The Former Hero Was Back!

After visiting many places during the date, Emilia has a widened satisfied smile. She even hummed happily and tightened the handholding on Eleonora. The beautiful silver-haired half-elf would definitely remember this as one of her memorable and important memories in her head. Their date time for today had ended since the sky was about to turn dark, so Eleonora told her half-elf lover to finish it, and Emilia agreed with her.

Despite this being the first date, Emilia can confirm this is the best date ever; moreover, her feeling toward Eleonora increased. She loves the young bluenette even more. Her affection towards Eleonora is something that couldn't be broken or indestructible. Just like Eleonora's other lovers, their love for Eleonora is also in an unbreakable state.

"It seems you've really enjoyed the date."

"Yes, Eleonora-san. Maybe this is my first date ever, but I've really enjoyed it. There was no dull moment during our date. I… I also became even closer to you. Also, my chest… this warm and strange feeling is always throbbing. My heart always flutters with you. I liked it."

She flashed a warm smile on her face, closed her eyes, and put her hand on the chest as if trying to remember her feelings during the date. Eleonora could tell that what Emilia said was genuine and honest; she wasn't lying to Eleonora. The half-elf would never do that, especially to her beloved bluenette, because Eleonora is her lover.

A chuckle can be heard from Eleonora, causing Emilia to pout, thinking that the bluenette thinks rudely about it. But the pout diminished as the half-elf felt a peck on lips done by her bluenette lover. Her cheeks were rapidly red in an instant when realizing it. She looked away in embarrassment since Emilia didn't know what response she should give.

"Thank you for that, and I honestly enjoyed the date too. About becoming closer, I also felt that. We can learn about each other even more in due time. This is just one date; we can still have another or many dates."

With enthusiasm clearly evident on her face, Emilia smiled and nodded at Eleonora.

"Of course it is, Eleonora-san! I was never bored and always happy during our date. I also found out that… kissing and handholding aren't the cause of making a baby… I don't know why but from the internet I've found, handholding is lewd and the cause of making a baby, but it turned out it's not!"

Hearing this, Eleonora could only let out an awkward laugh and sweatdrop about how innocent and misinformant Emilia was because she entirely trusted the internet. Maybe she should take some precautions to protect the innocent and pure half-elf like her.

"That's right, please don't fully trust the internet, since some of them aren't true and just made-up information some NEET writes to satisfy their delusional minds. Next time, if you want, you could ask me and everyone else in the home. Okay?"

Emilia nodded in enthusiasm as she was understood.

"I will, Eleonora-san!"


A week has passed, and the time for Eleonora, Gin, and everyone that joined this to bring back the former Hero of Taisha has come. After all, it's the promise that the young bluenette made with the grey-haired young girl. Eleonora didn't want to lie and made Gin disappointed. The former chairman of Roozlent could exactly see the nervousness coming from a young girl named Minowa Gin.

Seeing that, Eleonora grabbed Gin's hand, causing the latter to be surprised, and turned her attention to the former, who smiled reassuringly at her. Eleonora gives Gin's hand a soft squeeze while saying something to the former Hero of Taisha and Shinju.

"Gin-san, don't worry about it. Although we don't know how many times have passed in your dimension, you can go home at the very least. Let's pray that the timeline isn't that far, alright?"

A warm and gentle smile that intends to reassure her is shown on Eleonora's face, causing Gin's cheeks to heat up and let out a widened grin.

"Oh! I understand that, Eleonora-san. Thank you for the moral support. Also, my deepest gratitude to everyone who is going with me too."

Gin said that while turning around to face the said people. They shook their heads in response and smiled at Gin as if they weren't mind going together with Gin and Eleonora to explore a new dimension with their eyes.

"It's okay, Gin-chan. We are volunteering to join this, and this will be the greatest experience for me."

"Mhm. I'm agreed with what Aya-chan has said. Since it's Eleonora-san, it will feel like a camping trip. Although from what I've known, there are monsters in your world. I don't think we would take it lightly."

Ayako and Mao nodded to each other. The cheerful one is Ayako, who has already changed from her old self to a new one. She has already become stronger enough to protect everyone she cares for, especially Eleonora. She gains the confidence that she wants.

While the quiet Mao also changed into her new self. Both already become stronger than before because of Eleonora's training for them or for everyone who wants it. Both Ayako and Mao's appearances also drastically changed.

Ayako's brown hair now was tied in short and half updo-style and covered her forehead. Her figure is slim and curvy, while her breasts, which are always hidden, were shown and shocked everyone who didn't know about it since she has big breasts of E-cup. As for Mao, her long dark-brown hair was tied to a short ponytail. Her figure became well-endowed and can be called gorgeous, while she also possesses a pair of big breasts with D-cup as the size.

Those two close and best friends became gorgeous because they learned some things from Eleonora and everyone. But Mao sometimes messed with things and occasionally magic during their practice, causing weird and new experiences. She even altered her flat-chested breasts to the big ones like now.

Asides from Ayako and Mao, Chiyuki and Sonoka, joined the group. Chiyuki and Sonoka were excused from work, and being helped by the Seven Prodigies, it was handled quickly. They knew it was wrong to use the authority like that, but it's necessary to do that.

The last member is Nakamura Eri. She also had some changes in her appearance and strength. Her training that she attended with everyone also bore some worthed result. Her short-tiny bob of black hair now was changed to blunt bangs; she also became calmer than before and refined. Her physical also undergoes some changes. If before she was flat-chested and did not have any beautiful figure, it was changed as Eri has medium-sized breasts that are C-cup in size and a slim and curvy figure.

Eri nodded at that.

"I also agree. We aren't being forced and all. We are also curious about the differences between Japan and the rest of your world, Gin-san. This could also be considered my third trip to another world or dimension. First is Tortus and Eleonora-san's world."

"Yeah, Eleonora-san's magic is awesome! I think there is no one capable of doing that in Tortus except her. I mean, you are the one that sent us back home that time, right, Eleonora-san?"

"Hm… maybe, but I think if we meet with other people more, we can find someone with the same dimension traveling magic like me. This universe or multiverse is vast, so we can explore it as much as possible."

Sonoka and Chiyuki merely nodded with smiles when Eleonora said that. They may be ordinary people but slowly learn about unbelievable things like magic, monsters, etc. They also received special training to prepare themselves if Eleonora couldn't protect them in time. Sonoka and Chiyuki also don't want to be damsel-in-distress; they don't want to be considered useless to Eleonora, that always helped them so much.

"I can't wait to learn more about another world's culture! Maybe like cuisines, clothing, and anything like that."

"But since Gin-san's world is similar to ours, I think there won't be many differences. Anyway, I think it's nice to see a friend's home. Isn't that right, Leo-chan?"

Eleonora nodded twice, hearing that from Sonoka. Gin was just stunned and smiling with tears of joy shed from her eyes as she heard that from Sonoka since she was considered a friend to her and everyone here.

"Thank you for that, Sonoka nee-san! Everyone too!"

"Alright, then, let's get going without further ado."

Eleonora said that as she opened a portal in front of everyone. Everyone nodded and stepped into the portal one by one until the only one left was Eleonora. Before she entered, the young bluenette blinked and saw that Gin was standing in front of the portal and not going inside it. This, of course, caused confusion in Eleonora.

"Gin-san, what's wrong? Why are you not going in?"

Before Gin answered that, she walked towards Eleonora and said something to the young bluenette.

"E… Eleonora-san… could you bend a little for me…?"

"Hm? Of course, what—"

Before Eleonora could finish that, after bending her body a little so her height could match Gin, the young bluenette felt something warm on her lips and saw that the grey-haired Hero of Taisha and Shinju had kissed her lips. The kiss lasted for ten seconds before parted away.

Crimson blush was over Gins' face. She was very embarrassed yet happy at the same time as a grin was shown on her face, trying to act tough. Eleonora was stunned for a second before returning the kiss to Gin's lips and parted it away.

This caused Minowa Gin to blush even harder and shyly look away from Eleonora as she couldn't face the young bluenette directly in the eyes. Eleonora just let out a soft chuckle seeing Gin's pure and innocent reaction.

Knowing that, Gin then placed her hands on her cheeks and thought of it.

'W-What the hell I was doing just now?! I literally kissed Eleonora-san's lips?! And she returned it too?! D-Does she… think of me as attractive? But I am just a girl that always acts like a boy! I… I know that my dream is to be a bride, but this…! Ahhhhh! I don't know anymore!'

She was heavily embarrassed and couldn't properly look at Eleonora's face. She was never in a romantic situation, damnit. Gin only knows the expert at this kind of thing is Nogi Sonoko, the leader of her Hero's team and the writer of a romantic novel.

After several seconds of trying to calm herself, Gin then let out a relieved sigh as she was already calmed down. She let out a cough and cleared her throat. Her eyes then looked at Eleonora while she said something to the bluenette.

"U-Umh… I'm very sorry about it, Eleonora-san! I just… unconsciously kissed you without considering it…."

But Eleonora waved off her hands to Gin and responded to it.

"It's okay, Gin-san. I know why you are doing it, but I think it's best to say it yourself. It will be more good to let out yourself than being told by someone else."

"…Alright. Eleonora-san, I love you! I… I know that the time we spend with each other is short. We may not know each other so well. But that's what I am feeling to you. Each time we have met and talked, I feel comfortable. I also know you have multiple lovers, but I don't care about it."

Before continuing it, Gin let out a heavy sigh and tried to relax even more. She reassured herself that this was something she could handle. Gin is already prepared for this and won't back down doing it.

"That's why I want to be with you. I want to spend more time together with you. I don't wish for us to stay apart. Before coming here, I was confused and didn't know anything. I was also still childish at that time. But, after that… after meeting you, I slowly changed to be a better person. I admire you and set you as my goal to be a person. Because of that, I slowly develop a feeling of love for you."

Once again, Gin took a breath and continued. Her heartbeat slowly turned normal, and she became calmer, and so is her face.

"I love you so much, Eleonora-san. I want to be your lover, wife, and family with you."

Seeing how brave and honest Gin admitted her feeling, Eleonora was stunned before nodding at the grey-haired girl and smiling. A beamed face was shown on Gin when she saw Eleonora's response to her.

"Of course, I also share the same feeling. People may think it was a lie or sort of, but I am not. I may not obviously show it, but I also feel that within myself. I want you to be my lover, wife, and family too, Gin-san."

Eleonora said it while placing one hand on Gin's waist and the other on Gin's right hand. Gin then lovingly hugged Eleonora and smiled happily at the answer she got from someone she loved and wanted to marry. She really loves Eleonora.

"Me too, Eleonora-san! I also love you so much! Oh, sorry, I mean, Eleonora."

Gin said it with a wide grin on her face. Eleonora just chuckled at Gin's antic and shook her head before speaking.

"Alright, then we should celebrate it in your home. Let's not make everyone waiting for too long, Gin."

"…Right! Come on! Everyone's waiting."

With that, while Eleonora carries Gin on bridal style, they entered the portal connected to Minowa Gin's world and hoped that everyone wouldn't mind its slight delay. Eleonora already knows that her lovers always allow her to get more lovers and harem.

'I hope they won't mind waiting for us a bit. And Gin's family, I can't wait for the meeting with them.'

Minowa Gin's dream is nothing that is impossible to achieve anymore. She had already made one big step on it. She couldn't wait to tell all of it to her friends and family when coming back home. Gin hopes everything is still the same and has not changed much when she is gone or presumed dead.

'Hehe! I bet Sonoko and Sumi will be surprised when I'm back with all of this! My family, too; I hope they were alright when I was gone. I can't wait for it!'

She grinned at first before having a longing face when thinking of her family. She is really missing her family, after all.

Little did they know, Eleonora would most likely solve the major problem of another world again like what she did in Tortus and Ehit. Something that might cause a significant change to Gin's homeworld and advance her godhood's progress and let her gain another influence there.


Gamindustri – Lastation, Basilicom

A slightly frustrated sigh came from her mouth. Noire, the CPU of Lastation and Black Heart by her citizen, felt a little frustration within her. Her red eyes looked over her office window; she had a longing face flashed over as if the CPU of Lastation missed someone so dear to her. Her gaze shifted from the window to the photo frame on the desk.

A warm and soft smile appears the moment her eyes lie on the photo frame. It's a picture of her with Eleonora, a photo taken just for themselves. She knows that each CPU also had something like this with Eleonora, but she treasured this, and a hint of faint blushes was on her cheeks.

"Eleonora-san… I wonder when we will meet again."

She muttered that while stroking the photo frame with a gentle touch. Noire doesn't know why but she becomes meeker and honest whenever it is involved Eleonora, not becoming tsundere like what she always do to others. Although there is some moment she sometimes unconsciously do that.

As if she didn't hear the sound of the room's door being opened, someone called her.

"Onee-chan, sorry for interrupting your—"

Before finishing what she said, Noire's sister, with Uni as her name, saw something that widened her eyes because her older sister rubbed a photo frame with her and Eleonora at her cheeks. It also took several seconds before the Lastation's CPU realized something wrong and widened the moment her eyes spotted her little sister; both sisters were shocked to see each other.

With panic on her face and a very evident tone, Noire quickly said something to her little sister.

"U-U-Uni?! No, no, no, this is not like what you think! I… I just dust it off! Yeah, that's it! Anyway, ahem… is… is there something you need from me?"

Getting her consciousness back, Uni then snapped and cleared her throat like Noire and nodded as she tried to forget what she saw just now. She has something important to discuss with her older sister regarding a particular thing.

"Y-Yes! Erm… this is about the future of our landmass. We know that Lastation mainly relies on steam engines, which caused a lot of smoke to produce, at least a hundred per minute. But judging from our people's health and considering the environment, I think we should take a different approach."

"I see. Honestly, I have already thought of an idea about this. Our landmass may be focused on an industrial and steampunk look, but the primary energy source should be changed to be more robust and with fewer harmful side effects. We may have to discuss it with the other CPUs, though."

"Alright, Onee-chan. I will send this message soon so we won't have to wait until later. Also, about earlier…."

Uni said the last part with embarrassment and unsure of what she was talking about, causing Noire to blush and realize that and try to deny it as quickly as possible.

"No, no! It's really not like what you're thinking about, Uni!"


After the death of Minowa Gin, the two remaining heroes have recovered quickly from the despair they felt after losing their dear friend and comrade-in-arms. It has already been several days since the mourning of Gin and the announcement of system updates on Hero Terminal they have, though both heroes weren't happy with it at all. Although the Taisha actually wanted to send the heroes for training to test the new equipment and update from Hero Terminal, they decided not to do this and let them have some days off to recover from the defeat and loss they suffered.

And now, Washio Sumi and Nogi Sonoko, the remaining members of the Hero's party, enjoy the days off they have. They were about enjoying a festival and recovering themselves from the mental and physical damage they suffered from the last battle.

From there, it could be seen that both Nogi Sonoko and Washio Sumi were wearing yukatas as they walked toward the shrine where the festival was held. Walking side by side and chatting over some trivial and casual things.

"It's such a rare thing for you to invite me to hang out, Wasshi."

"I'm just glad that our teacher gave us permission for that. That's why let's forget about our roles and relax today!"

With a happy smile on her, Sumi said that while watching the energetic and playful Sonoko running a bit towards the shrine, she only stopped when something caught Sonoko's grey eyes. A shed of tears fell from her eyes but seeing her best friend suddenly stopped, causing Sumi to be curious and confused.

"Sonocchi? What's wrong? Why are you—n-no way!"

A gasp was escaped Sumi's mouth when she saw something that Sonoko also saw. Suddenly, the black-haired girl also shed tears and covered her mouth with her palm in response to that. She and Sonoko saw someone dear to them, the best friend who had perished and fought bravely against monsters that threatened the world just a few days ago.

"M-Mino… -san? Is that you?"

"Gin… but, how…?"

Minowa Gin waved her hands to her best friends with a wide grin. Along with her are some girls who were basically stranger to Sumi and Sonoko. This made Sumi, who was always on guard, notice something suspicious or that wasn't in her knowledge, wary of them.

"Sumi, Sonoko. It's been a long time; how are you doing?"

This caused both of them to be speechless, but what more surprising was baffling that full of cries from Sonoko, who suddenly barged Gin with a warm and longing hug from the leader of Hero of Taisha's party. Gin just snickered and stroked Sonoko's hair gently and tried to calm the Hero's leader.

"Mino-san, Mino-san! Whaaaah! How are you being here?! I… I thought you were…!"

The grey-haired and strongest heroes in this era let out a small huff and said to Sonoko. She then shifted her eyes to Sumi and stared at the bow-user before looking back at her new comrades, Eleonora, and her lovers.

"Alright, it seems we can discuss this at some place. Is that okay with you, Eleonora and everyone?"

This perked the interest of Sonoko and Sumi; both of them then looked at Eleonora and instantly blushed from seeing the beauty that was radiated by that young bluenette the moment their eyes landed on her. Sonoko and Sumi's hearts began to throb in excitement; they were flutters. Happiness was overflowing within them.

Eleonora nodded at Gin and gave the answer.

"Of course, we are okay with it. Right, everyone?"

"I'm fine with it, Leo-chan."

"Me too. It is also reassuring that we could meet Gin-san's friends."

"That's right. Mao, Eri, and I are also fine with it."

"Like what Aya-chan said."

"Absolutely. I do agree with Ayako-san. So don't worry about it, Gin-san."

Gin nodded with a big smile on her face; she then shifted her attention to Sonoko and Sumi, who seemed stunned by the people who together with the grey-haired young Hero. Especially Eleonora, that caught their curiosity.

"Alright! Sumi, Sonoko. You heard that, right? Let's go to someplace first, and I will explain the details. I don't want to go to any of our houses… not yet. Maybe after I've done explaining, then we will go to my house."

Sumi and Sonoko exchanged stares before nodding, and Sumi then spoke to Gin.

"…fine. I hope you tell us every single detail of it. Okay, Gin?"

The threatening tone used by Sumi caused Gin to shiver in fear for a moment before bobbing her head quickly in response to that. Sonoko just giggled, seeing her two friends being like that. The same can be said with Eleonora and her lovers.

"Y-Yes, I understand."

Despite frowning and reassuring her that Gin is understood, Sumi seemed not satisfied with her friend's answer. She then just sighed tiredly and shook her head in defeat. The black-haired girl and bow-user then shifted her attention to Eleonora and others.

"I know that we still don't know anything, but thank you for being with Gin. I… no, we are happy to see our friend again. Thank you very much."

"I feel the same with Wasshi. Thank you for being there with Mino-san!"

"Oh, come on, you two! Don't say it like that!"

Gin says that with a blush formed on her cheeks, feeling embarrassed. Eleonora and others shake their heads to Sonoko and Sumi. Seeing the three girls who are best friends with each other is quite touching and warming to one heart or another; that's why Eleonora and her group, except Gin, understand that.

"It's okay, Sonoko-san and Sumi-san. Well, how about we go to the place? I hope some of you know where we should head."

Sonoko raised her hand after hearing that.

"Yes, yes! I will be the guide! It's a good place for soba, udon, and many noodles!"

"Thank you, then we should head there."