Difficult Challenges for Friendship

Karl started. He did so almost imperceptibly, but Steve, who was closely watching him, noticed and felt a twinge of sadness.

"I have," Walton announced. "Of course I have. Something that started like your relationship cannot survive. Do you think Martin really loves you? I think that he is totally under your spell, nothing else. How long will it take? When will this boy wake up from this crush? And you? Do you really love him? Do you even know what love is? One day you will wake up from your sleep and then what? "

Karl's words were harsh, maybe even cruel, but not unfounded. Nobody knew Steve as long and as well as he did. Even so, Paxton was eager to resist his logic.

"And you? Are you sure you'll be happy with Anna? Do you have the guarantee that it will always go well between you two? "

"Do not change the subject…"