
The aircraft is traveling at the speed of light in a four times acceleration mode. After activating the auto pilot, Yora relaxed sitting while reading a book on the side of the deck wall. Ramna was busy at the hologram table in the middle of the deck. He brought up a map of the galaxy.

Darma sat on the deck floor, leaning his back against the deck wall. It felt like something was missing when he set foot on Bastie. His brain kept thinking. His mouth chews the fruit he bought in Ephora. Want to eat vegetables, must be cooked first. So he ate the fruit he bought only one seed.

Darma's mouth continues to chew while thinking what was missing. After how long, he finally remembered and immediately stood up to Ramna.

"Hey!" exclaimed Darma, looking seriously at Ramna.

Ramna was silent.

"Just now we got off at Bastie, why doesn't gravity affect me while I'm not using GravBelt?"

"Take it easy, the gravity there is not much different from Earth's gravity. Our goals are the same. There the gravity is not much different from Bastie. If our destination planet has a bigger gravity, I will definitely give you GravBelt," Ramna explained.

Darma nods.

"Then, what planet are we going to?"

"Our headquarters. It's an abandoned planet. There is no name. We just call it headquarters."


"The planet is as big as the moon on Earth. But the pollution is very bad. The sky was dark with industrial smoke. Sunlight can't enter. According to the captain, since the first time he arrived there, the occupants were gone. There are very few trees left. The water and soil are polluted.

"So the captain built a kind of big tower on which there are buildings such as buildings, residential houses, and so on. It could be said that it was a city on top of a tower. Each tower is connected by a bridge. There are only five cities in all. Because our division is the last division and is still as old as corn. It's different from the previous division which already had strong military troops and weapons. "

"Then, how long will we arrive?"

"If you count it by hours, about thirty to thirty five hours."

Darma gasped in shock. Because it's the same as a two-day trip.

"Long time. If I'm hungry, what should I eat when the stove on this plane is no longer working? "

"Take it easy. We have fast food. Just pour hot water. You can use a water heater and the water can use tap water. Quiet. The water is clean, really. "

Darma tries to understand. He then noticed Ramna looking through the hologram map of the galaxy. Ramna knows that Darma is watching. He then enlarged the map of the galaxy centered on the point where the plane was and explained where it was going.

"Our aim is here," Ramna pointed to a blue dot," and this is where our plane is located," Ramna pointed to the yellow dot.

"So far," said Darma, paying attention.

"But our planet's aim is still in the direction of the star. Namely Tonggak stars. "

Darma is still confused about the galaxy map. He asks Ramna to explain.

"All right," Ramna zooms out of the galaxy map with both hands as if they were patting each other. The holographic map of the galaxy shrinks like a sphere the size of a basketball.

"Do you see a round map of this galaxy?" Ask him then.

Darma nods.

"This is a map of the galaxy as a whole. Well, the center of the galaxy is in the middle which is very bright. We're in the direction of the Tonggak star. Why is it called that? Because on every map, the Tonggak star is always at the top. There really is no up or down. It's just that this is just a benchmark so as not to get confused.

"You watch. There are six directions of the galaxy star. Simply put, namely up, down, left, right, front and back. But the problem that arises is that when you're in outer space, you can't determine any direction if you don't use a galaxy map. The step you have to take is to learn to memorize the six names of the star directions.

"The names are, the direction of the Tonggak star, the direction of the Cakra star, the direction of the Garda star, the direction of the star of Qufta, and the direction of the star of Surja.

"After memorizing, you must also know the shape of the constellations of each. If you draw a line, it will form a kind of picture. The direction of the star The poles of the constellations will form an elongated shape like a stick. The direction of the Sangga star, the constellations will form like a round flat board.

"The direction of the star Cakra, the constellations will form like an arrow. The direction of the star Guard constellation will form like a square shield with a sharp bottom. The direction of the star Qufta, the constellation will form like two eyeballs. And the direction of the star of Surja, the constellations will form like a wheel with spokes. "

It looks like Darma is getting dizzy with Ramna's explanation.

"Our headquarters is not registered with the Galactic Federation. So the position of our planet is like a house in the wilderness. Or rather the entire solar system in the wilderness, "continued Ramna.

"If there are foreign planes passing by, don't you get caught?"

"Later you will understand if you see first hand how the system works when you get a threat."

Looks like Darma should stop asking. He then turned around and sat on the floor deck and looked at his cell phone. Wretched. He doesn't keep Guldi's number. For the first time in his life, he realized that keeping the communication numbers of those closest to him was very important.


In a solar system in the region of the star Qufta, a very large and handsome parent spaceship is close to a red planet. This aircraft carrier in comparison, is almost as big as a big city. On the left and right sides of the hull there is a red cloth that covers a part and has a black sword on it. Above its hull were numerous medium size cannons.

At the rear, there is a spacious cockpit in which there is a control device controlled by many people wearing red military uniforms. The cockpit position is higher than the hull. They are assigned according to their respective duties. Then one person wearing a red robe stood in the middle.

A tall body with wrinkled dark blue skin, large eyes, thin lips, neat but serrated teeth, thin hands with sharp nails, and a deep voice. He ordered to immediately attack the red planet. Of course a captain's orders had to be carried out.

Small, round warplanes with overhead tails and wings on either side immediately shot out from underneath the aircraft carrier. Lots of like bees coming out of the nest. They all approached the red planet. However, the red planet seemed to be putting up a fight.

They also sent fighter planes that were like dragonflies. Then they got into a fierce battle. Shoot at each other. Of course if the plane is destroyed, the pilot will be destroyed too. Some were not destroyed. But because the engine was hit, the plane glided freely through the atmosphere and crashed before hitting the ground.

In the middle of the battle, in the cockpit the captain gets a holographic call from the red planet. A face appeared with very large eyes almost covering his face. When seen, his face looks like a dragonfly. He communicates with the captain.

"What do you want from us?" asked the creature whose face resembled a dragonfly.

"We offer a partnership," replied the Captain calmly.

"We don't need cooperation with the Red Alliance," the holographic line was closed.

"Then accept the consequences."

The captain ordered something.

"Tell our troops to withdraw. Then point our main weapon at this planet called Basta. Make sure to aim at their military center. "

"Are you serious Captain Marlon?" asked his aide who ran closer to him.

"The Red Alliance's Tenth Division should show its fangs at the other divisions in the Red Alliance. We are the lowest division. So we have to show that we are not a lowly division. "

"Good. Orders carried out! " the aide returned to his position.

Above the aircraft carrier, appeared a very large cannon gun from inside the hull of the plane. The caliber muzzle is terrible. And immediately all the troops withdrew and the weapons aimed at the military center. After the aim is locked, it remains only to wait for further orders from the captain.

"Attack!" said Captain Marlon shouting.

The tip of the caliber spun and gave off a dazzling light. After a while, a plasma beam shot shot straight at Basta's military center. Instantly the military center was destroyed. Even the land was destroyed. They did not have time to escape because when they looked up at the sky, the plasma rays quickly hit. A big explosion occurred at the military center. Caused about twenty percent planetary damage. Seeing this terrible incident, Basta's warrior retreated. On the plane they cried.

Meanwhile Captain Marlon laughed out loud at the results of his crimes. In his eyes, the explosion was like a firework.

To be continued...