Bellas POV

I went and sat besides him. We were talking the whole night and i couldn't stop blushing .

I think he considers me as his younger sister . I hope not


Next morning -

I went in the closet and picked up a random white t shirt with black Jean's and normal boots

Then my eyes almost popped out when i saw this Greek god like guy when i entered school . Omg he is the most handsome guy I've ever seen.

I was acting as if I dint check him out and went to look for malika and harry.

I saw harry in the football field so I went towards him. harry picked me up and was taking me towards the school

The whole time I was with harry i felt someone watching me but i decided to ignore it .

I met malika and she was telling me how she and the new guy who's name i came to know was Xavier are going to date . Then i changed the subject and we continued talking the while time during the class.

She told me about the party at Jimmy's house and I was invited .

Jimmy was my frnd and but he wanted to date me hut i dint like him so i had rejected him that spoilt our frndship last year .

Malika me and harry were sitting in the lunch room when jimmy came up to us and asked that are we coming to his party . Malika excited said " of course yes Jimmy!!!" He looked towards me for confirmation and i nodded. 

Then jimmy asked me would i like to be his date for the party

I dint want to ruin our frndship more so i said yes . Jimmys face lit up .

"So ill pick u up at 8 ?"  He asked . I said " sure".

I wonder why he wants me as his date girls crazy behind him .

I called an uber cause i was in no mood to walk.

During the whole ride idk why i was thinking about Xavier.

My mom is a designer so I can rely on her for the outfit

I went to the closet and found nothing for a party or party clothes which I have already worn. I called malika to help me .she came asap and we both went to my mothers designing room where she designs clothes and i showed her the outfit which i could wear

She choose me a black dress with deep neck line and reach till my mid thigh .

I was looking at my self in the mirro

She told me " omg you look gorgeous bella i wish i had a body like yours"

Malika had the perfect body and she was 5'9 ! And i am just 5'4.

I wore the outfit and i was actually looking hot .I decided to let my hair down and wore simple jewelry and malika helped me do my makeup she did smokies eyes and red lips I was looking like a complete new girl

I couldn't believe someone like me could look this good

Omfg I sound self obsessed

I went down when I hear the door bell ring.

Jimmy was in surprised but quickly covered it with the drooling face

I blushed hard though i dint like him he is pretty damn cute.

Jimmy complemented me and I blushed .

We drove to his house in a comfortable silence

As we reached I saw a guy with leather jacket coming out of a Bugatti

I wonder who is that rich to afford this car

Then I saw it was Xavier

I gave him a smile

I had Jimmy's hand wrapped around my waist I did not feel uncomfortable but i saw Xavier glaring at both of us but I did not know the reason of him glaring .jerk.

I decided to ignore him and enjoy with my frnds .

I was dancing and I felt someone's eyes all the time . Malika whispered in my ears that Xavier is staring at me so i decided to loom towards him and he actually was staring . He noticed i had come to know that he was staring at me still he did not stop .

Creepy handsome boy