Another peace in the morning

After the two groups merged, Eleonora's group increased from nine people to twenty-one, so it became so big that it might block the entire streets whenever they went together. Her group would always catch everyone's interest, with how many people were there. It will become the center of attention from many. Not only because of the numbers, but also their beauties and cuteness, especially that came from Eleonora, who has otherworldly and divine beauty surpassing them.

But Eleonora has already got used to being the center of people's attention, she just worried for others, and hopefully, they paid no attention to them. If someone is shy and can't handle the pressure, then Eleonora would do her best to make that person get used to this kind of situation. It's the aftereffect of being around Eleonora since she is so attractive to many, especially women.

And with what happened yesterday, they have agreed to have a sleepover, for the sake to get known each other very well. Because of that, the group became friends and told their own history, which received various reactions. Some are amazed and astonished at how they heard their story in another world. Some were sympathetic, and the rest was filled with happiness because the group members were getting to know Eleonora Pendragon.

Although it's clear any woman who finds Eleonora attractive would develop a romantic feeling, they are still amazed. To learn that except one of the entire chat group members declared their love to Eleonora and wanted to be her lover and be included in Eleonora's harem. But only Erza Scarlet that still shy and unsure about the whole yuri relationship. She is also the only one who doesn't declare her love to Eleonora because Erza still hasn't developed any romantic feelings for the young bluenette.

Sure Erza finds Eleonora so attractive and blushes on her cheeks whenever she has eye contact with Eleonora. However, the strongest member of Fairy Tail still has some romantic feelings towards a man known as Jellal. She still holds that feeling and can't calm down until she settles the problem between them.

'Eleonora-san is too good, and so is Jellal. I can't move on when I still have a feeling towards him. I have already forgiven him, but he….'

Erza shook her head and felt a cold sensation on her cheeks immediately yelped as she was surprised at what she felt and turned back, seeing Eleonora, who handed her a can of cold soft drink with a cheeky smile. The Requip armor user simply frowned at that, but regardless, she was happy.

"Sorry about that, Erza-san."

"It's okay, Eleonora-san, but… a cold drink in early morning…?"

The scarlet-haired woman said with confusion and raised her eyebrow, which caused the young bluenette to chuckle and nod.

"Yeah, maybe it's not the best drink, but I think it will give you some… relaxing. I know that something like tea or coffee would be suited. Anyway, you can just choose to drink it or not. I won't force you, Erza-san."

Hearing that only made Erza look down on the can of cold soft drink she held, but then she heard Eleonora continue to speak while she was listening carefully at the young bluenette.

"But… if you want, I can switch it with hot tea or coffee. How's that? Also, that's a cute yelp coming from you, Erza-san."

Erza's cheeks suddenly turned red in embarrassment hearing the last part of Eleonora's word, and she shyly looked away from the young bluenette, who laughed at her while the scarlet-haired woman opened the can of drink and sipped it a little.

A slight smile appears on her face.

"It's a nice drink…."

"I'm glad that you seem like it, but it would be better if I gave you a hot drink instead."

Erza simply laughed along with Eleonora as she agreed before suddenly becoming quiet. Eleonora just let out a small huff as she could guess a couple of things on what Erza was just thinking right now when the scarlet-haired making such a face.

The young bluenette could see some sadness in Erza's expression. Not only that, it's remorse, conflict, and hesitation. All of it painted clearly on Erza Scarlet's face since she didn't say anything, even though Eleonora is a bit curious, but she also doesn't want to force her friend to talk about it.

'She has a lot in her mind right now. It's good that everyone wasn't awake right now, and it is still surprising that Erza-san woke this early. Does she has a nightmare or something that couldn't let her sleep peacefully?'

She glanced and observed the scarlet-haired friend of her, then sighed and shook her head. But then, Eleonora heard a voice from Erza, who began to speak of something.

"I'm sorry to make you worry about me, Eleonora-san. I just had… a lot of things in mind. Something precious yet hard to grasp. I don't know how to reach it because that always stays further away from me whenever I try to get closer."


"It's as if… trying to avoid me. What should I do, Eleonora-san? I want to grab and comfort it, but… I can't. I'm confused. I tried everything, but the distance went wider."

"I see… so you want to hold it dearly, but it always rejects you. You want to fix your relationship with someone, is that right? But every time you do it, that person refuses your help. Does that person say anything regarding that? The reason refuses your help, perhaps…?"

The brown eyes of Erza widened when Eleonora correctly guessed what she told the bluenette; nonetheless, Erza nodded as she confirmed what Eleonora said. She wants relationship advice from the one who seems expert at it, even though the scarlet-haired woman leaves out some details.

"That person said that… our relationship will never be the same again like before. He told me I had to forget it and move on, but… I still want the truth. He said it with much guilt and pain reflected on his face. I want to know the real reason why he said that to me."

The way Erza said it showed that the scarlet-haired is full of confusion and sadness.

"How about you ask him again? Ask him, if he still stays that your relationship couldn't be the same like what it used to be, then…."

Eleonora didn't finish it as she knows that Erza already knows the obviousness from Eleonora's last word. The scarlet-haired went quiet for a few seconds before nodding and understanding the meaning of that from Eleonora.

"I know, Eleonora-san. Even if our current relationship isn't like in the past, I just want to know the reason behind his words. That is enough for me, and I have to accept it if he told me that our relationship won't be the same, ever."

"…Very well, maybe when you return to your world, I can help you with that. Let's not forget that everyone here would love to do that too."

A beaming smile was brightened Erza's face when Eleonora has said that. Erza nodded rapidly in happiness and received a pat on the head by Eleonora, which caused the scarlet-haired woman's face to blush in embarrassment yet didn't reject it. Instead, Erza somehow felt warm and calmer when Eleonora patted her head like that. It also has a nostalgic feeling.

'This is warm… I don't know why but my heart feels at peace. It was the same with Jellal did, no… maybe even better than what he did. This nice and gentle feeling, I don't want to let it go….'

Unknown to Erza, she unconsciously sparks a little affection towards Eleonora deep within her. A feeling of love that might grow stronger and bigger. It will surpass her romantic feeling towards Jellal Fernandes due time and allow her to move on from him.

"How are you feeling, Erza-san? Are you okay now?"

"I feel soothed, knowing that my friends comforting me like this and promised to help me."

"That's something anyone would do, and I have no problem with keeping it. We may just meet yesterday face to face, but I already consider you my precious friend. It is the same with everyone in the chat group; I think of everyone as special to me."

Flashed a knowing smile, Erza replied as if she understood something.

"I think I understand why they want to be your lovers, Eleonora-san. You really care about them equally. You even offered help and held promise to someone you just met, even though we just know through chat group until now."

Eleonora chuckled and stopped patting Erza's head, taking off her hand from the scarlet-haired woman.

"I just want happiness for everyone, including myself. I only wish for peace in my relationship. Is that strange for you, Erza-san?"

"No, it's simple yet precious. I think it's a beautiful objective, Eleonora-san."

"Thank you, Erza-san. If you need anything, just ask me or anyone in the chat group. We will be there for you."

The two laughed together and talked even more, which was lasted until half-past seven in the morning. Eleonora and Erza spotted Kurumi and Momo currently wearing an apron in the kitchen; they seemed to prepare for everyone's breakfast for today. The black and pink-haired girls noticed Eleonora and Erza's presence and waved their hands, greeting them.

"Morning, you two!"

"Good morning, Nora-kun, Erza-san."

Momo and Kurumi kindly greet them. Eleonora and Erza nodded before the young bluenette went to the kitchen and gave a peck on Momo and Kurumi's forehead lovingly, as the two smiled happily, receiving that from their lovers.

Meanwhile, Erza somehow felt jealous and left alone seeing them affectionate like that. She didn't have any lover that did her like that since someone that she loves, Jellal Fernandes, rejected her affection, and the scarlet-haired woman swore to make him talk all of it so she would know the truth and reason why Jellal avoided her that much.

After kissing their foreheads, Eleonora looked at Kurumi and Momo curiously.

"So you two preparing for today's breakfast?"

Kurumi nodded while taking some ingredients from the fridge with Momo helping her. They have already set up knives, chopping boards, spices, etc., on the kitchen table.

"Yes, Nora-kun. I think we settle with some Omurice, Miso Soup, and Tamagoyaki for breakfast."

"I have already tasted Japanese foods, and it's indeed delicious. Although back home foods are always cooked by our chef or Mikan-san, I also have the skill to cook some! So don't worry about it, Leo-kun!"

"That would be lovely since it was cooked by lovely girls."

Eleonora said it smoothly, causing both Kurumi and Momo's cheeks to redden in embarrassment and happiness because of the compliment from their bluenette lovers. This is quite a rare reaction and sight for someone like Kurumi to blush like that since she always seemed used to people's compliments, but when Eleonora did it, the black-haired girl suddenly felt different, and she liked it.

"The apron you both also wears is very charming."

"Fufu, my~ Nora-kun is quite a flatterer. Thank you for the honest word of compliment."

"Leo-kun really has a way with her words, but I like it~."

Kurumi and Momo chuckled with their still light blushes cheeks.

"I only say the truth and no lies. Anyway, is there anything that I can help with?"

Eleonora asked that to Kurumi and Momo, who shook their heads rejecting the offers from their bluenette's lovers, as they replied with kind and assuring smiles.

"It's okay, Nora-kun. You just have to sit well and wait for us to be done with it. You don't need to help us."

"Kurumi's right, Leo-kun. You can just wait and taste our delicious foods filled with love. I bet you will want it more than ever!"

"Fufu, I'm sure she will be addicted to our foods, so please wait patiently. Everyone would come in later, in a few minutes maybe."

"Alright then. I'm looking forward to the breakfast."

Eleonora said that as she went to the living room and sat down, she waited patiently with Erza, who turned on the TV and watched some news that had already been aired. It is still a shock for the chat group members, who came from another world, who have no Japanese language as main, to understand it perfectly.

Though it's also applied to her, Eleonora could do that because of her magic while she still doesn't know how others from the chat group have something similar to Language Comprehension. She just suspected it was the chat group owner doing it.

'At least I hope it went that way since I don't know how they understand Japanese and be proficient in it. Things really get confusing, but that contains excitement that makes me want to discover it. Should I ask the chat group owner directly? Nah, I don't think it's necessary for me.'

She shook her head, thinking of that, and heard voices coming outside the living room. Eleonora turned to the source and spotted all of her lovers. The first group is Gin, Neptune, Ais, Sonoko, and Akame, who walked together while still having tired faces as they were yawned.

And the second group is the fully awake Yasaka, Raikou, and Medusa, followed by Artoria, Esdeath, and Miyuki. While the last group is Chiyuki, Sonoka, Ayako, Mao, Eri, and Sumi. Those people noticed their beloved bluenette and smiled at her while waving their hand to Eleonora.

"Morning, everyone. What a lively morning we have here."

Eleonora greets them and waves her hand. She showed them her loving and beautiful smile when greeting them.

It is very lively because of the number of people in the house have. Fortunately, the size is pretty enormous and could house many people. The price wasn't the issue for someone rich like Eleonora, since the important thing is how big the house is. Although if she didn't find any suitable place, Eleonora would probably buy an empty land to build it herself.

'If my harem grew bigger over a hundred, maybe I have to own land or island just for the sake of it. Heh, that's not a bad idea if I thought of it. There will be many people around me, and I have to think about it before it happens.'

She nodded in that thought, then focused on her lovers again.

Greeted by Eleonora, all of them showered the young bluenette with morning loving kisses on cheeks and forehead. It could be viewed as a strange sight and maybe make many people jealous, especially those seeking a harem.

She would definitely show off her harem to the harem seeker that had to work hard to achieve that. Even though Eleonora knows it's wrong to be arrogant. However, she still develops and slowly drifts away from her Mary Sue personality, which mainly causes worry for her lovers.

It's not like she will be a bad guy and antagonist like many protagonists in dark and evil novels she found on the internet, especially in many fanfictions. Eleonora doesn't want to fall into that path and remains good, but not overly if possible.

"Morning, nepu!"

"Morning, Eleonora."

"Morning, Nora!"

Neptune, Ais, Sonoko, and Akame immediately hugged Eleonora. The latter simply laughed and nodded at them while she heard some greeting from her other lovers. She looked up and saw Yasaka, Raikou, and Medusa.

"Oh my, good morning, Leo dear."

"Good morning to you, Eleonora dear."

"Good morning."

"Yeah, what a surprise morning. I might have got used to this if we lived together."

That got chuckles from Yasaka, Raikou, and Medusa as they saw it as amusing. Eleonora told them an undeniable fact because every morning will be lively and never dull. She does not dislike or hate it but loves that.

Then the following greeting came from Artoria, Esdeath, Miyuki, Sumi, and Gin. They greet Eleonora with cheerful faces and voices, which is rare for someone like Esdeath, who has always been cold. Artoria has a moment when she isn't mean to the people she cares about.

"It's a fine morning, Eleonora."

"For sure and good morning, Eleonora."

"Good morning, Leo-nee-sama!"

"Good morning, Noracchi."

"Morning, Eleonora!"

"I hope every morning will be like this."

Another chuckle came from Miyuki, while Artoria and Esdeath simply smiled at that. After a few minutes, Eleonora released the hugs from Neptune, Ais, Sonoko, and Akame. The young bluenette heard the last morning greets from Chiyuki, Sonoka, Ayako, Mao, and Eri.

"Good morning, Leo-chan."

"Morning, Eleonora!"

"Yeah, Morning…"

"Good morning to you, Eleonora-san."

"Morning to all you too. Definitely have to get used to this."

Once more, Eleonora heard a group of chuckles from everyone, including Erza, Kurumi, and Momo. Each of them then does whatever they want. Gin, Akame, Yasaka, Raikou, and Ais helped with the breakfast. Chiyuki, Sonoka, Sumi, and Miyuki set the tablewares while the rest of them waited lazily on the living room's couch.

Eleonora's lap is currently occupied by Neptune and Sonoko, that get stroked on heads gently. Erza, Esdeath, Ayako, and Mao focused on watching the shows on the TV. Artoria was munching a snack. Medusa and Erza talked casually while Eleonora still stroked Neptune and Sonoko's heads.

'What a peaceful and lively morning. Looks like another fun day will begin for me and everyone.'

She thought happily with a smile while chilling out. Eleonora will treasure moments like this and the free times she always wants, even though it was mostly her fault for being engrossed in works back then. Nonetheless, she is also glad to be working in Roozlent as its chairman.

'I hope nothing wrong happens to me or anyone close. I also hope I don't jinx it by thinking this.'


A groan of frustration came from someone. He is the chat group owner that favors Eleonora Pendragon. He is a divine existence, a god, or whatever it is called, somehow responsible for an extraordinary individual that constantly gives him a headache but hey, he enjoyed the moment despite the constant complaints from himself.

"Damnit, she already has thirty-five lovers in her harem…? What a lucky girl. Well, that's part of her charm anyway, so I shouldn't be surprised if she managed to have over one hundred lovers in her harem. What a frightening power she had."

He sighed in defeat and was tired of all this but not regretting this job. A slight pain suddenly in his forehead, causing him to headache, and he frowned with a pained expression on his face. His hand then reached a bottle of mineral water, opened it, and chugged the water before stopping for a while.

"Gah… I don't even know that a god can experience something like a headache. Is it a migraine…? Damn, maybe I should visit the hospital, and it still surprises me that in Heaven they have that. It is really confusing as if most gods here want to play like humans. They even replicate KFC, McDonald's, and Starbucks!"

He exclaimed in surprise when he shouted that since he couldn't believe that human has such huge influences on Heaven and its people. He was shocked when learning that when he started working here.

As he felt the headache lessened and felt a bit better, he grabbed his cellphone and meddled with it, trying to find something. After a few minutes of scrolling and swiping, his expression changed to a beamed face.

"Found it! Let's see… I swear that I saved the hospital contact or that guy. Did I accidentally delete it…?"

He growled in frustration after trying to find the number and couldn't find it, which resorted him to browsing through the internet of Heaven about the hospital contact. But, before he found the phone number, a notification sound ringing caused him to check immediately.

"What is it? Is something happened… fuck…"

He cursed when seeing the notification he had. It is something that made him facepalmed. A problem that might be annoying for him but has to be solved. It's something that can't be ignored by him.

His palms covered his face and whined.

"How come it did like this…? Why do those idiots do that anyway…? What should I do with this?"

He muttered in frustration and felt a slight headache, trying to find the solution for this. But then, an idea that came out of nowhere crossed his head even though it's not the best idea based on him.

"Let me call that guy first since I don't want to trouble her with this. I still don't understand why those idiots did that. This is really ridiculous and makes no sense at all. Really bullshit, I call it."

He said that while trying to call someone, he knew that person very well and might help him with this problem. He just hopes it will go smoothly, and after this, he should visit the hospital or go to a therapist for the better.


Breakfast time is done, and everyone in the house currently has free time, except for Sumi and Sonoko, since they have school and have not graduated yet. It's a bit sad; even Sonoko whined that she didn't want to go to school and just lazed around in Eleonora's lap. But Sumi insisted on taking Sonoko to school since it's their obligation as students, unlike Gin, who was 'drop out' because of her record, and the grey-haired girl doesn't want to go back to school.

"Sonocchi! Come on, we have school today."

"Nooooo! I don't want to go to school, Wasshi! Nora, please save me!"

"Don't be overreacting, Sonocchi! It's just a school; after that, we can come here."

"Sumi's right, Sonoko. You have to attend school, and you can come here after that. We also can spend our time during the weekend or holiday, so don't worry about it."


Sonoko asked them, especially Eleonora, who nodded at the dirty blonde-haired girl to reassure her that she said it was true. When she saw that, Sonoko's face beamed with a happy smile and brightened. She instantly became happy and nodded understood of Eleonora and Sumi's means.

"Then, I will go to school and quickly go here!"

"Promise me that you will be obedient when in school, okay? Also, don't forget to tell your parents if you want to have a sleepover again."

"Uhm! I understand, Nora!"

Eleonora then turn to Sumi.

"You too, Sumi. If you want it again, please tell your parents in advance. Although I think it's better if you don't frequently go out since your parents might be lonely and miss you."

"It's okay, Noracchi. I'm sure Otou-san and Okaa-san will understand that, but we can ask them ourselves if you are unsure. How's that?"

"Maybe I will, but how about you going to school first? I will take you there with [Teleport], so you won't be late. It's better than waiting for a bus or walking from here to there. Right?"

Sonoko's eyes are beaming with excitement while Sumi looks at the blonde girl with sweatdrop and sighs. She just reluctantly nodded and agreed with her bluenette lover's offers.

"Alright then, we will accept it, and Sonocchi, please behave. Don't do anything stupid."

"Good, then… everyone, I'm off to take them to school. I will be back after that!"

Eleonora turned back and raised her hand to everyone in the house, which got her simultaneous nods from them and, seeing that made the young bluenette grab Sumi and Sonoko's arms. The two girls also do not forget to say goodbye to everyone.

"Take care, you all! Don't let Sonoko do anything weird!"

Gin told them as Eleonora and Sumi nodded while Sonoko whined and quickly left the house. Everyone just chuckled at what Sumi and Gin said about Sonoko. After saying that, Eleonora, already outside the home, immediately used her [Teleport] by holding Sumi and Sonoko's hands.