Date with Emilia

Emilia, the beautiful silver-haired young half-elf, had never been this happy in her whole life. She also wasn't worried about anything stressful. The feeling is truly something she will treasure, especially the experience she had for today. She is going on a date with her beloved crush, a young girl with the appearance of a beautiful woman with a perfect hourglass figure. Her name is Eleonora Pendragon.

Eleonora is a young girl with a long blue braided ponytail hairstyle that exceeds her long and beautiful legs—similar to her blue sharp and gentle-looking eyes that can pierce any woman who has contact with her eyes. Not only is her appearance is adult, but her mindset is also very mature for someone of her age. She is turned 14 years old this year and only two years again that Eleonora could legally marry all of her lovers, except for Hotaru; she has to wait for Hotaru to be at least 16 years old.

But who knows, the law might get changed during that time since Eleonora's world's current situation, and the condition is trying to adapt to the new thing.

During their date, Eleonora and Emilia held each other hands. A beautiful smile stayed on the silver-haired half-elf girl during that time, causing the young bluenette to flash a happy smile since Emilia enjoyed the moment they currently had. After all, Emilia is officially one of her lovers and is now part of her harem; it's natural for Eleonora to feel like that and concerned.

"Emilia-san, where do you want to go next? We already went to the zoo and national garden. Though, you're really liked the zoo and the animals there. You look so adorable when you have that kind of expression on your face when seeing the animals."

Eleonora let out a chuckle, making Emilia's cheeks pout cutely in response to her lover's words.

"I couldn't help it, Eleonora-san! It was so fascinating with how many animals there were. There is no such thing in my world, and many animals live in the wild. Only some animals that be used as livestock and such are docile."

A hand was on Emilia's head, and it moved to gently stroke her silver hair. Eleonora stroked her half-elf's lover's head with such gentle care and lovingly, so, of course, Emilia enjoyed the sudden act that Eleonora did to her instead of complaining since she liked it.

While still stroking Emilia's head, Eleonora continued to ask the question.

"So, where should we go next? Do you want to go to the aquarium? There are many fishes that you can see. It's the same as the zoo, but exclusive to fish since they were gathered in some kind of transparent water tanks."

Suddenly, Emilia's face beaming brightly as soon as she heard the aquarium from Eleonora. She liked animals and such, so something like this is definitely her favorite thing. Also, Emilia never had the chance to see any kind of fish back in her world, so she could learn and know a thing or two about it by visiting this aquarium.

"Yes! I want to go to an aquarium and see a lot of fish! I haven't gotten the chance to see various types of fish in my world, but I hope it will give me an opportunity here. Um… but maybe because I haven't the necessary knowledge of fish, so that's why I thought that there weren't any."

"Then, during our time going there, I will give you a quick course of lesson regarding fish and maybe other animals. I know that you don't want to be clueless when seeing the fish later, so this is the best time to quickly learn some tidbits of it."

"Yes, please! It would be beneficial to me if I've learned and know some. So I'm sorry about that, Eleonora-san, that I'm clueless and making you do something like that. Maybe if I learned more about anything in this world, it would lessen the burden you have for me."

Eleonora shakes her head and plants a kiss on Emilia's cheeks, causing the silver-haired half-elf to blush in surprise because of what her beloved bluenette did to herself. A reassuring smile that calmed Emilia was shown on Eleonora's face as the bluenette rubbed her half-elf lover's hands gently.

"Don't be silly, Emilia-san. I never thought of you to be a burden to me. All of you are never feel like a burden. If you don't know about it, I just have to teach you that and have you learned it. Everything is as simple as that, and we don't have to make it complicated."


The purple-blue eyes of Emilia stared at her lover's eyes. She is stunned and in awe of what Eleonora has said to her, causing the half-elf to form a slight beautiful smile on her face right now. Emilia nodded, letting Eleonora have a relieved expression showed.

"You should often smile like that, Emilia-san. It's beautiful and enchanting your beauty even more."

A massive blush was spreading over Emilia's face as Eleonora said that with a straight face and beautiful smile without any hesitation within. Even though she began to date Eleonora, the half-elf named Emilia is still not used to Eleonora's flirting and honest compliment about herself.

After all, she has a bit of an inferiority complex due to Emilia's similarity with Satella, the Witch of Envy, who is in her world. That's why Emilia is clueless when judging herself and sometimes shy about anything. So, knowing that, Eleonora would try to make her half-elf lover have some confidence and build up her character to be a better person.

"R-Really…? You think so?"

Eleonora nodded with complete confidence and made Emilia blush even more than before to the point she couldn't correctly face her beloved bluenette's face.

"Of course, why you won't? People who think you aren't beautiful are stupid and blind; they cannot see your beauty and radiate. You're also kind and compassionate. I won't lie that you are a bit klutz and all, but that added up the charm to you. It makes me love you even more."

"I… I never heard someone tell me that I am beautiful like that."

"It's stupid how most people in your world are afraid of someone so kind and generous like you. Not to mention you're willingly helping any people rewardless. You're also good at dealing with kids and so on. Patient, kind, generous, energetic, beautiful—don't belittle yourself, Emilia-san. It's one of many reasons why I love you."

Although the blush covers her face, Emilia is still embarrassed and can't look at Eleonora's face directly. As her beloved bluenette says, she feels happy as her heart flutters; it is overflowing with happiness. But the half-elf is trying to calm herself as the blush over her face gradually fades as the time goes before she says something to Eleonora.

"U-Um… thank you, Eleonora-san. I also love you so much. No, I really treasure the feeling of love I have for you. One of the reasons is that this is my first time feeling romantic love and attracted to someone. I just thought that I would like someone of my opposite sex, not the same-sex."

"I see… then, do you regret to love someone with the same-sex with you, Emilia-san?"

Eleonora asked with curiosity that occupied her mind and got the slight panic from Emilia that waved her hands when she heard that question from her beloved bluenette. The half-elf doesn't want that Eleonora to misunderstand what she was said.

"Of course not! I'm very grateful. You have been great in my eyes. You also showed me many things that I hadn't seen before. I'm fascinated and still couldn't believe that. It is something unbelievable for me. Falling in love with you is also one of the greatest memories I have."

The honesty of Emilia is so evident that any people would immediately notice that. She said that with a proud and warm smile across her face, while Eleonora looked at her beloved half-elf with the same expression. She saw the honesty from Emilia as she said that.

And then, Emilia continued.

"I may not be able to catch up with you since you've always advanced to another five or ten steps ahead of me, but I still want to be someone who stands beside you. I also want to be together forever with you and everyone."

She said that while leaning her head to Eleonora's shoulder and getting stroked in the head gently by the young bluenette. Eleonora nodded as she understood the meaning of Emilia's words; she could not deny it since the young bluenette always did something like that and almost looked like she was about to leave everyone behind.

"Don't worry about it. You just have to take things slow and steady; no need to rush anything. I don't mind it, but we could talk to find the solution together if you and everyone are concerned about that. How is that?"

With a beaming face, Emilia nodded at Eleonora.

"I'd love to!"


Itsuka Shidou and his friends are currently on guard and nervous since someone labeled as dangerous is right now becoming their teacher. Not to mention, that person also seems to have a close relationship with the most wanted Spirit known as Nightmare or Tokisaki Kurumi. Ratatosrk and D.E.M deemed them as dangerous beings while also somehow mistaking Kurumi's association as a Spirit as well.

Since Kurumi or Nightmare was known as S-Class Spirit, they labeled her association S-Class without thinking through. This made Esdeath Partas, Kurumi's association, laugh at the ridiculousness that those two organizations did at her indirectly like this. Even Kurumi couldn't help but let an amusing chuckle out of her lips.

"Alright, then I leave Partas-sensei to you and Partas-sensei…."

Esdeath nodded at Okamine Tamae, who was about to leave the class to the new-appointed teacher. Although the new teacher is specialized in teaching P.E, she was also appointed as a history teacher. The beautiful woman and teacher with long, light blue hair and blue eyes have already studied the history of Japan in a short time.

Even though Esdeath wasn't a bachelor and anything, she was capable of showing the skill she was learned back in her world, and somehow the principal of Raizen High School allowed her to be a teacher here. This is also shocked the former leader of Jaegers and former high-ranking generals of the Empire since she was never thought it would be this easy because she did not have any major faction or organization to back her up.

"Thank you, Okamine-sensei. So, students… since this is my first day as a teacher, we won't have a class, but free time to introduce myself to all of you. I'm hoping that we will have a good relationship for the next years."

This caused most students to cheer up as they were happy to have a free class. But Esdeath continued what she was said, much to everyone's disappointment.

"But… I will assign you some homework to do when going home. You have 3 days to finish it. Is that clear, everyone?"

The new-appointed teacher of P.E and also history teacher has a beautiful and sweet smile that could cause anyone to shudders in fear, and they were nodded in understanding when their teacher said it even Shidou's group also affected by that.

"Good, then let's start it, okay. My name is Esdeath Partas, and I am a foreigner from the Philippines. I was born there and lived as Japanese in this country. I am 22 years old this year and currently single, but there is someone who has my attention lately."

She said that with a hint of faint blush on her cheeks while her eyes were slightly looking down. The students also noticed a smile on Esdeath's lips, as if she was happy when saying that, while the students were also shocked by how blunt she admitted that.

Even if most students here believed that it's not the case for Shidou and his friends, especially Tobichii Origami, that furrowed her brows and glared at the new teacher of her class now.

'She's lying. Why would she do that? And isn't she… a Spirit? That power obviously comes from Spirit. There is no way ordinary humans could have power like that. But it is just my speculation, despite D.E.M stated that she is a Spirit.'

And then it comes the thought of Itsuka Shidou.

'O-Oh… did she was the one that Kotori warned me about? But I haven't heard anything about a Spirit older than me like that. Especially that I do not sense any Spirit's power comes from her. Did Kotori and Ratatosrk mistook it? But there is no way they did it… right?'

But then Esdeath continued.

"That's enough for now, I think. So, are there any questions?"

One of the students raised his hand, he is a teenager with swept-back spiky black hair and dark grey, nearly black eyes, and Esdeath noticed it, then she spoke while pointing her finger at him.

"Yes? What is that, Tonomachi-kun?"

"Could I be your boyfriend, Partas-sensei?!"

He said that out of loud without any hint of hesitation and rather proud with a big smile on his face as if he was confident with himself. Most of his classmates stared at him with disgust; even Shidou couldn't help but have 'are you serious?' face written on him, while one of his classmates commented about it.

"So lame…"

"Hey, leave me alone! I don't care about it."

The disgust stare became more evident when he said that. Esdeath was shocked at how brave and foolish her student proposed to her like this but let out a small chuckle in response.

"Thank you for that, Tonomachi-kun, but as I was said before… I have set my eyes on someone. I appreciate the honesty of your feeling, but I'm afraid I can't return it."

"Gahh…! Straight rejection! Uugh… n-no problem, sensei! I'm fine…!"

Tonomachi said that while pretending to be okay even though his hands clutched his heart, it's so obvious that everyone noticed it. All of his classmates, except for Kurumi, just had one think through their mind as seeing this.

'Idiot. Of course, she would reject him.'

Clearing her throat, Esdeath then spoke again as she continued it.

"Alright, are there any more questions? Feel free to ask, and I'll answer it with my best."

Another student raised her hand; it was Tobichii Origami, which caused Shidou to shock and sweat bullets as he knew what kind of person she was and the question that she would ask. But Esdeath knew her, and it's raised her curiosity.

"Then, please ask away, Tobiichi-san."

"Are you… really lived here for years? I do not recall seeing you."

"Ah, maybe it's my mistake. But I said I lived in Japan, not specifically in Tengu City. So, yes, I lived for a long time in this country but not in this city. But thank you for asking me such a question, Tobiichi-san. Alright, everyone, any questions again?"

Esdeath says and goes to another student while Origami still doubts it; she actually witnesses the woman in a fight. She was fighting some A.S.T. alongside Kurumi at that time, and there is no way Esdeath was lived in Japan for that long.

She would continue observing Esdeath even if it was against her organization's order.


"Whoa! Eleonora-san, this is amazing! Look, the fish… they were swimming together!"

The look on Emilia's face right now could be considered adorable by Eleonora and many people around. Some men and women, who watched the silver-haired half-elf, were enthralled by Emilia's charm because she is naturally elf despite being half-born. Even Eleonora approves that the beauty of her beloved half-elf girl is fantastic and makes her love Emilia more.

And coupled with Emilia's innocence and pure attitude, having some kindness and a warm personality would be more attractive. No wonder people that won't care about races or things will quickly fall in love with Emilia. The young bluenette understands that very well.

Eleonora just let out a small huff and smiled as she saw Emilia's reaction after seeing one of the aquarium tanks that had fish on it. The pure look of curiosity and excitement was evident on Emilia's face; she never went anywhere to see something like this before in her world.

'It's good that I did this on her first date. Her mood also increased and very happy right now.'

"Eleonora-san, look at this one! How come it's so different and so many of them?!"

Then, the young bluenette put her hand on the half-elf's hair and stroked it gently.

"Because many kinds of fish are being gathered here. It is most likely under the aquarium manager's order to collect many different types of fish. Some might be from one or two other regions or places. For example, one city or town may have many different types."

Emilia gasped at that fact from what Eleonora said to her. She was shocked and surprised to hear that kind of fact from her lover.

"Really?! One place could have many types of fish…?"

"That's right. Imagine if one aquarium could gather it from many places. But a small aquarium could only bring in a small quantity of fish, so we are lucky to go to a big aquarium like this. Since this place is also served as one of the attraction parts."

Indeed. Eleonora and Emilia went to a new place for their date, which is in an amusement park but not the one she manages. It is another amusement park and one of the biggest in Tokyo, since the attractions, services, fees, and everything is fantastic.

To ordinary people or one with mediocre wealth, something like this will have to wait for a while, but for the rich and Eleonora, they can do it numerous times without worrying about their own wealth. Although in the case of Eleonora, she could just buy the amusement park and be the owner, she already does that.

"But if it is collected from other countries, it will be greater in quantity. The place that is required for it also will be larger than before. Not mentioning the fees to transport it. If collected from outside of this country, we will get charged for extra."

"I see. It is issued because the country could gain money, right? They implemented an extra charge or in this case may be taxes or sort so the country or government will gain profit for it."

"That's right. Some people may find a loophole by using illegal means since they think it would significantly affect their profit. But others also choose to do it legally so they would be safe. The greedy one would seek any way to be greedier, while the discreet and smart one will choose the safe method."

"Mhm. I think it's because the one who chooses legal means already has plans to gain more profit without risking themselves like the illegal. I think it's called long-term goals. They think about the future plan rather than just hurried about the current time."

Eleonora nodded twice at Emilia and kissed her cheeks, causing the beautiful half-elf to blush in response to that. But Emilia didn't hate it, and instead, she liked the affection given by Eleonora and kissed the bluenette's cheek in return.

"Indeed. Those intelligent people were playing a long game rather than short. People like that have good patience and are not blinded by greed. It is also called investment. They don't feel afraid of a challenge and are confident of winning a big reward from it."

"I understand. That's an amazing system."

"Not at all. Everything has a flaw or two, but enough about that. How about we focus on our lovely date? We are supposed to have fun and not think anything serious or hard, after all."

"Ah! Sorry about that, Eleonora-san. I got my curiosity up and couldn't help to know about it. But, I also want to learn about other things later! Could you help me with that?"

The young bluenette nodded at her half-elf lover, causing the latter to have a beaming expression on her face. A smile was on her face and the half-elf as well.

"Of course, but it seems our lovely date gathered the attention of some people around."

"Eh?! Really?!"

With a gasp of shock, Emilia just realized that and looked around as her face became red and heated up due to its embarrassment. She could see many people looking at them with awe, and some were cooing at the scene of a beautiful lesbian couple—Eleonora and Emilia—among them.

Emilia then looked down with embarrassment while Eleonora just let out a small chuckle before leading her beloved half-elf to sightsee the whole aquarium. She wanted Emilia to fully enjoy the date, after all.

"Alright, let's just ignore them and focus on our date, Emilia-san."



After being attacked by someone, Rias Gremory and her comrades or peerage agreed to settle the minor conflict with the attacker. Though it's more likely, they were the ones who did that to that person, which is Akame. It's more on Rias and her peerage's fault than Akame's, but they still… have a hostile mood towards the black-haired assassin.

Akame is being welcomed by the only daughter of the Gremory clan in a friendly approach. Rias told her Queen to serve Akame some sweets and tea, much to Akame's satisfaction, since she liked to eat and wouldn't say no to free foods. Even though it won't make her stomach full.

Rias and her friends glanced at each other before focusing their eyes on Akame, who peacefully munched on the snacks and sometimes took a sip of the tea. The black-haired assassin seemed not scared at all around them, and the crimson-haired heiress could also feel that the woman in front of her was just a human but had overwhelming strength.

Rias' blue eyes glanced at Himejima Akeno's violet eyes. They then tried to talk via telepathy. It is something that her peerage and herself could do after the intense training.

'Akeno, what should we do? This is bad! Her power is something that humans won't possess.'

In response to that, Akeno then answered.

'I think it's your fault to recklessly attack someone we don't really know, Rias. Who knows that she could single-handily all of us like that without breaking a sweat.'

'Hey, I'm sorry! It just… happened! I acted in surprise, and my instinct was just going awry in a second after seeing her. I am frightened, okay? It's self-defense.'

As both Rias and Akeno were busily telepathing themselves, the black-haired assassin frowned up and interrupted them by saying something since it felt like she was left out and being ignored. She stopped munching the snacks.


A single word successfully caused the whole members of O.R.C. to shiver. As the leader and president, Rias braved herself and responded to Akame.

"A-Ah! Sorry for our inappropriate behavior! We didn't mean it!"

"Mhm. Then, it's okay. But let me talk about what I need with you and the reason why I'm here."

This made Rias blink and clear her throat as she went into serious mode. From the tone that Akame was used when saying that, the crimson-haired young girl knows that it is a serious matter; she would understand why someone so powerful like her to be in the town she handled.

"Yes. Please elaborate what's the reason you have to be in Kuoh. It's just… as someone that has the authority to handle Kuoh in the supernatural world, I would like to know about it."

"It is regarding the problem that a certain former devil noble who is already deceased. One of most serious cases for a certain faction."

"A certain former devil noble… if I may ask, who and what is it?"

"It's about the Neko purge. About the SS-Class criminal named Kuroka and her former master, the former head of the Naberius clan. I want you to lift her criminal status and do some investigation. This time, a truthful investigation."