part 10

Bellas POV :

To be honest it was the tastiest meal I've ever had but the fear i had for the person sitting next to me didn't let me enjoy it at all.

I ate as much as i could ,and stopped and waited for him to finish, so he could leave me home . Fuck what if he tells me no. So i decided to ask him ,"When will u leave me home ,its late and I'm getting tired " he ignored me for 2 mins completing his meal and then replied " Darling you are at home" he said i was surprised at what he said ," no ,as in my house can u please drop me home " i said " not before you complete your meal babygirl " what!!! "Aree you blind i just ate" i scream and got up from my chair , he was calm " sit down Babygirl " he said very calmly , i guess its the silence before the storm " just leave me home Xavier " i a swift moment he got up from his chair and he hands went on my hair and pulled them hard " when i tell u to do something u do exactly that , you are a very stubborn girl , when i go easy on u , u take me for granted dont forget who is incharge "he screamed tears kept flowing " now do as i say and sit back down " he said and left my hair , i looked at him with hatred , he sat down on his seat expecting me to do the same , " i was still standing so he pulled me in his lap , i tried to get up but he had secured my waist with his hand already " i will sit on the chair" i said " you should've listened to me earlier, i think you secretly like what i do " he said with a playful smirk .

Oh so now Mr. Handsome is not angry bipolar jerk .

Wtf did i just call him ehh .

The maid had already put some biryani in the plate he started feeding me " but I've already eaten " i said with tears in my eyes ,"i know Babygirl but u have to eat more , u eat like a birl, how will u carry out children if u are so thin " he said my eyes came out of the socket !!!!is this man crazy what does he think of himself , he just chuckled at my shock reaction " you wish " is all i said " and my wish is your command Babygirl " i kept quiet not wanting to talk with this arrogant bipolar idiot anymore after a few bites i was full i would puke if i had one more bite , " please i cant have anymore food " to my shock he stopped . I got up from his lap but instead of feeling free I was wanting to go back to him close to him made me feel safe . Fucking teenage emotions not my mistake. He got up and dragged me with him somewhere but not roughly like he always does this time a very gentle grip was in my hand . We reached an elevator. Is he taking me to his room oh no .

I stopped he looked back to see why i stopped " don't worry im not taking you to any room " he replied like he read my thoughts and continued taking me with him , is this man a vampire oh wow , i will have the greatest story if he is a vampire. I should ask him someday chuckling at my own dumb thoughts. Not realizing we reached ..... the terrace. Why has he brought me here. I walked towards the edge of the terrace to see the view. It was the most beautiful view I've ever seen. Everything was black except the lamp on out terrace i wonder why . But i was too busy looking at the beautiful view .I was standing there breathing the air , Xavier put is hands on my waist and pulled me closer to his chest i looked up to see him only to find him looking down , our lips so close. I could smell his breath minty even after just eating food. I'm sure my smelt like spices. I looked ahead not wanting to kiss him ...okay yaa i wanted to but i knew if i did i wouldn't be able to control myself. "

" it's beautiful" i said "not more than you Babygirl "he said and i blushed hard. " thankyou for bringing me here " "u can come here whenever you want its your place also , now i will leave you home your mother has called about 30 times"



