Wounds Beneath Her Clothes

His words sent another shockwave through the crowd.

The crowd wondered, did he mean that it was Shang Qing who seduced them, but someone happened to walk by and she wanted to cover up what happened, so she purposely made herself look like a complete mess and turned around to accuse the man she slept with? Or the two men?

Shang Qianqian smirked on the inside when she heard the crowd making guesses on what happened, but she pretended to cry and said, "Sis! No wonder you were so angry! I believe you didn't want to do that, they must have forced you to!"

Regardless of whether she meant to or not, it still meant that Shang Qing had been defiled!

Shang Baiqi was greatly angered when he heard these comments and didn't care whether he was embarrassed or not anymore. He demanded, "Qingqing! What on earth happened?"

Lin Yishu took this chance to smear her further, Qingqing, you took a glass of wine earlier and said you were drunk, so I sent you to the annex to have a good rest, I can't believe you ended up doing something like this..."

This very scene of mother and daughter continuously making false statements one after another brought back memories of what happened in her previous life - Shang Qianqian had brought people to find her in a state of undress, sharing the room with these two men.

The last time these two men were also equally adamant that they had sex with her, making sure everyone knew that the future daughter-in-law of the Fengs was actually a loose woman, seducing two strange men in her own fiance's house, that she was an utterly shameless woman!

At that time she was only eighteen with a weak personality, so when everyone laughed at her or blamed her, she couldn't defend herself and just cried!

As a result, the rumors got worse and worse, destroying her reputation and the engagement was eventually called off. Now she had a second chance at life, and it

happened to be this particular night - this was the will of God!

And this time she must not go soft on them... and she definitely cannot be weak! The butler saw that the situation was getting out of hand, so he secretly called Madam Feng.

Seeing that the murmuring was getting louder and louder, Shang Qing took in a deep breath and blocked out the voices. Then she turned to look at these two scumbags that ruined her previous life and said calmly, "You want to kill me because I overheard about your crimes."

Her overly calm and cold voice made everyone quieten down.

Xu Zhe froze for a while, then gave a sly smile as he said, "Come on Miss Shang, don't try to change the topic. You weren't like this just now! You were so passionate like you had never seen a man before, and your skin is really..."

Shang Qing suddenly laughed.

Everyone thought she was mad—how could she still laugh at such a time?

Her laughter echoed through the large hall, sending chills down everyone's spine. Finally, she fixed her eyes back on Xu Zhe.

"Who's trying to change the topic here? Three months ago, there was a party in the countryside. You both got drunk and were trying to force yourselves on the younger daughter of the Lius, but in the end she tried to escape, knocked her head on a

rock and died! You were afraid that someone would find out, so you've buried her body in Zhou Yaowen's summer chalet's garden..."

"That's nonsense!" Xu Zhe immediately cut in, his face threatening.

All we did was have sex with you, and you want to malign us with such a serious crime?" He was in a terrible panic but tried his best to look calm.

"Malign you?"

Shang Qing's eyes fell upon Zhou Yaowen and said, "Look at him over there, does it look like I've falsely accused you?" This sudden change of the situation sent an uproar through the guests.

A murder was way more scandalous than sex! Everyone turned to look at Zhou Yaowen, to find this six-foot man trembling in a corner suddenly burst into tears!

"My daughter!"

It turned out that the Liu's were one of the guests tonight — Mrs. Liu had been heartbroken from not being able to find her younger daughter for a while now, and Mr. Liu had insisted on bringing her to the party in the hope to lift her spirits, and now they heard this shocking piece of news!

"No... You despicable woman! Don't you dare accuse us of such a thing!"

Xu Zhe shouted while pushing Zhou Yaowen, trying to hint that he had to quickly make a phone call to destroy the dead body. But the Liu's had already made their way over. Mrs. Liu grabbed at Zhou Yaowen, repeatedly demanding to know, "Did you kill my daughter? DID YOU?!"

The entire hall was now in complete chaos, and Shang Qing called out to Mr. Liu through the noise, "Mr. Liu, if you don't quickly make a call to locate the body, they're going to find someone to destroy the evidence."

Mr. Liu stared at Shang Qing for a while, but he had no time to think - this was about his daughter's death, after all, so he quickly made a call.

On the other side, Zhou Yaowen was slowly reaching his breaking point as Mrs. Liu kept on asking him about whether he had killed her daughter.

He put his hands over his head and squatted down, "I... I didn't mean to! She fell on the rock herself!"

"ARGGHHHH!!! I'm going to KILL BOTH OF YOU!!"

The moment Mrs. Liu heard this confession, she went all out to punch and kick him, not caring what she looked like.

Xu Zhe had also gone into a panic, wondering how Shang Qing could have known about this. It was not possible!

Shang Qing curled her lips - in her previous life, these two remained freé for ten years before they were put into prison for this murder.

At that time she was extremely depressed, but when she heard about their arrest, she finally felt like justice had been served. So this time around she was determined to catch them with her own hands!

Everyone suddenly grew fearful of the two men, and the butler quickly rounded them up.

When Xu Zhe saw that their cell phones were taken away, he knew they couldn't even make any arrangements to save themselves, and he finally snapped.

He suddenly broke free from the security guards and reached out to strangle Shang Qing, but the security guard managed to catch him back just before he reached her.

"You despicable woman! How dare you malign me! I will not let this go! Your acting is really good huh? Beneath your clothes are nothing but love bites from both of us! No matter how you try to defend yourself, the truth is you've had sex with us!"

His hands were like claws, and they were just a few inches from Shang Qing's neck. Shang Qing took a step back and felt her heart pounding. Fear, anxiety, joy — these feelings filled her heart with so much excitement and her heart kept pounding faster and faster!

She was a completely different person now - so this was how good it felt like to get revenge?

She heard herself saying in a voice way calmer than it should have been, "You will be convicted for attempted rape and first-degree murder. Go to hell, you animals."

"You slut!"

Xu Zhe tried to kick her but the security guards hauled him away. She watched as the hands trying to reach out and strangling her got carried further and further away from her, then suddenly she smiled and turned towards Shang Qianqian.

That smile sent chills down Shang Qianqian's spine. She suddenly felt that Shang Qing was now different, and she was afraid of her.

Shang Qianqian quietly clenched her teeth, and seeing that everyone was still caught up with what just happened, she patted her chest and then said with a sly voice, "Sis... is what he said true? you and those two really..."

Those words attracted the attention of everyone present once more. Shang Qianqian was determined to smear Shang Qing tonight.

"What nonsense are you going on about!"

The mistress of the Feng family walked over quickly she heard Shang Qianqian's words from a mile off, which made her blood boil.

Li Wanying regretted leaving the party at a bad time, and something like that even happened. She apologized to the guests, The Fengs are responsible for what happened tonight. It is unbelievable that we allowed these scumbags in we will be answerable for everything." After that, she got the butler to send the devastated Lius to the police station.

The guests had mixed reactions at first they thought they were in for merely some scandalous gossip, but it turned out to be a murder case! Seeing Li Wanying had arrived, Shang Qianqian pinched herself hard and/then ran to her, crying.