Chapter 29: Evil

Bodies dressed in nothing but grey littered the small abandoned building, blood seeping from their bodies, seeping onto the white marble floor, the mutilated limbs being the main source of the leakage. 

Several men, all clad in black robes and white masks stood around, their swords were drawn as they watched their squad leader. He had on the same white mask as they did, but this one had a single red line going straight down the middle, signifying his rank within the not only the squad but the entire legion as a whole. 

In front of the squad leader, was a single man that was dressed in grey, completely strapped to a metal chair, his hands and feet bound by a tight rope, it being so tight that it caused the man's hands and feet to turn purple from the severe lack of blood flow. He had multiple cuts on his entire body, trembling in pain as he could do nothing but sit and speak.