Chapter Two: Hundred & Twenty-Eight: Present: Recap Regrets

Justin stared at Unico's red eyes, her body seeming to struggle to take in air as she stared at him with the smoking pistol. He looked down to see the blood dripping onto the clean floor. Leaving a bloody path yet he didn't dare make a sound or cry out or try to apologize. He knew that this would come but he had tried to overlook it hoping that he would have more time.

Don't lie to yourself, you didn't want to leave again.

He suddenly remembered the conversation he had had earlier, "Your days are numbered at this point huh?" he heard and looked up to see Leona, leaning on the balcony with a cigar in her hand. Taking a few puffs as she watched her son2 on the beach, but directing her words at him. "What do you mean?" Justin questioned, even though he knew what she meant.