Bellas p.o.v

I decided to enjoy and ignore him.

I dont drink but everyone else around me looked drunk . I wanted to ask jimmy to drop me home but he was also drunk.  I couldn't disturb my parents as it was quite late so i decided to call for an uber. I went out and was waiting for my uber.

As i was waiting i saw Xavier leaving the party alone .

He sat and in his car and was coming out of Jimmy's villa and suddnely stopped in front of me . Creepp.

"Get in the car princess " Xavier said . " dont call me that u dont even know me psycho " he started smirking .

And said " i know everything i should know about u bella. NOW GET IN THE CAR" " no sorry im waiting for my uber "he looked really angry for some reason . He decided to wait for me uber to come . I was okay with it cause tbh i was alone cause mos of the ppl had left. The uber driver came and i went . He followed me till my house for some reason

And the whole ride i was regretting waiting for the uber.

I arrived at home and took a long hot shower and slept .

Next day at school

I decided to wear jeans with a full sleve crop top and my boots.

Today we all had different lectures. i met harry and malika and told them i will meet them at lunch time .

I was removing something from the locker when I felt  the corridor tet empty ,the school bell hasn't even rung ! weird I thought

But after a min or so I felt a huge hand on my stomach so I decided to see who he is

And it was none other than The handom rich jerk Xavier

I politely asked him to remove his hand but he decided to ignore my request

And kissed my cheek and left after winking at me

During the whole class i was thinking the how his touch made me feel and only by imagining it i was gettung butterflies in my stomach.