Chapter 11: Way Back in Memory Lane

1.) I woke up. I was laying my head in the inn. Dad goes to me. "Oh, Dad!" I said. "So How's your vacation?" he asked. I look at 5 glasses of Cherry-Sherry I used to drink when I'm down." Bartender…Gin and Tonic…" said Dad. I look at the Bartender… He's gorgeous, the Sapphire Blue eyes, the clean looking shaved face, smiling face… Quite a muscular… David?" I asked him. Then I realized. "Damn it! I told you it won't work! I tried it a billion times…" Dad's ears becomes sharp as his skin turns gray. I woke up. E.J. was standing there, blinking with his pupils in Red. I look around. Fae Lilies and my…Aw. My hand has a long cut, my blood is dripping in the Fae lilies. I start to run away. "Ooop, oop ooooop…." Said by that shadowy creature resembling dad. The Gray man.

2) "Daughter, why are you running away from your dear Papa?" asked him. I kicked his eyeballs as I run away. It was a cave in near Pyramid Lake. Mermaids are waiting for me in the lake and man eating big foots. "Tsk..." Jeremy lands down with his electric spear, electrocuting the lake. Marina fires frozen bow shots towards the Man eating Bigfoots as David lands to me.

3) Heath lands down as fire breaths the area. The Gray Man's back grow some branches as he rustles it. He melts in the shadows. The Big Foot and the mermaids disappeared in the shadows. "Damn it…" said Heath. "He's the one that came from THAT ball…" said Heath. They We land down with towards Marina. Haya looks at us. We Saw E.J. exiting the cave. We are kind off…playing stealth as we stealthy move towards the town. "Shhh…" said Marina. The Town lights wear off. E.J. was atop the Inn in his were-sheep form. E.J. saw u. Bernie appears in front of us. "Run!" shouted David as Bernie Bulldozes the ground.

4) E.J. joins him. "My, my my… you just escaped and yet…" said E.J. "Shane! Run!" shouted David. E.J. Snaps two times. Marina, Jeremy and Heath falls down. "Wait…Why…Why David's still awake?" asked E.J. as Bernie pins him to the ground. David Inhales as he exhales loudly creating a steam explosion. He runs to me as he carries me.

5) "Why are you not mind controlled?" I asked. "I don't know!" said David. He jumps very high as he makes water orbs gather making frozen clouds. He inhales as his singular blue crystal horn appears, then becomes a werewolf. We stand by the peak of the foggy mountain, as we looks at the sky and stars. "It's so cold here…" I said. David becomes a werewolf with his crystal horn he inhales elevating the water by a few feet. He's a full white werewolf now. I touch his face. "David?" He's growling something I cannot understand. Then, we landed on the cave in the mountains… David breathes the thick ice melted.

6) We go inside it…It has few openings. It was an underground grotto. David reverts back to a his human form, We will be safe for a while." said David. But it's freezing, I start to shiver. "Here…It's warmer here…" said David as he carries me towards a groto. It has Blue Fae lilies, glowing in light blue. "Take a rest here…" said David. David grunts as he becomes human. David steams up as he lays on the flower field. "Come here…I can steam up so you won't feel too cold…" said David as I snuggle to him. I look at my hand, my veins has this roots thingy. David was staring above…I look Up.

7) It was a crystalline layers of ice, that feeling you are deep undersea. It was beautiful, the moon is blurry but still beautiful. I looked at David.

"David… I remember few memories here…Do you remember anything?" I asked. "I… Remember…Everything…Shane." Replied David.

David looks at me with tears in his eyes.

"David…." I said.

"Shane…I don't know, I don't know it was awful…" said David.

8) I remember;

David loses control, he created a lot of mists, starting to boil nearby people as he endures the tests. The saddest part, his Father did the experiments.

David maybe monstrous, but his father is a monster.

Experimenting on subjects like…like… 002…003…

I just, watched him there, I was crying as green mists surounded us.

Then strong sharp noises that breaked the glass.

And… His uncle, a Silver werewolf, started to break every machines.

But David…. He became a 15 meter tall white wolf with blue crystal horn and deep sapphire blue eyes, freezing and steaming the area few too many times, killing many people as he maimed, his own father.

I paused and look at David. He was crying. "I feel… Like a monster…Shane…I want to die. I want to die so hard." Said David.

9) I go to him and hug him from the back. "Your mom… Your mom sing something to us…Me, you, E.J…

"That's why… I rather keep everything a secret…David." Said E.J. as he moves out from the Shadows. "Call me an evil person, call me a bad guy… Shane. Even I remember now. Dad, you can come out." Said E.J. The Grayman goes out from his shadows. He looks… A Lot like dad. Marina,Heath and Jeremy goes down from the back. Bernie blocks the way.

10) I go to him and hug him from the back. "Your mom… Your mom sing something to us…Me, you, E.J…

"That's why… I rather keep everything a secret…David." Said E.J. as he moves out from the Shadows. "Call me an evil person, call me a bad guy… Shane. Even I remember now. Dad, you can come out." Said E.J. The Grayman goes out from his shadows. He looks… A Lot like dad. Marina,Heath and Jeremy goes down from the back. Bernie blocks the way.

I realized. There is an inhuman task force, why people…seems to accept the inhuman creatures just like that.

11) I realized. There is an inhuman task force, why people…seems to accept the inhuman creatures just like that.

"You…. You made a false world, so… Your kind will…" I said.

"I did… I promised… David the First…" said the Grayman.

I just realized, and say to myself…

"I'm the Bad guy." I fall to my knees.

"I'm killing… Man-eaters Shane… to keep, people safe. I admit, it's nice toying with you…" Said E.J. as he puts coat on David.

The Grayman goes to me. "003… It's time that you know the truth. I'm sorry, I'm being harsh. I was… Mad, at first, Furious; I did not expect, you will come here…instead of David going to your place…" He said. Some footsteps echoes. I look back. It was Dad. The Gray man walks toward's Dad's Shadow. "You... see. " said Dad as he takes out a gun with a silencer.

12)"David my boy… Memory wiping will no longer be…possible… I'm sorry to do this… Chief David made me promise...." said Dad as he loads shining silver bullets.

David looks at him. "Please don't make this hard for me my boy…" said Dad.

I closed my eyes as 3 consecutive gunshots echoes the area. "It's fine, He will heal back…. Carbonado Silver bullet shells…" said Dad. I open my eyes. E.J. Puts a towel on David's head.

13)"I'm still furious you came here though…" said Dad as he takes out a Crimson Fae lily from his pocket.

"My question is… Shane is… Do you love David?" he asked me.

"Yes I do…" I replied.

"Then… This never happened…" said Dad.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Ernst Johan…" said Dad.

"Yes Dad…" replied E.J. He dashes in front of me and claps in my face. I blacked out.

14) I woke up. I was in the Inn… Noi. My old room. I yawned and go downstairs. There… David was being handsome as fuck. He looks at me as he smiles. "David, stahppp being cute…" I said

15)"Wife…I'll stop being cute, if you stop being… Beautiful…Your making me horny in the morning!" said David. I rush to him and hug him from the back and touch his crotch. "Oh!!! Good morning to you too!" I said. "Shane… stahhp… It's business hours…" said David. I tip toe and whisper to his ears… "Mama's hungry…" I said as I proceed to play his bulge. Then bite his red, red ear… Such a tall, handsome man… He faces me. We face each other. He was very,very red. I kiss him as we go in the back room and start kissing…David removes his shirt as he ravages my face with wild kisses…

16)"Uhm… Sorry, but." said Jeremy. We stopped and fix ourselves. "Jeremy!" I said. "Sorry, I'll leave.." said Jeremy. "Dude, Why it looks like an emergency?" asked David. "Well… There's a missing case near pyramid Lake…" replied Jeremy. E.J. goes to us. "Dude, let's go…It's an emergency!" said by him. David kisses me as he goes away. I wave goodbye. They wave back.

17)Mhhh… It's weird. There is something. I cannot remember though. I go outside. I go to David's… House? Why is it under construction? A Car stops near me. "Shane... The Brunch with David's family will be starting…I need you to prepare…" said Dad. I paused. I look from the distance in the meadow. I saw Mom, playing with… a Younger version of me and E.J. "Shane? Is there something wrong?" asked Dad. "Oh…Nothing…" I said. "Okay, Just see you later in the Villalobos mansion." Said Dad as his car goes away. Mom sees me, she looks like me but with a Light reddish brown hair and Green eyes. She mouths the words: "Truth." She waves at me. I run towards her. But I just…

18) It looked dim, compare the bright sunny day I was in with. A Strong Fog was surrounding the whole town. I remember everything. The…fake world made for David and his kind…No. A Fake world for people like us. E.J. walks towards me. "Wow… Why do you keep on breaking every mind control we set up…" said E.J. I prepare myself to run.

19) E.J. blocks me. "Seriously Shane?" He asked. He holds my wrist. "Let me go!" I shouted. "Damn Shane… It would be Easy if you just believed your own HAPPY ENDING…" said E.J. I look back. The Towns people. They are just doing what they are doing… I notice… The Mist are… "Pollen… White Pollen…"I said. "You should have Listened to DAD!" said E.J. as Dad walks out from the Mists. "Shane! I told you we, are going to the…." Said Dad. "Dad, we are talking about something…" Said E.J. "I know I am destroying your set up reality! But a Lie is a lie! I will not Let David be part of it! Truth will hurt us, but then again!" I said as my phone rings.

20)It was Dad. I turn on the loud speaker; "Shane! I've been worried sick! I was calling again and again but your number cannot be reached!" I look at the fake dad. "You are lying all along!" I said as I throw my Phone towards E.J. Startling him as I rush to the Fog. I can barely see. Then I bumped into David, near the entrance of Pyramid lake. Just looking at nothing.

"David?" I asked him. Tears falls down from his eyes. I hug him tightly and for some reason… I want to sing my mother's lullaby…

"Sing to me… The song of the stars… Sing all your love…Oh cherished heart

Sing to me…, This Song of Love…So I would Remember…

I would remember…Remember… you…"

David looks at me and hug me bacl. "Shane…" said David as he takes me as we jump away.

I look down. The Grayman looks at us from the center of the town. I must find a away to save everyone as David keep on jumping until we are far away.