Chapter 49

The Next day.

Rose Woke up early in the morning as soon as the blinding lights of the sun entered her room.

She felt a lot Better and Renewed.

She felt very thankful to Stella and Little Lucia for taking care of her.

She then decided to return the favor by preparing Breakfast that morning but first things first, she took a Quick shower after which she wore some casual Clothing.

She went to the Kitchen and Made some Sandwiches and also chicken and Waffles.

Within Thirty Minutes she was done and so she served it on the dining table.

She was still contemplating Whether to Go and wake up The sleepy heads or not when her cell phone rang.

She immediately picked up the call After glancing at the caller's ID.

" Good morning, Rose, how are you? "

" Good morning, I am fine what about you? "

" Am doing fine, "

" So wassup with the early morning call? "

" Hm, I just decided to check up on you, I heard about your sickness from Little Lucia. "

" Wow really? I hope she didn't say anything wrong? "

" No she didn't, she only told me about your condition and I advised her to take good care of you that's all. "

" Oh, that's a relief, I am completely fine now. "

" Okay, that's good to hear, any major plans for the day? "

" Yes, I am planning to go see my parents on the outskirts of the city Later. "

" Oh, should I come to pick you up so we can go together? " Daniel offered.

" No, you don't have to Worry, I can manage, thanks for the offer by the way. "

You're Welcome. "

" I gotta go now, so bye. "

" Bye. " Daniel Replied as the call got disconnected.

Yet again, Rose felt her heart beating loudly.

' What's this I am feeling? ' She thought, unknowingly her face had already turned Read.

" Mom, I think Auntie is in love. " Suddenly Little Lucia's voice was heard which Attracted Rose's Attention.

" Of course she is, why do you think her face is red and you see that dreamy expression on her face, they are all signs that she is in love.

" That's true. "

As if not Hearing their conversation, Rose Spoke up.

" Good morning, guys. " She greeted cheerfully.

" Good morning, Auntie, how was your night's rest? "

" It was fine, what about yours? "

" It was fine, I dreamt about you. "

" What about me? "

" I saw you in a wedding dress walking down the aisle. "

Rose almost choked hearing this.

" Really? "

" Of course, I don't lie. "

" Alright, that's a good thing then after all getting married is every girl's dream. "

" Yes. "

" Good morning, Rose. " Stella Finally replied to Rose's earlier greeting after the duo Stopped chatting.

" Good morning, Sis, how was your night? "

" It was fine as always, I hope that you are alright now. "

" I am. "

" Let's eat. " Rose announced.

" You made breakfast? " Little Lucia inquired shocked.

" Of course I did, I needed to do something no matter how small to show my appreciation to you two for taking care of me yesterday. "

" It's alright, you didn't need to go true all of this to show your appreciation. "

" Hm, I didn't know that you could cook, Auntie. "

" Why did you think so? "

" Well, I heard that Celebrities are very delicate as every part of their body is precious so they often avoid going near the fire. "

" Oh, I usually cook sometimes when I feel like it but not every time as I am too lazy to. "

" Oh. "

Soon The trio took their seats and started eating their breakfast in complete silence.


After Breakfast, Rose Changed her Clothing to a Casual Blue Chelsea Top and jeans with matching snackers, she also wore a Football cap on her hair.

Anyone who saw her In this outfit would think that she was going for sports not knowing that she was going to see her parents.

One thing about Rose is that she Didn't like wearing dresses, she prefers the tomboy Style.

No wonder she only got her first boyfriend at age 23.

Rose Drove her car to her Parent's Mansion on the outskirts of the City.

The journey took about Three hours so by the time Rose arrived she was a little exhausted.

After Packing her Car in the Garage, Rose Walked into the house.

" Good day, Miss Quinn." The Butler Greeted her.

" Good day to you too. " Rose replied as she went straight to her father's room.

There she saw her father lying Weakly on the bed in the room.

Her father's Handsome and young face looked deadly pale like a sheet.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Rose almost burst into tears but she held herself back.

" Dad. " Rose called out as she Held her dad's deadly Cold hands in hers when she sat by his bedside.

Rohan Quinn Opened his eyes slowly after Hearing someone's voice calling out to him, he was a little shocked when he saw his daughter.

" Daughter. " He called out softly and Rose who's head was bowed finally looked up.

" How are you feeling now, dad? " Rose inquired.

" I am feeling better now. " He replied.

" Oh, that's good to hear then. " Rose said.

" Rose? " Suddenly a woman called out as she walked into the Rose.

" Hello, Mom. " Rose Greeted the woman in front of her.

" How are you, Honey? " The woman asked as she embraced her daughter.

" I am fine, Mom, what about you? "

" I am fine too. "

" Okay. "

" Good day, Everyone. " A man greeted working in.

" Good day, Mr. Diego. " Rose's father replied.

" Good day, Sir. " Rose and her mom greeted in unison.

" Hm, Rose meets Mr. Diego, he's my Attorney. "

" Oh. "

" So Rose, Since I have been diagnosed with You know, I would be able to Continue Running the company so I have decided to hand it all over to you, so all you need to do is to Sign some papers and then the whole company will be yours officially. "

" I... " Rose couldn't utter a word as she was completely overwhelmed.

" I understand what you are feeling, darling, You Dad and I are sorry for Abandoning you all those years, we deeply regret our actions now so please forgive us. "

" I have forgiven you guys a long time ago. "

[ After all, to err is human, to forgive is divine. ]

" Oh, I am very happy to hear that, I am sure that the Entire company is safe in your hands. "

" But I don't have an idea of how to manage a company. "

" You don't have to worry about that, My assistant will be there to guide you all the way. "

" Alright, I'll sign the papers then. "

" Okay, that's a good decision. "

" Hm, Darling, can you fulfill one of my other Wishes? ".

" What is it, Dad? "

" I know that all my life I haven't been a good father to you and now that I am on the verge of death, I deeply regret all of my actions. "

" You aren't going to die, Daddy! , You'll have to live to see me get married, you are going to be the one who's going to walk me down the Aisle alright? "

" I know and that's why I need to ask this of you. "

" Ask, I will fulfill it if I can. "

" Alright, I know that my time on Earth is already limited so I wish to see you married before I cross over, can you do this for me please, Honey. "

" But... "

" Please, Rose Fulfill your Father's Wish. "

" Alright, Dad, I'll, Give me a week. " Rose finally relented.

" Thank you, Honey, come hug Dad. " He said and Rose Did as he requested.