Chapter Two: Hundred & Twenty-Nine: Present: Dirty Art

"Get out," 


Justin stared at her confused, feeling as though he hadn't heard her right, he couldn't have heard her right. There were no ways, that in the midst of her pain, that she could have decided to let him go. Not after everything that she had gone through. His heart wasn't angry anymore, it knew death would come and he had expected it to come from her hands but this… this was unexpected.


"Get. Out. Now!" she yelled and Justin flinched that how broken she sounded, again it was all his fault. He felt someone grab his arm and drag him out. Instantly shutting the door in his face. He couldn't believe what just happened and he didn't know whether to say it was saving grace or to say that the world wasn't done with him just yet.


"Again you alive. What a pity. Get stitched up Justin, you know where to go." He heard and heard the retracting footsteps. Yet he couldn't get over what had just happened again.