
Darma's plane took off and passed through the atmosphere. Then the officers ordered passengers to wear seat belts because the plane was going to accelerate. The next journey is from Sabarchy to Efora which is a hundred light years away. That means, it will take about four hours with a speed of four times the acceleration. When the aircraft is in stable condition, passengers are allowed to open seat belts. The airplane cabin is so spacious and big. In fact, this plane is twice as large as the plane Darma was carrying from Earth to Sabarki. But it still has the same shape. All commercial spacecraft have almost the same shape.

In this cabin can accommodate a hundred passengers. The floor is carpeted. The walls are covered with a kind of foam covered with creamy synthetic leather. The windows are oval. Behind there is a place to defecate and a place for officers to prepare food. In the cockpit, there are two pilots. After the fourth acceleration, they activate autopilot mode so they only pay attention to the radar when something is up ahead.

Darma opens his seat belt. He looked at the window and there was nothing to see. Just a flash of light like water flowing very fast. The color sometimes changes depending on the combination of starlight visible in the window. This all happened because the plane was making a light speed leap. Even up to four times.

Officers who are all planet Sabarchic creatures offer food and drink. But Darma didn't order. He just sat back and relaxed. But suddenly, the old man wearing a round brown hat with a gray mustache who was sitting next to him greeted him. Darma was a little surprised because he didn't realize that the passenger next to him was still on the same planet with him.

"Where are you young man?" this old man making small talk.

"Oh. I want to go to the planet Efora, "replied Darma in a friendly manner.

"I forgot that this plane is only going to the planet Efora," this old man chuckled.

Darma just nodded. Then, there was silence. The old man busied himself reading the newspaper. Not a few of the passengers took the time to take a nap. Darma was also about to sleep but when he closed his eyes, the old man beside him asked him to chat again.

"You know what's strange in this galaxy?" asked the old man.

With a little annoyance, Darma replied, "Because this galaxy has gone mad."

The old man laughed.

"Not. No, "he said, wagging his right hand.


"Every inhabited planet has never been bigger than an uninhabited planet. And the average time for one day is only thirty to forty hours, "the old man smiled.

Darma gasped in shock. He stared at the old man while glaring. The old man was astonished.

"On the planet Efora, how many hours a day?" asked Darma with a stunned expression on his face.

"In less than twenty-eight hours," replied the man with an astonished face.

Darma breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, less than forty hours. Can be overwhelmed he has to work dozens of hours a day. The old man asked why Darma was shocked like that. Suddenly the old man laughed when Darma told him what the problem was. Meanwhile Darma only smiled shyly.

The plane will arrive. The officers asked all passengers to return to wearing seat belts. When a slight shaking occurs, the planet Efora is visible. In the window Darma only shows a little because he is sitting in the middle. Although a little, its beauty still radiates. Full of beautiful colors. It turns out that Skrul's statement about Efora being a beautiful planet is not a figment. More specifically, Darma saw the planet glowing in dark green which was adorned with other bright lights. Such as reddish yellow, red, purple, pink, and many more. Anyway, the color is bright, beautiful and it doesn't hurt our eyes if you look at it for a long time.

After obtaining permission, the plane descends through the atmosphere. When the plane passed through the clouds, you could see a land that was filled with multi-storey buildings made of gray and shiny iron. What is unique is, the iron building side by side with plants that only grow on this planet. from small to large. Even the main building on the space station is a very large tree joined by multi-storey buildings.

On the side of it is only a small building that functions as an entry and exit route. The waterfall slides from the top of the tree all the way down and flows through the small gardens below which are reserved for visitors. The leaves are as big as an adult and thick like fleece. The leaves are almost as big as a wire. And of course the leaves are glowing too. By evening, his shadow almost covered the entire runway. Parts of the building merge into the tree trunk. So this tree trunk was deliberately perforated in such a way and a shiny iron building was built. The one who made the hole was not random. Only experts in this field. If carelessly, this giant tree can die.

The plane descended onto the tarmac. All passengers exit when the passenger ladder is opened and the pilot turns off the engine. The old man who was with Darma also immediately disappeared in the crowd. When he got up, Darma stumbled because the gravity on this planet was a little stronger. He already knew that if an earth creature set foot here, he would gain weight. A few seconds later GravBelt started working and Darma immediately rushed to the document checking section.

After escaping, he took the suitcase and headed to the cleaning office. He walked through a corridor filled with beings from various planets. The most prominent of course the inhabitants of this planet in their brightly colored clothes. In fact, not a few on the trim or the edge of the shirt they put a kind of lamp that looks like an LED light. So that their clothes glow with very eccentric colors.

When he saw the dwarf being like a frog, Darma was speechless. Even though he knew from the news broadcast, it felt completely different when he saw it in person. Darma ignored him and walked into the cleaning office. The iron door sounded then automatically slid open. Darma enters and instantly everything inside looks towards Darma.

In this room there are many creatures from various planets. But all wearing the same uniform. One of the creatures covered in fur, round eyes, snub nose, small teeth and large lips approached. He moved his head, tilted it and then sniffed Darma.

"You're from planet Earth, aren't you?" he asked in the galactic language.

Darma nods.

"I am Guldi from the Sabbath planet," he said then and held out his hand.

Darma shakes hands. But he was a little amused because this creature was very hairy.

"What need have you come here for?" asked Guldi then.

"I'm a new worker."

Guldi nodded and invited Darma to sit on a soft silver sofa. Not long after, a fat man and wearing glasses approached Darma.

"Ah. Darma. Glad to see you, son, "said the man in Earth language. Because he is still one planet with Darma.

They shook hands and sat together. This fat man rested on his right leg.

"I am Rama who is in charge of cleanliness at the galactic station on the planet Efora."

Darma nodded with a smile.

"We must be proud of our company. King Efora trusts us with the cleanliness of his galactic station. There used to be four companies competing. And our company won. "

Darma tried to pay attention to Rama's chatter which was lengthy and actually didn't matter at all. After going through a situation that made Darma almost lose his appetite, finally Rama stopped his chattering and showed Darma's room. He took Darma outside and then headed into a small hallway where on the left and right there were iron doors. When he reached door number twenty-one, Rama reached into his trouser pocket and opened the door with a card-shaped key to enter it and the door opened to the side.

Darma looks at his room which is enough for one person and Darma looks happy. Because all the facilities are here. Starting from the mattress, the table that is near the window and facing the runway directly, the bench, the cupboard, the bathroom inside, and the monitor to watch local broadcasts. All of them were made of shiny gray iron. Mattresses and pillows are certainly soft. Ram gives the room key.

"Tomorrow you can work. Later your other friends will guide you, "he said, then turned away. But Rama turned around again and said, "Be careful with the little thief. He's hanging around here a lot, "then he turned back around and walked out. This time he actually came out and the door closed.

To be continued...