Chapter 12: Cruel Past   

1) It was night time, David was sleeping in my lap. I was thinking what we can do. He wakes up.

"Are you okay?" I asked him. He shrugs.

He stands up. "Let's just, runaway… I, hate this, I hate everything, I hate I live in a lie for 20 plus years… No wonder my world is Too good to be true. I mean, my brain was blasted off, but it seems, I still retain memories, but not all." Said David.

2) He looks back to me. "You remember everything too right?" asked David. I nod. "It's… just. I hate this." Said David.

"At least we still have each other right?" I asked him. "Yes. " he looks down.

"The people are coming here Let's go." He said as he carries. We move away again. Until David was exhausted. We are in the old lab.

3) David opens it. It was nearby. I landed.

"Hello?" said by…Dad? David and I hide. There are few people around.

"Shhh." Said David as water droplets became tiny ice balls. He jumps,Fire the Ice balls like a sling shot, making the people in suits unconcius.

"Whoa! Whoa! Calm down my boy…" said Dad.

"Dad is that really you?" I asked.

"Who's yer dad except me!" said Dad.

"Then what is my favorite color?!" I asked.

"You can't decide between green or Pink." He replied.

"David, he's my real dad.

4) David calms down as We stand up. "I got a news of a Thick fog in yer Jasper, So I go here to get some denoiser…" said Dad.

"It's not Fog, It's White pollen from a Person that looks like you…" I said.

"He looks like me, right?" Asked Dad.

"Yes…" I replied.

"It's The Gray… Well, to be exact, he's the other me, You made,Shane…" He presses something as an underground shaft opens.

5) We go inside. David looked terrified. It was the place we ramapaged once upon a time. There are rooms their… 001, it has water and land, 002 is a grassy field…003. Flower garden. I look at dad. "Yes. Shane… or 003." He said. I was my room. It has lots of fae lilies. "Fae lilies… You and Your mother can create life plant life forms with your ability, let alone, your mom…000 Star Singer; Even a stronger life forms. I look at the 3 injections on the cabinet. One is empty.

6) "We must inject this to The Gray…." He said. "How…How did I made him?" I asked. "The Gray is a manifestation of your will, from 000: Your mother's Gray Plant dolls… It caused chaos once upon a time…It controlled 002, then 001… You tried to stop it. " He said. "So, that means…" I asked.

7) "You are one of the experiments… I remember, the rowdy place as the Gray Treedoll starts to destroy things. David was trying to stop it. Let alone mom, we run away, leaving people behind. David holds my hand. "I just remember, killing people…" said David. "No , you did not… The Gray was controlling you and other people using white pollen. They are already killing ach other, even your…Mom and Dad was killing people, because of the mind control." Said Dad.

8) Dad gave us some syringe. "The Gray is weak against Fire and lightning, let alone Ice… Fine people who can do it…" said Dad as he takes few equipment. "I'm just here too… Take out my equipment, I knew this would happen. I'm sorry, I did not tell anything…" said Dad. I hug him. "I'm sorry me daughter…You, remember it know, don't ya?" said Dad.

I go inside my containment. I look around. My veins started to Glow. I remove my shoes. My Feet started to root. "So… This is what I am…" I said as fae lilies grow to my shoulder like tattoos. I get out.

"Shane…" Siad David.

"I am like you…" I said as we laugh.

Later that night. Dad and his team goes away with the equipment.

9) David and I was in the Roof. He was embracing me tightly. "I thought, I killed People…" said David. I kiss his hand and say, "The Gray Did that…" I said. Heath and Jeremy lands down in the front.

"As we planned?" asked David.

"As Planned." I replied.

David jumps down. I run towards the woods carrying the satchel. Marina and Haya blocks my way.

10)So, Shane? How was it? You like my counter plan?" asked E.J. as the people bows to him and say, "Oh great Black Sheep! What can we do to Shane?" asks them.

"Circle her around." David can't attack if people are here. They start to scatter in a pattern, a meter apart.

"Follow me..." said E.J. as we go inside the pool area. E.J. removes his clothes, revealing a body on par with David as he dips to the pool with a red swimming trunks.

11)"What do you need me for?" I asked.

"Join me... Insist!" said E.J. as he smiles, The Gray treelike Shadow emerges from his back. "Join me… Seed of the Astral flower." Said The Gray and E.J. I throw my shoe on him as The Gray hides back in the Shadows.

"Oh! Okay...I like, feisty women..." said E.J. as The People holds me.

"Fine!" I said as I walk back inside the inn's room. I take of my clothes and wear a bikini. I look at the Sheriff's office. Jeremy and Haya was standing in a robotic manner; guarding the office like some sort of guard dog.

Fireflower was walking with Marina and Heath as he and Bernie nods at each other like a robot.

The People are just pausing as they all look at me. They smiled. "What are you looking, Seed of The Astral Flower?"

12) It scary how normal people are just like dolls, moving in synchronized motion. Jeremy goes inside. "Shane, the great black sheep is waiting for you!" said Jeremy, unlike others, he just acts normal and un-robotic. It means, his control has limitations. What did he do to Jeremy, in order for him to be fully controlled with all his personality? Or is it the other way around?

13) He leads me to the pool. This Time, E.J. sitting down in the bench. I just look at him. He looks at me as he whistles. Few of the people bring him food.

"I'm sure you are hungry..." said E.J. as his left amber eye turns red. He laughs and ask, "You think I am hot, don't you?" he ask. He is, but also 100% crazy. He dries himself; He has a devil's charisma, even , he is not using his mind control, he is very magnetic like David. Bernie in his human form stands before him.

14)"Your Great Sheep... David still won't speak! He heals so quicker than before!" said Bernie. "Thanks Bernie... Geez, I might have over done the cracking part...I mean, he heals really, really fast... He can't join? Bwesit(Fuck)!" said E.J. He stands up and take a knife. "I'll make him talk, about this beauty!" said by E.J.

15) What's with him and David? He's like obsessed with David... and me. E.J. looks at him. "Why not join me in the pool?" asked E.J. I look away and say, "Kill me now..." I said. E.J walks towards me. He holds my chin forcefully "Don't get me wrong pretty..." said E.J. as he licks my face.

"I only like you because you look like Victoria, your Progenitor ; She's supposed to this fella's adopted mother…. Jonas' Bride, but being a very different specie… They cannot make an offspring…" He said. I slap him with a tiny needle in my hand. E.J. looks at me as he releases me.

16)He laughs and whispers in my ear,

"I like that!" he says as he back slaps me. Then holds me again in my chin. "You're coming with me!" said E.J. "That felt so good!" I said. Fireflower carries me. He wears a Black Bath robe as we go to the Sheriff's station.

David was inside the Prison with chains. His hands was tied, but his right hand is not growing back. E.J. as they bow, "Oh great and powerful black sheep!" said by them. "Did you have what I requested for?" asked E.J.

"Yes, my powerful Black sheep!" said by them. "Good!" replied E.J.

17)"We are few of the experiments of that Laboratory. 000 Star Singer, Victoria. Her songs can bring emotions and memories back to life, She was once… a Humanoid Alien looking like a flower…Astral Flower but she sings, So She was called Astral singer… she was found in a cave near Ireland when she was a child, raised by Dr. Evan Jonathan Drazel, Shane's Grandpa...." said E.J.

David sighs as he adds… "Okay! That's it!" Shouted David. Heath goes out from the toilet as he burns the Gray using Fire.

David's Hand floats as the floating hand was puppeted by threads of blood, taking a red leaf from the Gray. David inhales, creating a big bubble of Liquid. Marina Freezes it, trapping The Gray inside.

18)The David grunts, hitting water bullets around. Heath and Jeremy grab me as they go out. David bulldozes the walls. Haya becomes a Werepolarbear, blocking the E.J. as they fight. Bernie Rushes Towards David. David Counter attack his Kick using his kick.Heath and Jeremy continues to Runaway. David's hand exploded in blood, bones and flesh as he uppercuts Bernie, knocking him down. David's Arm reconstructs back from the bloody explosion as we run away.

19)The Ice ball cracks up as The Gray becomes a Giant Tree Monster. Haya signs to us. We saw the Truck as we pick up Bernie. Fireflower Was in a gigantic form, The Mob started to run towards us. The Gray and E.J. looks at us.

20)"Damn, knocking us is one part, knocking everyone is another.... We are surrounded." Said Jeremy. A laser line started to form behind us. "RUN!" shouted David as we run. The mob follows us.

"Fire!" shouted Dad as Missiles started to attack THE GRAY Monster. I sign. Dad signs back 'Almost all' We kept running as David takes me , We jump away. Dad and his team Fires Net around the people. Then he signs. We runaway. Dad's team goes away too.

I saw a Light shimmering in the town, Green light as a corrupted version of my Mom's song was sung by the mind controlled people.