were so apparent that anyone would instantly notice it. She doesn't know why but someone she loves romantically was currently asked the half-elf to go out with her for something, or instead, it is just a date between them. Even her familiar pet just smiled widely and waved off a white handkerchief to congratulate the chance Emilia got right now.

Moreover, Eleonora and Emilia hold each other hands, which increases the blushes of excitement from the silver-haired half-elf. It is a different feeling of holding hands when she has her mother or anyone from her family.

From what she knew, Eleonora hinted that today's going out is more like a date than just a simple outing with friends. Of course, Emilia immediately accepted it without hesitation and second thought since she was in the joys of what she expected.

Emilia even wears a new outfit for this rare occasion. The half-elf has a white-round beret on her head, a white sleeveless shirt over the black one, a pink jacket, a brown chess-tyled skirt, and a black pantyhose.

While Eleonora wears a black camisole that exposes her navel and shoulders with blue jeans. Despite the weather, she could endure it thanks to one of her spells, so she doesn't need to wear any jacket like Emilia.

'I and Eleonora-san in a… d-date…? Gin-san and everyone told me what kind of thing a date is, but to think it is something like this…! Something that only is done with people who have affection or interest towards each other…!'

She looked on the ground since Emilia couldn't lift her head and maintain eye contact with Eleonora due to the embarrassment and excitement she currently has within her. But Eleonora noticed that and just sent Emilia her charming smile, causing the poor half-elf to almost faint due to the damage caused by that unfair smile alone.

"Emilia-san, don't be nervous, and please relax. Today is the day we have a date, and I want to know more about you. If you dislike it, it's okay to cancel it. I don't want you to have a bad condition on your first date, after all."

Hearing that made Emilia panic slightly and shake her head quickly to deny it.

"No, no…! I am happy with it, Eleonora-san. It's just… my first time to experience something like this. I have never fallen in love romantically with someone since I have focused on my task and heritage that won't let me have friends. But… hearing that you also share the same feeling with me, I really am glad to put my feeling to you, Eleonora-san."

The kind and innocent smile of Emilia adorned her face when saying that. Eleonora also smiled when her date partner for today felt that, since the young bluenette indeed felt some affection and attraction to Emilia. It would be lying if she did not begin to love Emilia.

"I may have a lot or if not many lovers, but I promise you that I won't forget about any of you. I also genuinely love everyone, even though some people would deny that and claim it is impossible to love so many people and regards them as my lovers—I won't do the same."

Emilia chuckled and nodded understandingly at that.

"I know that, Eleonora-san. Without a doubt that you won't do things like that to us, that's why I and everyone trust you, even though we have just known each other for a few days. My feeling is proof of that. Since feeling is not bound by time, we won't know how it is going."

"…Emilia-san, I think that kind of wrong, since feeling indeed bound by time. I mean, some people may not feel like before and changed, but it is also true there's also a case when their feelings won't get swayed and stay the same through time."

Emilia tilts her head cutely in confusion as she has no idea something like that really happened. Seeing the half-elf like that made the young bluenette hold back the urge to say that she is cute, and the sweetness really hit Eleonora so hard.

"Eh…? Is that so, Eleonora-san?"

Eleonora only nods in response as she tries to compose herself to the best of her behavior. She doesn't want to let Emilia notice that since the half-elf is easily embarrassed about this kind of thing. Because if Eleonora thinks about it again, Emilia would really fit to be put on the same group of Hotaru, Sonoka, Chiyuki, and Kaori; they shared the same similarities since five of them could be kind and innocent at the same time.

"Indeed. But I'm not saying that to make you sad or anything since this always happens… though one of the reasons they were not compatible with each other. If they were already in good synch and compatible, then a problem like that won't happen or not something to be feared."

"I see, then it wouldn't happen to us. I genuinely l-love you, Eleonora-san. I-I also sure the others think the same, even Gin-san, Liese-san, and La Folia-san; they must be in love with you too. Although for La Folia-san is a bit hard to notice since she seems able to hide it."

"Well… I also feel some attraction towards Gin-san, Liese-san, and La Folia-san, but I won't force them to confess their feelings since that will be a wrong move. Until the time comes, I will answer their feelings and hope things will get better."

Eleonora says that while looking up at the sky and continues.

"From what I've known, Liese-san is still in conflict about her feeling to me. It seems she harbors another affection to someone, possibly from her world, and if I mentioned her love to me, it would seem I forced her to choose who she loves more. For Gin-san, she is still unsure since that kind of feeling is alien to her, much the same as you, Emilia-san."

This caused the silver-haired half-elf to pout, but the pout is cute and made Eleonora laugh wholeheartedly, but then she continued what she said to Emilia. The half-elf was still curious about it.

"And lastly, La Folia-san. She is smart enough to hide her feeling, but I can also tell something that made La Folia-san think so hard about it. She is a princess, and her choice determines her very future. It must weigh La Folia-san so much, so until their problem is solved, things like that should be held for a moment."

"Mhm! You're right, Eleonora-san. I will also be like that if I succeed in being a ruler or king in Lugnica. Being trusted with a big and important position always made someone like that. But I also find that some people are okay and calm when carrying huge responsibilities. You're one of those people, Eleonora-san."

This made Eleonora chuckle when Emilia said that with awe and an admiring face. What the half-elf said isn't wrong since one of many reasons she can be calm when carrying such heavy responsibilities is because Eleonora is determined. She is also being helped by many people to ease the jobs or tasks.

Eleonora then put her right hand on Emilia's head and gently stroked it, causing the silver-haired half-elf to form a smile of joy as she enjoyed Eleonora's gentle stroke. It is a really heavenly feeling that Emilia has right now, as if she is really in Heaven.

"Some people built different, or it is because I have people that willingly help me whenever I need it. Some may disagree that the power of friendship is the source of most problems to be solved, but it is also couldn't be denied that it proved to be genuine."

Emilia's eyes lit up in excitement when she heard the word 'power of friendship' from Eleonora. She absolutely agreed with the young bluenette because according to her study in this world, if people band together, it will make the problem easier and quicker. It will lessen the problem and times needed for that.

"And civilization today could be achieved because of power of friendship or some people band together to make the future more developed in a good way. But the point is, we couldn't force La Folia-san, and we have to wait for it. I will surely appreciate whatever answers she will give me if La Folia-san confesses her feelings. Also, you're okay with it, Emilia-san?"

Without hesitation, Emilia nods her head twice, with a smile still maintained on her beautiful face. Eleonora felt happy when seeing the response she got from the half-elf girl about it. She even tightened the hug on Eleonora's arms even more.

"I'm okay with it, Eleonora-san! At first, I don't know the feeling of love romantically, but during my stay here and meeting you… I discover it. That's also thanks to Puck that I could understand it more clearly. I believe that this is what people called love at first sight, and that's why I genuinely love you, Eleonora-san."

While looking at Eleonora with a broad smile, she said that, and they kissed each other with a warm feeling of love within their bodies.