Chapter 45

" So what do you say, Miss Stella? "

" I have told you already, I am not interested in your offer. "

" Why? " The man asked Confusedly, this was probably the first time that he someone being indifferent to money.

" Isn't it obvious why? "

" No, it isn't. "

" Okay, Firstly, I am happy with my current job and I am not planning to resign from being Supermodel Rose Quinn's manager and most importantly I am not Lacking money, I am contented with my present Financial situation, I don't lack anything, alright? "

[ I wish everyone Thinks like Stella but sadly not everyone can practice Contentment like Stella. ]

" But Remaining Rose Quinn's manager isn't going to get you anywhere in the long run. "

" Says who? " Stella inquired Raising an eyebrow.

" Isn't it obvious? , With the way things are going, I don't think Rose Quinn is going to Last long in the entertainment industry, haven't you check the Headlines yet? The Internet is in an uproar because of her, What do you think will happen to you when Rose Quinn finally leaves the entertainment industry? You sure wouldn't be able to continue your career as a manager because by then-No Agency would want to employ the Manager of a Fallen Supermodel and no artist would want you to be their manager either, so I think you should Resign now and join our agency before it's too late. "

" Hm, You've got a point though but as I said before, I am not at all interested. "

" Are you sure that you don't need time to think about it? "

" Yes, I don't. "

" Alright, it's your choice, I hope you don't regret your decision. "

" I won't. " Stella replied confidently.

" Okay, Good day. " They both said as they walked out of the restaurant after paying for their orders, leaving Stella and her daughter behind.

" I admire you, Mom. " Little Lucia suddenly said interrupting Stella from her thoughts.

" Really?, Why? " Stella asked Suprised, she didn't see anything special or admirable in what she had just done, it's what anyone would have done if they were in her shoes.

[ Point of correction, Miss Stella, Not everyone would have done that if they were in your shoes, am I right, readers?.]

" You are Very honest and Caring, you are also very contented. "

" That's a good trait, right? "

" Yes, I am very proud of you, Mom! You decided not to Betray Auntie despite being offered a very tempting amount of money, not everyone could do something like this for Someone so I am very Proud of you, Mom! "

[ I am Proud of you too, Stella! I don't know about the readers, though! ]

" Thank you. " This was the only thing Stella could say to her daughter as she suddenly felt overwhelmed.

She couldn't believe that the Washington Family will go this low just to Take revenge on Rose, for what exactly? She wasn't able to figure it out.

' Gosh! People can be so annoying! ' She thought.

She then decided to call Rose.

Though the Latter was supposed to be on a date she should be done by now, right? She's supposed to be on her way home, right? Or so she thought.

She then called the latter and informed her to meet her at her home as that was the best place to Chat.

" Let's head home now, Lucia." She said to her daughter.

" Alright, Mom. " Little Lucia replied as she quickly stood up from her seat, ready to head home.

The duo took a Taxi cab to their home and surprisingly Rose was already there.

' How come she's here before us, It hasn't even been half an hour since I called her and she's already here, how come? Did she grow wings? If so, When? '

" You are back so Early Auntie. "

" Yes I am, how was the movie?. "

" It was interesting and Fun, But sadly it wasn't completed as It has part 2, which hasn't been released yet."

" Oh, it's Alright, we can always go to watch it when it's out, right? "

" Yes, How was your lunch date today, Auntie?. " Little Lucia inquired curiously.

" It was fine. "

" Just fine? "

" What did you expect me to say? It's only lunch, alright? "

" I know but ... Anyways, how was the food there? "

" It was delicious. "

" Okay, what about Him?. "

" Who's him? "

" Stop pretending Auntie, I know you know what I mean! "

" Really? But why can't I seem to remember who He is? "

[ Who's the Him, Readers?.]

" Anyways, The Him I am talking about Is the Man you went out on a lunch date with. "

" Oh, " Rose replied in fake Realization.

" So what about him?, Do you like him? "

" I think so. "

" Really? Auntie? , What do you like about him? His looks, his character, or his Wealth. "

" His Character, of course, I am surrounded by beauty and Money, I have got lots of it! " Rose replied shamelessly.

" So what exactly do you like about his character? "

" Well, he's nice, Jovia, friendly, Understanding, and so on. "

" Hm, then I guess that this feeling must be mutual. "

" I think so. "

" That's good to hear, I am very happy for you auntie! " Little Lucia exclaimed as she Hugged Rose tightly.

" Thank you. "

' Cough, cough, cough. ' Stella let out a series of coughs to remind the two people that they weren't the only ones present as she was there too.

" Oh, Good Evening, Sis. " Rose Greeted Stella as she stood up to Embrace the latter.

" Good evening to you too, How was your date? "

" It went well. "

[ Am I the only one that noticed that Rose Quinn doesn't correct them anymore when they Mention her going to date? ]

" Okay, that's good."

" Hm, You must be tired from all the daily activities, Lucia, you can go to your room now and Make sure to take a Shower and Change your Clothing before you come back for Dinner. "

" Alright, Mom." Little Lucia nodded and went straight to her room it was as if already getting the hint that her mom wants to talk to Rose in Private.

[ What a smart child.]