
Half of Darma's journey was spent sitting looking at a cellphone screen. He wants to call Skrul. It felt like this would be something that would make Skrul dumbfounded when he announced that he was currently on a plane with one of the members of the Freedom Alliance. But on second thought, it seemed like he was better off keeping quiet.

When the plane was traveling at the speed of light with four times the acceleration, suddenly an alarm sounded. Yora swiftly ran and sat on the pilot seat. Ramna next to him as copilot. Darma came closer and stood behind them. The radar shows that something is up ahead. A foreign object blocking. Yora stopped the plane. Instantly from the cockpit window, a lot of debris appeared floating in the sky.

"What a mess," said Yora. She steered the plane slowly through the debris.

"What happened?" asked Darma.

"Maybe this ship was under attack. See?" Ramna pointed to a large piece of the plane.

"The people on the plane must be dead," Yora brought the plane closer to the still large chunk of the plane.

Judging from the shape, this looks like a hull. The color is white. And after approaching, there was a door still closed.

"Looks like the hull of this plane wasn't completely destroyed. We can check it. Maybe some are still alive. "

As the plane approached, they looked at the door. There is a round window in the door. Suddenly, a figure appeared behind the window. They are shocked. What more Darma. Seeing the creepy black creature made his heart almost fall out.

"I'll check," said Yora. He turned his stool and jumped closer to a cupboard.

"Hey. Can we just continue? This is terrible. Maybe they were attacked by terrible creatures too," Darma advised.

Yora didn't listen. Se opened the cupboard door to retrieve a round, flat tool the size of an adult's palm. She put the tool on his chest. Then from the tool took out a kind of nano grains and filled Yora's entire body so that she is now wearing outer space clothes.

"Darma, do you want to try?" said Ramna.


Ramna drew closer to the cupboard then took the same tool Yora had used.

"This is a special outfit if you want to hover in space. Intended for emergencies. Suppose there is a damaged aircraft engine, or the situation we are in right now. "

"I am not sure."

"Take it easy. I'll teach you how to use it. "

Ramna put the tool on Darma's chest. Instantly the device worked and Darma's entire body was covered by a space suit. His body felt amused because the device seemed to tickle when the nanoparticles formed an iron suit according to the curves of his body. Its function is so that the user can move more freely. On his head was formed like a helmet with the same material. When the helmet covers its entire head, various indicators appear on the visor of the helmet. Such as residual oxygen and clothing damage.

"How?" asked Ramna.

"It's pretty tough."

"Can you swim?"

"Of course."

"Good. You come with Yora to check the wreckage."

Due to his small stature and unable to reach Darma's shoulders, Yora could only pat Darma on the back.

"Let's check it," Yora said as she walked to the back of the plane.

Darma steps off. So heavy. He's not used to it. Ramna returns to the cockpit.

"Okay, I'll close the rear quadrant door," said Ramna on the radio.

The door is closed. Ramna led Darma to follow Yora to stand towards the back of the plane. Right up to the tail. At the count of three, the tail opened and Darma gasped. It feels like we are in a vehicle that has suddenly dived down a sloping road. That's how Darma feels. There was no sound. Everything was quiet. Only heard the sound of his breath and heart racing. Ramna says to calm down. Because if Darma panics, oxygen will quickly run out.

Darma can't control his body. Instead he turned slowly. Yora held her hand to balance.

"I'll go there first. You follow me wearing these clothes." Yora said on the radio.

Darma nods. Yora leaned forward. She floated up slowly because of the force of the clothes. Darma sees like a kind of gas coming out of the back of the ankles, under the buttocks and back. He then looked behind her ankles. Apparently there is some kind of hole. And in front of the feet there is up to the thighs and to the chest. So Darma assumed that these clothes could also make him retreat.

"Darma, can you hear me? You can lean forward to move forward. Vice versa. You must have understood right away when you saw how Yora did it, right?" Ramna said on radio.

"Of course. I will try."

"Be careful with foreign objects. If a foreign object half your body size gets close, you should avoid it. If you touch and make the body bounce, you can fly away."

"Let's give it a try."

Darma leaned forward. And the clothes pushed him closer to Yora. Slow but sure. It's a very exciting first experience.

When they reached the door, Darma and Yora tried to open it but couldn't. Yora then peeked into the window and could only see a dark room with floating objects.

"Ramna, can you check the hull of this plane?" Yora asked Ramna over the radio.

Ramna, who is in the cockpit, looks at the screen and then types and a picture of the hull of the plane appears along with information.

"This section is still functioning. You have to raise the power for the door to open. You can go to your right. When you find the generator, just turn it on by moving the lever from bottom to top. "


Yora then floated slowly to the side of the hull. Darma followed behind. Looks like he's getting used to this outfit. They arrived at the generator. But Yora struggled to move the lever. Darma helps. And finally the lever was successfully moved. They then came back. When you looked at the window, the room was already bright with lights and objects were no longer floating. Artificial gravity is also active.

They opened the door but couldn't because it was locked from the inside. Yora took another look at the window. She took a deep breath then took it out again. Apparently the black creature seen in the window was just a doll on fire. But he saw a paper nailed to the wall.

"Ramna, I saw something. Like a letter nailed to the wall."

"Try to scan it."

Yora opened her right palm. He pointed to the straight one-way window with the nailed paper. Slowly a kind of scanning beam appeared. When finished, the scan results immediately appear on Ramna's monitor. Yora and Darma returned and looked at the scans of the letter on the large table in the middle of the deck with a hologram. Written by someone.

"This letter was written by the passenger of this plane. So, the plane that was destroyed is a special vehicle for tourists. And they were attacked by the Space Pirate," Yora looked serious.

"I just found out there are pirates in outer space," replied Darma. He was also seriously paying attention to the letter.

Ramna switched off the hologram and said, "It doesn't explain where it is going. Looks like he wrote in a hurry."

"We continue our journey." Yora said.

Yora walked to the cockpit and steered the plane out of the rubble. After exiting, she immediately took a leap of light speed.

To be continued...