The former three heroes is Eleonora harem!

After Eleonora and Gin left the Minowa's house and went to the directed and promised meeting spot, they arrived in less than ten minutes since it was quite close and not too far. Eleonora has no choice but to use teleport or run faster with the enhancement spell if the distance is so far. Thankfully Eleonora didn't have to do that, even though it was no hard thing to do for someone like her.

And when she was closer to the meeting spot, Eleonora and Gin spotted the familiar people; they also noticed the two presences and waved their hands with happy smiles. Still, the most surprising is Sonoko, who is quite cheerful when greeting Eleonora and Gin.

"Mino-san! Eleonora-san!"

She waved both hands childishly with a big happy smile flashed her face. Eleonora simply nodded with a small smile, and Gin grinned at her dirty-blonde-haired friend and the leader of the hero group in this world and their era.

"Sonoko! Sumi! Everyone!"

Gin greeted them back as she was closer to them. After finally arriving, Eleonora got many loving kisses on her cheeks from Chiyuki, Sonoka, Ayako, Mao, and Eri. The young bluenette returned the kisses she got and shared giggles with each other. And don't want to be forgotten, Gin also planted a light and loving chaste kiss on Eleonora's cheeks which caused Sumi and Sonoko to be surprised even though they already know it.

"Wow, I feel so loved by how many kisses I got from everyone."

Eleonora joked and causing everyone except Sumi and Sonoko to laugh in response. She then cleared her throat and stopped the joke as Eleonora switched her attention to Sumi and Sonoko while asking both girls.

"I'm sorry about that, Sumi-san, Sonoko-san. You have to see a thing like that."

But with a slight panic, Sumi waved off her hands to Eleonora while Sonoko shook her head with an understanding smile.

"No, no! It's fine, Eleonora-san. You don't have to apologize for something like that!"

"As Wasshi said, Eleonora-san! I don't see anything wrong with that, and it's very good to see it. The romance between girls is something amazing! I believe in yuri supremacy and hope it will conquer the world!"

Sonoko said that with a determined look as if there's a fire of excitement in her eyes, caused everyone to sweatdrop at the dirty-blonde huge ambition of lesbian relationship. Even though Sumi already knows that it's still giving her a shock and then made Sumi shook her head with a tired sigh coming out of her mouth.

But Eleonora voiced what was on her mind to Sonoko with a question.

"Is that so…? What if I neither man nor woman? I'm not saying I am genderless, but the mix between two genders caused a new gender to be born. Something between that, or you can call it superior to man and woman in a sense."

"Eh? A mix between man and woman…? Eleonora-san, don't tell me you're—!"

With a gasp of shock as her reaction, Eleonora gave Sonoko a nod of confirmation and caused the dirty-blonde girl to have her cheeks blushed so hard like the color of a tomato. She acted like that because she has realized what Eleonora meant; even though she is sometimes an airhead but there's no denying that Sonoko is relatively smart on her own.

Except for Sumi, the group already knows what Eleonora meant that even made Gin blush in embarrassment since she was told about one of the biggest secrets her bluenette lover had. Although the black-haired girl with a ponytail is smart, she can also be quite unaware of anything modern, except for things that look important for her.

That's why Sumi was confused and voiced a question to Sonoko.

"Hey, Sonocchi. What do you mean? What Eleonora-san have?"

"Ah, Wasshi! Sorry about it, but… are you sure that you want to know it?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'm quite curious of it."

Sumi said it with determination, while Sonoko was a bit hesitant before sighing out and nodding understand as she brought herself close to the black-haired ponytail girl and whispered something to her ears. The next thing she did, Sumi listened carefully and nodded before her cheeks turned red as if she already knew what that was.

Sonoko kept whispering to her friend and making Sumi cover her mouth in disbelief while her cheeks were still red in embarrassment, but… there is a hint of excitement deep within herself. The more Sumi knows, the more Sumi thinks about herself and Eleonora in a very… inappropriate imagination.

After explaining it, Sonoko looked at Gin in awkwardness as the two shared awkward smiles. The same can be said with everyone except Sonoko as they looked at each other like that. They have waited until Sumi seemed calmed down, which is only two minutes, as the Yamato Nadeshiko girl with a black-haired ponytail cleared her throat. The blushes faded slowly despite not being very obvious like before.

"S-So… Eleonora-san is… that…?"

On Sumi's words, Eleonora nodded before the former continued.

"I… wow, it's very… astonishing, I think…? But it's alright…."

"Are you sure…? I mean, it's… you know?"

"Yes, I understand that… Eleonora-san is… futanari, but it is okay since it's you, Eleonora-san…"

Eleonora couldn't believe how lucky she was when she heard this from Sumi; even Sonoko nodded in agreement with her. They're actually don't care or mind even if Eleonora has a dick between her legs since it's Eleonora they love.

"I-I also agree with Wasshi, Eleonora-san! We don't care since it's you. You're our friend and become the close also important people to both of us. Mino-san is also your lover, and that's why I love you, Eleonora-san! I want to be your lover too!"

Although Eleonora already knows this … gosh, this is still surprising. Sumi also nodded and spoke in her turn again.

"Indeed. We love you, Eleonora-san. Not only Sonocchi, but I, Washio Sumi, also love you and want to be your lover too. We don't care even if you will have many lovers on your sides; we also don't care even if you are futanari—we cannot lie and hide this feeling forever towards you."

They said that without flinched or stuttering with blushes. Eleonora is amazed, and she would be lying if she didn't have any romantic feelings for both Sumi and Sonoko since she does. Some people will call it forced, but that's how it works for her, which is always.

Eleonora just chuckled inwardly.

'I will surely become the real enemy of men, and I am proud of that fact. They're good girls who suffered, and I originally intended to confess my feelings towards them, but they did it before me. It looks like every girl who became my lover always confesses their love first to me. Really, what a strange development.'

She really couldn't believe the sudden development but had to get used to it later, since that would be a common occurrence for her to get many girls as her lovers in her harem. Eleonora also has to think over everything again and re-organize it, but with the help of everyone around her. Of course, she didn't do it alone, since her lovers would be worried and mad if she did that.

Eleonora then gently patted Sumi and Sonoko's heads, making both girls have blissful faces when they felt that sensation from the young bluenette. She then slightly bent and kissed both Sumi and Sonoko's cheeks with light kisses and made them flush in response as well stunned.

"I also feel that with you, Sumi-san, Sonoko-san. That's why I want you two to be my lovers, too, even if I have a huge number of girls with me in my harem. I love both of you so much and hope you forgive me for that."

"Of course, Nora! You don't have to feel sorry for it."

"Actually, it's not even your fault, to begin with, Noracchi. So it's okay."

Sonoko and Sumi said that and smiled at Eleonora while they tried to kiss the bluenette despite the height differences. She noticed that and slightly bent down to receive the loving kisses from Sonoko and Sumi on her cheeks. It's warm and full of love kisses from her new lovers.

Eleonora smiled warmly at Sonoko and Sumi while saying something to them.

"Thank you, Sumi, Sonoko. I love you, no—I love all of you."

She said that while looking at her lovers, who smiled while having light blushes on their cheeks since they felt happy when they heard that. Some scratch their cheeks while others try to cover their faces with hands shyly. It lasted for a few minutes before they were able to calm themselves down.

One of them cleared her throat, and it was Chiyuki who spoke.

"Alright, everyone, since we're all already here, how about we go out together and have fun for today? Since everyone except Su-chan, Noko-chan, and Gin-chan aren't familiar with the japan of this world, that's why… how about three of you shows us around while trying to have fun?"

Everyone nodded in agreement with that.

"That's a great idea! Then, how about we start it now?"

With that saying, everyone began to walk around while being guided by Sumi, Sonoko, and Gin, who are the residents of Shikoku, while also trying to have fun.


Neptune and co are still currently looking for a way to meet and get in contact with Eleonora. They chose to stick together as one group rather than splitting since they don't want to be separated even though they have a way to contact each other. Most girls in the group who love Eleonora don't want it.

That way, they can avoid wasting time waiting for anyone, and their method to find out about Eleonora is to ask the local citizens of the place around them. Of course, they didn't use Eleonora's name but rather went with her physical appearance to make it more detailed. They described her and hit success when not one, but many immediately recognized someone with that physical features.

"Yes, I have seen someone with that figure, and she is currently hanging out with Washio-sama and Nogi-sama, the heroes of Shinju. I have also seen several girls with them, which at least… nine people in total including her in that group."

This caused Neptune to widen her eyes in surprise and smile happily hearing that. Some girls with romantic feelings for Eleonora, including Neptune, also have the same reaction. And it's not like the rest members are not, but there's no denying the spark of interest was shown on their faces and how their heartbeat went up so fast.

Yeah, that's the case for Esdeath, Erza, Yasaka, Raikou, and Kurumi, but for the last girl, she is still a bit conflicted and afraid that Eleonora won't accept the true color of her; she is afraid that the young bluenette disgusted by her real self. Although Itsuka Shidou kept telling her that he didn't care about it, that words from him couldn't convince Kurumi to believe it.

Maybe she felt that because Itsuka Shidou isn't someone that means for her.

'I know that Eleonora-san is very kind and would likely accept myself, but… there is still a lingering feeling of doubt deep within my heart. Maybe I am in denial and a bit paranoid… I just hope… I can be fully honest with Eleonora-san. When we meet, talk alone, I will tell her everything—be it myself, Spirit, and everything related to that.'

Kurumi closed her eyes and clunch her heart tightly when thinking of that. She flashed a slight smile that contained hope for Eleonora about herself. This time, she didn't care if she became soft since Tokisaki Kurumi wanted this in herself—the real one, not a clone. Even her clones fully support her decision since they want to be loved by someone like Eleonora.

"Kurumin, Kurumin! Hey, hey!"

But Kurumi's thought was faded when she heard a voice that called her. The elegant black-haired girl blinked and saw Neptune call her name, trying to gain her attention, which it did as Kurumi put on her warm and friendly smile in response.

"Yes, Neptune-san? Is there something wrong?"

"Oh, nothing wrong, but we can find Noura right now, nepu! Some saw her, and a group of people went to a shopping mall called Ines! Let's go there and hurry up! I want to meet Noura so bad, nepu."

Neptune said with her cheerful expression and smiled with Ais that agreed with the CPU of Planeptune. She also saw all the chat group members nod since they were eager to meet with Eleonora. Although it will be shocking news when Artoria meets Eleonora since she doesn't know yet about her heritage or anything. Because Neptune, Ais, and Kurumi didn't tell the King of Knight about Eleonora's full name.

"Mhm. I also want to meet Eleonora. I want to tell her my feeling, which is… confession, right?"

"You got it right, Aisu! You gotta confess your love to someone you love! I bet you want to have a family with Noura too, right?!"

"You're right."

"Oh my. Ais-san is really bold, don't you think, Yasaka-san? So young and already bold to admit it."

"Fufu, I think that's a good thing, Raikou-san. Hiding it too long won't do any good thing, so it's better to admit that rather than deny it."

"Indeed. I have to admit, this Eleonora dear somehow made me want to spoil her so much and want to be her lover too, Yasaka-san. It's different with my Master, very, very different."

"If it the old me, I would think it's inappropriate to that kind of relationship, but I won't forbid it anymore. Love is supposed to be free, and I have awoken to that truth."

Yasaka said it while nodding with Raikou but surprisingly got some approval from Medusa, Artoria, and even Miyuki, who nodded in agreement with that statement. They agreed that love is supposed to be free. No one should put a lot and hard restrictions on it. Although they did think that because of Eleonora, that comes first on their minds, and surprisingly, Tatsuya isn't the one that comes on Miyuki's mind when she thought of that.

Akame and Erza still feel reluctant but secretly do a subtle nod. At the same time, Momo bobbed her head as she wholeheartedly agreed and supported that since this pink-haired alien girl was planning a grand plan of harem for Eleonora.

'Oh, I can't wait to meet with Eleonora-san! I will absolutely tell her my plan for her harem!'

Momo thought while snickering and had the dust of pink on her cheeks when fascinated by Eleonora's appearance through the pictures she got in the chat group, even though she still didn't officially meet the young bluenette. She lightly blushed because it was crossed her mind.


Eleonora and everyone are currently having fun, even though they aren't in any amusement park, just a casual walk and stroll since Sumi, Sonoko, and Gin guided them around the Oohashi, city where those three girls are currently live now.

"The speciality of Oohashi is udon, Nora! Everyone here loves udon so much."

"Sonocchi is right, Noracchi, and it seems the whole Shikoku's speciality is noodle-based food, but more drawn to the taste of Japan than a foreigner. But some places are also trying to match several noodles for foreigner-tongue, so they don't have to be forced with it."

The young bluenette nodded twice at her two lovers explanation.

"I see, then maybe next time I or anyone could try to make the udon with the same taste as here. I enjoy cooking, despite that, I rarely have free time before because of how tight my schedule goes, but that won't be a serious issue anymore."

"It's still shocked me that you're already working and the successful one too. Is that really alright for you to do that?"

"Don't worry, I also have enjoyed it, Sumi. I am enjoyed working like that, especially I can make the world better by doing it. That also gave me some good experiences and shaped me into my current self. It has pros and cons on its own."

Eleonora said with a convincing smile at Sumi, who stared silently for a few seconds before sighing in defeat and nodded understandingly. Sonoko and Gin just giggled, followed by the rest of the group that did that too.

"Alright, but I have to make sure you won't do that again. I may haven't known you that long, Noracchi, but I'm concerned about the way you said it. Don't be overworked, always stay healthy, have a minimum of eight hours of sleep, balance your diet and meal of meat and vegetable. It's not that hard, I think."

"Wasshi always do that to us too, Nora! She is strict, right, Mino-san?"

"True, true. Sumi has always been like that, and it would be weird if she doesn't."

Sonoko and Gin nodded as they are agreed on that. Sumi just had a betrayed face and was shocked when they said that about her; she gasped and scolded them by responding to the blunt opinion of herself from her two best friends.

"Sonocchi, Gin…! I didn't do that!"

"Yeah, sorry, but… that's a fact, Sumi."

"Mino-san's right, Wasshi! You're always serious and sometimes made us scared, you know."

Sumi pouted and frowned while Sonoko and Gin laughed it off, but then the black-haired ponytail felt a hand on her head that patting it gently. She remembered and knew whose hand this belonged, instantly causing a happy smile to flash over her face.

"Okay-okay, don't tease Sumi too hard, you two. That's no good."

"Yes! Sorry for that, Wasshi! I promise not to do something like that again!"

"Uhm, yeah… I went a bit overboard with it, sorry, Sumi."

They bowed apologetically to Sumi when saying that and causing the black-haired girl to huff with a slight smile. She waved her hands to Sonoko and Gin while answering them in response to their apology because of their behavior just now.

"I will forget it only this time. Okay, Sonocchi, Gin?"

Sonoko and Gin bobbed their heads quickly in fear as they felt threatened despite the kind smile on Sumi's face right now. Seeing that and wanting to confirm if they're understood, Sumi let out a tired sigh. She is still mad, but not that much compared to before since the warmness and gentleness from Eleonora patting can calm her down.

"Alright, Sumi, it's looks like Sonoko and Gin are already regretting that, so why won't we go somewhere again? I heard from the local that there is a shopping mall? I'm quite interested in that, and some of you might feel the same, right?"

A chorus of nod is what Eleonora get from her lovers since they're agreed. Eri then spoke something from her mind.

"Eleonora-san is right. We intend to have fun today, after all. Let's not bother ourselves with anything other than that. Is that okay?"

She flashed her warm smile at everyone when saying that. The kind of smile that can melt anyone heart, even though it's a bit challenging for someone that has a really frozen heart or hard to warm by that alone, except maybe for Eleonora. The young bluenette is always made impossible to be possible.

Everyone nodded at the same time when seeing that smile from Eri. Seeing that, the glasses-wearing girl clapped her hands, and her smile widened in happiness at the response she got.

"That's good! Then, shall we go to this shopping mall? I want to know what kind of differences we can find in there."

A round of chuckles broke in after a few seconds of silence. Ayako and Mao nodded before the latter said something.

"As she said, we shouldn't waste our time any more and march to the next place. I'm curious about this shopping mall too. Right, Aya-chan?"

"You bet I am, Mao! Come on, everyone. I want to take a look at the cookbook in there."

"Oh my, so you're really serious about that, Aya-chan."

Despite the red cheeks caused by embarrassment, Ayako nodded at Chiyuki, acknowledging the brown-haired woman about that. She wants to be honest, even though it is still embarrassing for her, not in a bad way but rather in a good way of embarrassment.

Mao only grinned, seeing the reaction of her best friend. Chiyuki and Sonoka chuckled while Eleonora and Gin huffed with a slight smile. Eri giggled while Sumi and Sonoko only smiled and admired Ayako, which is quite honest.

"Then, we should hurry. I hope it's not too far; otherwise, we have to wait for a bus or just teleport ourselves."

"It's okay, Eleonora. I recall that shopping mall isn't that far from here."

"That's good then."

After so many delays, the group immediately went to the shopping mall as their next place to visit.


Within several minutes, since it's not that far, Neptune and co have already arrived at the shopping mall called Ines in Oohashi city. The mall's exterior is pretty crowded with many people, which is understandable because it's a weekend and most people of Shikoku still celebrate the suffering they have to endure finally ended.

"Whoah! Is there a festival going on, nepu? So many people are crowding this place!"

Neptune claimed with curiosity and gaping in awe, seeing how many people surrounded the mall. Ais and Akame do an agreed nod with the Planeptune CPU about her claim. They have never seen this many people in this world, except maybe people from a modern-type world like Neptune, Kurumi, Yasaka, Momo, and Miyuki.

"I have already know mall thanks to Kurumi, but it still baffled me. If I don't any better, seeing the interior alone would make me have a headache."

"Fufu, but you're sometimes still reacted like that, Esdeath-san. Although I understand it, that still look adorable and amusing, seeing how you're overwhelmed with the new discovery you have found."

A blush appears on Esdeath's face when Kurumi says that and makes her flustered, the former General trying to look away in embarrassment. Neptune and co who witnessed it just went quiet, especially Akame, her long-live rival in fight, can only be stupefied. The black-haired assassin doesn't know how to respond to that.

"K-Kurumi, don't tell that to everyone…! It's a bit… embarrassing."

"Oh my, I'm sorry for that, Esdeath-san, but… I can't help to find it cute. I always have been fond of cute things, after all. Not to mention since we are about to get inside a shopping mall, we could have a chance to find some new clothes for us."

"Uhum… that's not a bad… idea, I think."

"Great! Then, other than looking for Eleonora-san, we should also use this opportunity to enjoy ourselves. Thanks to the chat group owner, we have a lot of money to spend to the point we don't have to worry about it running out quickly."

"And I'm sure Noura would treat us to whatever we want if we were bumping to each other, nepu!"

"Nep-Nep, don't be rude to Eleonora, or she will hate you. She is our friend and someone I love."

"Gah…! Aisu, I didn't think of Noura like that, nepu! You're misunderstanding! Guys, back me up!"

Neptune cried out comically, asking for help from anyone, which she got is only a series of chuckles from them, making the light-blue hair loli cry even more. She even did an orz pose as if she was in despair with waterfall tears from her eyes. Of course, she did it comically.

"Nepu, why would my friends bully me…?! You're cheating, Aisu! You can't just use a boss movement like that to me!"

The laugh grow louder when she said that.