Dear Society

Dear Society

Let me start off by saying you suck

Telling people they can do anything with a little luck

You tear people down who are already broken

And then you build them up again only to show them off like your prized token

You make people think for a moment that you care

Then you do a one eighty and start a big flare

Racking up drama to keep our attention

Then work in the background making inventions

Dear Society

You whisper quietly in the ears of many

Making them think they're worth less then a penny

You give some people a good life and others strife

Then saying it's fair while you sharpen your knife

You say some got it easy some have it hard

But if you work enough you can go far

I don't understand how you live

When all you do is take and you give

You confuse me in so many ways

And sometimes I wish you would just go away

Dear Society

I have to thank you for very few things

For some reason you picked me up and gave me wings

You allowed me to soar above the sky

Giving me a chance to leap and fly

You've taught me to be careful where I tread

To be mindful and know what should be said

There's a reason mouths close and ears stay open

Listen to the people who are soft spoken

I hope you help those who need it the most

And to end this poem I give you a toast

To those who soar high above the sky

And to those who live where water runs dry

Help others to where all the birds sing

Maybe then will we all get our wings