Chapter Twenty-Two: Past: Dealings

Its been two weeks and I managed to master working for Owen's company. Dealing with most of his employees was proving to be a bit harder than back home especially since I didn't know them. I had to encourage splitting everyone into groups, that way I could see how each operated. So, I had to develop trust and communication in ways nobody understood. It took a lot of time I must admit, due to different languages and slangs they used, I needed to learn everything within a month before I could help Owen in his company.

He started the company four months ago, it's been booming with business but his head employees were beginning to misbehave, so he had to be rid of them before he could tackle other problems. It also seemed like there was a mole within the company because some secrets are being sold as quickly as they came in.

Owen was making headlines quick at Pretoria News newspapers, so in the corperate world in Gauteng, he was quickly going down. His business was going down under without any brakes. It's understandable why Michael sent me here, I had an eye for finding things and piecing them together. If only everyone here was a bit more transparent but I had no choice but to get to know everyone individually.

I knocked on Owens door before stepping in with a file of the people I had befriended, and background checked. I had to check his employees and also get to know them, that way I could see if their stories corresponded. Though Owen's company here was still considered new, he had hundreds of employees working for him. Many with the agenda of starting their own business.

Some of them had even offered to help me with the language barrier, for now the most important thing was trying to at least understand it. I found that they easily get agitated when they are trying to say something but they only know the word in their home language. It was great to see that most of them weren't out for their own selfish reasons.

This was one of the reasons why I knew that I wouldn't return home anytime soon. I had to much to do here but also I had to clean up.

"So…" I got cut off by the sight before me.

Owen was bent over his desk, headphones loud with a cup of coffee and tablets on the table. He didn't look well at all. I moved deeper into the office, paying attention to my surroundings. The more closer got the louder the music got. I'm surprised that it didn't burst his eardrums. By the time I was standing close to him, he still hadn't looked up. I slightly touched his shoulder to get his attention. He looked up suddenly and pulled his headphones off.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I just needed to get out reality for a bit. A lot going on in mind." He said hoarsely.

"Hey, no need to explain, its okay." I said as I offered a small smile.

I had seen this before, where the CEO would do anything for the company to the point where they over worked themselves. Let themselves go or took things to help them work overnight. It didn't work, it drove them insane. It caused them to collapse.

Although this happened, it was understandable why people sacrificed so much just to build a company, so everything was riding on this, if it didn't come to pass. They'd lose everything and the one thing they prayed wouldn't happen to them would become their refuge. No one seemed to understand the importance of the hours that was needed. 

So how do we recorrect the mistake one has made? You step into their shoes and repeat it in an analysis point of view. Everything will slowly make sense. So, I decided on that, as months passed working in Michaels company, I've become such a rare product in their making.

Michaels says "You're the provision to the vision" I never understood it until I kept working and gained skills, despite my illness, I kept my dream alive.

"Listen Owen…I'm here to help you okay, I promise you, everything will make sense soon. Trust?" I said as I made eye contact with him.

"Okay." He whispered. We stared at each other for minutes and there suddenly was a force. To protect and to comfort. To for fill a need…a desire…a want. I immediately broke eye contact with him, left the office with an urge to complete the job and get out. For once I didn't like the hurricane that was coming because I wasn't willing to face it at all.

I pulled out my phone and dialled the one person I knew would assist me.

"Hey I need your help urgently?" I breathed as soon as I was out of ear shot.

"What's up?"

"Things are not going as expected. I need you here."

"Okay, I'll get on the next plane tomorrow evening."

"Thank you."

"Anything for you."

I let out some air and pulled myself together as I dropped the call. I would get this job done quickly, efficiently and without having to face the hurricane.