A Little Thieft

Darma nodded then she started to tidy up his clothes. He drew closer to the cupboard that was attached to the wall. She pushed a button and the wardrobe door opened to the side. Inside there are several shelves for clothes and hooks for hanging clothes. After he was done, Rama lay on the bed and sent a message to Skrul that he had arrived. He checked the time on his cell. The time automatically changes to planet Ephora time and shows the middle of the day. His stomach then sounded a sign that he was hungry. Darma got up and was confused where to order the food.

When confused, Darma's eyes fell on a button whose side glowed an orange color. He came closer then pressed it. Suddenly, a stove appeared from the wall which almost made his waist push backwards. Next to it, a sink appears and the water can be drunk immediately. Apparently this room has a hidden kitchen. That's what Darma had in mind. He then looked up there were a pair of small doors. Then he knocked gently and opened the two doors to the side in opposite directions. Inside there are many instant food ingredients and cooking tools. Darma immediately cooked and ate it while watching local shows.

The broadcast seems like news. Darma did not understand the Efora language nor the characters. But what made him amazed was that in the broadcast the small streets that were traversed by the reporter were filled with strange-shaped plants. Some have round leaves, have colorful flowers, even the vines have glowing stems. Sparkling like a firefly whose light rippled like blood vessels. The most unique thing is, the color of the soil on the planet Ephora is pure white as white as milk. Darma didn't notice when he was on the plane. His eyes were focused on the beauty of the colorful plants.

As evening approached, the runway was covered by the shadow of a giant tree. But because there are many plants, the colors are bright. Darma sees him from the room window. He was amazed by the beauty of this planet and felt very lucky to be here.


The night on the planet Efora must be filled with light. Everything is glowing. On a street corner, in a narrow alley, even in the forest. As long as there are plants growing, the place will be illuminated with colorful lights. When the wind blows, a small creature whose skin is pink, big blue eyes, long ears up like a rabbit, small hands with white hair, wearing dark brown leather clothes and boots the same color as his clothes, seen in a garden some kilometers from the space station.

She ran all the way to the station's iron fence. The hole is not very wide. If she forced her way in, maybe only his body could enter while her head would be pinched.

She looked around in all directions. When she felt safe she stepped back a little farther, grabbed a stance, then ran and jumped. The guardrail ten times her height she could jump over. She landed with a slight roll and then hid in a small plant whose leaves almost covered the trunk. She peeked to make sure the patrolling officers didn't see her. She smoothed the leaves of this little plant then she lay down and closed her eyes.


In the morning, Darma's door knocks. Turns out it was Guldi who gave him a work uniform. Darma wants to wear it. He looked around the room. There doesn't seem to be a mirror. But he thought. Usually the mirror is attached to the wardrobe. Darma came closer to the cupboard and knocked on it. Just right. Suddenly the outer wardrobe door slid and saw a mirror. Darma then put on his work uniform. White shirt with red batik patterned collar and light brown trousers. Pretty cool.

Darma went out and gathered in a room for a pre-work briefing. When he entered, Darma counted. He couldn't count because there were so many. Maybe a hundred or two hundred. Very many and from various planets. But, those who came from the earth were only him and Rama. After Rama finished with his direction, all the employees scattered to their respective work points.

Meanwhile, Darma has a point with Guldi. The point is in the lobby where many creatures are passing by. Because Darma has been equipped with hygiene skills during the training, he doesn't feel awkward anymore.

In the middle of work, Guldi and Darma talked about many things. It seems Darma is starting to like Guldi. He is very friendly.

"This space station is so big. Can we all handle it? " Asked Darma.

Guldi's eyes glanced upwards, "Maybe it's because the inhabitants of this planet are all neat. Just look at the scattered trash, right? Only the remnants of dirt left by the shoes. It doesn't even look dirty because the ground is white. "

Darma nods. Then he remembered what Rama said about the little thief.

"Oh yes. Yesterday Rama had said that there are small thieves here. "

Guldi glanced up again, "There are often times. Actually he didn't steal. It's just being suspected of being a thief. Because he often causes trouble here. "

Darma nodded again.

Then, there was a scream inside the lobby. Darma and Guldi ran over, they saw a little pink creature with big blue eyes running around. Guldi whispered to Darma that the little thief in question was that creature. Darma then intends to arrest him. But Guldi suggested it was better not to. Because there are security forces who will take care of it.

Darma ignored Guldi's words. He ran towards the little creature. But it looks like the little creature knows Darma is coming near. The little creature then ran through the crowd. Darma follows him. Unfortunately he hit the trash can and fell. But he got back up but lost track of it. He looked in the direction of the large crowd. Darma continues to search for him. Finally from a distance he saw the little creature running down the side of the runway which was covered in grass and small plants. Darma runs towards there. Meanwhile Guldi was calling Darma's name asking him to come back.

"Darma is back!" shouted Guldi.

Darma kept running after. At that time, one of the planes was taking off, causing a strong gust of wind and deafening noise. Darma was blown away until his body was thrown to the side of the platform. Meanwhile the little creature clung to the small plant. After the plane took off, the two of them continued chasing each other until they reached the station border fence.

The little creature jumped. Darma jumped up and grabbed her leg. But instead of the little creature who fell with him, he was the one who was carried and jumped over the guardrail and rolled on the milky white ground.

They are in pain. The little creature saw Darma and its mouth started to say something in a language it didn't understand. Darma then hinted that she should use the language of the galaxy if this creature could.

"Yo're from earth. It always makes me bother," said the little creature with an emotional tone.

"What do you mean?" Darma doesn't understand.

Then suddenly the little creature was shot with anesthesia and its ammunition which was shaped like a small arrow stuck in its neck. Then the little creature fainted. Darma looked back and saw the burly station officer aiming at the little creature behind the guardrail between the holes in the fence.


The little creature was secured by security officers. The situation at the station was excited. But before long it started to be normal and conducive. Meanwhile, Darma was taken to the treatment room to treat his minor injuries due to falling and tumbling. He was given some kind of thick white liquid by the health workers and the wound was even felt. Darma lay down when the officer who took care of him went outside. Guldi then entered and saw the state of Darma.

After Guldi sat down, Darma recounted an incident where he managed to grab the little creature's legs but instead carried his own body over the fence.

"I have no idea. Many creatures look small and weak but have great strength, "replied Guldi.

In the afternoon Darma was summoned by the security staff. He walked into a small room and there were already two security guards and the little pink creature was sitting and handcuffed. The two officers were wearing black hats on the secure edge of their hats (of course) glowing with LED lights. Especially in their uniform which is dominated by black.

"Your name is Darma from Earth?" asked one of the officers speaking the galactic language sitting opposite the little creature.

Darma nods.

"Then I'll go out," said the other officer as he closed the door.

"We thank you because thanks to your courage, we were able to catch this little thief."

Darma looked at the little creature, but she seemed displeased by showing an irritated facial expression and staring eyes.

"Her name is Yora. And she iis female."

Darma just stared at the security guard's face.

"Oh, my name is Yathkul. Just call Officer Yatkhul," he said with a smile.

Darma was asked several questions. He can answer it. Even Guldi was summoned as a witness. When everything was sorted out, Yora was thrown in a special prison for low-level criminals for three months which is located not far from the galaxy station.

To be continued...