Chapter 46

" Let's seat. " Stella said to Rose to which the latter Nodded as they finally sat down on the White couch, side by side.

" So what do you want to talk to me about, Sis? " Rose inquired seeing that Stella was suddenly quiet.

"Earlier two people Approached me and..... " Stella Narrated all that happened earlier to Rose and after she was done speaking she was Suprised to see the latter Tearing up.

" What's Wrong with you, Rose? Are you feeling pain anywhere? , Why are you suddenly crying? " Stella inquired Worriedly.

" I am... " Rose trailed off as she began to choke on her tears, she suddenly embraced Stella tightly Surprising the latter.

Stella involuntarily Started Drawing soothing Circles on Rose's back to stop her from Crying.

" Stop Crying Rose, you are a big girl now and big girls don't cry. " Stella Consoled like a mother.

And at that moment, Rose unconsciously started to Feel a mother's love and care from Stella, perhaps it's because the latter was five years older than her that she suddenly started to feel that way.

[ Mysteries!, Ugh! ]

Soon Rose finally stopped Crying which made Stella sigh in relief as this was probably the first time she saw the latter crying so she got a little scared and worried to see her suddenly crying.

" Why did you suddenly burst Into tears after listening to what I said?. "

" Well, I just couldn't help it. "

" Why? "

" You don't know? "

" I don't. "

" I felt so touched by how you chose to Defend me despite being offered a huge amount of money just to leave my side. "

" Is that what made you cry? "

" Yes. "

" Naughty! And I was so worried thinking that you were having menstrual cramps! " Stella ranted as she was aware of the fact that Rose often suffers from Chronic Menstrual cramps.

" Of course not, I just had my Menses last three weeks alright? "

" Okay, any way you didn't have to feel so touched as I only did what I had to do at that time, You can't possibly expect me to betray you because of money or power alright? "

" That's true. "

" So now that it has been confirmed that it's Washington's that are behind all of this, What are we going to do? , Do you have a plan already? "

" I don't, to be honest. "

" So what are we going to do? Because of the way I am seeing it, I guess they are planning to completely Ruin your career as a model. "

" It's obvious but I'll never let them! They'll have to kill me first before they can succeed. "

" Aw, Don't talk about death so casually like that, alright? "

" Okay. "

" So I have an idea, how about you stay here at my place till all of this is over? "

" Uh? Why? "

" Don't you get it! Your home might not be too safe, what If you are suddenly attacked at night? , So I think it's better if you stay at my place for now as this place is still a little safer than yours. "

" Okay but what about my clothes? "

" Clothes can be bought, alright? But life can't be, okay? "

" Hm. "

" Now that the discussion is over, you can go take a quick shower now before Dinner. "

" Alright. " Rose said as she embraced Stella once more before She went towards the guest room.

Which can also be called her room as most of her belongings were already there exception for outing clothes.

She went to take a quick shower before she Changed her Clothing, she chose A casual Yellow top and pajamas and went out of the room.

" Beautiful as always. " Little Lucia complimented.

" Of course, she'll look beautiful in whatever she wears even though it's a sack. " Stella added.

" Whatever. " Rose replied rolling eyes though she had a faint smile on her face.

Dinner was Toasted Bread and Tea, With some Fruits.

[ My favorite. ]

At Night as Rose was preparing to go to bed, her phone suddenly rang with an incoming call, seeing that it was Ceo Daniel calling, Rose Smiled faintly before picking it all.

" Hello, Rose. "

" Hi. " Rose replied in a sleepy voice.

" Were you already sleeping when I called?. "

" No, but I was about to. "

" Oh, sorry for suddenly Calling you, then. "

" It's alright so Wassup? "

" Hm, I just called to see how you are doing, What was the emergency about? "

" Well... " Rose Hesitated a little as she didn't know whether to tell him about it or not.

" We promised to always tell one another everything, right? "

" But that's only when I need help, okay? "

" I know but why do I suddenly feel like you need my help though you are trying your best to deny it? "

"As you said, it's just a feeling. "

" Hm, Anyway what's the emergency about? You can tell me you know and I'll render my assistance If I can. "

Rose felt Warmth Spread through her after Hearing this, she then decided to tell him everything.

" Actually... " Rose said as she narrated all that happened earlier to him.

" I didn't expect that Washington's Family will try to take revenge on you because of what happened, it wasn't even your fault at all alright? "

" True. "

" Don't worry about this you much, we'll find a way out of this. " He Consoled.

" Really? "

" Yes, of course. " He replied.

" Okay, Thank you. "

" You don't have to thank me since I haven't done anything yet and what are friends for?. "

" Hm. "

" Alright, you can go to sleep now, goodnight. "

" Goodnight," Rose replied as the call got disconnected.

[ Goodnight Readers, it's currently 11:03 pm here on Thursday, September 2nd, I'll upload this tomorrow since I don't have an active data bundle. ]