Dear Figure Skating

Dear Figure Skating

I step out onto the ice wrapped in gear

My mom held my hand so I'm not in fear

The slippery surface covers the pond

It's almost like it's made with a magic wand

Many people glide in front of me as we step out onto the ice

My mom keeps me stable, the breeze feels quite nice

I fall many times but by the end I can run

Glide upon the ice having oh so much fun

Dear Figure Skating

It's my first day of practice as I walk into the place

I look to my side, there's so much space

Smooth fresh ice coats the floor

I step onto it as I glide and sore

We gather in a circle, many kids like me

Loving the ice as fish to the sea

I level up quickly never losing my passion

It was like clothes that would never go out of fashion

Dear Figure Skating

I jump and glide and sore through the sky

This place is my home where I can fly

Ever since we've met I'll never leave your side

I'm right here, in it for the ride

With every summer I know I'll see you again

So until next year my waiting begins

Balancing on a blade is no easy thing

But once you can do it all you do is sing

So Dear Figure Skating, from the deepest part of my heart

I knew I'd love you ever since the start