Living with the Enemies

His large frame came close and his deep-set eyes were filled with distrust, his rage suffocating her.

Every time he was angry, even his father didn't want to argue with him. In her previous life, Shang Qing was even more fearful than his father, but now she was not afraid at all.

"At that time you made sure nobody knew that you slept with me in order to spite me, so only both of us know this happened. Just now they were trying to rape me, and these bruises are from trying to resist them, but they didn't manage to do anything to me. If you don't believe me, you can check!"

Feng Kaize thought he heard wrongly. The calmer Shang Qing was, the angrier he became.

"The extent you would go in order to make me sleep with you! So that's what you meant by inspecting your body? DREAM! ON!" He let Qing and opened the door to leave, but Shang Qing offered in a distant voice, "Didn't you want to call off the engagement all this time? As long as you say that I wasn't defiled, I'll call off the engagement first thing tomorrow."

Feng Kaize stopped in his tracks and snorted.

"The moment I walk back downstairs and tell everyone your body is full of love bites, your reputation will hit rock bottom, and this damned engagement will be considered invalid."

He had no intention of doing so, however – insulting a woman was beneath him. But when he saw how Shang Qing was determined to cut ties with him and even blackmailed him with this engagement, he didn't want to lose this fight!

But Shang Qing took his word for it, and said boldly, "Fine, then everybody will know that I cheated on you with not just one, but two men! It'll make a good show!"

Upon hearing these words, Feng Kaize spun around violently, his steely gaze enough to swallow her whole!

Shang Qing knew that this would not be a threat to him since she wasn't officially married to him yet.

So after these words, she suddenly closed her mouth, and her straight back somehow looked slightly weak in the light.

"Look...we grew up together, and I've already offered to back out of this engagement, won't you help me this once? You don't have to lie because I'm innocent in the first place, and if you don't believe me then you can check! If you don't check then I'll take it that you believe me! Unless you insist on ruining the reputation of this woman who once loved you so deeply?"

She bet everything on Feng Kaize having a tiny bit of kindness towards her, and she looked so pitiful now!

She knew that as long as she could make it past the night and keep her reputation, she would be able to face a brand new future ahead, so she was willing to compromise anything.

Strangely enough, while Feng Kaize was originally waiting for Shang Qing to surrender and admit defeat, when she really did so, Feng Kaize didn't feel any joy from it.

Especially as Shang Qing stood there with her body covered with wounds, her thick fringe covering her eyes, and she did look very pitiful...

Wait, what? He actually felt pity for this woman?

After several moments, she heard his angry voice shouting, "Get out!"

Feng Kaize marched out of the room and headed downstairs. The moment he appeared, he caught the attention of the crowd once again.

Seeing the nasty look on his face made Shang Qianqian look forward even more to what he was about to say.

Young Master Feng's words carried great power and influence! He was born into a family of high standing, and could not possibly lie for someone he hated so much!

Li Wanying looked at him with hope in her eyes, hoping that her son saw the text message she just sent.

"How is it?"

Her voice trembled - this would affect the rest of this young lady's life!

Feng Kaize was annoyed just seeing these people, so he icily declared, "She's fine, you don't have to worry anymore!"

With that, he turned to go upstairs, not caring what reaction the crowd had.

Shang Qing had put her clothes back on and was standing at the top of the stairs. Feng Kaize brushed past her, staring straight ahead with a steely gaze and a frigid expression.

"How is it possible?" Shang Qianqian blurted out loudly.

Everybody turned to look at her, and even Shang Baiqi looked at her questioningly. She suddenly remembered where she was, and whose words she was doubting now.

She quickly covered her mouth, then awkwardly laughed and said, "I mean, I mean how is it possible that my Sister was's a misunderstanding after all!"

Even though that was what she said, her earlier outburst made everyone present think twice about the younger Shang daughter- the guests could tell she was no simple person, and there was probably more to this than meets the éye, but they were probably not going to be/privy to further details.

Shang Qing walked down one step at a time, her expression calm, and nobody could tell if anything was wrong. She walked right up to Li Wanying's side and looked a little worriedly at her, then finally broke into a smile.

"Auntie, since the misunderstanding has been cleared up, I'll make a move first. After all, it seems like Young Master Feng is not happy to see me." Her words affirmed the fact that Feng Kaize disliked her.

The suspense and doubts in the guests' hearts were now replaced with disappointment that they couldn't continue watching this show.

Li Wanying took Shang Qing's hands in hers and said, "Don't worry, I will make sure that you don't get unfairly treated!"

Shang Qing nodded, then shot a cold stare at Shang Baiqi. "Dad, let's go home."

Shang Baiqi was suddenly awoken from his stupor, stammering as he said, "Ah? Oh yes, yes! Let's go home!

To this, Lin Yishu and Shang Qianqian did not say anything, and just followed Shang Baiqi out of the door.

Before letting them leave, Li Wanying insisted that Shang Qing at least wash up and get a fresh change of clothes first she was genuinely kind to Shang Qing.

Shang Baiqi's mind was in a whirlwind from everything that had just happened. But at the same time, he was not stupid - he knew things were not so simple.

He saw that both his wife and his younger daughter had nasty expressions on their faces, and wondered why they weren't happy that the elder daughter was fine after all.

The car had barely left the Feng Manor when Lin Yishu started getting angry.

She turned around to glare at Shang Qing.

"Qingqing! What's wrong with you tonight? Coming in looking like a mess and creating a scene, what an embarrassment!"

If not for Shang Baiqi's presence, she would have said even nastier things. She and Qianqian had revealed a little of their ugly side in front of Shang Baiqi today, and she had to push the blame entirely on Shang Qing to salvage this situation.

Lin Yishu's fierce expression made Shang Qing stop breathing for a moment.

She had grown up being subject to Lin Yishu's moods, and her first instinct was to shrink back in fear when Lin Yishu became angry. She used to be like that - her stepmother was like a large mountain pressing on her.

But now that fear was quickly overtaken by excitement! What could be more satisfying than tearing fear to pieces with her own hands?

Seeing that Shang Qing had gone back to being her quiet self, Shang Qianqian quickly took the chance to cry out piteously, "Sis, I was trying to help you, and perhaps I didn't phrase it well, but could you talk about me like that in front of other people..."

When Shang Baiqi saw his younger daughter cry, his heart softened, and felt that Qingqing had gone too far tonight - from the start her words attacked Qianqian, she had been unnecessarily sarcastic to his wife, and then she admitted that she had slept with Young Master Feng in front of so many people. Even though they were engaged for a long time ago, it was still a shameful thing to say in public.

When Lin Yishu saw Shang Baiqi frown, she knew he was feeling upset, so she pretended to push him in anger.