Spar with Esdeath

When Eleonora's group and Neptune's group met, they merged and became one group dubbed Eleonora's group. After knowing each other with the introduction, the group agreed to look at the shopping mall to enjoy it, either for buying, windows shopping, etc. For some people who originally came from medieval-theme or similar, seeing new things like shopping malls will make them surprised and admire it.

They visit many stores in the shopping mall. Clothes, jewelry, bags, shoes, and anything. They even buy some grocery items like vegetables, meats, condiments, and many more. With how everyone has [Inventory] that has been taught by Eleonora, except for Gin, Sumi, and Sonoko; including the chat group's members, they don't have to worry about heavy luggage to bring with them, and it also won't rot since the inside of [Inventory], everything will be frozen.

It is the most skill that any housewife or househusband wants to have. Even Eleonora was a little overwhelmed when she introduced this skill to some of her lovers who love shopping, like Sonoka, Chiyuki, Remia, Luluaria, Hotaru, Curacoa, and Kaori. Although Eleonora intended to teach this skill to everyone she knew from the beginning. But when she is about to just give it to them without learning, they're refused and instead choose to learn it from zero.

'I don't quite understand; maybe they find it fun to learn [Inventory] or anything from scratch. Well… perhaps it's just because I was too talented and have had it easy so far in my life. But it's not like I had just laze around and do nothing; I also have to do hard work to make it the best.'

She thought while looking around the lingerie store she had visited with everyone. Eleonora was also trying to find any good lingerie for her, which fits since she is basically a futanari. It becomes harder for her to choose since she's not a genuine female again with that addition part. But that won't take her down; if she hasn't found it, Eleonora could tell someone to make it, or she will do it by herself. Hand-made lingerie or underwear that is specially made for her only.

'That will be perfect. Maybe Curacoa-nee can make it.'

She nodded and just went along with everyone since she hadn't found any lingerie that suited her. It's a pity, but at least Eleonora can come together with everyone here. Eleonora can give suggestions or her impression of the good or bad lingeries.

After lingering within the store, they brought in large quantities and had high qualities. Eleonora's group has been eye-catch by people around, one of them is because of how many beautiful and cute girls are in the group and the excessive amount of things they have bought from many stores.

But the question is how they haven't seen any pieces of luggage from Eleonora's group. The people around them don't know how they did that, but that's sure piqued their curiosity. They did not realize that Eleonora's group had stored all the things they bought in Eleonora's [Inventory] and some with the skills.

"I think since they know the existence of Shinju and Vertex right now, magic is not something that should be kept in secret anymore. Right?"

"I don't think so, Noracchi. Some people might have against it, like Taisha, but it has its own benefits. We have already told them about everything, even the existence, and truth of heroes, with Vertex and Shinju, so I think it's okay to not hide it anymore."

"Wasshi's right, Nora! I think it's amazing if everyone knows about magic and the likes! They can learn about it and do some wonderful things with it. We also don't have to keep it secret anymore and be troubled with the consequences."

"I agreed with Sonocchi, Eleonora. I think it's pointless to do that."

Ais said with an agreement to Sonoko's word. Many of them also agreed; they find nothing wrong for people to know the existence of magic and such. Although there will be a time when people will be filled with greed and do something dangerous. A world without conflict will be impossible even for Eleonora and the young bluenette have no desire to force people to share the same thought with her.

'That happened with Sinbad in Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic. He forced every human in the world to have the same thought as him, which ended up bad. Utopia or perfect world is impossible to make, and I would rather choose Dystopia for the sake of everyone and the world.'

She sighed and shook her head, dismissing that thought. Eleonora then nodded and smiled as well, stroking Sonoko and Ais' hairs gently. Although the young bluenette would know that someone doesn't agree with her decision, it doesn't matter.

"They're right, Eleonora-san. In my world, magic has become the norm and is widely known by the whole world, but it's also inevitable that some conflict and such will occur, but that doesn't mean that it is bad to reveal the magic and the likes. Our world and society will keep growing rapid, and we cannot stop it."

"I am agreed with Miyuki-san! I may not be Earthling and not born as one, but I also understand that. If we keep trying to say human is still not prepared, then when will they? No one knows, and that's why the faster we reveal it, the better that we can do some preparation for the future."

Both Miyuki and Momo said that, reassuring their crush and love interest with honesty in their voice. Eleonora already knew it, but she felt happy to receive that from them, especially the smiles of agreement from everyone around her group. They nodded and agreed with what Miyuki and Momo had said.

Eleonora huffed with a smile.

"Thank you for that, everyone. How about we continue our shopping?"

Everyone nodded and continued strolling around the shopping mall while also having fun. No, it is right to say that they are already enjoying it from the beginning.


Shopping time in the mall is over, everyone seems satisfied with what they have experienced for today, or it was supposed to if not for Esdeath, that asked Eleonora to have some spar with her. She wanted to test Eleonora's strength since she only knew some of her strength from Kurumi, Ais, Neptune, and Aletia, formerly known as Yue.

It's not like Esdeath doubting them, but she just wants to see it directly through the spar or mock battle. By doing that, she can roughly or accurately gauge the strength of their opponents, according to her. And Eleonora, when being asked or more likely requested of that by her, obviously accepts it, since the young bluenette is also curious of Esdeath's strength and abilities. She won't turn it down, and that's why they moved to another place. It was a quiet and vast place suitable for the spar they might have.

And there they are, for the spar they had, Eleonora was facing Esdeath. The former General of Empire's grin widened in excitement; she cracked her knuckles and loosened up some of her muscles for the preparation.

But before they started, Eleonora raised her hand and said something.

"A second, please. I want to cast some barriers to ensure everyone's safety, and since my intention about magic isn't being hidden, I think it's a good chance to show it to everyone. A problem might occur, but I can handle it, so please don't worry too much."

Esdeath was only impressed at that and nodded in understanding.

"That's indeed a good chance to show some people about supernatural and such. We might show some dangerous technique and all, but we can also show the harmless one another time to ensure them that magic and the likes can be harmful and safe, depending on how to use it."

"That's right. Like a weapon, it depends on how to use it and the people who use it. That's why Harry Potter's logic is kind of dumb, if I have to say it. They're trying so hard about the whole light and dark thing that sometimes leaves a bad taste for me."

Eleonora shuddered and said in disgust whenever she reminisced about that series. She didn't like that series so much. The same thing also happens with My Hero Academia: the whole hero is justice, and the villain is evil. That's why the young bluenette futanari didn't like Harry Potter and My Hero Academia, but put that aside, Esdeath could see that Eleonora stretched out her right arm, and some faint light came from it. She guessed that Eleonora cast the said barriers.

The former General with light-blue hair was impressed seeing what the current owner of Amagi Brilliant Park did to the surrounding. She also noticed that the sky seemed to have some layer covering it. The layer of barriers is transparent, but Esdeath could see the glimpse of bluish from it.

After Eleonora was finished covering the whole surrounding with the layer of barriers she had cast, she went in battle stance and looked straight at Esdeath.

"Alright, it's finished. Now, Esdeath-san… how about we start it?"

Seeing that her opponent had already gone serious, Esdeath smirked and simply nodded as she also went in her battle stance. She had summoned a sword on her right hand, a rapier that shares the color of her hair. She then held it, pointing forward to her opponent while standing still.

Looking at her opponent, Eleonora was grinned and summoned a pair of handguns by her sides. The guns have different colors but the same design. The right one is black, and the left is a white, simple yet cliché pair of colors.

The two of them looked at each other with a sharp and powerful gaze. The one who was being referee, Akame, just stood seeing them like that as she explained something to them.

"I will explain the rules. This is a spar, but do your best and not hold back if possible. The spar will end if one of you is knocked out, surrender, or can't continue it. Got it?"

Both Eleonora and Esdeath nodded at Akame's explanation. As she saw this, the black-haired assassin nodded at raising her hand, and began counting.

"In the count of three, one… two… three, begin!"

After receiving the signal, Esdeath suddenly charged Eleonora, who maintained the distance by backing out from her opponent. The former user of Demon's Extract Teigu, seeing her opponent, acted like that and launched a series of icicles at Eleonora. The latter destroyed them quickly after noticing it by shooting it one by one while still maintaining their distance.

'Got you.'

Esdeath already knew that Eleonora would shoot them all; that's why she sped up and swung her rapier at the young bluenette, causing Eleonora to be surprised. With a quick reaction, she then blocked Esdeath's attack by using her gun's barrel mouth, and trying to take advantage of it, Eleonora used another gun on her right arm, aimed it at Esdeath's stomach, and fired it.

Esdeath then backed out from Eleonora to avoid that as her eyes noticed. She knew it was not a simple and ordinary bullet, and she had to avoid getting shot by them. The former General was impressed seeing it first-hand, despite only a short time just now.

But Esdeath wasn't stopped just there. She used her abilities, control over ice, the same one with her Teigu in the past had, to erect a giant piece of ice that could be pierced painfully to Eleonora from the ground, targeted at her opponent. But it was futile when Eleonora noticed that and quickly jumped back, avoiding getting pierced.

"That's a terrifying ability you got, Esdeath-san."

Eleonora fired another series of shots to Esdeath, which was dodged by the latter, but Esdeath didn't notice it when she couldn't see her opponent. She was confused before realizing something behind her and turned back and saw Eleonora behind. Before reacting to it, she was shot and blown away by that. Too late at recognizing that.

The former General felt how heavy the shot she got from that bullet. It is definitely not a normal bullet since that didn't leave her a hole or blood dripping out. What she felt was like a rubber bullet, but several times stronger than that, even causing her to cough up so bad as if she was being punched in the gust with a solid and heavy punch.

While having difficulty breathing because of what she got, Esdeath, panting heavily and touched her sides. She then says something while wheezing to Eleonora while trying to regain her breath.

"T-That is… really unexpected and quick… to think that I… got shot…."

"I think it's just because… you're holding back, Esdeath-san."

After saying that, Eleonora noticed something in her shadow and looked up. A giant boulder of ice formed above the young bluenette that quickly dropped onto her, which luckily was avoided by her, just barely because a sharp of that boulder of ice scratched Eleonora's right cheeks, and a drop of blood dripped from it.

But not only that, as Esdeath stood up after recovering a little, she initiated another attack on Eleonora with her elemental ability. It was another giant boulder of ice, but not just one; many of them and all were aimed at Eleonora.

"Fallender Hagelsprung!"

Shouting the technique name, the giant boulder of ice series then fired at Eleonora together. Looking at this with widened eyes, Eleonora then quickly cast a barrier that formed to protect herself from the attack launched by Esdeath towards her.

"Hallowed Ground."

After casting that, the giant boulder of ices starts falling and targets Eleonora, trying to hurt and break the barrier protecting the young bluenette. Each ice boulder hit the magic shield around Eleonora; the force is pretty heavy that it could smash anything weak to a pulp in a second. But, despite trying to keep hitting it, that ice boulder couldn't do anything to the barrier, and after several seconds, it stopped attacking.

"Whew, to think I could use that as a shield to protect me. Esdeath-san, how about we pack this up?"

Eleonora said to the fully recovered Esdeath, even though she had bruises from the shot.

"Not a bad idea. This will decide who's the winner."

By saying that, they then prepared for the final attack that might end the spar. Esdeath brought her hands in front of herself, producing a ball of purple energy that slowly grew larger as she shouted the technique name loudly.


Unleashing that ball of purple energy that suddenly covered the whole surrounding of both Eleonora and Esdeath, everyone except her then stopped moving. People around her were affected by the technique she was unleashed, causing the space and time froze. Esdeath, who cast that technique, uses this chance to deal a finishing blow at Eleonora.

Cocked her rapier, Esdeath then dashed at Eleonora and swung the sword with intent to defeat her. A grin of victory appeared on the former General when her swing was about to land at her opponent, but unfortunately, something odd happened. As the sword landed, it was passed through, which shocked Esdeath seeing it.

"Passed…? But, how?"

"You're just late doing it, Esdeath-san."

Hearing that familiar voice, Esdeath turned back and found Eleonora with a confident smile. She has then noticed something on the young bluenette's handguns. Its design was changed! It has a different design than the one she was used earlier. The lower barrel was attached with the end of the grip in a crescent shape. There is also something like a scimitar blade in front of the crescent-like shape.

Without giving Esdeath a chance, Eleonora kicked the former General and pointed her handguns. Small, magical circles appeared above the barrel and locked their target on Esdeath before Eleonora fired a shot at her opponent. The unique bullet was fired, but before it hit Esdeath, the young bluenette placed a protective barrier on her opponent, and when the shell landed… a huge explosion erupted.

The explosion's impact caused a strong gust of wind, the audience that witnessed it had various reactions on their faces. Some were terrified, some were amazed, while others expected something like this from Eleonora.

A cloud of smoke was gathered around the place where Esdeath stood. Eleonora, who saw it, becomes sweatdrop and approaches it. Hoping that the protective barrier placed on Esdeath saved the former General's lives.

"Looks like it's a bit overkill. I hope you're okay, Esdeath-san."

After a few seconds, the cloud of smoke slowly faded and showed Esdeath still standing with tattered clothes, making Eleonora sigh in relief seeing that. She was relieved that her friend was still conscious, stood, and only had her clothes tattered.

Eleonora then bowed apologetically with a slight feeling of guilt to Esdeath.

"I'm sorry for that, Esdeath-san! I don't think that I did something overkill like that."

Instead of being angry, Esdeath just let out a laugh, causing Eleonora to be confused. The former General then realized something; she nodded at Eleonora and smiled. Her cheeks have a shred of pink. It's the same smile she had when witnessing Tatsumi's strength in that tournament. It's also the same look when she was fallen in love with Tatsumi.

"I've decided. Eleonora-san, please make me yours. I want to be your lover."

A pause has happened. Silence befalls them before Eleonora tries to process what Esdeath has said to her. The young bluenette looked at her lovers in the audience's seats; they just nodded understandingly at Eleonora, as if they knew what the bluenette thought.

Eleonora nodded and let out a sigh before smiling at Esdeath and replying.

"Sure, Esdeath-san. I'd love you to be my lover too."

Esdeath's cheeks went red like a tomato in excitement and embarrassment. She nodded meekly and smiled lovingly at Eleonora. The former General was in joy; her heart was beating up with excitement; it was fluttering in happiness when both of them so close and finally kissed each other lips in a chaste and loving kiss.


After finishing the little sparing they did that caused some disruption and anything, which people around the group witnessed, Esdeath became so affectionate towards Eleonora. The young bluenette has already knows who Esdeath is because of her time to read some manga and light novels. She also began to watch some anime to expand her horizon of knowledge even further.

'To think she is really in love with me… well, she is a yandere but the bad one. Maybe I should begin changing her into a good yandere. It will give me some good benefits, and Esdeath also seems doesn't oppose the idea of me having a harem, which is a big plus for me. Yandere tends to reject harem ideas since they always want to claim their lovers alone.'

Eleonora nodded when thinking of it. She began to know that her harem would consist of many girls, which is not bad, but she had to choose it carefully. She would have a lot of types of girls, including yandere, but Eleonora would avoid something like furry since that's not included in her taste.

You can criticize her or anything, but that also constantly happens to any male protagonist that seeks harem. She just does whatever she wants, like them, but more practical. Eleonora doesn't want to play villain path like the most male protagonist of some fanfiction since it's getting old, and she isn't that messed up.

'A girl also wants to have a harem, not only a boy. Why it's only exclusive to males…? I don't want a harem of handsome and beautiful men but women. A lovely harem consists of every woman I love.'

She thought, nodded at that. Sometimes Eleonora was frustrated, why only males were allowed to have a harem of beautiful girls when lesbians like her also wanted to experience that. She hated that and wanted to have a harem, but it seems she also somewhat blamed her father, who recommended some anime with harem trope.

Eleonora became affected by that anime her father recommended.

'Well, it's also because I can continue the Pendragon bloodline, and with Artoria, I think incest is wincest. God… I really have to use that phrase. Geh, I don't care about it anymore. As long as I am and everyone happy, then it's good.'

Eleonora shook her head in frustration. What she did caught the attention of Raikou, the one known as Minamoto no Raikou or Minamoto no Yorimitsu. The beautiful motherly woman with very long purple hair cocked her head in confusion and concern, looking at Eleonora while asking the bluenette.

"Eleonora, is anything okay?"

Ask Raikou, worrying at her' daughter' and 'child.' Raikou consider Eleonora as her 'child' and also 'lover' at the same time since she thought of the same. Being recognized as Raikou's child means that they instantly become her lover, which is a weird form of maternal love and how she perceives it.

But Eleonora still does not consider Raikou her lover yet, since neither confesses their love. She hopes that Raikou won't take over the mother role from her own mother. Nonetheless, Eleonora is happy that someone amazing like Raikou shows such affection and cares for her.

"It's okay, Raikou-san. Nothing wrong, I just had thought of nothing important."

But Raikou went in a pout; her cheeks swelled when she heard what Eleonora called her.

"Just call me Okaa-san, Kaa-chan, or Kaa-san, Eleonora."

"I have my own mother, blood-related, you know."

"But I also want to be your mother! You can call me Okaa-san, and I call you my daughter."

Eleonora scratched her cheeks before sighing tiredly and looked at Raikou, who still insists on being her mother despite not being adopted or blood-related. The purple-haired woman understood that, but her maternal feeling and intuition couldn't help to want to be Eleonora's mother in any way.

Before replying, Eleonora heard a whisper from Artoria.

"Eleonora, I think you can discuss it with your parents about it. Raikou is stubborn, and when she spots someone worth being her child, she will not stop it easily."

Eleonora then whispered back to Artoria.

"Really…? I know some of her tales, but… it is wise to do that?"

"I think so, and it's not like you will lose anything. Raikou also will be very loyal to her child, so I thought it's a good idea to accept her as your another mother."

"Well, if what you have said is true, then I will, but maybe I should talk about it with my mother."

Artoria nodded understandingly before ending the whispering between them. Eleonora then lets out a fake cough and faces Raikou, who has puppy eyes towards Eleonora, which slightly affects the bluenette because of how cute it is.

"Alright, Raikou-san, I will, but after we talk about it with my own mother back home. Is that okay?"

Raikou's face brightened with a beamed smile and nodded at Eleonora, agreed and understood with the bluenette's word. She doesn't want to have her potential beloved child, especially someone like Eleonora, whom she thought was the adorable child to begin hates her.

"Yes, Mommy understand that, Eleonora. I'm good at being patient, and I also want to meet with your parents."

Eleonora sighed in relief when she heard that from Raikou. She doesn't want to create another drama like what happened with Yue or Aletia before. The young bluenette wanted everything to be civil if possible; that's why she would do anything to achieve it.

She smiled and looked at everyone.

"Good, then how about we have a sleepover for tonight? I want to know each other even more since we have only done it through chat groups so far. Chiyuki-nee, Gin, is that okay with you?"

"I'm fine with it, Leo-chan. I also love to get to know all of you better."

"Same here. I also felt the same with Chiyuki-nee."

Eleonora had approval nods from her other lovers since they did not mind it at all. They would love on welcoming them and become friends even more with them. Seeing that approval, they headed to the house Eleonora owns in this world.