Chapter Hundred & Thirteen: Past: Puppet Master

The fire crackled as he threw another piece of wood into the fire, it continued to eagerly spread upon the piece as through a starved monster. You could see from the man's face how he enjoyed watching the fire burn down the raw and innocent.

He loved to watch the fire consume everything in its path, only leaving a piece of evidence of what had happened. And, oh, how powerful it was to watch it grow and consume as easily it desired.

Those that reached in to try and stop the fire would easily be burned. Others would survive and others would easily turn to ashes and perish. He wanted to be as strong as that fire but before he could be as strong as that fire.

He needed to make sure that different parts were easily flammable. He knew that before you started a fire certain things needed to be left bare and exposed. That way when the flame started he could do as he wished.