Chapter Hundred & Six: Past: Losing Sanity

Her eyes went wide at my words, skin draining of the wild color she had when she was mad just two seconds ago. She stepped away from me as if I had burned her as if I had just stripped her of all ammunition and left her defenseless. As if I had held the gun to her head and there was no way out of it.

"Unico…" she breathed as she continued to step away from me until her back hit the wall. "How…"

"You didn't think I knew huh? Or did you think I would never know?" I asked as I stared into her eyes.

"You w-ere… y-ou we-re a-s-lee-p." she stuttered as she allowed herself to slide down the wall as though a scared child.

I guess in this case I would be Chucky. This was my child's play but in this case, I wouldn't be playing with this child.