Chapter Hundred & Fifty-Two: Past: Summons

Veronica was always intrigued by mafia summons, it always showed the edge to the way Anthony ruled his line. When Veronica was thirteen and first brought into the mansion she had vowed to know the place inside out and as time had progressed she had got to know the place well enough as though the arteries in her.

Her mother had constantly scolded Veronica, trying to get her to behave but that didn't stop the young girl from wanting to explore the place more. Yet once after an incident, she had sworn never to disobey her mother again.

At this point, Veronica was nearing the age of fourteen she had found a way to sneak past the guards and into the ventilation. She had discovered so much more than she had before just from the ground and now that she was up above, everything was so much more different. Not knowing which turn went to which room or direction she just followed her gut and ended up, above her Anthony office.