The whole chat group members meet up!

Several minutes after being done making fun of Neptune, that surprisingly recovered so fast from that, Neptune and co tend could hear voices of some people in a group. Their attention shifted to that group, and their eyes locked on them while Neptune, Ais, and Kurumi recognized one of the person's voices and appearance in that group. Although not only those three that remember the voice and appearance due to the video containing that person was shared in the chat group, Neptune, Ais, and Kurumi is the one that has a slightly closer relationship and bond to that person.

Those three eyes widened, and longing faces flashed on them. Their heart was beating up, even for someone like Kurumi, upon seeing that person they've recognized. Seeing that person's beautiful and charming face with a smile that resembles a radiant sun.

"Yeah, it's quite funny. I'm surprised that Kaori is so bold to be like that to him."

Eleonora snickered when saying that and remembered the shocking turn of a particular event with Kaori back in the brown-haired former healer's world.

"That's rude, you know, Leo-chan."

"It is surprising hearing that from you, Leo-chan."

Chiyuki scolded Eleonora with a joking frown, and Sonoka's eyes widened in surprise, but those two only giggled in the end. Ayako nodded but did not dislike what Eleonora said about it.

"It is! I mean, Eleonora-san is someone that I've thought won't badmouth others."

"But Eleonora-san talking about that is shockingly refreshing and new. I didn't hate it."

"I think it's normal for someone to hate or at least dislike another."

While some of them scolded, Mao grinned in acknowledgment with Eleonora and thumbed up approving it. Eri agreed with Mao because she didn't like Hajime from the beginning and even after reuniting with her classmates.

"Yeah, that Hajime guy is really sound rude. Trying to act cool and tough, but surprisingly the opposite."

"He's a funny and weird person, like Nora said, but he is also rude. I didn't like him; he's a bad guy."

"I thought you would find him 'cool' and began to admire him, Gin. Also, Sonocchi, I thought you were the same mind as Gin."

Sumi said with a teasing smile at Gin, although she's a bit surprised at her grey-haired friend's response.

"No way, Sumi! I mean, his appearance may look badass and cool, but not his personality is a big no!"

"Mino-san is right, Wasshi. He's not someone that fits to be a role model; that's why I think it like that."

Sonoko bobbed her head in agreement with Gin. It is rare for someone like Nogi Sonoko, the cheerful and energetic also bubbly girl, to hate someone. She usually shows no hate or similar feelings, but maybe because knowing Taisha's ugly and hidden secret, Sonoko began to develop that feeling within her.

"…Yeah, his personality is a big minus. While I'm aware that he's not perfect or anything, I don't think he's a good role model, to begin with."

They continued talking to each other happily. Seeing this, among the three that nodded at each other after quickly deciding it, Neptune called out the leader's name of that group with a beamed face and tone.


Hearing her name being called, the person called Noura then blinked and turned her attention to Neptune, seeing the beamed and happy face that little girl made when they stared at each other. A widened smile appeared on Eleonora's face as she replied.


Not only her, but Eleonora's blue eyes also noticed some familiar faces. She saw Kurumi send her charming, beautiful smile and waved, while Ais simply nodded and smiled at her crush with a light blush on her cheeks. The young bluenette's eyes widened in excitement, even more, seeing them, but was surprised when she received a sudden hug from Neptune.

Surprised is Eleonora's reaction, but she also understands why Neptune suddenly gave her a hug since the young bluenette knew that the light-blue-haired little girl had a crush on her. But it's not only Neptune—all CPUs and CPUs candidates in Gamindustri, even Compa, IF, and Histoire, also have a crush on Eleonora.

Seeing that unexpected turn of events, Gin and everyone in Eleonora's group was surprised but not mad or jealous since it was easy to understand for them. Instead of being angry and jealous, they shared the same thought seeing that Eleonora was hugged by Neptune.

'Looks like another one who fell in love with Eleonora/Eleonora-sanNora/Noracchi/Leo-chan.'

Neptune kept hugging her beloved crush and feeling comfortable with it as she didn't want to let it go. She became more comfortable and enjoyed it when Eleonora gently patted her head. The young bluenette just huffed with a smile when she patted Neptune's head.

'Noura's hug… is warm, nepu! I liked it!'

"Neptune-san, long time no see. Ais-san, Kurumi-san, too. Looks like you brought some companions?"

Eleonora gestured to the group of people behind Ais and Kurumi while still patting Neptune, who purred in enjoyment and hugged her beloved bluenette. All of them are looking at Eleonora with a stunned expression as if being enthralled by the young bluenette's gentle and warm smile.

Being mentioned, Kurumi nodded and replied.

"Yes, Eleonora-san. They're our friends from the chat group."

"I see, but I thought our next dimensional trip schedule isn't up yet, and I doubt that either of you gets this world coordinate to use the device. So, how could you come to this world?"

"It's by the request that Neptune-san sends to the owner of the chat group, Eleonora-san. It was accepted, and now we are given a chance to travel to this world."

"That's strangely good. I just hope the chat group owner doesn't expect any rewards or anything for that."

Eleonora laughed and followed with the same reaction from Kurumi, but she thought something deep down in her mind when she heard about the chat group's owner.

'Yeah, maybe this is why I get a mission to save the past heroes of Taisha, even though I may do it without his help to make it more entertaining for me. Well, I will discuss it later with everyone, and it's not like I have to do it soon or have a time limit.'

Although Eleonora knows that the chat group's owner doesn't have any ill intent or bring any harm to her and everyone around her, it is still a bit suspicious. But the young bluenette also knows that nothing good came from getting suspicious too much of someone.

She just sighed and shook her head inwardly, thinking of that.

"Of course not, Eleonora-san. The chat owner is kind enough to help us; let's not forget because of him that we can know each other being a friend."

The black-haired girl with gothic and elegancy said that kindly, getting a nod from the blonde-haired swordswoman beside her.

"Kurumi is right, Eleonora. The chat owner is very kind."

"If that is true, then he is really a kind person, and I would be in debt for him."

Before changing her attention to the people waiting behind Kurumi and Ais, she said that. Eleonora waved her hands to them, causing massive blushes from the people of Neptune's group she greeted with her beautiful smile.

"Nice to meet you, everyone. I wasn't expecting that we were meeting with each other this fast. You may know me from Neptune-san, Kurumi-san, and Ais-san, but I will properly introduce myself to all of you."

Eleonora said before letting Neptune's hug off her, which saddened the little girl, but she understood why her beloved bluenette did that. After the hug off from Neptune, Eleonora coughed and cleared her throat, slightly bowed politely, and introduced herself to the rest of Neptune's group.

"Once again, nice to meet you. My name is Eleonora Pendragon, and you may know me as Queen of Sweets in the chat group."

Eleonora's introduction caused one of them to be surprised after hearing the young bluenette's surname, which is from Artoria Pendragon, the King of Knight. She just learned about someone who shares the same surname with her, but before responding to Eleonora, the young bluenette continued.

"And nice to meet you too, Artoria Pendragon, the King of Knight. I didn't expect someone familiar to my family and me to be the chat group members. It is quite… a shocking turn of event."

"So, you know me… and Eleonora-san, sorry for asking, but… are you really related to me in any way?"

Artoria asked with curiosity implied in her tone. Eleonora could notice it clearly from the eyes of Artoria Pendragon; the face of that King of Camelot showed it, so she gave a simple nod as the confirmation. This caused Artoria to be stunned for a few seconds, her cheeks grew redder, and the romantic affection she felt towards Eleonora increased even more.

"You're right. I'm your direct and true descendant, the one who inherited your Excalibur, but in a different world. My predecessor is you, Artoria Pendragon. The same King Arthur but with a slightly different timeline, the one that Merlin-sensei referred to as blank timeline."

The blonde King of Knight was shocked when she heard Merlin's name.

"Merlin…? Did he alive in your world?"

But a shook of Eleonora denies that causing Artoria to let out a sigh of relief, if not for her descendant continued what she said that might make her has a tickmark of anger.

"But my father did successfully summon him a Servant, who later trained me in magic and a bit of swordplay. He is rather doing well in my world right now."

Artoria let out a groan of frustration when she heard that. Although he helped her with everything, she can't help but be frustrated with that wizard. Eleonora could clearly see that expression from Artoria when she said that. She even heard Artoria muttering some curses.

"That damned Merlin… what did he do this time…?"

"He is not… that bad, Artoria-san."

Hearing that her descendant was trying to defend Merlin, she smiled and replied.

"I hope so, but it still surprises me that I actually had a descendant in another world. I thought Pendragon's bloodline was completely gone, but it turns out it's not. I am truly grateful and hope it would last longer and maybe forever."

"Don't worry about it, Artoria-san, because I will be the one that continues our bloodline."

"Oh! Ah, yeah… I mean, you are…."

The blonde woman, King of Knight, said it shyly while turning away with an embarrassed blush on her cheeks. She already knows what Eleonora means, that's why Artoria reacted like that, and honestly, it's adorable to Eleonora.

But then they heard a voice interrupting them. It was Momo Belia Deviluke.

"Err… girls, I don't want to interrupt, but how about we continue our introduction? Sorry, Artoria-san!"

Momo apologized and bowed to Artoria, causing the latter to let out a cute chuckle. She shook her head towards Momo and smiled kindly.

"It's okay, sorry for that. Eleonora-san…"

"Please, just call me Eleonora, Artoria-san."

"Then, I will, but you also do the same, Eleonora."

"I will, Artoria."

The soft voice that called her name caused Artoria's romantic love and feeling towards Eleonora to grow bigger, she liked it and wanted her descendant to call her name more, but she had to be restrained and patient until the time right.

"And with that, please everyone introduce yourself one by one in turn."

Everyone nodded and began introducing themselves while Artoria thought of something on her mind. Her eyes took a few glances at Eleonora before looking down shyly after her descendant had taken notice of her behavior.

'Although it still surprises me, I don't feel bad for loving my own descendant. Maybe it's true that love has no bound and shall not be restricted by any means because I began to believe that. I want to be Eleonora's lover.'

A happy smile flashed on her face. Artoria still wanted to love Eleonora; her feeling wasn't wavering or changed at all. It still stayed the same, and that's a good thing for her. After all, it's not weird for the Pendragon family to have a blood-related relationship since Artoria herself also did that with Morgan, even though she was forced to do that.

She was given this chance to experience the life of an ordinary girl, so Artoria will definitely enjoy it, and the first thing is to find a love interest, and that's happened to be her descendant. It is a yuri relationship, but she doesn't mind it since Artoria in the past already committed a similar relationship with her sister, Morgan le Fay, despite the fact it was through strange circumstances.

'It is indirectly, but the fact is I did that with Morgan. Because of that, she has given birth to a child of no mine. Mordred is not mine; she just belongs to Morgan. But… is it okay to do such a thing? Even the man version of myself from different world and timeline adopt such doting personality towards Mordred.'

Artoria made a conflicted look, but then she felt a hand that touched her hand. She lifted up her head and looked at Eleonora, her true and direct descendant and the right inheritor of her Excalibur, giving a kind and reassuring smile.

"It's okay, Artoria. Don't make such a face; it will taint your beauty. A kind smile would suit you the best."

"But I… my past, you must hear that…."

"I have, but I don't care about it. I'm also aware of Morgan and everything that happened with you. You're a human even though you wield Excalibur and become a King. It just… you had no time to be yourself. Being a King always bugging you because they are expecting a lot of things from you, King Arthur, but not as Artoria Pendragon."

Eleonora softly rubs Artoria's hand and continues while Artoria still looks directly at Eleonora's face.

"But, maybe with everyone in the chat group, you can be yourself. Be true to everyone here. I don't know if you consider them friends, but at least I know they care for you. Also, seeing that you have Raikou-san and Medusa-san with you, I assume you came from Chaldea. Is that right?"

She nodded and was also surprised that Eleonora knew about that. Eleonora then continued again.

"This is maybe the life you would have if you hadn't pulled out the king's sword. If you want to truly experience the life of an ordinary girl, then don't worry about it since I will grant that wish of yours."

"…Is that true? You can do that…?"

"Of course, I would never lie to anyone I consider precious. Rest assured, maybe after the end of this trip, that will be happened. If not, you can just remind me."

Artoria chuckled and nodded at Eleonora.

"Certainly, I will try to remind you if you haven't remembered it."


It has been several minutes since Eleonora's group and Neptune's group met and introduced themselves. Eleonora's lovers were surprised to hear that the group from Neptune and her friends is actually coming to this world for Eleonora. Although it is the biggest reason, Neptune's group also has other reasons aside from just that.

"That's why we came here, to ask Eleonora-san if she's alright if we helped her to protect Eleonora-san's precious people. It might sound strange since, asides from Eleonora-san, we know nothing about those people, but I think it's necessary for us doing that."

Kurumi elaborates that to everyone, especially Eleonora, who nodded and clearly paid attention to that explanation. She understands why Kurumi and everyone from the chat group did that, not because being kind only, but some of them also harbor a romantic feeling towards her. Seeing their love interest is in front of them like this, of course, made their hearts beat up so fast with excitement and happiness.

Eleonora rubs her chin, hearing that from Kurumi.

"I see… I know we're friends, but doing it to some extent is a bit, you know. I'm worried about you, all of you."

Eleonora told them with concern in tone and face, causing some of them to feel saddened and guilty, especially those holding a crush on the young bluenette. The mood changed, and silence filled it. And then someone responds that. But, instead of Kurumi, the one who responds to Eleonora is Momo the Florist Succubus.

"It's okay, Eleonora-san! We have already discussed it when in the chat group while you're busy in this world. Maybe our decision is a bit not unanimous since you and Eleonora True Soulmate-san is not present at that moment, but… we just want to help you, lessen your burden."

The young bluenette went quiet and stunned hearing that from Momo and then chuckled in response.

'Lessen my burden… heh, looks like it was obvious not only to Sakura-nee and my lovers but also to the chat group members. Although it is greatly lessened than before as I have the time to do whatever I want without worrying too much about works.'

She closed her eyes and deeply thought of it before opening her eyes and saying something while looking at everyone one by one.

"I appreciate your help, then. It's surprising me to hear that as your reasons, everyone."

Eleonora scratches her cheeks in embarrassment, causing everyone to chuckle, and Miyuki replies to her beautiful bluenette's crush. Even though Miyuki already knows Eleonora's age, it didn't stop her from falling in love with Eleonora.

"It is okay, Eleonora-san. We weren't forced and willingly helped you. That's why you don't have to feel bad about all of this. Everyone in the chat group right now has already known that. Actually, Neptune-san, Kurumi-san, and Ais-san tell us everything they know about you. From that, we learn a slice of things about you, Eleonora-san, and understand the burden you have, despite only tiny portions of it."

The young bluenette was surprised by what Miyuki said since her tone was sincere, and Eleonora could feel the love within it. Not only the love of friendship but the love of romantical too. Miyuki really wants to help her beloved bluenette, that is also her crush, but that's not only applied to her.

"Well, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for that, and since we are here, how about we go together and have fun inside? I am rather curious of it, even though there is also some shopping mall like this back in the home."

Eleonora suggested them, which got a chorus of nods from them, but before that… Erza Scarlet looks at the shopping mall building with her brown eyes; she has never seen a building this pretty and sturdier; it's even so neat and not dirty. She heard from her chat group friends that this facility is a properly arranged and managed marketplace.

"I am curious about the foods, especially the cakes in this place."

Hearing Erza murmur, Eleonora, that had sharp ears, picked that up and responded in a low voice.

"I think you will not be disappointed, Erza-san. You will quickly like it."

"Really? Is that true, Eleonora-san?"

"It is, there will be a lot of cake shops and maybe some shops that sell things related to training and such. While it's a bit shame that something like swordplay or anything is kind of prohibited since the nearest thing to it is only used in sport and not in battle."

Erza beamed happily at the first sentence but downed when she heard the last part since she is the type of girl that loves to train herself further to be stronger so she can protect her friends and family from any dangers, like in Fairy Tail. She's devoted and promised to be a lot stronger so any enemy won't be able to touch them in any way.

'It's really a shame that I can't find something related to my magic or swordplay, but at least Eleonora-san told me about many shops that sell cakes. At least, it's something I can truly enjoy when in this building, but it's a wonderful and enormous marketplace.'

Erza sighed and shook her head inwardly, smiling happy since she could still enjoy the cakes later. She can ask everyone about swordplay and whatever later might help her encounter some problem in the future. It is best to prepare for that rather than doing nothing to prevent or at least minimize it.

"And not only cake shops, but many exciting and wonderful things will be here, such as clothes, furniture, games, and many more. A shopping mall is also considered one of the places for people to relax since it has almost anything they need."

Akame and Esdeath nodded at Eleonora's words; even though they were from a world that initially did not have a modern civilization, they came to understand that after being transported to another world with such an advanced society. They learned anything useful and fun from that world.

"Then, let's have fun."

With what Ais has said, everyone then went inside the shopping mall together to enjoy it, such as buying and just windows shopping some of the things presented in the mall. It's also to let the people who never went to the mall at least experience it. Either way, the main focus is having fun and not thinking of other things.


"Heroes of the past, huh. I hope Eleonora saves them and possibly marries them too. I want to see how it will go on with her life. But that Theodore, I think what he did is quite… harsh. If it is another person, then I'm okay, but that will end up bad with people like Gin."

He scratches his head and sighs tiredly, then shakes his head, knowing what happens, and crosses his arms. He let out a small huff watching Eleonora through his current place.

"Well, he's not Eleonora, so he made a mistake, but I hope he will be more considered in the future. It's not like all those fictional characters would be okay like Deadpool, Neptune, or Gintoki if they were known their own story or franchise."

He chuckled, saying that those three basically don't care about that and are aware of their status as fictional characters. Those three knew that they were just imaginary but didn't make a big deal of it and just behaved like usual, even using it to their advantage to make it as a joke, especially with Deadpool.

He then hummed after seeing something that caught him. His eyes drew and focused on that, even squinted to ensure what he saw was correct. After a few seconds, he let out a frustrated sigh and pinched his own nose.

"Damnit… the highers-up seriously wants me to add them too? I have to select some of it carefully, even though I know it's already in a mess with many things mixed on. Let's see… Negima's world, To Aru's world, Rewrite's world, Accel World's world, Musaigen's world, and Fairy Fencer's world… hold on, I think Accel World is not necessary since they probably have an SAO and Kayaba, I will remove it from the list."

He did so after reading it, then continued thinking of that.

"Maybe not added the world to Eleonora's destination, but rather… added some of the characters to appear on her world instead. That will save me from trouble, and I think it's also the simple and best solution. Yeah, I will do that and inform the highers-up about this."

Nodding on his own decision, he began typing something on the computer regarding what he had just read earlier. Even though he is a god, he still needs a payment to continue living and hopefully get the actual raise for his salary this time.

"This time, seriously… I hope they raised my salary and gave me some bonus. I also had the extra mission for Eleonora that needed to be completed so I can get my salary."