Episode 3

The episode opens with Sam,Shade Tucker and Taylor land on the ground.

"Where are we?" asked Shade.

"Ireland", answered Tucker and Taylor simultaneously,while looking at the PDA.

"Really? I expected us to end somewhere more unusual", Sam admitted.

The others agreed with Sam.

"Wait,where's danny?" asked Sam, looking around the area.

Inside Fowl Manor.

"Where do you think this person came from?" asked Holly.

"Interdimensional portal,which would explain the rifts from early", Artemis Fowl explained quickly.

"With my scanner,I sense alot of ecto plasma around this Mudboy", said Foaly, holding a ray.

"Mudboy?" questioned Danny,while getting up.

"He's awake", replied Holly.

Danny turns back to his phantom, and says "Who are you?"

"I was going to ask you the same", revealed Artemis.

Holly glares at Danny with suspicious.

"Danny phantom", said Danny.

"Artemis fowl,these are my friends: Foaly,Mulch,my bodyguard Butler,Minerva,and Holly", Artemis introduced them.

"Captain Holly to you", said Holly,purposely crushing Danny's hand.

By the way,if your wondering this the Artemis fowl clone from AF the last guardian.

A bunch of portal rift appear, which is when they get splashed with a strong amount of water and Danny uses his ice breath to stop the water.

"Ice breath,extraordinary", Foaly smiled.

The rifts get closed by a ray in Artemis hand,that surprised everybody except Danny.

"We should find your friends before Fowl manor gets devoured by rift between time and space", suggested Foaly.

Danny heads to the exit with Holly following him along Artemis, and Foaly.

"Have you-" wondered Minerva.

"Noticed the way, Holly glare at our ghost like visitor, have you forgetton our last encounter with the ghost kind", Artemis interrupted.

A flashback forms the ghost that possessed Myles and Beckett Fowl and under Opal's flashback connects with Holly,where she got kissed on the cheek by the original Artemis the second before his soul escaped his body.

Back in the present,while walking.

"You sure, it's wise to trust this boy?" questioned Butler.

"Who said I trust him,I just making sure he doesn't cause any destruction", Artemis told Butler.

Butler wasn't quite sure what Artemis is going to do, Danny is hugging Sam,then they kiss.

"Glad to see your okay", said Tucker,referring to Danny.

Taylor bumps Tucker,so he introduces Taylor to Danny.

Danny and Taylor shake their hands.

"Brilliant, I scanned the area to figure out the activity of the rifts and find a way to stop the rifts, it also can send you home", Foaly revealed.

The ground is shaking,rocks are coming from it,after that a girl who has black hair,wearing armor similar to knight armor, raising an ax in the air like a wand.

The girl lands on the ground with her head down, raises her head revealing a smile,then pushes them away from the hole.

Inside the hole a magical blast comes it, making everybody step back, and Artemis throw a ray into the hole.

Butler immediately pull Artemis away from the hole.

The ground heals,and rifts disappears.

The girl with her ax creates a portal,revealing she's an alien that got stuck in a rift.

"Bye,ghostboy", said Holly.

The alien gives Artemis and Sam communicators,to be able to talk to each other.

The episode ends with the Phantom team entering the portal.