Chapter Thirty: Past: Owen's confession

I heard faint voices in the background, my eyelids felt too heavy to open and my body was too much in pain to move. My throat on the other hand felt like someone had filled me with a thousand pins and silenced me for eternity. Yet because of the pain, all I wanted to do was scream loudly so that someone could see how much it hurt. So that they could take it away.

"-she didn't deserve that! Now imagine if I hadn't come in on time. For Christ's sake, she could've been dead all because of your company." I heard Justin yell.

"I know that! Listen the doctors are doing everything they can to help her get out of the coma," Owen replied.

"I swear I'm taking her as far as hell away from you! Every time we get close to you, I end up losing her, or she gets hurt."

"No. it was your choice to leave. Only yours and it wasn't because of me but due to you!" Owen shouted.

"Oh, really now and if I hadn't taken the job!?"