One More Shameless Than Another

"Baiqi, say something! Now Qingqing has grown up and doesn't listen to me anymore. You talk to her - she was in the wrong, wasn't she?"

Shang Baiqi took a while to think before finally opening his mouth, "Qingqing... It was wrong of you to make a big scene. Why didn't you settle everything in private? It wouldn't have made a difference if you could tell Mrs. Feng all these things privately, right? Now I don't know how others will see us!"

How will they see us? They'll see right through us, thought Shang Qing.

She felt like laughing, but her heart started pounding furiously. She had been given a second chance at life but now she had to sit with her enemies. It didn't feel good at all, and all the feelings bottling inside her were going to explode anytime.

"Stop the car."

At her command, the car came to an abrupt halt, causing Lin Yishu to suddenly lurch forward in shock. She glared at the driver, then started her tirade against Shang Qing.

"What now, I can't even scøld you when you do something wrong? It's so hard being your stepmother - after spending so many years raising you, now you've grown up and want to rebel against me?"

Saying this, she looked bitterly at Shang Baiqi, as if she was the biggest victim.

"Look at your daughter, I can't control her anymore. Normally she's already disobedient, and now she's rebelling. I've been so kind to her yet she treats me like an enemy..."

Shang Baiqi was also angered by the sudden brake earlier, and his anger was further fueled by what Lin Yishu said, and became even more upset.

"Qingqing, you have been too disobedient, apologize to your mother now!"

Shang Qianqian saw that Shang Qing's face went all white, so she decided to add fuel to the fire. "Daddy, don't be angry with Sis, maybe she couldn't control her temper because she was frightened by those bad guys."

"So it's ok to take it out on family members?"

Shang Baiqi looked straight at Shang Qing, "Qingqing, is this how I taught you?"


Shang Qing finally cracked a small smile - her father was used to being biased, and it was a hard habit to kick. But surely it was obvious who was the bullying one.

The pounding in her heart was getting stronger and stronger, and Shang Qing was about to burst!

She tried her best to remain calm and said, "Dad, you guys can go home first, I have matters to attend to."

Lin Yishu got even angrier as she heard Shang Qing try to brush away the topic.

"Are you turning a deaf ear to your father's words? Besides, it's so late now what sort of proper matters could you be attending to? Her words seemed to imply that Shang Qing was going to engage in indecent behavior.

A fire suddenly blazed in Shang Qing's eyes. The pounding in her heart reached its climax, and she had a murderous look on her face, but it was covered by her thick fringe and her lowered head.

In the past she was never like this, preferring to suffer in silence, cowering in fear of her stepmother. Even if she was maligned in public, she would never have dared to fight back or try to clear her name, resulting in that useless personality of hers, and that's why she died in such a terrible way.

But now when she heard Lin Yishu's voice, she only felt the fire in her heart rising and she was ready to tear her stepmother's mouth off anytime!


She suddenly called out in a high voice, shooting a look so cold that could freeze one instantly.

Shang Qing had always called her Mum, but now she had changed to calling her Auntie – everyone in the car was stunned.

Shang Qing continued staring at Lin Yishu for a few moments, before moving her gaze to look at Shang Baiqi and Shang Qianqian,

The extreme difference in her behavior sent fear into the others' hearts.

"So according to you, Auntie, I should not make things clear and let my sister accuse me falsely and leave the details to other people's imagination? So you'd be happier to hear that others think the Shangs' daughter was raped, and raped by more than one person even? Then I wouldn't be an embarrassment?"

"You....wh-what is this you are saying..."

Lin Yishu was beginning to feel guilty as Shang Qing used her cold eyes to stare her down. Shang Qing was never like this before, was she overly traumatized by what happened today?

Shang Baiqi was also stunned into silence – his elder daughter had always held everything in, why was she behaving like this tonight?

Before he could figure out what had happened, Shang Qing had locked on him as her next target.


Shang Baiqi got a shock- the way Shang Qing had called him was very cold and stiff. He looked back and saw the sadness behind the cold expression in her eyes.

"Dad, you're too biased! Qianqian is your child, am I not your child too? There were people trying to kill me, and I was nearly raped! My entire body is full of cuts and bruises! Fine if you can't see any of these - Auntie kept trying to find ways to smear my reputation, and people thought that those two scumbags really you still think it's my fault? If other defiled me, do you think our family can still walk with our heads high tomorrow? Is this all my fault?"

Shang Baiqi was completely taken aback by these words. This was the first time his elder daughter had told him straight in the face that he was biased!

Shang Qianqian saw that things were not looking good, so she swallowed quickly and said, "Sis, you're making it sound scarier than it was. Even if you were just trying to prove your innocence, you shouldn't have said such things to Mum and I... we weren't saying these things on purpose, what would others think of us now.…"

"I shouldn't have?" Shang Qing was so angry that she scoffed. Unable to cøntain her anger any longer, she decided not to contain it anymore.

"Then let me ask you in return, my lovely younger sister, what was the first thing you said when you saw me? You asked if someone got too friendly with me? There wasn't just one statement every statement of yours after that was obviously tryıng to smear me! You still have the gall to say that it wasn't on purpose? Do you think everyone else is blind? You created this scene, I exposed your evil intentions and this is STILL MY FAULT?"

Shang Qing ranted on without mercy. Shang Qianqian was so shocked she couldn't even cry, and her face turned a whiter shade of pale.

"Qingqing!" Shang Baiqi could also see that there was definitely something very wrong with his elder daughter, and it wasn't a matter of who was right or wrong anymore she must have been extremely traumatized, and probably needed a psychiatrist now.

Shang Qing laughed coldly, "Either send me to Grandma's, or I'll take a cab there myself."

Shang Qianqian froze for a while, then something clicked in her brain, and she asked, "Sis, it's so late, why do you want to go ower to Grandma's? Even if you're angry with me saying the wrong thing, you should still go home!"

Shang Qing merely laughed at this, and the meaningful look in her eyes made Shang Qianqian shudder.

Both Grandpa and Grandma had died many years back, but they left behind a house and a safe. There were many valuable things in the safe, but they had left everything to Shang Qing alone.

Shang Qing kept a close eye on the safe, and the key was the ear stud on her right ear and carried it with her all the time.

Shang Qianqian's original plan was to ruin Shang Qing's reputation tonight, then she would have a chance to get the key from her and open the safe at Grandma's.

There was once she secretly went to their grandparent's house when Shang Qing wasn't around and saw that the safe was very special-if you tried to open it by force, it would automatically self-destruct, so she gave up the idea of trying.

But she also realized that this seemingly useless sister of hers had excellent research in medicine!

One look at the various data on the table told her that this research had incredible value. It was a pity that Shang Qing came back earlier than expected, and she wasn't able to steal the data.