Chapter 47

Daniel's POV.

After His conversation with Rose, Daniel Lay down on his bed as he started looking for possible solutions to The problem at hand.

Soon his grandmother walked into the room.

" Hello, Grandma, what brings you, here? " He greeted as he quickly stood up to escort her to his bed.

" You should have called for me, you don't have to stress yourself walking around like this. " He said.

" It's alright, Little Daniel, I am not as weak as you think I am. " She replied.

" I know but... "

" Don't be such a Nag!, Am fine okay. "

" Alright, what brings you here this late at night by the way? "

" I just came to see how you are doing and to talk to you."

" Oh, you can go on now, Grandma? "

" First and foremost, how was your date With Rose Quinn earlier? " She inquired.

" How did you know about this? " Daniel asked completely shocked.

" I have my ways, I wonder why you Kept that from me, Grandson, can't you even trust Grandma? " She replied a little emotional.

" It's not that Grandma I just didn't want you to keep your hopes high. " He replied.

" Okay, how did your date go? "

" It went well, our relationship is going well for now. "

" Hm, and? "

" Well... "

" Is anything on your mind, Grandson? "

[ Hey Readers, I hope you don't think that our Second Male lead is weak because he isn't. ]

" Yes. "

" What is it. "

" The thing is Grandma..... " Daniel replied as he finally told his grandmother about everything that happened.

" Oh, so that's all that happened? "

" Yes. "

" Then it's easier to solve, alright? "

" I don't understand what you mean, Grandma? "

" What I mean is, You guys can just fight fire with fire. "

" Why do you think Washington Family wants to ruin Rose's Career? "

" Because they want to take revenge on her for breaking Dorothy's heart which Rose isn't even guilty for. "

" Right, so it's easy, Ask miss Quinn to just lie low, for now, the Rumours will pass with time and when it has then you'll take action."

" Do you think that's a good idea, Grandma? "

" Yes, Grandson, listen to my advice and you won't regret it. "

" Alright, Grandma, thanks for your advice. "

" You are Welcome, let me take you to your room. " Daniel offered.

" No need, I can manage, you must be very tired from all the day's activities so rest. "

" Alright, take care. " He said.

" Hm. " His Grannie replied as she walked out of his room.

Before going to sleep Daniel Gave his Assistant a call.

" Hello, Sir? "

" Have you done what I ask you to do? "

" Yes, I have. "

" Alright, good, let no one suspect anything. "

" Yes, boss. " He replied.

" Okay, Goodnight. " Daniel said as he hangs up.

" Tomorrow morning." He whispered As a dangerous glint flashed through his eyes.

Meanwhile, Rose who wasn't aware of all of this was sleeping Peacefully in her Room.


The next day was just like any other day but on this particular day, The Washington family woke up to bad news.

The value of their stocks suddenly started dropping as Investors started to pull out their shares.

By the afternoon of that day, The once Large business Organization was likened to a small one as it almost became an empty one overnight.

[ What happened? Can you guess readers? ]

Explosive news was revealed by the Media that the current Patriarch of The Washington family, Andrea Washington was a human hater and he had committed multiple grievous crimes, Ranging from Kidnapping to Human Trafficking and murder, His Wicked acts were all brought out into open with concrete evidence that couldn't be forged and due to this, The stocks of their company suddenly started dropping as the greedy investors started pulling out.

This Explosive news covered up the Headlines that the netizens completely forgot about the Rose Quinn issue.

Overnight the Once topmost agency came down, they became nothing.

By the afternoon of that day, another news came out.

Andrea Washington was confirmed dead by the doctor's, he died from heart failure, he had been battling with a heart problem for years now with Medicines but due to the news, he got that his Own company, his multimillionaire dollar company which he built from the Scratch became nothing in just one night! His heart couldn't take it so it failed. How painful.

[ Were you probably expecting this to happen, readers? ]

Another News came out later.

' Dorothy Washington was about to run away abroad but was arrested and detained for being a drug Addict and also for allegedly Committing Murder, it was revealed that while she was abroad studying she murdered one of her Classmates because the latter was more intelligent and beautiful than her, this crime has been covered up for a long time now it's been brought out to the open.

She was going to be either Sentenced to Life imprisonment or death.

" Oh my God! I can't believe what I am seeing! " Stella exclaimed completely shocked.

The trio were all seated in the sitting room that morning watching the news and so they got all that information.

" I am too, it's too surprising. "

" How come? , How is it possible that a multimillionaire company with deep roots become nothing in just one night? "

" I don't know, perhaps they offended someone very powerful. "

" Maybe. "

" But wait, did you tell anyone about what I told you happened yesterday. "

" Well, I told Daniel. "

" You mean, Daniel Romero? "

" Yes, who else do you think I would have told?. "

" Oh, What if he's the one who's behind all this? , Perhaps he did all this to avenge you? "

" I don't think so really, I don't think he has a connection to do all this. "

" Never underestimate someone who's been on the top of the entertainment industry for years, there's a lot of things he had seen so of course, he might have those connections. "

" Do you think so? "

" Of course. "

" So what should I do? "

" Really? Why don't you call him to ask him? "

" Now? "

" Of course! When do you want to do it then? , On your wedding day? "

" Okay. " Rose replied as she walked to the guest room to pick up her cell phone.

She then dialed Daniel's number and it was picked up on the other side after just one ring.

" Hello, Rose? "

" Hi. "

" Why did you suddenly call? , Are you alright? "

" I am, I have a question to ask you if you don't mind. "

" I don't, you can ask. "

" Were you the one behind Washington's Family downfall? " She inquired.

Silence followed her Question as Daniel didn't reply.

" Hello, are you still there? "

" I am, Would you be angry If I tell you the truth? "

" I won't "

" Are you sure? "

" Of course. "

" To be honest, I am, I caused their downfall. "

" Do you do that to avenge me? "

" Yes, I did. "

" Thank you, but why did you do so much for me? We haven't known each other for a long time so why? "

" I did it because I knew that that's what I had to do, what are friends for after all? "

" I know but, this is too much of a thing to do for a friend unless... "

" You are right, I am indeed in love with you, Rose. " Daniel Confessed.

His sudden Confession made Rose unable to utter a single word as Tears began to stream down her face.

" Are you alright, Rose? " Daniel inquired worriedly.

" I... Am, I'll call you back later. " Rose managed to say as she disconnected the call.

Meanwhile, On the other End.

Daniel was in a good mood, he was happy that he was able to help Rose With her troubles.

To be honest, he had no connections with the underworld but he suddenly remembered that Once the king of The underworld owed him a favor because he Saved His Precious daughter from being Drugged and Raped and a bar so the latter felt very Grateful to him and promised to help him anytime he needed it.

So after hearing from Rose, he quickly Contacted his assistant to Help him ask the King of the underworld for a favor, and yes, The king himself was very happy to help because at that moment When Daniel saved his only daughter he had sworn that he would do anything to repay him so this made him very happy to help and that was how Washington's family was brought down in just one day.