Chapter Hundred & Four: Past: Owen's Deception

Our Laughter filled the corridors as we came closer to my apartment door, we had had fun at the carnival but figured it was time for both of us to go back home since we both had work tomorrow. I hadn't expected for us to enjoy our night and for him to have so many jokes.

He hadn't touched me after he tried to kiss me so there was a newfound respect. He tried to make eye contact with me when he answered my questions. He rarely dodged my questions and let the conversation flow freely so by the time we got back to the apartment. There was just a free flow that didn't need to be a force in anything.

"So did you enjoy your night out?" he asked as soon as I opened the door to my apartment.

"Definitely, I didn't expect to have so much fun honestly."

"Because of everything that has happened between us?" he asked as he closed the door. Pulling out two mugs, I started making coffee for us.