part 9

Bellas POV

I was shit scared what is he planning to do . I'm not going near him.

"Come here or i will come there " i dint move he started to walk towards me he threw his belt on the bed and i kept taking steps back and this continued till my back touched the wall, he placed his hands on the wall trapping me . He dint look angry though, "Babygirl please listen to me it will be best for both of us " he said moving a strand of hair from my face . " I am going to take a shower dont try something stupid , if u want u can join me"  he said winking and left me shocked. It looked like he was trying to control his anger . Ehh i hate him or maybe he isn't that bad as i thought. Oh no he is. I need to get out of here but even if i leave he will catch me and maybe not let me leave .  I should just wait .



Xaviers pov

I saw how she looks at me only with fear . I want her to look at me with love like i look at her. I want her to love me back.

That is why i decided to go easy on her and take a shower to calm down or only God knows what harm i would've done .

Bellas pov

I sat there on the bed waiting for him to come back and i had decided i would take a stand for myself and tell him to leave me alone .

He came back after 5 minutes with a towel rapped around his waist. He was drying his hair with a towel and water droplets dropping from his muscled arm to his chest to his six pack abs touching his towel and getting soaked. Gosh i wouldn't deny i haven't seen anyone hotter than him in my life . I was so focused on checking him out i dint realize my mouth was open. He walked towards me and closed my mouth, " done with the drooling babygirl ?" I just blushed hard and him being so close to me in just a towel made nervous but i had to be strong so i begin with what i had decided "u need to leave me home right now Xavier " "no " he said "why but ?" " because i said so bella, now let eat something " ehhhhh " u need to wear something " i said with rolling eyes " why baby, are you not able to control yourself " he said laughing,  this is thr first time I've seen him laugh. I'll change u go and wait for me at the dining table " again wait wth !" And i stomped out of the room before he could say something. I want to go homeee .

He came and the maid served us food i dint touch my food though all the dishes were my favorite , biryani ,pasta, chicken tikka masala but i wasn't in the mood to eat , " start eating babydoll "Xavier said "dint i tell u I'm not hungry , im not going to eat " "I'm not going to ask u again pick the fucking fork and start eating or i wont be responsible for the consequences "be yelled " but I dont wa"  and he banged his hand on the table so hard that few drops of gravy spilled and he looked so angry like he would kill me then i picked up my fork and started eating. Why am i so weak






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