Chapter Twenty-Five: Present: Therapist

"The Trio?" Olivia asked as she munched down her fifth pizza slice…yeah she was extremely hungry. She and the human inside of her at first were nauseated when the pizza smell hit their nose. I knew they would change their minds so I ended up having to describe the ingredients and emphasis how good the food would be.

Regardless of how long it took, it worked.

"Yep, Michael called us when we were tasked to work in a specific department. We had to figure out a problem and let me tell you it was extremely hard for all 10 people that were also tasked with the same thing. Until Justin decided to let all three of us try together. At first, there was opposition because you know we were supposed to work in a team but we figured we would be better of doing it ourselves.

Within a week we had tackled the issue and even explained in detail what was going on. We even broke the components down and Michael was shocked.

The number of investors we had received that day, helped the company boom into what it is. I'm not sure if it's still running now but the bonus we received that month was…wow."

"Why were you congratulated at the beginning?" she asked, resting on the sofa.

"Michael said we could ask anything work-based. I decided I wanted to move up in my rank of work, Lucy decided the same as I and Justin decided that he wanted a reference for the company…he had left me for…which at that time, didn't bother me. As friends, you need to support each person and help them. You never want a friend to live in regret because of your opposition."

"So, it was coming but it didn't occur in your mind concerning him? or were you just being ignorant, thinking that one day he would change his mind and stay?"

"No, I knew, that's one of the reasons why I didn't want to be with him. I knew the time for him to leave would come or I would beat him to leave. He loved his aspirations even though they were crazy but they made sense to us. We didn't see them as crazy we saw them as worth it. As more than enough."

"Dreams were never negotiable to you?"

"Dreams were always a must for me. I don't want anyone to regret anything, ever."

Right then...








Seven Letters.

One word.

Used in different scenarios and situations.

The only word that made its bed in Olivia's place, after so much time of speaking. What could they say, if anything, I wish they had shut up earlier from the beginning of the story. We wouldn't have to stop every time because of their questions.

"When they said he was coming and then being told the news of the loss of your best friends' child…what was it all like?" Olivia asked.

"Overbearing," I stated

"Unfair" I continued

"Let's continue…" Alex said

Before I could a loud yawn and turned to Olivia. She looked extremely defeated and though she drank water, it didn't seem to work. She was beginning to display tiredness despite her fight to know the truth. Despite her need for it, her baby needed the opposite.

"Olivia. Come sleep, we are recording on the tape and Alex is still awake. Rest for a bit." I said to her. 

"No, it's fine. I'll keep up." she said as she yawned again.

"No Olivia, this is a fight between you and the baby within you, trust me when I say this. The baby always wins. So, it's best to get comfortable before you pass out. I don't deal well with pregnancy morning mood swings." I said as I stood and moved from the couch that she could lay on for rest. She nodded and once she laid her head on the pillow she passed out.

"How do you know so much about pregnancy? Lucy educate you?" Alex asked as he reached for an energy drink.

"You could say that." I said with a smile as I searched for a small blanket in her cabinets. When I finally found one, I laid it on her then sat across the window looking at the stars with Alex watching me.

"Ready?" I asked

"More ready than I thought," he said

I closed my eyes and let the memories continue to play out.