His Decision on Shang Qing

"Auntie Feng! You have to make a decision about my sister! She and those two bad people..."

Everyone present was reminded of what Xu Zhe said before getting dragged away. They looked at the filthy clothes on Shang Qing and thought, Were there really love bites beneath her clothes?

It was hard not to suspect - those two scumbags were well capable of doing such a thing!

Li Wanying furrowed her brows and was about to berate her, when Shang Qing suddenly smiled at her.

"It's alright auntie — all the wounds on my body were inflicted when I ran away from the killers. If you don't believe me, you can do a physical check."

Many people stopped looking at her suspiciously when she made such a magnanimous offer. But Shang Qianqian was certain that Shang Qing was just pretending they were gone for so long, Xu Zhe could have done absolutely nothing.

So she chimed in between sobs, "For the sake of clearing my sister's name, we will have to trouble you, Auntie Feng!"

Li Wanying looked at Shang Qianqian unhappily when she heard this response, but Shang Qing's words made her túrn back in shock.

"Well, since I'm Young Master Feng's woman, he should be the one checking my body!"

Another round of murmuring went through the crowd.

Let Young Master Feng check her body? Young Master Feng was the only son of Fengsihai, the sole heir to the Feng business empire and their new CEO!

Young Master Feng was usually very busy with company matters, and so he seldom attended small parties like this. Shang Qing must have purposely requested for him because he probably wasn't around.

Unexpectedly, Li Wanying only froze for a while and then said, "Sure, I'll call him over."

The young master was at home? Everyone was surprised.

Shang Qing smiled and said, "Sorry for the trouble, auntie."

She knew he was home, and since his mother was around, he'd definitely appear!

Suddenly everyone let out a gasp. Shang Qing looked up and saw that Young Master Feng had heard the commotion and had walked over.

Feng Kaize stood at the top of the exquisite mahogany wood staircase as he nodded slightly at the guests. His deep purplish-black eyes narrowed as he looked down, sending hearts fluttering.

The elegant and luxurious furnishings were now merely a backdrop to his handsome features and poised figure. Just like a king walking out of his palace, he had an aura of confidence and commanded respect, and it would seem disrespectful to look him straight in the eye.

Shang Qing's words made Feng Kaize snort, his demeanor ready to attack, and his voice aggressive.

"You want me to inspect your body? Why should I?"

His voice rang low and clear, but his face was full of disgust.

"Also! Who said you are my woman?"

Young Master Feng! He was actually at home! But that wasn't the point the point was that the rumors about him hating his fiancée were true after all.

Everyone, especially the ladies, was always excited whenever they saw Feng Kaize! If not for the current situation, they would have gone up to try to chat him up by this time. Feng Kaize was the one man that all the women in the country wanted to


Normally, it was so hard to even catch a glimpse of him, never mind seeing him up close!

The heat was rising in the room from the excitement, but the moment Shang Qing saw him, she immediately froze over.

Her face was warm with excitement, but the rest of her body was trembling. She realized she hadn't seen him for five or six years now... Shang Qing closed her eyes for a while, then she opened them and looked at him squarely in the eye.

"On account that you've had me for one night — why am I not considered as your woman now?"

Her words sent shockwaves rippling through the crowd.

The guests were practically staring holes into Shang Qing's back. The honorable Young Master Feng had a fling with the fiancée he claimed to hate? The one who was most shocked was Shang Baiqi — he had thought that this marriage might not eventually happen, but he never knew all these other things happened.

"Have you no shame?"

Young Master Feng furrowed his brows and turned to go upstairs.

Seeing him turn, Li Wanying quickly called out, "Son! Wait!"

Shang Qianqian took a step forward and added, "Young Master Feng! Thís concerns my sister s reputation, please help!"

At that time, Young Master Feng had been drugged, and very few people knew that he had slept with Shang Qing. Moreover, Young Master Feng thought it was Shang Qing who had drugged him, and so he started to hate her. Even though Shang Qianqian had no idea why Shang Qing wanted Young Master Feng to be the one to inspect her body, the thought of Young Master Feng hating Shang Qing even more after seeing all the love bites on her body made Shang Qianqian even more excited!

Perhaps Shang Qing wants to plead with Young Master Feng to help her this once, Shang Qianqian thought. Stupid girl, Young Master Feng is never going to help you!

The young man completely ignored what Shang Qianqian said. But Li Wanying pleaded with him, "Kaize, help your mother, please!"

She had decided that if Qingqing really had such marks, she wanted her son to help Qingqing keep this secret.

Feng Kaize frowned.

Take it as your mother iś the one pleading with you!

Li Wanying pretended to cough a couple of times she had heart disease and if there was anyone that the young master would listen to, it would be Li Wanying.

He looked back down at the woman who clung onto him since they were children, his eyes full of loathing.

"Come upstairs!"

His tone was extremely nasty, but Shang Qing still smiled gratefully at Li Wanying and headed up to the stairs.

Everyone looked forward to what would happen Young Master Feng wouldn't lie, and he just needed a quick look at her wounds, it should be pretty quick.

Shang Qing followed behind him, quietly looking at him from the back.

This was the man she had loved for more than twenty years, so even though he had always hated her, she still tried to please him in every way possible but they still ended badly.

It took her a long time beforé she finally understood that his personality was very extreme, and it was very difficult to change his opinion on a person's character. So even after decades, centuries, or even millennia, he would not look at her even once.

In the past, when she thought about this, her heart would ache. What she did not expect was that now she no longer felt pain, but felt joy instead. Pain was proof of her existence, whereas love...was it comparable to life?

Feng Kaize was a very tall man. Once she had entered the room he turned around and loomed over her.

Didn't you want me to inspect your body? Remove your clothes!"

Remove her clothes? He wanted her to remove all her clothes in front of him?

Shang Qing laughed a little and felt that Feng Kaize was just purposely trying to make things difficult for her since she used to be a shy and cowardly person.

But she had lost all shame after her body had been repeatedly touched for the sake of research in her previous life.

Shang Qing pulled her dress' zip down without reservation, and the dress fell off her body in an instant.

Under the bright light, all her wounds were clearly seen. There were several small fresh cuts, and even more bruises and nail scratch marks, which were a result of her struggling before she awoke in the room.

Furthermore, she was wearing nothing inside!

Her slender figure and fair skin made the wounds appear even more strikingly. but also showed obviously that she had suffered greatly, and it was impossible that any man would remain unmoved by this sight!

Feng Kaize's eyes faltered, but the next second he suddenly felt tremendous anger when he saw those nail scratch marks. Those two bastards deserve to die how dare they touch his fiancée!

But what stood out, even more, was how calm Shang Qing was, as if she did not care what had just happened to her.

He suddenly reached his hand out and pushed her against the door, and said with an icy laugh, "You dare to ask me to inspect you and when your body is full of such bruises? You want me to lie for you? Dream On!